Page 14
The male who’d already been studying the board we were looking at when we’d approached dropped into a formal bow before me. My queen. It is an honor to meet you. My name is Ellious. Our master healer asked that I assist you during your visit so she can continue to attend to Commander Sennika. I hope that is okay with you.
I was relieved that Damille was continuing to treat Sennika herself, but also a little concerned. Given how everyone else was treating me based on my title alone, I doubted she would pass me off on an assistant I’d never met if his wounds weren’t far more serious than I’d been led to believe. Please tell me he’s going to be okay.
The injury itself isn’t serious, relatively speaking. It’s the poison that’s a concern. At my baffled look he turned toward Aristos, who nodded for him to explain. When your soulcras lash out in defense they can employ one of several lethal tactics, including the release of a potent neurotoxin. Thankfully the carnipula leaves Sennika applied helped to neutralize the worse of the venom. Had he waited even a few minutes longer, or been stricken more than once, he would not have made it here. Damille is administering the anti-venom now.
If I hadn’t already committed to meeting with Johnna today, hearing that I’d almost killed someone would’ve had me rushing to the cathedral to be purified. It wasn’t safe for me to be around anyone right now.
Several of Naome’s vital signs suddenly flashed red. Ellious studied the board for a tense moment while my heart leapt into my throat. She’s in danger of cardiac arrest. I fear we are going to have to sedate her again if she doesn’t calm down. There are limits to how much sherifan root her body can safely absorb. She surpassed those thresholds hours ago.
Take me to her.
Ellious led us down a short hall to the largest of the three operating rooms, swimming as fast as he could in the somewhat confined quarters. When he opened the door I pressed my gloved hand against Aristos’s chest, silently asking to be allowed to visit my friends alone. In response, he placed his hand flat against the shield covering my face—right above my cheek—in the same ritualistic fashion as he’d done earlier, when he’d been reminiscing about Pulchra during our first real conversation in the nursery I’d commandeered as my room. Whether it was insight from the Goddess Athena, whose eyes I now viewed the world through, or my own Syreni intuition, I knew the gesture was used in lieu of tears to express sadness and accept comfort from others. I lifted his hand in front of my shielded lips and symbolically kissed it before disappearing through the door.
Serienne and Naome were positioned next to each other near the very back of the room, on top of padded metal tables that were bolted into the stone floor. They were close enough together for them to hold hands if their arms weren’t strapped at their sides. Central line I.V.’s were still threaded into their necks just above their gills, with the other end leading to a large sack of blood that hung from a metal I.V. pole. At first I wondered why their bodies were covered in a colorful array of five-inch long bloodsuckers. But after observing them for a moment, I noticed the tails of the strange creatures emitted pulses of light that were synchronized perfectly with flashes of color on the smaller, wall-mounted version of the glass panel I’d seen earlier in the hall. Each flash caused the plankton to rearrange themselves to update Naome and Serienne’s vital signs.
There didn’t appear to be any electrical equipment on Teresolee—at least not within Halon’s Gate—or even a power grid to connect it to. Everything was bioengineered. The artificial respirators I’d seen affixed in their mouths earlier were still close-by, likely in case they were needed again on short notice. Dozens of spiny sea urchins the size of fat housecats were contained within glass-encased chambers that made up the heart of the machines. Each of their breaths added to the suction, which appeared to be drawing in fresh water from a tube coming from the outer wall. Every three or four seconds water jetted out of the currently unused mouthpieces.
Naome and Serienne’s fused together legs were still cocooned in carnipula leaves, and had tiny flukes emerging from where they’d been amputated just above the ankles. Damille had repositioned their vaginas higher up on their abdomens to account for their new anatomy, and had extended their vaginal openings to be as long as my own. They didn’t have soulcras, of course. Their anal openings now emerged just above their vaginas, replicating the anatomy of a Syreni female. Translucent scales already covered their upper bodies and their faces. I suspected that the stitched together incisions along their sides, right beneath their ribs, were a result of removing their lungs. Based on her shallow breathing and lack of resistance, Serienne had been recently sedated. Naome was bucking against her straps like a champion bull at a rodeo.
