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Rykhan (Book 1 of Mate Search Series)

Page 20

by J. A. Hornbuckle

Ducking his head in order to rinse off all the cleansing products, Rykhan felt a heavy sadness overtake him.

  He had no clear-cut answers to any of his internal questions.

  All he knew was that he could not let her go.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Here’s the rest of the info that I got from Sean, Brent, and Gere,” Pam said, slapping the steno pad on the table where Leah sat entering her findings into the spreadsheet she’d created. Between the two of them, they’d managed to ‘interview’ each of the warriors to see what dating sites and other singles events they were scheduled to attend in the upcoming weeks. To the women’s eyes, the lists were sparse and erratic. So they’d tried a different approach that the warriors found humorous as the girls tried to gather data on what kind of female each of the guys wanted.

  “I’d just like a fertile one,” Laxon had admitted in his conversation with Leah and she hadn’t known how to respond except to laugh at the joke he’d made. Although he was quick to assure her that truly was his one and only requirement.

  Leah looked at her friend who was more subdued than usual. Pam was the more enthusiastic one of their awesome duo and when she became quiet, Leah got concerned. “What’s going on, pretty girl?”

  “Nothing,” Pam said on a sigh as she began to pick at her cuticles. “Maybe we should’ve gone home last night.”

  Wearing her same clothes from the day before, with the exception of a clean t-shirt, she’d borrowed from Rykhan but had been required to fold up and tie into a knot at her hipbone so it didn’t float around her knees, Leah didn’t disagree. No matter how much she’d enjoyed waking up next to her large warrior. “Did you sleep in Wyst’s room?”

  “Yeah. He snores,” was the heavy reply accompanied by a tiny frown. Leah didn’t know what caused Pam’s eyebrows to draw together, but she knew if she didn’t press, that Pam would eventually talk it out.

  Turning back to her laptop, she went back to entering the information.

  “Last night?” Pam begin and then stopped to pick at her nails some more. “I don’t know, things just got weird. As in, way weird.”

  Leah knew that her bestie didn’t consider much to be strange in the whole scheme of things, so for her to use the word ‘weird’ twice in two sentences told of Pam’s unease. “How so?”

  “Well, things were tooling along really cool, you know?” Pam’s head turned toward Leah then shot back to her nails. “The boys that were willing got their haircuts and looked awesome with their new styles. We found some stellar clothes in Macy’s and the guys were all over them. But when Wyst pulled me upstairs…”

  Leah waited to hear the rest.

  “You know, like to his bedroom?” It was as if Pam wanted Leah to react in some way to the fact that her shorter friend had spent the night with Wyst, but when no reaction was forthcoming, she continued to speak.

  “We were in a major make-out session with our tongues half-way down each other’s throats. Then he pulled me on top of him.”

  She stopped and Leah’s glance saw Pam was looking away. “That’s when things went way off the charts. Like, so far off the charts they went into orbit.” Leah, even having known her friend for so long, couldn’t make sense of the tone in Pam’s voice.

  “What did he do?”

  Pam’s face bloomed red as she admitted, “it wasn’t so much what he did…”

  Again, Leah waited, knowing that Pam would eventually fill the silence.

  “When we…as I…”

  “Hmm-hmm,” Leah breathed softly in encouragement.

  Letting out a huge sigh, Pam turned back to Leah. “So, like I’m on top of him, yeah? Things are going really good too, you know. Then I leaned down to kiss him again and whammo!”


  “I felt my necklace slide over his shoulder, but I wasn’t really paying attention to it.” She sent a beseeching look to her dark-haired friend as if to ask for understanding. “And it somehow made its way to the back of his neck.”

  It was then that Leah remembered what Pam had told her. That the wahrom on Wyst’s neck mirrored the necklace Pam had inherited from her grandmother.

  “And that’s when all hell broke loose?” Leah murmured in a measured tone.

  “Yeah. Big time.” Leah caught the smaller woman’s offhand gesture even as Pam’s shoulders tensed. “That’s when all sorts of the scary, freaking-assed, messed-up shit exploded.”

