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The Possibility of Trey (A Hellion MC Novel)

Page 14

by J. A. Hornbuckle

  And, in his own way, Trey had let me know we were becoming close. Very close. And in a way I hadn't imagined, a biker could be with just one girl who wasn't affiliated with the club. Although, I admitted to myself, I probably wasn't his only one.

  I wished I was.

  I hoped I was.

  But from what I'd heard, there wasn't any way to guarantee that when you got with a Hellion.

  And both my mind and my heart had been asking me for hours if that was going to be good enough for me.

  The TV droned away as my mother's voice kept time, whispering the action of whatever was on so my dad could follow along. I knew they were both tired but also was aware I needed to make an effort to step back from my mother-hen stance that I'd wanted to do by pointing her tiredness out.

  I'd spent some time going over the conversation between Trey and my dad while at the hospital too. The one that made me sound like the saint I knew I wasn't. And in the replaying, I saw how I'd unwittingly slid into the 'mother' role in the breaking up of squabbles, determining who was to do what and when. A position that I'd felt had pissed Trey right the hell off, not that he'd said so. His tamped down negative reaction, such an extreme response to what had been described, surprised me.

  If I wasn't angry about it, I couldn't understand why he would be.

  Mom actually fell asleep before Trey got there so I opted to wait for him out in the hall almost bouncing in anticipation. At just the sound of his heavy boots on the hospital's floor in the hall around the corner, my tummy tumbles started, and I pushed off the wall I'd been leaning against eager for my first glimpse of him.

  His eyes lit up when he saw me and he began to move faster. "There she is," I heard him say just before he swept me up and against him by only snagging me with his elbows since his hands were full. I closed my eyes as that feeling of safety and warmth hit before I pulled back and pressed my lips to his. I tried to keep it short and sweet considering our very viewable position in the middle of the hallway of a busy hospital, but nothing had ever been harder to do.

  "So I was missed." His gaze held the same teasing light as his voice.

  "Yes, you were. And I see you came bearing gifts," I answered, pressing my cheek to his chest only to hear his heart thumping as fast as mine pounded.

  "I did. Why are you out in the hall, Tex? They doing the nasty in there and threw your pretty ass out?"

  "No, goofball," I replied with a laugh. "Mom was sleeping and I thought I'd greet you in…like, you know, private."

  He shifted us to one side as an orderly came through pushing an empty gurney. "Private, huh?"

  "Relatively speaking," I mumbled, disengaging. The sound of his chuckles followed me into the room.

  "Hey, Miller," Trey greeted my dad in his deep voice, softened by the knowledge of my mom's sleep. "Should we take this down to the waiting room or cafeteria?"

  "Trey," my dad greeted, his voice equally as quiet as he stood, pulling out his collapsible cane as he pressed a kiss to my mom's forehead. "Be back in a bit, beauty."

  I shared a glance with Trey, a look that honored my dad's actions and words. I put my hand on dad's arm and led us down the hall. "Let's get set up and I'll make a run for the drinks."

  "Already got 'em, Dallas," Trey said from behind. "I hope water all round is okay."

  "I'm good with it," dad said, his voice lagging almost as much as his steps.

  We were just finishing up when Trey brought up what'd happened earlier. "Miller, I need to let you know that your house was broken into today. Dallas had driven over to get some clean clothes for both you and herself, but saw the back door was open."

  "You didn't tell me?" my dad cried, his face pointing at me, sitting up straight all traces of exhaustion forgotten at Trey's news.

  "No, Dad. I didn't. I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out and wanted to have all the facts from Trey first."

  "There's nothing you could've done, Miller." Trey's tone was kind yet respectful as he spoke.

  "But it's my house, son. My fucking home!"

  "You're right, sir. And maybe Dallas was wrong to keep it from you for a few hours. But by delaying, she only prevented you from worrying about something else out of your control. How do you think your Mary would've reacted to the news?"

  My dad's hand covered his eyes and I saw his chin quiver. After a time, he cleared his throat and dropped his hand. "How bad is it?"

  Trey glanced at me and I nodded my approval for him to speak plainly. "Bad, Miller. The inside was completely trashed with almost anything made of glass shattered. Your furniture was knifed or broken with even the clothes in the closets pulled out and destroyed in one way or another."

  I wasn't sure I wanted to know what Trey meant about our clothes. Dad was back to covering his eyes. "What are we gonna do, girl? We've got nothing. No dishes, no furniture and no insurance to cover us…"

  "Ah, that's not exactly true," I hedged in a small voice, causing Trey's eyes to swivel back to me. "I didn't actually cancel the contents portion of the policy when you asked me to."

  "You what?" My dad exclaimed. "I told you specifically we couldn't afford it and damn well told you to have it removed! And you didn't?"

  "No, Daddy. I didn't," I said, my discomfort in admitting to defying my dad in front of my new boyfriend causing me wiggle in my plastic chair. "I trimmed some of the fat from our budget and picked up a few extra hours in order to pay the premiums."

  Trey shot me a crooked smile and winked at my explanation. "Anyway, Miller, our own Missoula PD have the dumb shits, I mean, suspects in custody caught red-handed when they exited the premises. Since a couple of Hellions had witnessed the activity, they'll be giving their statements eliminating the need for the cops to involve Dallas."

  "How'd your boys know to go to my place?" my dad challenged.

  "Dallas called me first," Trey said quietly but firmly, his eyes burning into mine. "And let me handle the situation, sir. Just as she should have."

