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Desired by the Billionaire

Page 2

by Millie Morgan

  “And you forgot about me.” For the first time Paige was sure she could hear real, and tangible emotion in his voice. He was hurt. It didn’t make any sense.

  “We grew apart. If I forgot about you, then you certainly forgot about me...”

  “You’re right. It’s unfair of me to place all the blame on you. We did grow apart and yes some part of me learned to forget you. But I knew you the moment I laid eyes on you. You cannot say the same for me. Have I truly changed that much over the years?”

  Paige studied his face, the curve of his lips and the intense gaze of his eyes. Yes he had changed, but the boy she had once known was in there. Somewhere.

  “Mr. Grant, I don’t mean to intrude but...” The sound of the secretary’s voice cut through Paige’s thoughts. His name came flooding back to her William T Grant. Or Will as she had known him many years before.

  “Judy not now. I’ll deal with whatever it is later.”

  “But sir, the investors have called. They are demanding a meeting tonight... They have said if you do not go then you can forget their backing...”

  The colour drained from Paige’s face. Without any backers the merger would collapse. All of her hard work on the accounts would have been for nothing and the company would simply sink. It wouldn’t just be her out of a job. It would be everyone.

  Will waved his hand sending the secretary scurrying from the room. Paige stared at him as he buried his face in his hands. Pushing his hair back he stared up at her.

  “I can’t very well ask you if you remember my name. Not when that little surprise has been spoiled. I don’t suppose I’ll ever know if you would have remembered me all on your own. However, I am a man of opportunity. The issue we have with the investors...”

  Paige nodded. Dread curled in her stomach. She couldn’t afford to lose her job. She had only just moved into her new apartment and the down payment had wiped out all of her savings.

  “Come with me to the meeting tonight. I’ve reviewed your work. I know how good you are. Together we can pull them back into bed so to speak.” He smiled at her and all of Paige’s doubts melted away. This was a man who could charm the birds from the trees if he so wished. And if that didn’t work then by sheer force of will he would succeed.

  “I don’t think that would be appropriate. Surely one of the other managers would be a far better fit.”

  “And I’m sure that what we did last night in the hall was inappropriate too. Wouldn’t you like to take a risk? You used to love taking risks when you were younger. It’s one of the things I loved about you.”

  “That was years ago. Time has changed me. I’m different now and so are you.” She stood and began gathering her files together. She moved to the door and Will followed her.

  He stood directly in front of her. His body practically touching hers. The scent of his cologne mixed with his own masculine scent had Paige weak at the knees. Why was he doing this to her?

  “Come to the meeting with me. Take a risk. I know you enjoyed last night. I can give you so much more. Wouldn’t you like to know what I have on offer? Plus the investors need to hear your pitch. Without it they won’t stay and the company will fold. Now that doesn’t particularly bother me. But I’m sure it bothers you and I know it would bother the rest of the employees. Come, come with me...”

  His words had a far deeper meaning and Paige could feel her body responding. Her nipples hardened and her breathing became shallow. Her sex was wet and she had never been more grateful for panties than she was in that moment. Without them her arousal would slowly be trickling down her thighs until it was visible to everyone.

  “Paige, I know you want to. I can do things to you, you only ever dreamed about.” He leaned in against her. His breath tickled along her neck as he spoke and Paige found herself closing her eyes. She wanted him to kiss her. She wanted to feel the press of his sensuous lips on hers.

  In her mind she imagined him ramming her against the glass wall as he kissed her. His mouth crushing hers as he pushed her skirt up over her hips. The press of his hard cock against her body would make her moan and lift her leg up around his waist. Will would unzip his trousers and with one hand on her ass he would thrust up into her body. Opening her up to him. Filling her.

  The office would gather to watch as he fucked her there in the glass conference room and Paige wouldn’t care. The only thing she would be aware of was the thrust of his hard cock into her slick pussy. And the urgent kisses he would shower on her mouth and neck.