  Leah found her fingers had stopped moving on the keyboard and she tried to look at her friend without turning her head.

  “I mean, geez-louise!” Pam exploded with a headshake and then stealthily glanced over her shoulder to see who might be around to overhear what she was saying. “You know I’m no nun and I’ve never pretended that I don’t enjoy a bit of slap-and-tickle, but shit! To come that long and that hard with all your clothes still on when nobody was touching anybody else’s goodies?” Pam gave another headshake of the negative variety. “Absolutely not possible, girlfriend.”

  “But it happened, nonetheless,” Leah murmured. “And I’m getting that you didn’t like the connection that you felt when you…ah, exploded.”

  Pam twisted back to Leah so fast her curls bounced. “How did you know about…”

  “It happens between me and Rykhan,” Leah confessed, feeling a blush begin to heat her neck as it moved upwards. “It’s something to do with our wahroms touching.”

  “And you can feel everything he’s feeling when he’s…”

  “Yeah. Pretty much.” Leah’s face was on fire at talking about such a personal subject. “He says it’s because their god, Tsiran, made us for each other and our body jewelry is the proof that we’re mates.”

  Pam blew out a long stream of air that was something they’d learned in a yoga class taken a long time ago. A move to center one’s self. “I absolutely can’t and won’t accept that. I’m nobody’s girl, much less some dude’s mate!”

  “What was Wyst’s reaction?”

  Pam shrugged and started picking at her cuticles again. “When things had calmed down a bit and we’d pulled apart, the big wuss got all pouty. Started acting all sulky and moody. Just being a major dick all the way around, if you want to know the truth.”

  Leah didn’t want to expound on the topic, but her loyalty to Pam exceeded anything she felt for Wyst. “Rykhan told me that Wyst has plans to nail every woman he can get his hands on before he gets stuck with just one.”

  “Seriously? Whew, that’s good to know,” and Pam’s voice held a note of relief. “Maybe he’ll find someone else that’ll grow metal on the back of her neck after she’s around him for a while and then he won’t think I’m trying to trap him or anything.”

  “Is that what he said? That you tricked him into coming in his shorts?”

  “Naw, the man didn’t go so far, thank god! But it was his little one-liners and put-upon sighs that made me think he blamed me.” One side of Pam’s pretty mouth quirked in a rueful grin. “We both slept on opposite sides of the mattress, clinging to the edge in order to keep our distance. And he wouldn’t have anything to do with me this morning.”

  “If you aren’t interested in being tied to him, maybe that’s not such a bad thing, sweetie,” Leah said softly, turning back to place her fingers on the keyboard.

  “No truer words have ever been spoken, my friend,” Pam replied in a distracted voice before she raised herself out of her chair. “Think I’ll grab a couple of warriors and let them help me make lunch.”

  In Leah’s opinion, it was Pam’s best course of action in avoiding Wyst as well her own fears about getting trapped into a ‘pairing’ which might mean marriage.

  One of the ‘no divorce’ variety.


  “I met with Protector Rykhan’s female and, as approved, gave her the background and scope of our mission,” Bronsyn stated flatly, ensuring his voice remained unemotional in his daily report to the Committee commander.

  “How did she take it?” Why did Gwyn
t’s eyes take on a sharper more than curious gleam as he leaned closer to the screen? His voice also sounded a shade too inquisitive as if he had a stake in the female’s reaction.

  Bronsyn shrugged but it was more to release the tension in his shoulders than as an answer. “She was naturally upset at the thought that we were not from Earth.”

  “And did you get an image of her wahrom as requested?”

  Bronsyn shifted his weight in his chair. “Not yet. She wouldn’t give her immediate approval but said she would consider it.”

  Gwynt frowned. “And you let her? Since when does a decorated warrior wait for approval from a lesser specie before performing his duty?”

