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Hard & Fast

Page 4

by Vivien Vale

  It's far more intense than even what goes down on this makeshift racetrack. It's more intense than the buzz of billionaires around me—the money, the parties, the glitz, and the glam. Braden adds up to so much more than all of it because he's deep and he's real.

  I think he's gonna kiss me. I'm waiting for him to kiss me, seeing that he's already so close. But again, he taunts me.

  He pulls away enough to whisper.

  "Meet me at the restaurant called Bailey's in an hour."

  I look into his blue eyes that are suddenly ocean deep and I nearly melt.

  But I collect myself enough to muster a reply.

  "I can't go. I don't have anywhere near enough time to get ready for a place that fancy."

  That’s quite true. I'm dressed head to toe in my leather gear. I would look like an oddball at the upscale, members-only place he plans to take me.

  "Don't worry about it," he says. "I'll have a limo sent to you with a fantastic dress inside."

  Is he for real? Wow. He really is a control freak. Does he want to dress me now?

  "Besides," he says, "I like the smell of the race on you."

  He walks away, and I'm left in a kind of stunned daze. Where does my moral obligation go when I'm around him? Why can I keep it together for one goddamn second?

  I snap back to reality and see that my entire crew is staring at me. Gaping, really.

  I know what must be going through their minds. They think I've sold out. They think I'm Braden's latest toy.

  Well, he may have some kind of power over me that even I don't understand, but I certainly don't intend to be one of his many escorts.

  I attempt to cover up the interaction by telling my crew, "There's more to racing than what you guys see. He’s up to something. I'm gonna get to the bottom of whatever Braden's hiding in that car to make it go so fast."

  They appear to take me at my word, even if they don't really believe it. They know I'm honest, and they know I don't mess around with racers. But at the same time, they know what they saw.

  Fuck. I may have to cover this up big time.

  Dating a racer, especially Braden, is not a good look for me in front my team.

  But it won’t stop me from meeting him.

  I sulk and contemplate what the fuck I’m doing as I wait for his limo.

  Chapter 7


  The streets are getting slick with rain.

  Thank God it didn't ruin the race. Though not even rain could upset my night.

  I’m confident my new and improved acceleration could handle even the slickest of streets.

  I drive my jet-black car over to the restaurant. I'm still riding high on winning and from the new noticeable bump in my ever-increasing bank account.

  I'm in this club for the money, for the racing, for the rush, and now, for Jenna.

  Her face was what I saw when I crossed the finish line. She didn't seem surprised at all, and that proves that she knows I have something new.

  No one could quite understand how I slid into first, but with Jenna, it's all numbers and components. She carefully analyzes every race and determines how to increase her team's chance of success. Without a doubt, she did that tonight.

  I hope she enjoys the limo and the outfit I sent to her. She might as well get used to the fact that when I choose someone, I like to put my mark on every facet of her life.

  Being a perfectionist is what's gotten me so far in life. I'm not going to give that up now.

  Jenna is elusive. Not everything is obvious with her, and that intrigues me. She’s like a new challenge for me to take on, and I can’t get enough of her.

  At the same time, I'm set on getting figuring out her mystery. I'll tear down her walls, one brick at a time if necessary.

  I pull up to Bailey's, the ultra-exclusive restaurant where I told her to meet me. It's members-only, and I pay a hefty price just to be able to come here, out of the public eye.

  The valet knows me, and I toss him my keys.

  "Be very gentle with her tonight, Bobby," I say to him. "She's my moneymaker."

  He smiles at me happily. This kid's always so excited to drive my car, even if it’s just for a second. And he should be. It's a privilege that I grant to very few people.

  To get behind the wheel of one of my cars is an experience. Especially this new one.

  I think I'll name her Midnight, like the color of Jenna's hair.

  I walk into the restaurant through a side door. I never like to take the main entrance because it draws too much attention to me.

  I may be a public figure, but I like to keep my circle tight and keep personal things private. It's important when you're a businessman like me who’s into deviant racing behavior to not be too conspicuous.

  I sit in my usual booth. It's large enough to accommodate several women, and some nights I need that. This is not, however, one of those nights. This information is not something I'll be revealing to Jenna.

  She's knows about my playboy reputation—shall we call it a thing of the past? I don’t know yet, but I do know it’s not a good thing to rub in her face.

  The bartender brings me my usual, a Manhattan, named after the city I love. I relax and stretch my arms over the sides of the wide booth.

  I sip my drink and wait ever so patiently for Jenna to arrive. For a moment, I question if she's even gonna come. Everyone knows her morals are as high as fuck. But I plan to surmount that wall.

  Just as I'm starting to lose hope and patience, she walks in. At fucking last. The dress I've deemed appropriate for her to wear looks perfect. It's black because I already know she likes that color, and it hugs her every curve so that I can better imagine her naked.

  I think of how it would be to drag the silk fabric off her body with my teeth before thrusting my massive cock deep inside her throbbing pussy. The very idea of being inside Jenna excites me. My cock hardens against my pants just at the thought of it.

  "You actually showed up," I say as I stand to greet her.

  She playfully pushes me back down to the booth.