In two powerful strokes I was at her side, gripping her hand tight as I leaned in close enough for her to see my face through the visor. There are easier ways to get me to visit, you know.
Evidently the brain injections Aristos had told us about back on the birthing platform had been a success. She was capable of at least some degree of telepathic speech.
Her eyes widened in fear a moment later when it dawned on her she’d just referred to me by my human name, recalling the severe punishment that accompanied her infraction. I’m so sorry, Queen Camithia! I wasn’t trying to disrespect the gods. I swear! I’m so drugged up right now I can’t even think. Please don’t let them cut out my tongue!
They would have to kill me first, I reassured her. She had enough freedom in the strap around her forearm for me to lift her hand about eight inches off the bed. It was plenty for us to properly greet each other. I’d completed the first three moves in our intricate handshake ritual before her nerves settled enough for her to join in. By the end the slightest hint of a smile was teasing up the corners of her lips. It was a start. That being said, if the wrong people overheard you using my human name it could cause some serious problems for both of us. You need to be a lot more careful once you get out of here.
Queen Camithia? Serienne blinked several times like she thought I might be a figment of her drugged out brain. Or maybe a ghost. At least she’d finally decided to join the party.
Hey Serienne.
With another quick flutter of her lashes she was gone. Her eyes rolled back in her head, unconsciousness claiming her in its steely grip. Talk about your brief conversations.
Since it appeared she was down for the count I focused back on Naome. How are you guys doing?
Her how-the-fuck-do-you-think-we’re-doing look was priceless. I had to give her the gold for sardonic glances. Okay, stupid question. Believe me I know how overwhelming it feels to wake up with a different body. Try being reborn as a different species. I tried to kill myself the first morning. I’ll always miss my family, and I’ll never care about anyone like I did Austin, but I’m beginning to think I have a life that’s still worth living here. We all do. You told me after I’d been torn apart by the griffin that you and Serienne needed me to help you get through this. Well, I’m right here. And I need you guys, too.
Your face looks different. It’s all flowery, Serienne said, steering the conversation in a totally random direction. It was like having a smashed friend zoned out on the couch at a keg party. I doubted she’d remember any of this conversation later on.
Do you like it? I’d pretty much exhausted my list of impassioned, life-is-still-worth-living arguments. Some lighthearted banter would probably do them as much good as anything.
It’s beautiful… Naome hesitantly supplied.
But it’s kinda out there. I know, I finished for her. Almost my entire body is covered in one wild color or another. It takes some getting used to.
Like learning to swim with a tail. Her eyes drifted down the length of my body to study my scrub-covered tail as I effortlessly treaded water. What’s it feel like?
Even if I hadn’t been actively trying to cheer them up, there’s no way I could have suppressed my downright giddy smile. We’re faster than dolphins. Swimming here with Aristos f
rom our home was one of the most amazing moments of my life. Well, except for the part where I had a premonition that we got eaten by a scary-as-fuck, eighty-foot shark with manta ray wings. That’s what cutterfish are, by the way. Not at all what I was picturing.
Naome’s brows arched almost to her hairline. Our home? You live with him already?
Of course that would be the part she picked up on, not how fast we could swim, or the prehistoric monsters we shared the ocean with. It’s not like that, I said, feeling my face flush even as the words left my mouth. Why did I feel so guilty? It wasn’t like we’d done anything but kiss yet. Well, I guess he had felt me up a bit. Fuck. Who’d decided to up the temperature in here to full boil in the last five seconds?
You’re totally seeing him! She accused, her face beaming. I’d wondered if I’d ever see that deviant little sparkle in her sage green eyes again. Just admit it already. You know you can’t lie to me.
