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Rykhan (Book 1 of Mate Search Series)

Page 29

by J. A. Hornbuckle

Gyard raised his head and shot an unfathomable look towards Rykhan and his mate. “They know your weakness is your female, and they want your youngling. If you stay here, they will stop at nothing to achieve that goal.”

  Laxon nodded, the youngest of them agreeing to the truth of what Gyard had stated so plainly.

  “Where will we go?” Leah asked quietly as she looked around the room before she brought her face up to her mate’s once more. “Where can we go, baby, in order to hide from those god-awful people on that freaking Committee?”

  He fully sensed the fear that flared within her but he did not have an answer. It was one thing to imagine spiriting her out from under Stege’s scrutiny but another when he thought of where they might eventually end up.

  “With Tyshar’s help, we have amassed a nice sum of what you humans call money,” Bronsyn announced, bringing everyone’s attention to their longhaired leader. “After Stege spoke of the Rysling, I used some to purchase what is described as a ‘ranch’ in the state named ‘South Dakota’.” He looked at each of his warriors, one by one. “I thought we needed an undisclosed location if our mission went awry.”

  Pam gasped and Leah sat up, leaning her elbows on her knees. Truly, Bronsyn’s idea held merit and captured the imagination of each of person in the room.

  “If I understood you correctly, Protector Rykhan, you are willing to do anything to secure the safety of your plyca. Therefore, my suggestion is to take them to this new, unknown location.”

  “What the freak is a plyca?” Pam’s question exploded in the stillness that had overtaken the room.

  “I believe you humans call it a family,” Tyshar responded but Rykhan could tell the warrior was distracted. Turning to Arbrynt, the dark warrior voiced his thoughts. “How soon could you program a vehicle in order to reach Bronsyn’s intended destination?”

  “A matter of lesps,” was the deep and serious reply.

  “And how much time would you need to collect your belongings?” Tyshar’s look was almost dagger-like as he focused on Rykhan and his mate.

  Leah shrugged. “I only have the clothes on my back. All my other stuff is up on the Searcher.”

  “Fifteen lesps or less,” Rykhan shot back quickly. Turning back to his commander, he could not help asking, “Truly? This is what I need to do? To take my Leah away and hide from the Committee?”

  Sorrow etched Bronsyn’s gaze as he nodded in the affirmative. “I can think of no other way, warrior.”

  “It is for the best, my brother,” Gyard averred.

  However, Laxon’s words gave full disclosure to the future Rykhan was facing. “By making this choice, you are making a choice to remain on Earth for the rest of your natural days. To never return to Picari or any of our worlds. But know that whatever you make your mind up to do, I will continually consider you as a part of the Protectorate and a warrior-brother who will always reside in my heart.”

  It was the most he had ever heard the young warrior speak and his words hit Rykhan hard. But as soon as his gaze fell on Leah’s, he knew without a doubt what his decision would be.


  As Rykhan raced upstairs, Leah wove through the long, thick legs of the warriors who were sprawled over the couches in the over-sized living room. As soon as she reached Pam’s side, she couldn’t help pulling the other woman in for a hug.

  “I guess I’m moving,” she whispered into the blonde curls underneath her face.

  Pam gave off a soft laugh. “And too fast to celebrate kicking some serious alien ass.”

  “As soon as I get there, I’ll let you know what’s doing, okay?” God, it was breaking her heart at the thought of a future without having her girlie by her side daily. Nevertheless, Leah knew once Stege found out about how they’d escaped his clutches he’d be plotting his revenge.

  Leah heard a wet sniff and pulled away in order to look down at her best friend’s face.

  “Who’d have thought it?” Pam’s murmur was accompanied by a stream tears that dribbled down her cheeks. “Just a few weeks ago we were just a couple of girls on the prowl, remember? Now you’re a fugitive and gonna have to be on the lam. All because you got knocked up with some kind of alien/human girl child. Christ! We lead exciting lives, don’t we?”

