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EROTICA:HIS SLAVE FOR THE NIGHT (Extreme Domination with Strangers, Bitch Romance Erotic Sex Short Stories Box Set): Bound MMF Menage Bundle (Rough Discipline Adult S&M Series Book 2)

Page 62

by Amanda Gray

  He watched as somehow the Prospect remote accessed the computer, easily finding the hidden files on the computer. Derek’s face took on a grim countenance as he looked over the files as they came up, he told Pony-boy where to send the files, the printer beside him whirring as he took some hard copies for himself. There was some very interesting information contained in them, Alexander wasn’t a fool, but the evidence of his actions could land him in some very deep, very hot water with the law.

  He checked his watch and cursed, it was almost 5pm, he had to finish up here and get back out before anyone noticed his extended absence. He grabbed the files and thanked Pony-Boy for his work, watching as the Prospect logged out after deleting all the evidence of his illegal hacking. He would have to discuss all the information he had gathered with Tank and the boys at the club, but he knew he had some very juicy shit on Alexander.


  Derek walked in to the office the next morning wanting to find Rhonda and tell her about her cheating asshole fiancé. But it wasn’t until lunchtime when everyone else had gone on their lunch breaks that he finally had a chance to see her.

  He spotted her walking in to the supplies closet and followed her in.

  When he entered the room, he closed the door behind him and approached her. She was standing atop a step ladder, her neat pinstripe skirt raised up just above the knee as she reached for something on the top shelf. She wasn’t quite tall enough and she stood on her tiptoes, overbalancing the stepladder. It rocked over and she fell.

  Derek rushed in, catching her just as she fell with a shriek of panic, landing safely in his muscled arms. She reflexively put her arms around Derek’s neck and then looked into the eyes of her saviour.

  “Derek…” she breathed, her heart pounding, but no longer with the adrenaline from the fall. The scent of him drove her hormones into overdrive, her body trembled with instant arousal as the memory of his distinctive aroma came shoving its way back to her mind.

  “Rhonda…” he breathed, his voice husky. Holding her in his arms he couldn’t help himself, he leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers, the soft bristles of his full beard brushing against the softness of her skin.

  The taste of her brought him undone. He slowly moved her to a table, pushing aside the boxes of paper and pens to drop to the floor. His mouth worked as his tongue slipped between her lips, she tensed for a second then relaxed in his arms, her own mouth opening and seeking out his tongue, hungry for the passion that they had both missed in his time in prison.

  Her moan spurred him on, he swiftly removed his shirt, undoing the buttons carefully and peeling the shirt away from his body. He looked up furtively to the closed door of the supplies closet and took the two steps to the door and locked it before he returned to Rhonda who had sat up, her legs dangling over the table.

  He took her in his arms again and claimed her mouth, his tongue fighting hers, writhing, dancing and playing in her mouth. Her hands went over his inked chest and shoulders, her body reacting again to his touch as he caressed her body through her suddenly cumbersome clothes. She pushed him away to quickly remove her jacket, blouse and bra. Derek panted while he watched her undress before him.

  He licked his lips before he approached her again, licking along the side of her neck, pressing his lips against the damp spots where his tongue had traced along, raising gooseflesh as her arousal became prominent in her hardening nipples.

  His tongue finally reached the soft, heaving mounds of her breasts, taking in the nipple on the left, teasing it with his mouth, licking, suckling and gently biting it desperately before pulling it gently, letting it release and then taking the right, worshipping it as he had the left.

  He felt the exquisite woman beneath him shiver as her passion overtook rational thought, her hands threaded through his hair, dislodging the hair tie he had borrowed off Kitty to keep his long locks tamed and ‘respectable’ for office work. His hair cascaded over his shoulders, brushing against the softness of her chest as his mouth caressed the tight buds that shifted within his mouth with each heaving gasp.

