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Mistaken Curves

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by Harmony Raines

  Table of Contents


  Jack Greystone

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Other Books By Harmony Raines

  Mistaken Curves

  - Her First Time With A Wolf -


  All rights reserved. This book, or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written consent of the author or publisher.

  This is a work of fiction and is intended for mature audiences only. All characters within are eighteen years of age or older. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, actual events or places is purely coincidental.

  © 2013 Harmony Raines

  Silver Moon Erotica

  Kindle Edition

  Jack Greystone

  Jack should have been the alpha of the Greystone pack. Instead, Nat had become their leader, and so he had to obey what his cousin told him too.

  That was the reason he was here, waiting for a meeting instead of being on a date. It wasn’t that the woman he was supposed to be meeting was his mate, but she liked sex with Jack, and he enjoyed the primal release he got from taking her.

  Instead, he was sat here waiting for a Miss Sampson, a woman who had managed to con Greystone Holdings into paying a lot more for a piece of land than it was worth. She had apparently used her feminine wiles to persuade one of the younger brokers to pay well above the odds for the land, by sleeping with him.

  The younger Greystone had been dealt with, and the matter should be closed, except for the fact that Miss Sampson now wanted the land back. The whole incident had raised a red flag within the corporation, and tough talking Jack had been sent here to sort it out.

  To say Jack was put out would be an understatement, and Miss Sampson was about to experience the worst of his wrath. That she was late only compounded the anger Jack felt bubbling inside him.

  He heard voices outside his office; he had given instructions for Miss Sampson to be shown into the conference room. A moment later, his secretary popped her head around the door.

  “She’s here, Mr Greystone,” said Miss Riley, a pretty and very competent secretary. If he ever chose to mix business with pleasure, he would be more than tempted to enjoy her very prim body in his bed.

  “Thank you, Miss Riley. It’s late, why don’t you get off home, I’ll finish up here,” Jack answered, removing temptation from his evening.

  “If you’re sure, Mr Greystone.”

  “I am, this shouldn't take too long,” said Jack, his mood gathering like a thundercloud.

  He rose from his chair, and picked the file up off his desk before heading down the corridor to the conference room. He could see a young woman sat at the table, nervously folding the edge of a sheet of paper, and fiddling with her hair.

  He had been told Miss Sampson was both well groomed and fluent in flirtation. Jack was instantly on his guard, it seemed she was playing a different game today.

  He pushed the door open and walked in. “Hello, Miss Sampson,” he said, holding out his hand for her to shake.

  For a moment, she looked at him and his world stood still, this was crazy, but he knew it was for real. Slowly his world shifted in focus and all he could see was her. All he could smell was her, and as their hands touched, he knew she sensed it too. She was his mate.

  A woman, who had slept with another member of the pack, had cost Greystone Holdings a lot of money was his woman.

  Once the initial realisation passed, he gained his self control, and took a deep breath, before seating himself opposite her. His mood had not improved.

  “Good evening Mr Greystone,” she said, her eyes flicking up to his and then back down to the paperwork in front of her. “Thank you for seeing me at this time of day, I realise you are extremely busy. I would also like to apologise for being late, but my flight only got in an hour ago. I hoped to get this worked out and get on the next plane home if that's at all possible.”

  She looked a little flushed and her gaze shifted back down to the piece of paper in front of her, the one she had been absently folding when he had come in. Now she turned it over and he could see she had some notes written on it.

  “I’ll do my best, Miss Sampson, but I must say I am surprised to see you here, I thought your last visit was rewarding enough.” He kept his voice level, planning his move to stall her. There was no way he could let her leave the city, not until he had taken her to his bed.

  Yet the thought of her having sex with Donny troubled him. He would have to teach her a thing or two about loyalty now he knew who she was. In fact, if her previous behaviour was any indication he would have to teach her quite a few lessons.

  Perhaps Miss Sampson would benefit from being put over his knee and spanked. He needed to push thoughts like that from his mind, it was not at all professional to be sat here with a raging erection straining against his pants.

  “My previous visit, yes, I don’t believe we met,” she said, making it sound like a question, when she knew very well that he had not been here.

  Her words grabbed his attention, it was a strange thing to say, her last visit had only been a few weeks ago, and he was certain she was the type of woman who remembered every man she had ever met.

  From what he had gathered, she had learned exactly what sexual weakness could be exploited in the man she had conquered. She picked out the youngest most inexperienced pack member to deal with, a hot head only too eager to go to bed with this little vixen. Her research must have been very thorough.

  Jack wondered if she had researched him, but there was no way she could know what sort of woman he liked. Only he knew his ideal woman had to be virtuous and pure, completely different from the loose women he normally bedded. Not even other pack members knew that about him.

  “No, I didn’t have the pleasure. But by all accounts you found my colleague very satisfying.”