There wasn’t much sense in even trying. If I didn’t fess up, she’d find out the second she left the infirmary anyway. I agreed to let him court me today. And we kissed. Several times. We’re talking, Chernobyl nuclear meltdown heat. I barely even know him yet, but we’ve definitely got some serous chemistry. Which is good, I guess, since we’re going to be mated in a couple months. Regardless of how we feel about each other.
Naome’s eyes pinched shut as her face contorted like a knife had just been slid between her ribs into her lungs. The tails of the bloodsucker like creatures around her heart glowed bright for several seconds. I watched the board behind her as her heart rate jumped to 160 beats per minute, and her blood pressure skyrocketed to 185/105. She was in danger again. Please make it stop, father. I’ll continue to bear the pain until you take me from this world if that’s your will, but I beg you, as your loyal servant, to have mercy on me.
After bearing down for several minutes like she was having contractions—or at least how I imagined that would look, it’s not like I’d ever watched anyone give birth before—her body went limp as a noodle, her breathing settled and she opened her eyes again. Damn it. Usually the pain eases up faster than that. Neptune must be getting sick of hearing me beg. And here I thought you were my good luck charm. You’re fired.
I swept her blonde-streaked, fiery red hair out from in front of her face. The outer part of her lips was now the same sky blue shade as her gill covers, while the inner half gradually transitioned to purple. The ombre design looked sexy as hell on her, and was enhanced even further by the high gloss finish from the secretions needed to protect our lips from the harsh seawater. An even bolder speckled chartreuse pattern had been chosen for Serienne’s lips, with countless accent flecks of blue, gold, yellow and white.
I knew now was hardly the time for a theology lesson about the deities we were sworn to, but hearing Naome pray with absolute conviction that Neptune was listening piqued my curiosity. Besides, if I could keep her talking about anything it would help keep her mind off the pain. What was it like? Praying to Neptune in the temple after your choosing ceremony. Did he actually speak to you?
Her fingers pressed against my palm as her lips widened into what I’d have to say was a rather shrewd looking grin. You’ll be cured of your glaring lack of spirituality soon enough, doubting Thomette. When I was shown an image of me as a mermaid—swimming with my three beautiful daughters—I knew this was the life I was meant to live. Even before my inner spirit—my consciousness—was ripped free from my body. When I reformed from the mist I was completely human again, lying naked in an ivory tub inside Neptune’s palace above Mount Olympus. A young priestess bathed me and oiled my skin, then massaged every inch of my body until I was a formless pile of jelly. She spent hours pampering me, curling my hair into tight little ringlets, shaping my brows, meticulously applying my makeup and painting my nails. I was dressed in a gorgeous floor length sheer white gown—with intricate gold leaf insets in all the necessary places to preserve my modesty—and draped in precious jewels, from the twenty carat diamonds in my ears to the solid gold rings on each of my toes. When I knelt before our god and pledged my lifelong servitude to him, it felt like I was reborn, like I’d been instantly transformed into a far superior version of myself. He even extended my lifespan so I’d live long enough to see my children grow, and gave me the ability to communicate to allow me to effectively serve the Syreni as a healer.
I was speechless. After being magically transformed into another species, not even a lifelong atheist like me could deny our gods existed. But that didn’t mean I had any idea how to worship them. I couldn’t imagine even the pope would be prepared to sit down and have a chat with the big guy if he just appeared in his living room some afternoon. And I sure as fuck wasn’t the pope. Secretly, I hoped Naome had fallen asleep after sitting in the temple in silence for hours and dreamed the whole out-of-body encounter. I was wondering how you could speak so well already. I’m glad you’re happy here, Naome. Taking care of my home-girl has scored Neptune some serious points in my book. I guess we’ll find out if he likes me or not me soon enough. I’m going to see Johnna as soon as I leave here.
She let out a short burst of high-pitched chirps. A Syreni laugh. Did you miss the part where I have a direct line to an all-knowing deity? Not that he shares everything with me, of course. But he did mention your purification ceremony, and that he is looking forward to meeting his other new daughter. I wish the three of us could go through the ceremony together. I guess we’ll have plenty of chances to in the future. Don’t sweat getting your head shaved, by the way. I promise you won’t care once you meet him. I may keep mine shaved year round for the first few years just so the tattoos are always visible.
