by Craig Murray
44 NAS GD45/14/587/31x
45 J W Kaye: History of the War, Vol. 2, p. 127
46 NAI/For/Sec/28Sept1842/Cons/Nos.29–32/pp. 5–6
47 W Broadfoot: Major George Broadfoot, p. 13
48 George Buist, Outline of the Operation, p. 294
49 David Mitchell: History of Montrose, p. 64
50 Mohan Lal: Dost Mohammed Khan, Vol. 2, p. 392
51 Charles Samuel Stewart: Sketches of Society, Vol. 2, p. 125
52 Tresham Lever (ed.): Letters of Lady Palmerston, p. 261
53 Emily Eden: Up the Country, p. 389
54 Extraordinarily, even after the disaster, Auckland insisted on appointing General Lumley to head the relieving force. Lumley was even more ill than Elphinstone, and Auckland only backed down after the Army sent him a medical report. J W Kaye: History of the War, Vol. 3, p. 20
Chapter 35 Dissent and Dysfunction
1 Helen Mackenzie: Storms and Sunshine, Vol 1, p. 184
2 Henry Durand: The First Afghan War, p. 328
3 Christine Noelle, State and Tribe, pp. 49, 307
4 NAI/For/Sec/28Dec1842/Cons/Nos.205–6/f.20
5 NAI/For/Sec/28Dec1842/Cons/Nos.205–6/f.26
6 NAI/For/Sec/28Dec1842/Cons/Nos.205–6/f.2
7 NAI/For/Sec/28Dec1842/Progs/Nos.480–2/f.9770
8 Christine Noelle: State and Tribe, p. 51
9 NAI/For/Sec/28Dec1842/Progs/Nos.480–2/f.9805
10 J W Kaye: Lives of Indian Officers, Vol. 2, p. 85
11 Calcutta Review, Vol. 2, Oct–Dec 1844, p. 248
12 W Broadfoot: Major G Broadfoot, p. 23
13 NAI/For/Sec/28Sept1842/Cons/Nos.29–32/p. 12. On 8 April 1842 the Bombay Courier published a letter claiming Burnes suppressed this information. Hamlet Wade, the sole surviving witness, contradicted this
14 W Broadfoot: Major George Broadfoot, pp. 23–30
15 Blackwood’s Magazine, Vol. 53, Jan–Jun 1843, p. 241
16 Helen Mackenzie: Storms and Sunshine, Vol. 1, p. 188
17 Margaret Kekewich: Retreat and Retribution, p. 18
18 J W Kaye: Lives of Indian Officers, Vol. 2, p. 86
19 Henry Durand: The First Afghan War, p. 338
20 George Buist: Outline of the Operation, p. xi
21 George Lawrence: Reminiscences, p. 59
22 J W Kaye: Lives of Indian Officers, Vol. 2, p. 86
23 James Lunt: Bokhara Burnes, p. 203
Chapter 36 Death in Kabul
1 NAI/For/Sec/28 Sep1842/Cons/Nos.29–32/f.9
2 William Dalrymple: Return of a King, p. 280
3 Arthur Conolly: Journey to the North, Vol 2, pp. 152–6.
4 Now a national hero
5 Mountstuart Elphinstone: An Account, Vol. 1, p. 299
6 Mohan Lal: Dost Mohammed Khan, Vol. 2, p. 398
7 George Gleig: Sale’s Brigade, p. 67
8 James Atkinson: The Expedition, p. 282
9 Peter Hopkirk: The Great Game, p. 239
10 Louis Dupree: The First Anglo Afghan War Folklore and History, p. 8
11 Shah Mahmoud Hanifi: Connecting Histories in Afghanistan, p. 88
12 M E Yapp: Strategies of British India, p. 424
13 Helen Mackenzie: Storms and Sunshine of a Soldier’s Life, Vol I, p. 194
14 William Dalrymple: Return of a King, pp. 292–3
15 W Broadfoot: Major George Broadfoot, p. 123
16 The Monthly Chronicle, Vol. 3, May 1842, p. 218
17 Penderel Moon: The British Conquest, p. 545
18 J W Kaye: History of the War, Vol. 2, p. 165
19 William Dalrymple: Return of a King, p. 276
20 Helen Mackenzie: Storms and Sunshine, Vol. 1, p. 195
21 NAI/For/Sec/28Dec1842/Progs/Nos.480–2/f.9972
22 Mohan Lal: Dost Mohammed Khan, Vol. 2, p. 402
23 Henry Durand: The First Afghan War, p. 352
24 George Lawrence: Reminiscences, p. 62
25 Calcutta Review, Vol. 2, Oct–Dec 1844, p. 251
26 NAS/GD45/14/587/31x
27 George Lawrence: Forty-Three Years in India, p. 64
28 Bombay Times, 23 April 1842
29 Tait’s Magazine, Vol. 10, 1843, p. 382
30 NAI/For/Sec/28Dec1842/Progs/Nos.480–2/f.9972
31 Gregory Bondarevsky: The Great Game: A Russian Perspective, p. 39
32 BL/IOR/E/4/812/f.1181
33 Burnes had left Ghulam Rs2,000 in his will.
34 NAS/GD45/14/587/31x
35 William Dalrymple: Return of a King, p. 295
36 T R Blackburn: The Extermination of a British Army, p. 10
37 Calcutta Review, Vol. 2, Oct–Dec 1844, p. 251
38 W Broadfoot: Major George Broadfoot, p. 123
39 Transactions of the Bombay Geographical Society, Vol. 6, p. ix
Chapter 37 Aftermath
1 BL/ADD/MSS/37313/f.135
2 T R Blackburn: The Extermination of a British Army, p. 87
3 John Greenwood: The Campaign in Afghanistan, p. 127
4 T R Blackburn: The Extermination of a British Army, p. 165
5 Michael H Fisher: Counterflows to Colonialism, p. 358
6 Hari Ram Gupta: Mohan Lal Kashmiri, p. vi
7 G J Alder: ‘The “Garbled” Blue Books’, p. 245
8 William Cunningham: The Debates on Motion (Palmerston)
9 Isaiah Berlin: Karl Marx, pp. 147–50
10 K Marx and F Engels: On Colonialism, pp. 211, 332
11 J W Kaye, History of the War, Vol. 1, p. 204
12 G J Alder: ‘The “Garbled” Blue Books’, p. 247
13 Hansard, House of Commons, 19 March 1861
14 The Spectator, 23 March 1861, p. 294
15 John Bright: Speeches, Vol. 1, p. 114
BL British Library
CUL Cambridge University Library
FHM Freemasons Hall, Mumbai
MAS Mumbai Asiatic Society
ML Montrose Library
MM Montrose Museum
MSA Maharastra State Archive, Mumbai
NAI National Archives of India, Delhi
NAS National Archives of Scotland, Edinburgh
NLS National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh
PRO Public Record Office, Kew
RSA Royal Society Archives
WCL Worcester College Library, Oxford
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