  With his internal alarms ringing, Bronsyn stared into his comm unit. Was his commander serious? “I did not know you had given me an order, but only a request to provide you with an image. Did I misunderstand?”

  “No, no,” Gwynt hastened to correct. “I was only curious and had hoped to have proof of the female’s mark of her warrior for the other Committee members.”

  Gwynt’s backpedaling did not fool Bronsyn. There was something else going on, something Bronsyn was not aware of that was causing a strain between the two men. “She did have some questions I couldn’t answer.”

  The haughtiness of Gwynt’s canted eyebrow was undeniable. “What kind of questions?” Bronsyn thought the rest of the inquiry went unsaid. The part that remarked on how a being from such a backward planet could dare challenge one of Picari Protectorate, especially when they were on mission.

  “At why there are only six warriors who are seeking mates when we need to replenish two planets. How we are expected to fulfill this mission in only six months.” In all truth, the female’s questions had kept Bronsyn up half the night as he struggled to understand it himself. “According to Rykhan’s female, no Earthling of worth would ever consider pledging herself to a male in such a short amount of time.”

  Gwynt snorted and looked away from the screen. “They should consider themselves lucky that we chose them as the future mothers of our younglings!”

  Bronsyn took in a low, deep breath as he forced himself to calm down. While he had known Gwynt for yons and yons, he had never realized the male held such an iconoclastic view. “In speaking with her after the fact, I asked that Rykhan’s female and her friend to aid us in our search since they are much more familiar with how their culture both meets and joins together to form family units.”

  “Hmm,” Gwynt mused. “That isn’t a bad idea. Does that mean the two Earthlings females will have influence over both our warriors and our mission? Do you think that was wise?”

  “Not only wise, but needed. In the mert we have been here, only one of the warriors has secured a connection. I believe the females will be able to assist us much more efficiently than if we continue on our own.” Of this, Bronsyn was absolutely certain. As Leah had stated, time was running out if his males were to meet, woo and secure a pairing.

  Gwynt seemed to consider Bronsyn’s words and after a length of a few heartbeats, tapped his fingers on the desk in front of him. “I believe the idea has merit. However, in order to give my full approval, I want to meet with these females to ensure they fully understand the scope of their responsibilities and to assure myself of their intentions.”

  “As you wish,” Bronsyn murmured, shocked to his core at his commander’s suggestion. “I will ask them to…”

  “It is not a request, Commander Llent. This is an order.” Gwynt sat stiffly in his chair and he frowned. “We cannot allow lowly females to circumvent such an auspicious goal. We will gain their knowledge and then use it to our own ends. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” Bronsyn answered through frozen lips as his hearts began to beat out of cadence at his commander’s tone and suspicions. “How soon do you want them to report?”

  “Within two heras by Earth’s clock. That should give me plenty of time to determine how best to interrogate…erm, I mean interview them. We must ensure neither of them harbors any reason to prevent the success of our mission.”

  Bronsyn was thoroughly confused. Gwynt considered the two females as enemies, ones with ulterior motives instead of providing help. Perhaps once Gwynt met with the charming duo, whatever fears the other man maintained would be laid to rest. “Certainly. As you wish.”

  “Two heras, Bron. I expect you to make sure they report in on time,” Gwynt announced which told Bronsyn in both tone and expression that the responsibility was on his shoulders. That could not be right though. Even in the worst of the Basule/Picari wars, he was never held accountable for another’s actions.

  All Bronsyn could do was hold his fist to his hearts as he lowered his head to acknowledge the order given.

  He only hoped he could meet it.

  Chapter Twenty

  “Uhm, guys?” Leah called to the men who were just beginning to leave the dining room after they had again enjoyed lunch together. “I’d like to show you what I have so far and get your take on it, if that’s okay.”

  Rykhan dropped his butt back into his chair while Leah pulled up both the spreadsheet and the calendar she had created. “As you can see, I’ve added a lot more activities to your schedules based on what you told me and Pam about your preferences. And, given that you only have approximately five and a half months to succeed in your goal, I think you’re gonna have to step up your game.”