  “But we’ll always have each other,” Leah said firmly, holding up her smallest finger as she waggled her eyebrows. “No matter where I am, there you’ll be too.”

  “Forever and always, sistah,” Pam sniffed, winding her own pinky finger around Leah’s. “Never forget it. We are and always have been a kick-ass, mother-freaking, team of total ‘girl power.”

  Neither one of the two women noticed the warriors who remained in the room and were glued to the sight of the two females as they clutched each other tightly. If they had, they would have seen more than one of the huge warriors turning away as their eyes leaked, or their movements as the burly males brushed the moisture away.


  “I’ve set the coordinates,” Arbrynt said, reaching a large hand around Leah to point at the GPS system in the Escalade. In Leah’s opinion, the SUV had every bell and whistle known to both man and Picari. Which since she was the designated driver, was more than a little intimidating. “You needs not do anything but to appear as if you are steering.”

  Leah’s ears caught on Tyshar’s voice coming in through the open door on the passenger side. “Here’s three thousand of human currency. You need to stop and get your mate clothing and to secure rooms when she gets tired.”

  Rykhan accept a large stack of green that he folded and put into the inside pocket of his leather jacket.

  Arbrynt drew back sharply and his move caused Leah to twist back to him so fast her hair swung. “Their tresls!” His deep voice was loud in the darkness of the night. “They need to surrender their tresls so they cannot be tracked!”

  Leah bent to pull her purse from underneath her knees, feeling for her cellphone in depths of her bag. After snagging her device she handed it over to the large blonde warrior who filled the car’s doorway. He smiled at her as he tucked into one of his trouser pockets.

  “So how’s she gonna call me, shithead?” There was no mistaking the don’t-mess-with-me tone of Pam, that came from somewhere around Arbrynt’s elbow. “Jay-sus. You guys are freaking clueless when it comes to women!”

  “We’ll buy a couple of those pay-as-you-go things,” Leah offered. “Your number hasn’t changed in, like, forever, honey. I’ll send you a text from the road.”

  There was the sound of a huge sigh before Leah heard her friend chuff, “you betcha ass, you will.”

  As the doors to the large vehicle slammed shut, Leah was aware of the lump in her throat. She was leaving the only city she’d ever known with a man, an alien, one she still considered a kind of stranger.

  What the future would bring was anyone’s guess.


  Pam stood in the street and watched until the lights of the Escalade went around the corner, her insides hollowing out as they faded from view. Making her way back to the house, she kept her eyes down, watching her feet as she maneuvered each step.

  “I can hear your thoughts, little pixie.”

  Pam turned to look into the shadows of the porch and found Wyst leaning a shoulder against a post, his eyes fully trained on her.

  “So?” she shot back and winced at the snotty tone that escaped without her approval.

  He stepped towards her stealthily, almost hesitant as he continued on, his golden eyes boring into hers. “I heard them when you were battling onboard the Searcher.”

  “And that means what, exactly?”

  He stopped and stared at her. “You know what it means.”

  She planted a hand on a canted hip while deciding her best response. “I think you need to cough the explanation up, big guy, because I’m getting nothing here.”

  He took a stride forward, cutting their distance by half. “Why do we need to deny it?”

  “Deny what, douc
he-bag? That I don’t like you and you certainly don’t hold any affection for me?” She was pleased to note that she was almost growling, thrusting out her chin towards the man as she challenged him.

  But the big gorgeous alien didn’t stop coming towards her.

  Or cease talking.

  “We share the Mycalyte connection between us, pixie.” He halted not a foot away from her, and she tilted her head at a very uncomfortable angle in order to hold his stare. Her belly released a bevy of butterflies at the heat his eyes contained.

  “I don’t know that word and we have no connection, Wyst,” she grumbled, but she couldn’t look directly at him as she lied. Parts of his stare had absolutely singed her with its passion, leaving her throbbing with physical need.

  Luckily, just as he shot out a hand to reach for her, the front door opened to reveal Bronsyn.