I couldn’t resist giving her a hug, even though it was fairly awkward with my scrubs and her being strapped to a table. You’re amazing, you now that? I came here to cheer you up and try to help you deal with the pain. Instead you end up comforting me. I love you, Naome. Try to take it easy and keep your heart rate down. They won’t be able to give you any more drugs for a while. And see if you can help Serienne once she comes back from la-la land. I’m going to be off doing community service for a while.
I love you, too. And you did help me, Camithia. It felt good to laugh again, even if the chirpy Syreni version sounds kinda weird. Hell, just seeing that you’re not miserable anymore makes me feel a billion times better. And once you’ve pledged yourself to our gods we’ll actually be sisters. How cool is that? I can’t give you much insight on what to expect from Poseidon, but Serienne told me during one of her more coherent moments earlier that he granted her the same gifts in exchange for her vows as I received, so I’m thinking he’s pretty cool, too.
I can’t wait, sis. Speaking of nicknames, I haven’t heard anyone say they aren’t allowed or anything, so if you’d like to call me Cami I’d say go for it. Camithia is kind of a mouthful. I gave Serienne one last glance, hoping I’d get a chance to say goodbye, but she was still out like a light. I couldn’t put off my appointment with Johnna any longer. It was time for me to embrace our gods.
Communing with the Gods
* * *
Welcome, my queen. Johnna was waiting for me inside the cathedral, his tail treading water to keep him positioned next to the statue of Athena. He was dressed in a ceremonial purple robe with gold-trim rather than his silver armor. His ashen white hair was pulled back in a bundle of tight braids almost more elaborate than my own, which stretched his weathered skin taunt enough to take years off his ancient appearance.
I swam across the marble floor, taking in the beautiful mural of Neptune and Poseidon defending the Syreni female as I passed over top of it—someday I’d get the chance to properly appreciate the amazing artwork rather than catch only passing glimpses of it—before dropping into a formal bow before him. Thank you, my high priest. It’s good to see you again.
His grandfatherly smile was so radiant that I couldn’t keep myself from grinning like a giddy schoolgirl in return. Th
e pleasure is mine, sweet child. Believe me. I understand it is your wish to undergo your first purification ceremony today and begin your week of servitude to the Syreni people. Is that correct?
It is. I’ve been fasting for two days already. I wasn’t risking having to go two more days without food on whether Aristos had remembered to pass along that vital piece of information. Going a week would be hard enough. I was already starving.
Johnna’s answering series of high-pitched chirps made me shyly avert my eyes to the polished marble beneath Athena’s feet. I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks, and was certain they’d be beet red if I could see my reflection. It still felt good to hear him laugh, even if he was laughing at me. Duly noted, my young queen. You shall only have to endure five more days without sustenance. Are you ready to get started?
When I nodded, he motioned me to follow him into a small rectangular room located just before the chambers I’d spent the night in after being transformed into the Syreni queen. I’d never seen the door open before. There was a black marble altar in the middle of the room, which Johnna directed me to position myself over. After securing straps around my chest and tail to hold me still, he began the long process of unweaving my braids. His hands were able to move freely over my body since I wasn’t wearing my chastity belt. It had been left with Aristos along with the rest of my queen’s jewels—except for the fresh piercings in my ears and nipples, anyway, which were still healing—in preparation for my week of community service.
I felt strangely naked, in spite of the fact that the chastity belt didn’t really conceal anything. While I waited for Johnna to finish undoing Armiele’s handiwork, I lost myself in the gorgeous full-color mural carving inset into the ceiling above me, depicting Athena, dressed in full battle armor, fighting against a five-headed, fire-breathing hydra while her father, Poseidon, watched on in amusement. She was caught with flames engulfing her shield and her sword about to come down upon one of the creatures many necks. It was such a breathtaking scene that I didn’t even notice that Johnna had started to cut away my hair.