  "Take a load off, Braden. You probably need it after your win tonight."

  I laugh at her brazenness and ask her to take a seat next to me.

  Instead, to my utter delight, she sits across the table from me. She's got some strength, this one.

  "What are you having?" I ask her.

  "I'm having that." She points to my drink. "What is it? Manhattan?"

  She knows her liquor like she knows her cars. Fuck. This woman is perfect.

  "It is indeed. Shall I order you one?"

  She's already waving the bartender over. She orders it herself.

  Jesus Christ, this woman is killing me.

  I note with a little bit of envy that she flirts with the bartender a touch. Does she turn her charm on like that for everyone?

  "So, did you like the race tonight?" I ask her.

  "I did," she says with a half-smile. "You won again. Surprise, surprise."

  I laugh at her sarcasm. She's clearly put off by the fact that my technology keeps beating hers.

  "Yeah, well, I'm the best."

  She seems to take note of my cocky tone, and I idly wonder if it bothers her. Maybe I should tone it down a little bit. I've never once thought to do that for a woman, but for Jenna, I’d do anything. At this point, I don't want to turn her off.

  "Your car seemed to do pretty well," I say, trying to drive the attention away from myself.

  "Yeah, we did good. I couldn't help but notice that something was different about your car, though."

  I try to fight the smile. She's fucking onto me. I should've known that if one person knew what I was up to, it would be Jenna. And why is that so fucking hot? I wonder what kind of scrupulous notes she took tonight?

  I divert.

  "She's basically the same car. Tonight, she did really well, though. So, what are your plans later?"

  Jenna looks at me like she's not gonna let me off the hook for one sec

  "Did you do something different to the propulsion?" she asks, not letting it go.

  She's sharp as ever, but what does she expect me to say? I don't plan on revealing my secrets to her anytime soon. She's the competition, after all.

  "You know, I might have amped it up a little bit. Did you notice? Anyway, are you going to that gala?"

  I keep trying to change the subject, hoping she'll let it go.

  "I noticed that the thrust timing was off. Can you explain that to me, Braden?"

  This girl like it a goddamn dog with a bone. I'm not gonna tell her anything. She might as well let up.

  "Hmm, Jenna, ever the observant spectator. Nothing gets past you, does it?" I attempt to flirt with her.

  "Braden, I want you to be honest with me. I know you did something remarkable to your car and I want to know what it is," she says confidently as if she's sure she can get it out of me.

  "Jenna, you're too beautiful to be asking me business questions like that. Don't you want to relax tonight?" I ask her honestly.

  Her cheeks flush pink, and I know I've got her right where I want her. With just a little more divergence, I can point her mind in the direction I want it to be, which is on me—not my car.

  "Be real with me here, Braden. I know you're not gonna divulge your new technology, but at least give me a hint as to the direction you're going with it," she presses.

  "Jenna, if you want to know the technology, then you should come work for me. Of course, you'll have to sign a nondisclosure agreement. That's standard."

  I actually would be thrilled if I could get her on my side. But something tells me she's out to win it, not to join sides with the enemy.

  "A non-disclosure agreement. What do you have to hide, Braden?" she says pointedly.

  "I require one of those for people to enter my personal life as well. Looks like you'll be signing one no matter what," I tell her.

  She laughs in disbelief.

  "Braden, you really think you're something special, don't you?"

  I love the way she's flirting with me. Little does she know, I’ll have her signing an agreement with me soon enough, an agreement to be my submissive. Now that the idea’s taken hold, I’m determined to make it my reality.

  "No, I don't think I'm special, but I know my technology," I say to her.

  I watch the careful way she sips her drink and how it slowly helps her to relax. I watch her neck and think about how I'd like to bite it gently and trail kisses up to her ear where I’d whisper sweet nothings.

  And then my eyes make their way down to her perfect tits, which just the other night I had access to. When I was biting and sucking on her nipples.

  I'm dying to do it again, and suddenly this restaurant seems like a bad idea. I want to get her straight to my penthouse. And in my bed.

  "You know, Braden, if you tell me some of your secrets, I might tell you mine," she says.

  The sexual tension between us is fucking crazy, and I know she's alluding to her desire to be with me. Even though she's sworn off dating a racer, it's my sole intention to make sure that I'm the exception to her rule.

  "You make it hard to say no to you, Jenna," I say.

  The idea of giving up my secret technology seems like nothing if only I could have her under my control for the foreseeable future in return. As I'm getting to know Jenna, I'm becoming more enthralled and invested.

  "Then don't say no," she says, her eyes teasing me.

  She's gazing at me, and the tension between us ratchets up a notch. I'd want to draw this out a little longer, but I don't think I can wait another second.

  I will have Jenna tonight. Right fucking now.

  Chapter 8


  Beads of condensation drip down her cocktail glass.

  She takes a sip and gazes at me steadily from across the table. We've each had a couple of drinks now, and I'd say things are starting to loosen up.

  Jenna still seems hell-bent on finding out the secret of my technology, but I'm not gonna reveal one single thing to her until she gives up to me what I want.

  "Don't you think all this shop talk is boring?" I ask her.