  “Derek…” Rhonda whimpered, “Oh god I’m…”

  “Still as fucking hot as ever? Yeah, I know, my dick does too. Damn, Rhonda I want you so badly it hurts.” He said, his breath coming in short hard pants of desire, his breath warming against her breasts as he slipped a hand between her legs to caress and fondle her damp panties.

  He felt her tense a little bit then relax when he slipped the wet material aside and slid a finger in to play in the wetness that was barely contained. “Oh fuck, you’re so damn wet for me baby,”

  Her response was an impassioned moan as he found the hard little nub of her clitoris and began to slowly stroke her. He slid his free hand down to the front of his pants and freed his cock from the painful confines of the material. He took her hand and guided it to his aching shaft where she gently caressed it, the engagement ring on her finger grating against his flesh as the expensive diamond rubbed roughly against his skin. Rhonda pulled her hand away and removed the ring, setting it beside her on the table.

  Her eyes showed him what she wanted, all sense having fled her mind, only lust and desire burning deeply within the sweet pools of her blues. Derek pulled her ass to the edge of the table, her legs dangling either side of his hips while he hiked up her skirt, exposing the sodden panties to his rock hard cock.

  He carefully pushed the material of her panties aside and pressed himself against her warm, wet opening, moaning softly as he pressed the hard head of his cock against her welcoming cunt. Her hands gripped his shoulders through his white shirt. Perfectly manicured nails digging in to his flesh, creating tiny half-moon depressions in his skin that, he would discover later, would bruise his skin.

  His shaft was enveloped in her warm cunt. Safe, snug and held there by her sheer desire. He began to thrust slowly, her soft moans sounding louder in the room as he began to shift and thrust himself harder and faster, his body taking over as his mind surrendered to it.

  Rhonda leaned forward, burying her cries into the material of his shirt. Derek grunted softly as he pushed himself to give her what she so obviously needed from him. It felt wonderful just to hold her in his arms again.

  When he went ‘inside’, he had managed to smuggle one of her pairs of panties into the prison with him. Her scent had kept him going through the cold and lonely nights. His soft grunts echoing through his cell to join in chorus with those of the other guys who jacked off to their own memories or fantasies of women they left on the outside.

  The reality was so much better than imagining her while he used ‘Mrs Palmer and her five daughters’ for his sexual release and gratification. He could feel her shudder and moan her release, her mouth opening and her neat teeth biting into his shoulder as she came hard around his cock. She set him off too, his body tensing and his balls tightening as he came, coating her insides with his hot cum.

  Rhonda pushed him gently away, letting him extricate his softening cock from her tight pussy. Wordlessly, she picked up her clothes and got dressed, covering her beautiful body. Her face flushed and her cheeks a bright pink from her sexual escapades in the supply closet.

  She slipped off the table, her heels hitting the floor and turning, her ankle twisted slightly, Derek, reached out and grabbed hold of her, steadying her with a chuckle. “You okay?” he asked with genuine concern.

  “I’m… I’m fine, thanks…” she said, not wanting to look at him, she could feel the shame of her actions building, but a part of her wanted to do it again, and again and again.

  Derek held her against him.

  “Rhonda, baby, please, I forgive you for not being there for me when I got out. I understand, I really do. But you can’t be serious about marrying this guy? Come back to me baby, please.” He said, lowering his face to her slightly dishevelled hair, inhaling her intoxicating scent. He could feel himself harden again. All he wanted was to sink himself inside her and made her his again.

  Rhonda pulled away.

  “I… I can’t, Derek, I’m sorry. Thank you for the good time, but… We can’t do this.” She said as she pushed past him. Derek caught her hand and stopped her. She spun to face him, tears in her eyes.

  “Tell me you love him, and I’ll never bother you again.”

  Rhonda couldn’t meet his eyes. “I do.” She said, pulling her hand away and running out the door, composing herself just before her heels hit the carpet of the corridor. The door to the office supplies room closed and Derek turned to see the sparkling white gold ring with an overpriced rock still sitting on the table where she had left it.

