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The Chocolate Made Me Do It

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by Dakote Trace


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  This book is for sale to ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It contains substantial sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your files where they cannot be accessed by minors.

  All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are solely the product of the author’s imagination and/or are used fictitiously, though reference may be made to actual historical events or existing locations. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Photo Credit: Partners

  Used under a Creative Commons license.

  Cover Design: Selena Kitt

  The Chocolate Made Me Do It © 2008 Dakota Trace

  eXcessica publishing

  All rights reserved

  The Chocolate

  Made Me Do It

  By Dakota Trace

  Annabelle stared longingly at the chocolate truffle sitting in the display case. She knew she shouldn't have one, but like a drug addict she craved the sweet flavor. She knew it was madness to come by here every day on her way home from work, but still she stopped. She wasn't sure if it was the creamy chocolate delights, or the man who had created those morsels that forced her return. Zephyrus Raincloud was just as tempting as the creamy chocolate delights he made.

  "Good morning, Annabelle." Jerking her head up, her face flushed alarmingly at the sight of the object of her thoughts. He must have come out of the kitchen while she had been devouring the chocolates with her eyes. As usual, he had his long dark hair pulled back and tied. He was wearing a pair of faded jeans and a t-shirt that said, "I Melt For Chocolate."

  "Hi," she said, trying not to show how she had been drooling over the delicious, hand-made chocolates arranged in front of her.

  "So what can I tempt you with today?" he asked in his deep voice.

  "A truffle," she said softly. "I’d really love to have one of those double chocolate truffles."

  "A truffle, it is," Zephyrus agreed as he opened the display case and pulled the tray out. As he placed the variety of deliciously tempting morsels in front of her, his sister, Hestia, came out of the kitchen.

  "Zephyr, you have a call from your supplier." She held the phone out to him and waited for him to disappear into the kitchen.

  "Thanks, I'll take it. Can you get Annabelle her truffle?" he asked as he turned, heading towards the kitchen.

  "Sure." Turning towards Annabelle, Hestia smiled. "Hello, Annabelle. How are you today?"

  "Fine. Just craving your brother's chocolate." She laughed. "He has the best chocolates I've ever tasted."

  "I know." Hestia placed Annabelle's truffle in a small chocolate box. "And just for being one of our most loyal customers, I'll throw in an extra for nothing." She winked. "And my little brother doesn't need to know."

  "Little brother?" Annabelle asked. "Have you looked at your brother lately, Hestia? He's twice your size."

  Hestia laughed. "I know. But he'll always be my little brother." She placed the tray back in the display case. "Let's get this rung up for you."

  * * * *

  Zephyr smiled as he heard his sister laugh. It wasn't uncommon to hear the sound, but she always seem to laugh more when Annabelle came into the shop. A thoughtful smile crossed his dark face. Lately he couldn't help but dwell on his loyal and reliable customer. Like clockwork, every day, she came in and had one chocolate. In fact, he was always thinking of new delights to tempt her with. Hanging the phone up, he moved into to his small cramped office.

  He stared at the paperwork that had piled up on the desk in front of him as he sat down. He hated doing paperwork, but Hestia had told him if he didn't put a dent in it today, she was going to call someone in to do it for him. Being a pragmatic man, he couldn't see paying someone else to do what he could do himself. He just didn't like it. He'd rather be in his kitchen creating all kinds of new, delicious chocolates to tempt the very delightful Annabelle.

  Somehow that tall, elegant, graceful woman had managed to catch his attention, which was a surprise, as he was usually drawn to delicate, petite women like his sister. The first time he met her, he’d been surprised at how nice it was to actually look directly into a woman's eyes. It had him wondering about other things that would be nice to do with her. His private thoughts were interrupted though when his sister entered his cluttered office.

  "So when are you going to ask her out?" Hestia perched on the edge of his desk. He stared blankly at her for a moment.

  "What?" He looked as if he had choked on his tongue.

  "You heard me, Zephyrus Raincloud. You crave her like she craves your chocolates."

  "Sis, there's nothing going on between us. First, she's a customer; and second, she’s white."

  "A customer? Yeah, right, pull the other leg. It's shorter. And there is nothing wrong with her color." She stood up. "I do believe you protest too much, brother dear. Take my advice and ask her out. The worst thing she can say is ‘no’." She headed towards the door and back into the shop.

  * * * *

  Annabelle gazed thoughtfully at the computer. Her job as a financial advisor was a rewarding one, but lately she hadn't found it challenging enough. It had been awhile since she’d been challenged at all. She was startled when the telephone rang, picking it up and saying hello. She wasn’t too surprised when she heard Hestia's voice on the other end of the phone, as they’d become true friends since she started visiting "The Delights" chocolate shop.

  "Hey, Annie. Didn't you tell me you were some kind of financial wiz?"

  "Well, I wouldn't call myself that," Annabelle chuckled. "But yes, finances are what I do for a living."

  "Well, would you be willing to give me a hand? I'll even pay you."

  "For what?" Annabelle asked cautiously, not sure about where this conversation was heading.