  "It's never boring to me. Braden, don't you understand? I live for this stuff."

  "Yeah, I know you do, Jenna. You're my main competition, after all."

  “You think we're in competition?" she asks, and I'm not sure if she's referring to our professional or private lives.

  "Of course, but it doesn't have to be that way. You could just give in to me, Jenna. Come over to my side and see how things are," I say to her provocatively.

  The air is heated between us, and you could cut the tension with a knife. Our connection is palpable. My cock has been throbbing so hard against my pants for the last hour that I can hardly take it anymore.

  I get up and beckon Jenna to follow me. I hold her hand behind my back and pull her through the lounge and back towards the powder room.

  I know the owners. They won't mind. I've never done it in here, but there's a first time for everything.

  I've never been with a woman here that I couldn't wait to bed. The idea of making it all the way downtown to my penthouse is too much. I have to have Jenna here, tonight.

  "No, Braden, we can't. It's a public place," she says, as though that will fucking faze me.

  Doesn't she know me at all by now? I live to break the rules. I own the streets of New York City. Who else can say that?

  "I'm a rulebreaker, Jenna. You should come to understand that."

  I pull her into the ladies’ powder room that has several plush seating benches available. It's a high-end club and this room reflects that.

  There's an attendant inside and I tip her $500 to leave us alone. She takes the money without a word and locks the door behind her. Privacy at fucking last.

  "Do you pay off everyone you meet?" Jenna says to me.

  The question heats my blood. How dare she question me? I have this need, this desire to overshadow her. And it’s only getting stronger every time she resists me.

  I've never met such a strong woman, and I plan to subjugate her to my every craving.

  I motion for her to sit on the velvet bench, and to my surprise, she does so immediately. It's these small gestures that give away her stance. I know she wants me. I know she wants me just as badly as I thirst for her.

  She's seated, and I immediately go to my knees, spread her legs, and push up her silky black dress, my head torturously close to her pussy.

  Once there, I'm able to sense her wetness, and I know she's been playing coy this entire fucking time. I smile. She's been wanting me all night, just as much as I’ve been wanting her. And yet she's been trying to play it off like she's above me, high up on another fucking level with her morality.

  Her panties are soaking wet just from our verbal foreplay. This gets me so wound tight, like a spring that’s ready to spring free. Just like my cock. I kiss up along her thighs and all over the moist laciness of the scrap of fabric that's covering her slit.

  Even through her panties I can taste her juices. So sweet and salty. I caress her thighs lovingly before pulling her panties off with my teeth.

  I slide my finger up and down her lips, teasing her thoroughly before I make contact with her clit.

  I finger it before circling it with my tongue. I feel her body tighten beneath my hands, and she moans out in pleasure despite any misgivings she might have had earlier.

  I can tell she's trying to hold back, but her body just isn't listening to her. She'll be mine soon. I made her come the other night and I plan on doing it again.

  I circle her clit with my tongue and then flick her pussy lips open.

  I breathe hot air around her sensitive spot, trying to emulate the warmth that I know is rising within her.

  Her fingers tangle in my hair and she's pulling hard. She lifts her legs onto my shoulders and squeezes my head like she's a goddamn wrestler, and a good one at that.

  I take this al
l as a good sign. The fact that her body is starting to spasm is a very fucking good sign.

  Just when I’m sure she's on the brink of her climax, I penetrate her with my fingers. I stimulate her G-spot and it takes just a couple seconds to make her come.

  She stifles a moan and I know she's trying not to act too eager, but I can tell by the way her knees tighten around my head that she's absolutely aching for it.

  Her body convulses a couple times and I know I've done it. I’ve brought her to total ecstasy and now I can begin the real work of finding mine.

  "Fuck, Braden, that was so—"

  "Intense," I finish the statement for her.

  "Yes,” she breathes, “It was intense."

  I rise up and stand in front of her so that she has access to my perfect, aching cock.

  I've been dying to do this all night—really, for as long as I've known who Jenna is. I want to see those sweet lips wrapped around my thick cock and I want her to pine for it.

  This is the moment of the big reveal. I'll know by how hard she sucks it exactly how much she wants me. She'll aim to please me, this I know. That's just the kind of girl Jenna is, high standards, always wanting to prove herself, even in bed.

  Her hungry eyes meet mine and I unzip my pants, more than ready for what happens next.

  Chapter 9


  "Open wide."

  She slides her ruby red lips over the length of my cock.

  I suck in a deep breath. Finally, this is the moment I've been fucking waiting for. Ever since I first saw Jenna, I knew I wanted to be in exactly this position.

  What's more awesome than seeing the most beautiful girl in the world on her knees before me? She's aching to fulfill every sliver of my desire.

  My deepest yearning comes to the surface, as all those years of wanting to fuck Jenna finally come true.

  She's fucking beautiful, an angel. And at least for this moment, she's all mine.

  She starts out at a steady pace, licking and cupping my balls before working her way up to my massive shaft. She strokes the length of it with her tongue and circles me from every angle.

  I'm dying to find my release, to shoot hot, sticky jets of cum all over her. It's been too long, too many years of staring at her, wanting to dominate her, and it's all coming true.


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