  Paige opened her eyes. A blush crept up her neck and across her cheeks. How long had she stood there with her eyes closed? Will stared down at her. Pleasure seemed to dance in his dark stare.

  “Fine, I’ll go.” She practically exhaled the words as she stood up straight.

  “I’ll pick you up at eight then.” Will smiled as he stepped away from her and let her escape out through the door.

  People watched her as she made her way to the elevator. She could feel the judgemental press of their eyes. Within the hour it would have spread around the entire office that she was involved with William Grant.

  With a ding the elevator doors opened and Paige practically fell into it with a happy sigh. She had forgotten how much Will had always complicated her life. It seemed with age he was not going to make things easier. In fact Paige had a feeling that he was going to make things a whole lot more complicated.


  Paige crossed and uncrossed her legs as she sat on the couch in her living room. Eight o’ clock had come and come ten minutes before and there was no sign of Will. Had he really just been playing her all along? Was she just some giant joke to him?

  With a sigh she put the wine glass down on the table. The doorbell rang and Paige jumped. He was here. It had to be him she wasn’t expecting anyone else. She tried not to run to the door but she was excited.

  She grabbed her purse and jacket before pressing the intercom. It crackled to life. “Hello?” Her voice was a little unsteady and butterflies had come to life in her tummy.

  “It’s Will, are you ready?” His voice made the hairs stand on the back of her neck. If he could do that to her with just the sound of his voice what could he do to her if he touched her.

  She didn’t answer him, choosing instead to grab her keys and stuff them into her bag. She practically flew down the stairs. After the meeting they had shared this morning Paige had spent quite an amount of time being able to think of nothing but Will. He was everything she normally avoided in a man. He was commanding and authoritive. He made her feel weak at the knees and simply being too close to him made her behave like a young fool.

  Reaching the bottom of the stairs Paige could see his body silhouetted against the door. There was no denying that she usually avoided men like him, but with Will there was something that drew her to him. She was no longer the master of her body or her feelings and she liked it.

  Opening the door she stepped out and drank in his handsome form. His strong chest and broad shoulders were covered with a crisp white shirt and a dark suit jacket. He wore pants to match the suit jacket and as Paige peeked at his ass she sighed. The trousers were perfectly moulded to his arse and she had to restrain herself from pinching him.

  “You look delightful.” His voice was filled with admiration and spilled down over her skin like warm honey.

  Paige preened as she looked down at the figure hugging red dress she had chosen to wear. She knew it was a work meeting but nonetheless it didn’t stop her from dressing up. She wanted Will to want her. To really look at her and find her irresistible.

  She followed him to the car that sat idling on the curb. He held the door open for her and she slid in first. He followed her and sat beside her on the back seat. He nodded to the driver and the car moved forward.

  Paige stared out the window and tried to ignore the feeling of Will’s leg pressing against hers. Heat radiated from his body and it was impossible to not know that he was pushing his leg closer to hers. When his han
d slid onto her thigh Paige gasped and turned to look at him.

  It was just like it had been in the hall the night they had first met. His face was dark and unreadable. But his eyes bored into her and Paige felt herself melting against him. He squeezed her thigh and shifted her dress up. When his hand dipped beneath the hem and brushed against her silk panties Paige shivered.

  She was wet. Her panties were damp as Will pressed his fingers against her sex. She moaned and bit her lip moving her legs further apart as he continued to finger her. The combination of his hand and the silk against her slit was a heady combination. She threw her head back and opened her mouth as she gasped. His fingers were insistent as they pressed and pleasured her.

  No man had ever had such an effect on Paige before. She was wanton and wild as she slowly gyrated her hips in order to allow his hand to slip beneath the silk panties she wore. When his fingers touched her swollen clit Paige cried out and clamped her hand across her mouth.