  “I know it’s late and we should all be in our beds, but we need a discussion,” the older leader announced.

  After shooting Wyst a dark glare, Pam followed the mission leader’s silent directive he waved her inside.

  If she was being truthful and everything, Pam wished she and Wyst could’ve had another couple of moments alone.

  Just her luck to be interrupted right when things were getting good.


  Rykhan had always tried to be tender with his Leah when he took her. Although sometimes the excitement between them, especially when their wahroms met, made it difficult if not downright impossible to keep from pounding into her when his need was upon him.

  At the knowledge of his youngling growing inside her belly, he became even more mindful. Something that Leah was beginning to voice her dissatisfaction over. “Harder, baby,” she urged as she twisted to look behind him from her position on the hotel room’s mattress. “I need you to go faster and harder!”

  Forgoing words, Rykhan picked her up by her hips and turned her over onto her back before quickly burrowing his face between her legs and sliding a large finger inside. From her immediate reaction, he realized it was the right move. She arched up, her hands grasping at the coverlet as his tongue and lips teased and tormented the sensitive knot at the top of her sex even as he added another finger to completely fill her wet and throbbing channel.

  And the sounds she made.

  Oh Tsiran, the moans that escaped her as he created her bliss with his mouth and finger play were almost enough to help him find his own pleasure as he rocked his hardness against the sheets of their rented bed. However, if he could hold off, just continue for just another few strokes then perhaps she would take him into her mouth afterwards.

  An act she called ‘oral’ and one they had only recently added to their ever-growing repertoire of sexual delights.

  Being with Leah was like nothing he had envisioned when he had taken himself in hand after viewing Earth’s vid feeds, the ones of males and females coupling. At first, he had been shocked but his amazement at both the sight and the idea of what he could do with a female had him using his hand on his tailpor multiple times a day.

  But those imaginings were nothing compared to the actual feel of his female.

  Especially when combined with the kiss of their wahroms was completely satisfying in a way that went beyond mere physical pleasure but completed him in some fashion at every level.

  Her quivering thighs came together to grip his face as her hands tangled in his hair, pressing him tighter into position which he recognized signaled the beginning of her eruption. Using the flat of his tongue, he increased both speed and pressure to circle and dance against her as his fingers sought out the rough, tiny patch deep within to caress and thrill.

  “Rykhan!” she screamed, her body shaking while she crested and he knew he needed to decrease all movement against her flesh, learning from past experience she became ultra-sensitive after she released.

  “Oh my god,” she panted and as always, Rykhan felt the glow of satisfaction heat his chest at the knowledge that it was he who had made her feel so wonderful. To his mind, there was no greater gift Tsiran gave than the ability to share such amazing pleasure while the connection of His symbol throbbed lustily whenever they joined.

  As he slid up and to her side, her arms were already reaching for him. “God, what you do to me!” she breathed, taking his long length in her hot hands she began to stroke him, causing the wetness that was already leaking out of his tailpor to increase. “That mouth,” she murmured as her lips met his. “Those fingers…”

  Almost without volition, Rykhan rolled to his back and Leah followed his move, only scooting down the mattress until her face aligned with his throbbing length. He hissed at the heat of her mouth and then was so lost in the wet feel of her lips and tongue, the deliberate tight strokes of her hand on the portion she could not swallow, he could neither think nor speak. He could only move his hips and groan deeply as he elatedly pumped himself into her willing mouth.

  As his body exploded, he was only idly aware of his roar of satiation. One that echoed within the confines of their hotel room and was so loud, he wondered if the other guests in the building could hear.

  Leah made her way back from the cleansing unit she called a ‘bathroom’ and climbed into bed to snuggle against him. It was in that time Rykhan knew repletion, when he felt closest to the female who had conquered his body, mind and heart. He felt tied to her in a way that defied description and generated feelings so deep, he could not begin to express them.

