Lucy's Bones, Sacred Stones, & Einstein's Brain
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McKinley, William, assassination of
McLean, Edward, and Evalyn Walsh
Mearns, David C.
Mecca (Saudi Arabia)
Menou, J. F.
Messiah, Veil of the Virgin
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York City)
Mexico, French foreign legion in
Middle Ages
Military Flyer
Milton, John
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Paris, France)
Missing link
Mohammed, See also Islam Monasteries
Morgan, John Pierpont
Mosul, Turkey
Movable type
Mulcahy, William
Müller, Willi K., Shroud of Turin and
Mummies, of Tutankhamen
Muslims. See also Islam
Nail of the True Cross
Naples Cathedral (Naples, Italy)
Napoleon Bonaparte
Naram-Sin (King)
National Air and Space Museum (Washington, D.C.)
National Archives (College Park, Maryland)
National Archives Building (Washington, D.C)
National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum (Cooperstown, New York)
National Maritime Museum (Greenwich, London, England)
National Museum (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
National Museum of American History (Washington, D.C.)
National Museum of Dentistry (Baltimore)
National Museum of Health and Medicine (Washington, D.C.)
National Museum of Natural History (Washington, D.C)
National Postal Museum (Washington, D.C)
Natural History Museum (London, England)
Navy, See Jones, John Paul; Nelson, Horatio
Nazi Party
Neanderthal man
Near East
Nelson, Horatio
Netherlands State Institute for War Documentation (Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
Newsboys, Laddie Boy statue and
New Testament
Newton, Isaac
Newtown Square, Pennsylvania
New York Academy of Medicine (New York, New York)
New York Public Library
New York Yankees
Nicholson, John Page
Nicodemus, Shroud of Turin and
Nicolay copy, of Gettysburg Address,
Nimrud, Layard at
1903 Flyer (Kitty Hawk)
1904 Flyer
1905 Flyer
Normandy, William of. See William the Conqueror (England)
Notre-Dame Cathedral (Paris, France)
Notre-Dame Cathedral of Chartres (Chartres, France)
Obelisk, Black (Assyria)
Odon de Conteville
O’Hanlon, Virginia, Santa Claus letter of
Old Testament
Olduvai, discoveries at
One-Cent Magenta stamp
“On Seeing a Lock of Milton’s Hair” (Keats)
Orbits, planetary
Ord family
Oswald, Lee Harvey
Oswald, Marina
Otto (Germany)
Ottoman Empire
Our American Cousin (play)
Outer space, Voyager 1 and Voyager 2
Owney (dog)
Painter, Kenneth
Palitsch, Johann
Papyrus Book of the Dead
Paris codex
Parke-Bernet, Rubens Vase and
Parsifal, and Holy Grail
Pasha, Mohammed
Passion of Christ, 67
Patent Office
Peale, Charles Willson
Peking Man
Penis, of John Dillinger, of Napoleon
Pennsylvania State House
Petersen, William
Pevensey, England
Pharaohs, Tutankhamen’s tomb and
Philately. See Stamps
Philosophiae Naturalist Principia Mathematica. See Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy
Phonetic value, of Rosetta Stone hieroglyphs
Pickersgill, Mary
Piltdown Man
Piquett, Louis
Pius IX (Pope)
Planetary motion
Plaster casts, as life and death masks
Pleistocene epoch
Pontius Pilate
Porter, Horace, search for body of John Paul Jones by
Portland, duke of
Portland Vase
Postal service, Owney as mascot of
Pratt, Dallas
Primates, fossils of
Pritchard, James B.