  She was already close to having an orgasm. If Will kept it up the way he was then she didn’t stand a chance. She grabbed his wrist and pressed it closer to her pussy. His fingers flickered and rubbed against her clit. Paige’s breathing changed as she gasped and panted. With one last flick of his talented fingers Paige’s body dissolved into orgasm.

  To her it felt as though her body melted and her bones became fluid. She bucked and cried out as his fingers danced against her clit. When she finally came out of her blissful state she noticed the driver’s eyes pinned on her. The car had long since come to a standstill outside the restaurant and he had watched every moment of her climax.

  Paige’s cheeks flooded with colour. Will laughed as he looked at her shocked and embarrassed expression. She struggled to tug the hem of her skirt down and clamped her legs together. When had she become like this?

  “Paige, you were beautiful. Don’t fret about it. Shall we go in?”

  Paige opened her mouth to reply but the words wouldn’t form. She had no idea why Will had such an effect on her. It was a dangerous power for him to possess because it meant that he could have her quivering and crying out for more anywhere he liked.

  She followed him into the restaurant and to the table that the investors were already seated at. They looked irritable and scowled at Will. However once they set eyes on Paige all hostility seemed to fade. As she took her seat at the table she couldn’t help but notice the way their eyes were drawn to her exposed cleavage. If she played her cards right then perhaps she could help save the company after all.


  As the evening wore on, Will took every available opportunity he had to trace his fingers across her bare leg. At one point as one of the investors leaned in a little too close to Paige in order to whisper in her ear Will pressed his hand to the back of her neck. He gave her a gentle squeeze before slowly trailing his fingers down her spine. It was clear to everyone at the table that Will was staking his claim.

  It irked Paige a little to think that Will believed she needed saving. She was more than capable of taking care of herself. She had survived before Will and she was sure she would manage just fine after him too.

  When they finally left Paige found herself fuming. Yes she was extremely attracted to him and yes he seemed to have some weird sway over her body but she was not a fool. Nor did she need anyone to protect her.

  Storming out of the restaurant she made her way along the street in search of a cab. There was no way she was going home with that man. Will caught up to her easily. His stride quickly matching hers. She could practically feel the arrogance pouring off him in waves.

  Hailing a cab she was surprised when Will slid in beside her.

  “I don’t know what you think you’re doing. But you can get out and leave me alone.” She quietly spat the words out at him.

  Will never answered her instead he chose to lean forward and give her address to the driver. At least he was taking her home, she thought. When the cab finally drew up at her apartment she hopped out and left Will to pay. Part of her hoped to get inside the door before he caught up to her.

  However there was another part of her, the traitorous part that hoped he caught up to her. She wanted him. She wanted him even though he was an arrogant ass.

  He did catch up to her just as the door began to swing shut. Paige stomped up the stairs and flung open her apartment door. Will followed at a casual pace and lounged against the frame as she flung her bag and coat on the chair.

  “You were great tonight.” He said. Finally speaking. Paige turned on him. She could see the ghost of a smile that hovered around his lips as she stormed through her apartment.

  She approached him and raised her hand. She would wipe that look off his face. He had treated her like something he owned and not a person. He caught her hand easily as she swung it towards him. Grabbing her wrist hard he pushed her hand down by her side. In one fluid motion he was in the apartment the door swung shut and he had her pinned against the wall.

  Paige fought against the tight grip he had on her body. Anger made her stronger than usual but she was no match for Will. He crushed her body against the wall with his own. His mouth came down on hers in a bruising kiss. Paige struggled for a few more seconds but she knew when the game was up. Her traitorous body was eagerly responding to him.

  She returned his kiss with a passion all of her own. Melting in against his body. His erection pushed against her making it all to clear what his intentions were. The moment Paige felt it she moaned. She wanted this. She had wanted it from the moment he had laid his hands on her in the hall at the office.