  "Well, Zephyr will probably kill me for asking you, but we received a letter from the IRS. We're being audited, and well...Zephyr isn't the greatest of bookkeepers. He has a pile three feet high on his desk, so I told him if he didn't put a dent in it today, I was going to call for reinforcements. Anyway, he’s gotten himself sidetracked by some new candy he's developing, and you can guess how much work he got done on the paper mess."

  "Very little. So you want me to be the financial reinforcement?"

  "Yes. I know you’re busy, so that's why I offered to pay you." The eagerness in her voice was obvious.

  "Well, considering all the freebies you’ve given me, I think I can let it go at that." Looking down at her schedule book, she quickly scanned the entries.

  "How about I come around tomorrow afternoon at four?"

  "Sounds good to me," Hestia said quickly. "Zephyr will probably be out of the shop around that time. But I can get you started."

  "All right then, I'll see you tomorrow." Annabelle hung up. "Well, maybe this will be the challenge I’ve been looking for," she said to no one in particular.

  * * * *

  Hestia smiled to herself as she hung up the phone. She couldn't have timed it better, she thought as she watched her brother come into the livingroom. He was wearing a pair of jogging shorts, briskly running a towel through his wet hair. She smiled up at him.

  "What?" His head popped out from under the towel.

  "Nothing." She motioned him to sit down. "Come here and let me help you." She took
the comb from his hand. “Sit down.”

  "Hestia, I think I'm old enough to comb my own hair."

  They had this conversation about once a week—so far he’d never won.

  "I know. But I like combing your hair." That was her standard response to his protest.

  Obediently, he sat down in front of her on the footstool. Due to his Native American descent, he clung to the tradition of having long hair, even though it wasn't practical in his line of work. Still, he knew it was time for a trim when he sat down and pulled his own hair—it had gotten too long again as, lifting up, he pulled it out from under him.

  "Looks like it's definitely time for a trim again."

  "Yeah, it snuck up on me," he said with a laugh.

  "Where are you taking Joseph tomorrow?" She slowly worked her way through the long, soft damp strands.

  "I thought I'd take him out to the Nature Center to walk the trails."

  "That's a wonderful idea. I'm sure he'd love it. He loves doing anything with you."

  "And I enjoy being the big brother for awhile."

  "And I suppose it’s hard being my little brother?" she joked.

  "Yes, it is," he groused good-naturedly. "Such a bossy little thing you are."

  Hestia just laughed.

  * * * *

  After her brother finally retired for the evening, Hestia took her cell phone outside and dialed their mother's number in Arizona. She wasn’t surprised when their mother answered on the very first ring.

  "Hi, Mom."

  "How did it go?" her mother asked.

  "She's coming over tomorrow while he's out with Joseph. I’ve told her about all the paperwork on his desk and she offered to help. She's a good woman. But you know Zephyr, he's so concerned about color." She sighed.

  She could hear her mother’s lack of surprise. "That boy of mine! When's he gonna learn color doesn't matter? Not to me, not to you—the only one it mattered to was your father. And God bless his soul, he's gone—but it still isn't right."

  "I know, Mom. I wish you could see the two of them together. They dance around each other something fierce. But anyone could see the sparks between them."

  "I wish I could. I'll be coming out to visit later next month, so maybe I’ll see it then. And Hestia?" Her mother paused.


  "Be careful! This is a dangerous game you’re playing with your brother. Remember, there’s a reason I named him Zephyrus."

  "Aw, Mom. Not the ‘god of the wind’ thing again," she protested.

  "Well, don't blame me, sweetheart, if you get caught in the backlash."

  "I'll be careful, Mom, and he'll thank me in the end," she promised as she hung up the phone.

  * * * *

  The next afternoon, Annabelle showed up at "The Delights" promptly at four, where she met Hestia at the counter.

  "I'm here. Feed me some chocolate, and I'll be ready to take on two feet of paperwork without a problem," Annabelle told her friend with a huge smile.

  "Chocolates I can do. Paperwork on the other hand, I'll leave to you." Handing Annabelle a chocolate cluster from the display case, she shook her head. "That's a serious chocolate fetish you have there," she teased with an understanding giggle.

  "Yep." Annabella nodded as she chewed and then followed Hestia around the counter and through the kitchen. "Yummy." She drew in a deep, lung-filling breath, breathing in the smell of chocolate and all sorts of other delectable scents. "So this is where he creates all those yummy, addicting, even maddening chocolate delights?"

  "Yes." Hestia looked over her shoulder as she pushed open the door to Zephyr's office. "And this is where he avoids coming."

  "Wow. You weren't kidding!" Annabelle whistled when she saw the awesome amount of paperwork, piled high. Setting her briefcase down, she picked up the nearest piece of paper and found what looked like a recipe for a new dessert. "Hey, Hestia. Are you and your brother Apache by chance?"

  "Yes, we are. I know our first names don't show it but the last name does."

  "Raincloud’s a very common name in the Apache Nation."

  "Yes, it is. Do you think you can help us with this?" She gestured to the mounds of paperwork.

  " I'm sure I'll get to the bottom of this – eventually—but it will take some serious time." Annabelle reached for another paper, totally unaware Hestia had left the tiny office.