  She blushed a beautiful shade of pink, and he caught himself wondering if the rest of her body was affected by her embarrassment. He imagined what she would look like naked, and sprawled across the conference table; he would love to take her here and now, her generous curves against the hard, polished wood.

  That was the problem for Jack, no matter how many other men she had slept with, she was his mate, and he would want her with all of his being, even if he did not approve of her sexual habits. The only question was whether she had been as affected as him. Or would he spend the rest of his life trying to tame her?

  “Shall we get down to business, Mr Greystone? I really don’t want to take up any more of your time than is necessary.” Miss Sampson tried to lend authority to her voice, but it did not work.

  “Yes, I am intrigued to know why you are back, I would have thought you would be very pleased with the deal you got,” said Jack, trying to concentrate on business.

  Something about her raised his suspicions, he could not see where she was going to try to con him, but something about her was off. He sniffed the air, taking in her scent, as intoxicating as it was, he tried to control the effect it had on him, to distil it and read the information he needed. Jack Greystone was an expert at this, and suddenly it hit him, she was afraid, and she was lying.

  This knowledge gave Jack a sudden thrill, the thrill of the hunt and the chase, she was hiding something, and if he could work out what that was she would be putty in his hands, he would be able to bend her to his will, and make her submit to anything he asked.

  “Yes…but I would like to buy the land back,” she said not quiet able to mask her uncertainty.

>   “I’m sorry, Miss Sampson, that is not going to happen.”

  “But as you said, I got a good deal, and I feel bad about that, so the best thing would be for me to return your money, and I will take back ownership of the land.”

  He chuckled, he had found her weak spot, not that it had been that hard, she was so transparent. It made him wonder how she had ever managed to negotiate such a good deal in the first place.

  Unless she was now playing for higher stakes, perhaps someone else had an interest in the land and would pay her more. Everything about her confused him, and that was a new experience for Jack.

  “You are telling me that of a matter of conscience you want to buy the land back from Greystone Holdings?”

  “Yes,” she said, a hint of hopefulness in her voice.

  “You must really want it badly, now why is that?” He would get it out of her one way or another.

  She hesitated, and he sensed sorrow mix with her other emotions. “The land was not, strictly speaking, mine to sell.”

  So she was a cheating conniving woman after all, and someone had pulled her up on it. Well she was going to have to work for what she wanted, under him, in his bed. He did not need her as a wife; he would take her as his mistress, and breed with her.

  “Really, I think you should have considered that before you came here and caused so much trouble. Donny had to severely dealt with, Miss Sampson.” Jack used his voice to convey to her just how deep the murky waters she was floundering in went, and the look on her face told him she understood.

  “I can only apologise for what happened before, but perhaps I can make amends.”

  “Perhaps you can,” he said, and the insinuation was apparent, in his smooth velvety tones.

  Miss Sampson flushed again, and lowered her eyes. When she answered her voice trembled. “Make amends?”

  “Yes, I think a twenty percent premium on top of the amount you paid should do it.”

  He watched her making the mental calculations, a frown creasing her forehead. He wanted to go to her right now and kiss her, to make her his, to teach her who was in charge here.

  “So that would make it, two hundred and forty thousand. That’s a lot of money.”

  He looked at her, wondering how she had the nerve to sit there and try to trick him. Did she think they were all fools at Greystone Holdings?

  “No, Miss Sampson, the three hundred thousand you were paid, plus twenty percent is three hundred and sixty thousand.”

  The blood drained from her face completely, he could not understand her reaction, unless she was a very good actress and was trying to play him. However when he used his heightened senses to read her emotions she gave off shock and confusion, something was very off here.

  “I…I don’t understand.”

  “I have our copy of the receipt here.” He pulled the piece of paper from his folder and handed it to her. She sat quietly, looking over it, and he could see she was frantically trying to compose herself.

  With a deep breath, she swallowed her threatening tears and stood up. “I’m sorry to have bothered you, Mr Greystone; it was a mistake on my part.”

  She was going to leave; he had not seen that coming, not so soon. Jack tried to think of a way to make her stay, and all he could think of was brokering a deal of his own, one which would get them both what they wanted. His only concerns were how much he could trust her, and whether he was already playing straight into her hands.

  “Now Miss Sampson, why don’t we see if we can work something out? I have something you want and you have something I want.”

  “I do?” she asked, unsure of where this was leading.

  “Yes, I have the deeds to the land here.” He pulled more papers out of the file and lay them down on the table. “Now, how much money will you give me for the land?”

  “I have two hundred thousand,” she said, her eyes fixed on the deeds.

  “That’s substantially less than you paid for it.” Jack considered again that she was playing him, offering him so much less money, and being quite willing to sleep with him for the rest.

  Yet she was his mate, he could sense it, no part of him could deny it, and there was no way she could manufacture that feeling. It was impossible. He had to try to make this work, but if she was offering so much less, he would ask for a lot more.