  His hands found the zipper on her red dress and he slowly slid it down and pushed the dress from her shoulders. Paige helped by shrugging out of the garment and letting it fall to the floor. She stood before him in nothing but her panties and bra.

  Will’s hands immediately found her breasts. He began to knead them slowly and Paige arched her body into his touch. He ignited a fire within her. She could feel the slickness that covered her sex and she wanted more.

  Dropping to her knees, Paige unzipped Will’s trousers and let them fall to the floor with a sigh of fabric. She eyed his erection through the fabric of his boxers. She wanted to taste him. He had brought her pleasure in the car and now she would repay the favour.

  Tugging his boxers off, Paige smiled as his cock bobbed up. It stood proud and erect away from his body. Paige marvelled at its size. Long and thick it begged to be licked.

  Leaning forward Paige ran the tip of her tongue along the tip. She glanced up and realised that Will was watching her. His dark intense gaze made her pussy drip. She held his gaze as she sucked his cock deep into her mouth. She drew it in until the tip reached the back of her throat. She fought to relax and not gag but as his cock twitched within her mouth she was forced to withdraw it.

  She gripped it firmly with one hand and slowly began to wank him as she sucked his cock. Her lips formed a tight seal around the shaft and her tongue snaked along the sensitive underside as she moved her mouth back and forth.

  Will growled and wrapped his hands into her blonde hair. He forced his cock faster into her mouth, urging her to suck him harder and faster. Paige had never experienced a man fuck her mouth before. She had never felt so helpless and powerful all at once.

  With her free hand she tugged and played with his heavy balls. They slowly grew tighter and Paige knew they were filled with his seed. Droplets of pre-cum coated her tongue as she continued to suck his hard cock.

  Will pulled himself out of her grip. Looking up at him Paige could see the effort it took for him not to cum in her mouth. Instead he picked her up off the floor and carried her to the bedroom. Paige pointed it out to him when he became frustrated and unsure of the direction to go in.

  He threw her onto the bed and tugged her panties from her body and flung them away. Will dipped his face to her pussy and licked. Paige moaned as his tongue found her clit and began to circle it. He pressed his tongue against her clit over and over u
ntil Paige was sure she would explode with pleasure. Just when she was on the brink of spiralling over the edge he withdrew from her.

  Will didn’t waste any time climbing up over her body. He slid his hands under her ass and lifted her from the bed. The first thrust into her dripping pussy left Paige breathless.

  He was big but his cock seemed to fill her pussy in ways she had never experienced. Each thrust seemed to ram him deeper inside her. At one point Paige was certain he would simply split her in two.

  She clawed at the bed in search of some way to anchor her body. But Will had other plans and held her body in such a way that she was suspended. When he finally touched the end of her she cried out. It wasn’t uncomfortable but it felt very strange. Pleasure spiked in her body and ran across her skin in ripples.

  “Harder!” She moaned as Will fucked her. His only response was a growl that dribbled out from between his lips. He dug his fingers into the flesh of her arse as his cock grew thicker and harder inside her. Paige panted as each thrust pushed his body against her clit and she was forced closer to the edge of the precipice.

  Her eyes flew open as her body finally fell into an orgasm. She stared into his dark lust filled eyes. In the distance she could hear screaming but she wasn’t sure where it was coming from.

  With a shout Will pushed into her as deep as his cock would press. Warmth filled Paige’s belly as thick wads of cum spurted from his rigid shaft.

  “Fuck!” He exclaimed as he continued to buck his hips against her. Paige’s body spasmed around his cock. It wanted his cum as much as she did and each spasm milked him a little harder.

  When Will was finally spent and his seed trickled from Paige’s pussy to mingle with her own slick arousal, he collapsed to the bed. They lay there in a tangled heap of limbs. Both breathless, both spent.

  Not a word passed between them. Instead Will leaned close and drew Paige’s face to his. His kiss was soft almost reverent and it surprised Paige. She lay stunned in his embrace until finally her breath returned.


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