Privileges, of Columbus. See also Book(s) of Privileges
Progressive (Bull Moose) Party
Prophets, of Islam
Prosthesis, of French foreign legion commander
Proteus syndrome
Ptolemy V, Rosetta Stone and
Public Record Office (London, England)
Putnam, Herbert
Rabula Gospel, spear of Longinus and
Radiocarbon dating, of Shroud of Turin
Radiometric dating
Raes, Gilbert
Raes’ Corner, Shroud of Turin and
Railway Mail Serice, Owney as mascot of
Ramses VI (Egypt)
Rashid (Rosetta), discovery at
Rathbone, Henry
Rawlinson, Henry Creswicke
Read, Charles
Records, for extraterrestrials
Regia Biblioteca Estense. See Estense Library
Religious persecution, Januarius and
Reliquary, of Robert Browning
Republican Convention, of 1912
Richie, Alexander Hay
Riha Byzantine silver treasure
Robinson, Edward
Rodrigues, Martin
Roman Empire
Romantic poets
Romanus I (Lecapenus), Shroud of Turin
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Theodore
Rosenbach, A. S. W., Company
Rosetta Stone
Ross, Marvin Chauncey
Rubens, Peter Paul
Rubens Vase
Ruby, Jack
Rudolf of Burgundy, Holy Lance and
Rush, Richard
Ruth, George Herman “Babe,”
Sacy, Antoine Isaac Silvestre de
Sagan, Carl
Saint Columba monastery
Sainte-Chapelle (Paris, France)
Saint Helena (island), Napoleon on
Salières, Sylvain
Samson, Count
San Gennaro. See Januarius, Saint Sanhedrin
Santa Maria (ship)
Santa Maria in Aracoeli (Rome, Italy)
Sarah (wife of Abraham)
Saudi Arabia. See Mecca
Saumarez, James
Savoy, dukes of
Schliemann, Heinrich
Schrank, John
Second Continental Congress
Second World War
Secular Treasury, Hofburg (Vienna, Austria)
Serapis (ship). See Jones, John Paul
Shakespeare, William
Shalmaneser III (Assyria)
Sherman, Roger
“Shroud of Christ, The” (vignon)
Shroud of Turin, 76-85
Shroud of Turin Research Project, Inc. (STURP)
Shutruk-Nahhunte (King)
Siamese twins
Sickles, Daniel Edgar
Siloam Inscription
Chalice, The (Costain)
Silver from Early Byzantium (Mango)
Silverplate project
Simon from Cyrene, cross and
Simon Peter
Skinner, John S.
Skylizès Manuscript, and Turin Shroud,
Slavery, John Brown
Smith, Grafton Eliot
Smithsonian Institution (Washington, D.C.)
Solar system
Solomon (king)
Sonnets from the Portuguese (Browning, Elizabeth Barrett)
Son of God, Jesus as
South Africa, Taung Infant in
Spacecraft, Voyager 1 and Voyager 2
Spark, Muriel
Spear of Longinus, and Holy Lance
Spencer, Frank
Star-Spangled Banner (flag)
“Star-Spangled Banner, The” (poem)
Stevens, Benjamin E.
Stone, John Gilbert M.
Stratford Hall (Westmoreland County, Virginia)
Stuart, Gilbert
Stuma Byzantine silver treasure
STURP. See Shroud of Turin Research Project, Inc.
Sun King. See Louis XIV
Surrender documents, Civil War
Susa, Code of Hammurabi in
Taft, Charles S.
Taft, William Howard
Talleyrand-Perigord, Maurice de
Tapestry, Bayeux
Taung Infant
Tavernier, Jean-Baptiste
Taxation, Domesday Book and
Taxidermy, Little Sorrel and
Teeth, of George Washington
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre
Texas School Book Depository
Thames River. See London Bridge
Theodore Roosevelt Association (Oyster Bay, New York)
Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace National Historic Site (New York, New York)
Theodore Roosevelt Home, Sagamore Hill National Historic Site (Oyster Bay, New York)
Theodore Roosevelt National Park (Medora, North Dakota)
Theory of relativity
Thurston, Herbert
Thuya, Egyptian tomb of
Tibbets, Paul W., Jr.
Tippit J.D.
Tobias, Phillip
Tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen, The
Tordesillas Treaty
Tostig (England)
Towel, as truce flag in Civil War surrender
Townelev, Charles
Trafalgar, Battle of
Treaty of Florence
Tremissis, Holy Shroud and
Treves, Frederick
Trinity College Library (Dublin, Ireland),
True Cross
Truman, Harry S.