  “Game?” Gere growled, his brows furling before looking again to Leah. “This is not a game to us, Rykhan’s female.”

  “I think she means that you will need to engage in more activities in order to widen your search,” Rykhan explained, shooting Leah a glance as if begging for her patience.

  “Yes,” Leah agreed, resting her hand on Rykhan’s thigh beneath the table. As always when they touched, she felt herself relax. “Pam and I don’t think that going out twice a week is going to be enough to do an adequate search. Since you’ve got so little time, you need to be working your mojo on Earth’s females every day.”

  The men began talking over one another as they tried to give their opinions about the women’s suggestions. Leah caught a few comments about it making sense while there were other comments about having no time since each were involved with learning as much as they possibly could about her planet for the warriors that were to follow them.

  “Wait…wait. Slow down,” she cried and when the voices fell away she tried again. “It’s not complicated and doesn’t mean you’ll be spending every second of every day chasing skirt. But it does mean that with the exception of one week night, and a couple of afternoons, you will make time every day in pursuit of finding your…ah…mate.”

  “And an hour each day practicing with me and Leah on what to say and do with the women you decide you want to get to know better,” Pam added. Leah noticed that while Wyst had no trouble looking at her when she spoke, his eyes never once drifted to where Pam sat between Tyshar and Bronson.

  “What will they be doing on those other days?” Bronson asked, his eyes moving over the calendar that had each warrior’s name denoted in a different color and listing his designated activity for each day.

  “Follow ups,” Leah replied succinctly. “I don’t think you boys understand that it’s not always lust at first sight. Some women are just naturally reserved when they first meet someone and it might take a while before they come out of their shell and dazzle you.”

  “A follow up is a successive date with a female you have already met,” Rykhan clarified.

  Laxon squinted in confusion and Pam called him on it. Before he answered, Leah watched his cheeks color. “It’s just that they tell me ‘no’ when I ask to see them again.”

  “That’s because you’re asking the wrong women, big guy.” Pam tried to take the sting out of her words with a quick wink. “Just because you like a girl and find her hot doesn’t mean those feelings are reciprocated.”

  “Which begs the question, how many of you are responding to the women who contact you firs
t from the dating websites?” Leah’s gaze swept around the table. Arbrynt gave the only response and even that only a nod. “No, no, and no, fellas! I know you are great warriors and are kind of on the alpha side but if a girl expresses an interest, you’ve got to at least take the opportunity to try and get to know her.”

  Bronsyn cleared his voice in disapproval. “It is not seemly that a female make the first contact.”

  “Bullshit!” Pam challenged, slapping her hand lightly on the table. “If you want to connect with a human woman, then be prepared for her to be self-confident enough to say ‘hi’ first!”

  At the different headshakes, Leah found herself getting pissed. “Okay, here’s how I see it. Either you can act like a bunch of stubborn, arrogant assholes that are still stuck in the dark ages or you can get with the program, date as many women as possible and find the mate you’ve always wanted. In the first scenario, you’ll fail and will have to return to your council and explain why you are still single.” She took a deep breath, stroked Rykhan’s thigh underneath the table while willing herself to calm down. “Or, you could try doing it our way and find you have more girls interested in you than you know what to do with.”

  “Why is my name listed?” Bronsyn growled demand bled into the quiet that had fallen over the table after Leah’s speech.

  “Why wouldn’t it be?” Pam shot back. “Seems to me that just because you’re a leader, you should also have a chance at snagging some happiness.”

  “B-but he’s already paired with someone…” Wyst heated interjection along with his frown went to the small blonde directly across from him.

  Rykhan’s voice cut across the other man’s speech. “Maryll was not his one true mate.”

  “I am not sure that I…” Bronsyn stuttered.

  Instead of the light slap she’d done earlier, Pam slammed a small hand down on the table, startling more than a few of the people in the room. “Whatever happened to leading by example? Or is that something else that isn’t done on your world?”


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