  * * * *

  Hestia was at the front counter when Zephyr walked in early that evening just before closing time. She was busy waiting on some good customers. Glancing at his watch, he knew Annabelle would be coming in soon—he had a new treat he wanted to try out on her.

  It was because of her he’d gotten an inspiration yesterday afternoon after she’d left. He’d worked for over two hours to get it just right and he was hoping she’d like it. Waving at his sister as he rounded the counter, he headed into the kitchen. Walking into the cooler, he pulled out a tray of fudge brownies he’d also made yesterday. Whistling softly, he started to cut them into squares. He’d noticed the display case was almost empty when he’d walked by and, turning, he started heating the special raspberry glaze, thinking, as he stirred—he couldn't imagine doing any other kind of work.

  * * * *

  Annabelle paused as the smell of warm raspberries drifted through the cracked door of Zephyr's office. Immediately her stomach grumbled in approval, and her mouth started to water. That smelled just like Zephyr's trademark raspberry brownies—they were the reason she’d come into the shop the very first time. A friend had brought some into work and Annabelle had begged to know where she’d gotten them. Standing up, she decided it was time for a small break, and went out to con Hestia out of a brownie.

  * * * *

  Hestia smiled as she ushered the last customer out for the evening. She didn't know if Zephyr had found Annabelle in his office yet; but she knew he would eventually. Slipping through the door after the customers, a wicked grin lit up her face. Turning the key in the lock of the shop door, she effectively locked her younger brother in with her blonde friend. She’d come by later and let them out. Hopefully the time they were alone together would be enough to get through Zephyr's thick head that Annabelle's race didn't matter.

  * * * *

  Annabelle stopped and stared at the tight butt encased in well-worn jeans—the man had his back to her and was whistling softly. If the long hair hadn't given his identity away, the familiar tingle in her stomach would have. Zephyrus Raincloud was standing in front of her and wasn't even aware she was there. It gave her the unplanned opportunity to stare as much as she liked...and she liked...a lot.

  * * * *

  Zephyr couldn't be sure when he first felt it, but he knew someone was watching him. At first, he thought it was his sister, as it wasn't uncommon for her to come in and watch him work. But this time was different. Somehow he knew it wasn't her. The fact that it was coming from behind him wasn't the only thing that clued him—instead the familiar tension pooling deep in his loins was a dead give away as to who was in his vicinity. Lifting his head, he stopped whistling before slowly turning around.

  * * * *

  Annabelle became aware of the moment Zephyr realized he wasn't alone. When he started to turn, she tried to paste a bright smile on face. If she didn't want him to realize she drooled over his chocolates, she certainly didn’t want him to realize she had been drooling over him this time.

  "Annabelle! What are you doing here?"

  She lifted her head when she heard his deep voice.

  "Well, your sister asked me to come in and help you." She felt her face redden. "With your books," she explained quickly.

  Zephyr looked at her, shocked, then he started to laugh.

  "I know she wanted me to get through that hellish paperwork. But I didn't know she was so desperate she’d get a customer to help. I'm sorry she dragged you in here, Annabelle. I do believe my sister is trying her hand at matchmaking." He gently took her hand and pulled her out of the kitchen towards the shop’s
front counter.

  "Hestia, you little minx, where are you hiding at?" he called out when he realized his sister was nowhere in sight.

  Annabelle stared around her in dismay when she realized what had happened. Gazing at the dry erase board on the counter, she was the first to see Hestia's scribbled note.

  Walking closer, she saw her friend had indeed set her up. In her note, Hestia explained she was just trying to give them a push in the right direction, to make Zephyr overcome his prejudice, she said, and to give them enough time together to come to their senses, she’d locked them in together until late tonight—or perhaps the next morning.

  Sighing deeply, she knew she’d have to show Zephyr the message. Turning back around, she saw he was frowning as he futilely turned the doorknob on the front door.


  "What?" He turned away from the door to look at her impatiently.

  "She’s locked us in."

  "I know, but I don't understand."

  "Here." She handed the dry erase board to him. She watched as he read the note. "I guess there's one good thing."

  "What's that?" He looked at her warily.

  "Well, two actually. One is that I'm locked in my favorite chocolate shop—that means you get to feed me all kinds of yummy things. And two, I'll have time to finish the rest of your paperwork."

  "Wait a minute. What do you know about doing finances?" He frowned.

  "Everything! Where you may be the master of chocolate, Zephyrus, I am the master of finance."

  When he continued to look at her as if she had grown three heads, she frowned, "What? I'm a financial advisor, and yes, I am degreed and licensed."

  "Okay." He watched her turn back towards the kitchen. "Where are you going?"

  "To get my fee."

  'What!" He reluctantly followed her into the kitchen, finding her at the work counter where he’d just finished coating his raspberry brownies. She had one in her hand and had it halfway to her open mouth.

  "What do you think you’re doing?" He watched her take a bite out of the brownie. When she moaned softly, he stilled. Was this how she always reacted to his brownies? Annabelle turned towards the shocked man standing in the doorway, swallowing her little taste of heaven first before smiling broadly at him.


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