  “I don’t believe that at all.” He said softly, looking at the abandoned ring.


  Rhonda drove home, taking the rest of the day off. In her shattered state she knew that she wouldn’t be able to do any of the paperwork for an upcoming charity event that Alexander had wanted her to organise for one of the charities that he donated to.

  She wiped the hot tears from her face as she worked to compose herself. What had she done? She’d given herself to her ex, while she was engaged to another man. What kind of woman was she to do that? Slut. The word formed unwanted in her mind. She loved Alexander, and she knew she still loved Derek.

  Seeing him at the office, her body had taken over from her mind and the wanton little hussy that lived deep inside her psyche had broken free and taken what she wanted, which was everything that Derek was willing to give her. His scent, his heat, the body that had been sculpted to perfection from hours in the prison gym, or yard or wherever the hell he got his new muscles from. She sighed as she pulled in to the drive of her home.

  The home she shared with Alexander, her fiancé. The man she loved.

  The problem was, she now had a tiny niggle of doubt as to whether or not she truly did love him. Yes he took care of her, financially and sexually, but sometimes there was no emotional support, like Derek had given her so many times when shit hit the fan or she was on her period and the bitch switch had been stuck on from her PMS. When she was all pissy from ‘Aunt Flo’, Alexander would throw a credit card at her and tell her to go shopping. She never felt like shopping when she was an emotional wreck from her raging hormones, she’d much prefer to sit in the media room and watch some soppy chick flick or laugh her ass off to a comedy, with Alexander beside her.

  But he never did. He was always so consumed with work, and right now, she needed him. She felt sick to her stomach but strangely liberated as well. She wondered if Derek’s returning to her life had anything to do with that. She unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the car. Her first stop, the bucket of mint chocolate chip ice-cream, dress fitting tomorrow be damned! She needed ice-cream and fast.


  “Derek!” Tank’s voice greeted him as he walked through the club’s doors, the files in hand. “We have a situation here, need to discuss it with you in the meeting room.” Tank said. Waving him over, Tank put an arm around him when he got within arm’s reach. He guided his brother into the meeting room where the higher-ups in the Club were already waiting, sitting around the meeting table.

  Chip, their President sat looking over a sheaf of paper, his glasses down almost to the end of his nose while he tried to read the small print. Johnny, their VP nodded to Tank and Derek as they took seats at the Table.

  “Derek, thanks for joining us. We’ve got some very interesting information from Jizz’s snooping, that Tank asked to do on your behalf.”

  He slid the paper over to Tank, who passed it and a photograph that was attached with paperclip to the page. The photograph of one of his former cellmates glared back at him.

  “This is…” He looked up at Chip, confused as to what Slugger McGee had to do with Alexander Fawkner.

  “Read the paper.” Chip said, taking his cup of coffee and draining it as if it were a shot of whiskey.

  “Is this a hit?” Derek said, trying to read the tiny chicken scrawl writing.

  “Yep, and we know that McGee doesn’t take out women or kids, which is why he declined it, but someone else took the job. Now, we have a problem.” He passed another picture, this time of a woman and a young boy, no more than three years old.

  The boy’s eyes and face were familiar. He had been face-to face with a set of eyes that were almost identical to the young boy’s

  “This is Natasha Deacon, and her son, Alexander. Named after his father.”

  “His father?” Derek asked as the pieces started to fall into place.

  “Your boss.” Tank said, softly.

  “It appears that your boss has a little bastard running around, and doesn’t want him or the mother in the picture. Apparently, he’s been dodging child support, she’s been getting pretty insistent, and he hasn’t been liking it one bit.” Johnny said, leaning against the smooth surface of the table.

  “So he called in someone to ‘clean up’ his mess, if you get my drift.” Viper, their Secretary put in.