Truxtun, Thomas
Turin Shroud. See Shroud of Turin
Turkey. See also Assyria; Ottoman Empire
Turner, Tomkyns Hilgrove
Tutankhamen (Egypt)
Tutankhaton (Egypt)
Twins, Siamese
Umberto II (Italy), Shroud of Turin and
Undress coat, of Horatio Nelson
Uniform coat, of Horatio Nelson
Union, Confederate surrender to. See also Civil War
United States Air Force Museum (Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio)
United States Naval Academy Chapel (Annapolis, Maryland)
U.S. Postal Service, atomic bomb commemorative stamp
University College (London, England)
University of California (Berkeley) (Lawrence Hall of Science)
Ur, Third Dynasty of
Ur-Nammu (King)
Utilitarian philosophy
Valley of the Kings, Tutankhamen’s tomb in
Vathek (Beckford)
Veil of the Virgin
Veragua codex. See also Book(s) of Privileges history of
Veronica, pillar of
Veronica Cloth
Vignali (family and collection)
Vignon, Paul, Shroud of Turin and
Villa, Pancho
Villeneuve, Pierre de
Virginia Declaration of Rights
Virginia Military Institute (Lexington, Virginia)
Virgin Mary, Veil of the Virgin and
Voyager 1 and Voyager 2, recorded information in outer space
VP-8 Image Analyzer
Walters, Henry
Walters Art Gallery (Baltimore, Maryland), Rubens Vase in
Warburton, William
War of 1812
Warren Commission Report
Washburn, Alexander C.
Washburn copy, of Declaration of Independence
Washington, George
Washington codex
Webster, Frederick
Weinberg, Irwin
Weiner, Joseph
Wellesley College (Wellesley, Massachusetts)
White, Tim
Whitehouse, David
White House, as Executive Mansion
Williams, Nigel
William the Conqueror (England)
William the Conqueror Center (Bayeux, France)
Wills, David
Winsor, Justin
Winston, Harry
Wolodimir (ship)
Wooden hand, of Jean Danjou
Wooden teeth. See False teeth
Woodward, Arthur Smith
Woolley, Charles Leonard
World War I
World War II
Wreath. See Crown of Thorns
Wren, Christopher
Wright Brothers (Orville and Wilbur)
Wyatt, James
Wythe, George
Young, Thomas, Rosetta Stone and
Yuya, Egyptian tomb of
Zamzam well
Zaninotto, Gino, Shroud of Turin and
Zapruder, Abraham, film of
Zechariah, Veil of the Virgin and
Worshiper kissing Black Stone: Mehmet Biber (Ajans Biber); Black Stone of the Ka‘bah: copyright Robert Azzi/Woodfin Camp & Associates; Lucy—field: Neg./ Trans. no. 338315, courtesy Department of Library Sciences, American Museum of Natural History; Lucy—skeleton: Institute of Human Origins; Code of Hammurabi: 85 EN 366, copyright Cliché des Musées Nationaux—Paris; Carter/Mace—King Tut: Griffith Institute, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, England; Death Mask—King Tut: copyright Egyptian Museum; Black Obelisk: copyright British Museum; Gihon Spring, Siloam Pool: Israel Government Press Office; Siloam Inscription: Israel Museum; Rosetta Stone: copyright British Museum; Portland Vase—Side One, Portland Vase—Side Two, “The Portland Museum” : copyright British Museum; Veil of the Virgin: Courtesy Editions Houvet “La Crypte”; Crown of Thorns—Portrait of Jesus: Alinari/Art Resource, New York; Crown of Thorns—wreath: Gérard Boullay; Holy Lance: Kunsthistoriches Museum, Vienna; Positive and negative images of Shroud of Turin, Positive image of the face on the Shroud, Negative image of the face on the Shroud: courtesy of the Holy Shroud Guild, Esopus, New York/Photo: G. Enrie; Blood of Saint Januarius: Chiesa Cattedrale di Napoli; Rubens Vase: The Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore; Antioch Chalice: All rights reserved, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Book of Kells: The Board of Trinity College Dublin; Bayeux Tapestry—panel one, Bayeux Tapestry—panel two: Centre Guillaume le Conquerant, Bayeux; Domesday Book: Crown copyright reproduced with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office; Holy Child of Aracoeli: Basilica S. Maria in Aracoeli; Columbus’s Book of Privileges, Columbus at court: Library of Congress; Cantino Map: Biblioteca Estense ed Universitaria; Hope Diamond: Smithsonian Institution Photo No. 78-8853; Edmond Halley’s notebook page: Royal Greenwich Observatory; Declaration of Independence—Second Continental Congress, Declaration of Independence—the document: National Archives, Washington, D.C.; George Washington’s false teeth: courtesy of the New York Academy of Medicine Library; Washington face portrait: painting by Gilbert