  “Baby? Can I ask you something?” she whispered, breaking the comfortable silence in the aftermath of their wild joining.

  “Always, mica tisha,” was his relaxed reply as he flexed his arms around her.

  “I know we haven’t talked about it in a while but I was wondering about the Picari sealing ceremony. The Tersa Tragyard, I guess it’s called.”

  Everything within Rykhan stilled and became very alert. Actually, to his memory she had never asked about it after he had first told her of their destinies, preordained by Tsiran. The one that signified they were to be together for the rest of their lives. How did she even know its name?

  “What would you like to know?”

  “Is it like a fancy thing where you get all dressed up and go someplace special with someone saying religious words over you?” He could not identify the emotions he both heard and felt along their link, the ones running behind her voice. Because he could not, Rykhan was very careful with his reply.

  “Back before the troubles, that is how some couples chose to seal their pairing but to my mind, that is only an outside display of what happened within their hearts.” He hoped she understood what he meant. While his English had gotten better, her language did not have all the same nuances his native tongue held in allowing the listener pickup not only the words, but also the emotions behind them.

  “So what’s the most important thing about the sealing then?”

  He twisted until he was facing her, until he could stare into her amazing eyes and fully see her beautiful face. Catching an errant lock of her dark hair, he gently pushed it behind her ear while he thought. “It is the words, my Leah. It is in the promises the couple, the pair, make to one another. Those are the most important in their sealing, the vows they make to each other before Tsiran.” He read confusion in her eyes. “Would you like me to recite them for you?”

  She nodded and Rykhan caught his breath at the tenderness in her gaze. Taking both her hands in his, he began to speak the phrases he had painstakingly translated from formal Picari to English only weeks before.

  “I choose to pair my life with you, mica blay. It is my choice to join myself with you until the end of our days. I promise that you and the younglings we create are my first priority, never far from my thoughts, every moment of every day until Tsiran pulls me into His ether. That I will protect, comfort and provide for us to the best of my ability and for as long as I am able. I freely give you my body, my intellect, and my heart in return for yours and promise to care for them as carefully
as I do my own. May the joy we share today be with us always.”

  As Rykhan’s voice wound down, his hearts sped up their beating as he watched tears escape from Leah’s eyes.

  She tried to smile but her bottom lip quivered and it was more than a few moments before she spoke. “That was beautiful.”

  He could only nod because of the lump in his throat. A firm mass that he knew was a knot of longing to formally pair with her, with his Leah. But she’d already told him that would never happen. And to distract her from his riot of emotions, Rykhan used a corner of the pillowcase to wipe her face.

  “If Tersa blay means ‘sweet bride’ then what’s the Picari term for the guy in that scenario?”

  “Flenta marl.” His voice was gruff with all that churned inside him. “It means something close to ‘cherished groom’.”

  She stared into his eyes before he felt one of her small hands cup his cheek, a gesture she used often but he never tired of receiving. As he turned his face into her palm, he heard her quiet voice start to speak.

  “I choose to join my life with yours, Flenta marl. To pair myself with you until the end of our lives. Know that you and any children we are blessed with will always be first in my heart, never far from my thoughts until God allows me into heaven. I promise I will care, comfort, and provide for you to the best of my ability, for as long as I’m able. I freely give you my body, my intellect, and my heart in return for yours and will treasure and nourish them as carefully as I do my own. May the joy we share today be with us always.”

  In retrospect, Rykhan could never quite remember which came first after Leah had pledged her version of the Tersa Tragyard. Was it her softly murmured ‘I love you’, or the overwhelming heat that pulsated from his wahrom or simply the absolute, immediate and overcoming need to be inside her that came first?

  All he remembered was the sheer euphoria that saturated every minute particle of him as he sank into her, the elation in his heart and mind as the bliss in the connection of their wahroms became stronger somehow. As his body released his essence into hers, he detected a glow behind his eyelids, one that was so compelling he had no choice but to open his eyes to see what was causing such brightness.


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