  “Our charter includes the protection of women and children, not just those who are involved in the club, like club whores, Old Ladies and our own kids, and our friends. You know that if any member hits or abuses a woman, he gets the ‘special’ treatment.” Chip said, his face set in a frown

  Derek nodded. “I do.” He looked at the pictures. “So what are we going to do about it?”

  “I got the prospects going to her place to pick her up, we’ll have her here overnight and then take her and the kid to the safe-house in the morning.” Chip said, reaching back for the pages. “Pony-Boy said you and he did a little digital digging of your own?”

  Derek nodded, “Yeah, I did.” He pushed forward the folder with more incriminating evidence. Chip opened the file and scanned the first few pages, before he handed them around the table for everyone to look at.

  “Son of a bitch, he’s really doing this?” Viper said with a low whistle. “That’s a lot of money going into offshore bank accounts.”

  “A lot of it is going through falsified paperwork.” Derek said. He’d had a chance to look over everything when he’d gotten back to Tank’s place. His head hurt with the intricacies and deceit that the snake, Alexander had created, all in the name of greed, pure and simple greed.

  Chip looked up from the paperwork. “Derek, You need to get your woman away from him, and soon.” He put the papers down and held up the copied note with the hit on it.

  “Or else, you might be finding out that she has a name with a price tag on it as well.”

  Derek nodded, slumping back in his chair.

  “Don’t worry,” Tank said, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Well keep her safe.”

  Chip nodded. “I’ll have one of the prospects and a patch on her at all times, there’ll always be someone nearby keeping an eye on her.”

  “She said she didn’t want me, that she loves the asshole, but when she said it, she couldn’t meet my eyes, and then ran out of the supply room…”

  “Wait… rewind a second here, you were alone in the supply room with her?” Tank asked, raising an eyebrow. “Did you get it on?” he watched as Derek’s face flushed. Tank slapped the table hard and laughed.

  “Slydog does it again.” He said slapping Derek on the back.

  “Look, she’s obviously torn between the two of you, you’re the better man. Money and power, it don’t mean shit so long as you have love.” Tank said, Derek looked at him.

  “Kitty has really got you by the balls, hasn’t she?” He said knowingly.

  “Yes, our Tank has finally been pussy-whipped, Kitty is about to move from Club Whore status to Old Lady.”

  “And about fucking time too!” Viper said. Raising his beer glass and draining it.

  “Right, so let’s get this shit moving, Prospects going to get Miss Deacon and her boy, they’ll hole up here then we’ll send them out to the safe house in the morning, Derek you do everything in your power to convince your girl that she’s better off with you. But don’t let her know w
e know shit is up. We are going to take down this sonofabitch, but we need just a little more evidence. Our boys will have eyes on your Rhonda, and the asshole. I’m going to go and have a visit with Rover. He’s over in H-Block, you never knew he was there, he went in after you. He’s been doing some work release program for a certain company. Anything you can get us on that program would be helpful. I’ll get onto my contacts within the PD and see if I can get something started.”

  “Fuckin’ dealing with Cops again…” Viper said with venom in his voice.

  “In this case, we may have no choice Viper. We can’t just up and gun some asshole down because he put a hit out on the woman he got pregnant and her child, nor can we fuck him up for the other shit in these files. But, we can get him legally. I want this club to stay on the good side of the law. We’ve had too much bad shit in the past that has almost buried us because of the legal bullshit.”

  Chip looked to Derek. “Go do what you gotta do to keep her safe, Derek.” He said. Derek nodded and stood up from the table.

  “Thanks, guys.” He said, nodding respectfully at the men he considered his family. He turned and left the meeting room, heading out into the bar where the music was playing and two club whores were taking turns in sucking off one of the members on a filthy couch.

  If it weren’t for Rhonda, he might have taken one of those pretty little sluts and let her suck him off, but he had far more important things to work towards, like getting his gorgeous woman back and out of harm’s way.


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