Stuart, gift of Thomas Jefferson Coolidge IV in memory of his great-grandfather, Thomas Jefferson Coolidge, his grandfather, Thomas Jefferson Coolidge II, and his father, Thomas Jefferson Coolidge III, copyright 1995 Board of Trustees, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.; John Paul Jones—Paris street scene, John Paul Jones—men in shaft, John Paul Jones—bust, John Paul Jones—head corpse, John Paul Jones— body corpse: Official U.S. Navy Photographs; HMS Victory in Battle of Trafalgar: with acknowledgment to the Royal Naval Museum, Portsmouth; Nelson hit on deck of Victory: National Maritime Museum, London; Fort McHenry bombarded: Courtesy of the National Park Service, artist L. Kenneth Townsend; Star-Spangled Banner—words: Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore; Star-Spangled Banner—the flag: Smithsonian Institution; Napoleon—full body: Library of Congress; Napoleon—blessings on remains: The Bettmann Archive; London Bridge—before, London Bridge—after: Courtesy of Lake Havasu City Historical Society; Jeremy Bentham’s body in case: University College London; John Brown’s Bible: Chicago Historical Society; John Browns face: Harpers Ferry National Historic Park; Captain Danjou—body pose, Captain Danjou—wooden hand: Musée de la Legion Étrangère; Illustration of Sickles visiting leg: National Museum of Health and Medicine, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, NCP #1727; Sickles photograph in wheelchair, Lincoln Gettysburg photo, Gettysburg Address—page one, Gettysburg Address—page two: Library of Congress; McLean House and family: Appomattox Court House National Historic Park; Appomattox Surrender painting: National Geographic Society/painting by Tom Lovell; Ford’s Theatre view: Illinois State Historical Society; Lincoln deathbed—photograph: Chicago Historical Society; Lincoln deathbed scene—engraving: The Lincoln Museum, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Number 1917; Stonewall Jackson’s raincoat, Little Sorrell—the horse: Virginia Military Institute Museum; John Milton—face, Elizabeth Barrett Browning—face: Armstrong Browning Library, Baylor University, Waco, Texas; Robert Browning’s Reliquary—Browning, Robert Browning’s Reliquary—Milton: by kind permission of the Keats-Shelley Memorial House; Joseph Carey Merrick—portrait, seated: British Dental Journal and with the kind permission of The London Hospital Medical College; Merrick’s cardboard model: by kind permission of The London Hospital Medical College; Owney, the railway mascot: National Postal Museum, Smithsonian Institution; Wright Brothers’ Flyer: National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution; Teddy Roosevelt after being shot: from Fighting Years: Memoirs of a Liberal Editor by Oswald Garrison VilIard, Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1939; Breast pocket items of Teddy Roosevelt: Theodore Roosevelt Collection, Harvard College Library; Piltdown Gang: by courtesy of The Natural History Museum, London/Painting by John Cooke; Piltdown Man—skulls: by courtesy of The Natural History Museum, London; Laddie Boy—copper dog: Smithsonian Institution Photo No. 18524A; Babe Ruth hitting 60th home run, Babe Ruth’s bat: National Baseball Library & Archive, Cooperstown, New York; John Dillinger—face, John Dillinger’s wooden gun: The John Dillinger Museum; Anne Frank—diary page: copyright AFF/AFS Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Enola Gay: National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution; Albert Einstein—face: AIP Emilio Segre Visual Archives; Einstein’s brain: by courtesy of the photographer, Thomas S. Harvey, M.D.; Rifle, Lee Harvey Oswald holding rifle, Rifle in test: National Archives; Voyager’s gold-plated record: JPL/NASA.