  “I would be interested to know what you did with the remainder. It is quite a substantial amount of money to have spent in such a short space of time.”

  She did not answer straight away, but then she said, “My sister spent it, and I can’t get it back.”

  “Your sister, I see. Family sure are a strange thing aren't they.” He got up from his seat and came to sit on the desk next to her.

  Panic fluttered across her face, and her breathing became harder, although she was fighting to control it. Her eyes dilated slightly, and he acknowledged it was not the only thing she was fighting; this attraction did indeed go both ways. She could feel the connection between them; this would make his proposition so much easier.

  “What do you want? Mr Greystone?”

  “What do I want? I think we want the same thing, Miss Sampson. There is an attraction between us.” Her face grew scared, and her body trembled, the overriding urge to take her now, this instant, gripped him. However, he wanted to take her home, and take his time with her.

  “I don’t feel anything,” she said, and he knew she was lying again.

  “Your words might deny it but your body doesn’t. I am not a man to mess around, so I’ll tell you bluntly. The land is yours for three hundred and sixty thousand.”

  “I only have two hundred thousand.”

  “So you keep saying, and that only leaves you one choice. You will have to take the next part of the deal.” His eyes narrowed, the hunter closing in on his prey, and she knew it.

  “And what is that?” she asked, and the trembling in her body increased, making him want to touch her skin to feel the shaking of her delicious curves under his fingers.

  “You, in my bed, Miss Sampson.”

  “You want me to sleep with you?” The shock in her voice was genuine; it surprised him considering she had not thought twice about sleeping with Donny.

  “Oh, there won’t be much sleeping going on, Miss Sampson.”

  “Mr Greystone, I am not willing to spend the night with you, not for anything.” She was genuinely shocked.

  “It wouldn’t be one night, for that amount of money I was thinking more like two years.”

  “Two years! You are insane.”

  “Yes, I probably am. But then you are not the kind of woman I would normally like to deal with in any way.” His voice was hard now. “You came here and slept with a member of my family to get what you wanted, and now you come back and try to game me. Think yourself lucky you are my mate, because the only way you are going to get your hands on that land is if you are an obedient woman in my bed. I emphasise the word obedient.”

  She sat in front of him, white with shock. Very slowly she moved, gathering up her papers and putting them in her bag. On stiff legs, she stood up, and silently left the conference room.

  Jack watched her go for a moment, his mind whirling; he could not let her leave. Rising from the table, he followed her out to where she was waiting for the elevator.

  “I don’t know what game you’re playing Miss Sampson, but this is not the end, you will be in my bed one way or the other.”

  The elevator came and she stepped into it, and he followed. She went to stand as far away from him as she could, but as they started to descend, he pressed the button to stop it. A small frightened cry escaped her.

  “Let me go, Mr Greystone.”

  “I can’t, you are my mate, and there is no way I can let you leave.”

  He moved towards her.

  “W…What are you doing.”

  “Persuading you to take my deal.”

  He was so close now he could feel the intense heat rising from her body and hear th
e rapid beating of her heart. Confident now, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers, feeling her hands grasp his lapels as she tried to steady herself. But importantly, she did not pull away. He had her right where he wanted her.

  Chapter One

  Caroline Sampson, was in trouble, more trouble than she could ever have imagined. She had come here to try to buy back the land her sister had sold without their father’s permission, and it wasn’t turning out well.

  Firstly the sum her sister, Kim, had told her she sold the land for was a lie, she had pocketed much more then the two hundred thousand she had said. Caroline could never afford the three hundred and sixty thousand Jack Greystone wanted.

  To compound all this as soon as she had set eyes on Jack Greystone she had wanted him. Now for most women that would be nothing unusual, he was every woman's ideal man, strong, dark and incredibly powerful, but for Caroline it was something new.

  She had spent her whole life keeping her personal desires in the background. There had never been time for men, from the age of eighteen she had assumed the role of carer for her father. The rest of her time was spent trying to clean her up sister's constant trail of devastation.

  That was the sole reason she was here, Kim had sold some land that held great importance to her ailing father, and the shock of loss and betrayal had left her father heartbroken. She had sworn to him that she would get it back, and had arranged to borrow the money she needed.

  Caroline had been forced to sell her home and move back in with her father. Losing her last thread of independence had been terribly hard, but it would be worth it if she managed to secure the land and pull her father out of his depression.

  Yet so far nothing was going as planned, the effect Jack Greystone had on her was frightening, threatening to make her abandon her good judgement and fall at his feet. Only her firm self control stopped her from swooning when he looked at her with those soft brown eyes. That and the realisation all he wanted from her was sex.

  After all, he had probably been told by the man Kim had slept with, just how good she was in bed. The difference was that Caroline was a virgin, and one kiss would probably give the whole game away. One kiss and he would know she wasn’t her experienced sister, and would be sent packing.


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