  At the quiet that fell over us for a time, my father's voice gave me a start when it finally came.

  "Why, son? Why are you so involved in my family's business? Seems like just a short time ago we didn't know of your existence and now every time we have a problem, you're there finding a way to make it better or solve it. What's in it for you?" The wounded pride in my dad's words had my stomach dropping to my knees.

  Trey's face tilted to the floor and I saw him mouth, 'I'm sorry' my way before he turned his face to my father to answer.

  "I have a thing for your daughter, sir. And have had since the moment I laid eyes on her."

  "One of them casual biker kind of things?" my dad pressed.

  "Do you honestly believe your Dallas would ever allow a casual thing from any man, biker or otherwise?"

  And my insides again began to glow at my father's whispered, "no" that was accompanied by the shaking of his head.

  But then dropped as I realized Trey hadn't given him a firm answer—one my heart was aching to know as well.


  Chapter Seventeen

  Trey watched her truck pull in behind him as he got off his bike. He knew he should've been tired with only four hours of sleep the night before and after the busy day he'd had.

  But he wasn't.

  Because his other purchase, which he pulled from a saddlebag was guaran-damn-teed to prevent sleep for the next couple of hours. Shit, maybe even the rest of the night if he had his way.

  He met his girl his back steps and guided her into the house after resetting the alarm on the security system. He'd been lax about using it over the last few months but with all the shit raining down, the system was going back into use. It was just another way to keep him and his girl safe.

  "I'll need to do a load of laundry, Trey, if that's okay," he heard her say as he moved around, turning on lights and removing his hoodie and cut.

  "The laundry room is through the left door at the back of the kitchen," he advised, his eyes roaming over her
back as she turned to where he pointed while he took in her girlish t-shirt and jeans with the bling on the back pockets. It was a great view. He watched as she upended the carrier bag into the washer and then glanced down at herself before her eyes turned to his.

  "What, Tex?"

  "Uhm, could I borrow a t-shirt or something? I just have my clothes from yesterday and the stuff I have on." He could've kicked himself for not thinking of offering her something to wear. While Trey hadn't gone to the Sheridan's house personally, he'd gotten the pics Bishop had taken with his cellphone. When he'd told Miller the family's clothes had been destroyed, he hadn't lied. According to Bishop, a lot were ripped or partially burned but the worst of it was the two ass-hats had used the piles of clothes and linens as a toilet.

  "Absolutely." He pushed off the doorjamb and started to go into the hall when he heard her call. "And there's not enough of my stuff for a load so if you want to add to it, I'm good."

  While picking out a tee and grabbing an armload of stuff from his dirty clothes hamper, Trey wondered when was the last time someone wanted to do something for him. A girl-type someone because, god knew, his brothers did all sorts of shit when he needed them to. He couldn't remember unless it was when the Honeys put on a meal or whichever one worked behind the bar poured his drink. But that was about it.

  And, of the women he'd known, if they had done something it would've been performed with a lot of fanfare and the expectation of 'now you do something for me'. But Dallas wasn't like that. He'd seen it when he'd joined her family for movie night and she'd handed him the beer without asking. When she'd hugged him as she told him 'thank you' for whatever it was that he'd done. Or when she'd handed him the keys to her truck without even blinking, and he knew her ride was something she valued.

  With Dallas, it all was simple and real. It had been a long time since he'd had any of that in his life.

  "Here you go. One clean t-shirt and one pile of dirty clothes," he announced, handing her the stack.

  "I thought my brother was doing laundry as part of his work detail," she asked as she looked up at him. "Wasn't that part of the deal? That he do the laundry of the single members?"

  "Yeah, it is. But I went through that fucking program. Doing laundry was the worst. I hated it and kept fucking it up which meant I got stuck ironing too." He couldn't help but laugh at the memory. "But, it taught me a couple of things. Number one is that I'm as picky as the next asshole when it comes to his threads and two, if I fuck it up, I can choose not to iron."

  The smile she gave him was really similar to the one at the hospital. The one that made him feel like he was seven feet tall and could slay dragons or move mountains. The one that hooked around his heart every time he saw it.

  "In other words, you don't take advantage of the kids in the program."

  "No, honey. I don't. As Prez and even before, I knew I scared the shit outta the kids. I can look at them or pull that 'eye's to me' shit and it makes their bladders loosen. Can you imagine the terror they'd feel if they fucked up my clothes?" He couldn't look away from her face and found his hands curling with the need to touch her. "Get the washer going, pretty girl. I'll go start the shower."

  "Wait! How can we shower and use the washer at the same…oh. You have two lines and either a big-ass hot water tank or one of the tankless systems, don't you?"

  "Water pressure not good at your place? No? Let's just say that I get a discount on both supplies and labor so the stuff done to my house is top of the line and installed to perfection," he offered with a smirk. "I'll meet you in the bathroom."

  She blinked deeply and then hid her face behind her hair as she set the clean tee aside and began to add his clothes to the washer's drum.

  "Problem, Dallas?"

  "No. I mean, not a problem, per se." He saw her shoulders hunch as she leaned her palms on the machine. "I've never, ah, you know. Uhm. Taken a shower with someone."

  Trey stepped in until his front was against her back, his large hands covering her much smaller ones that were gripping the edge of the washer. Using his chin, he moved her hair aside and bent down placing his mouth just beneath her ear. "It'll be fun. Like last night's kind of fun with lots of touching and kissing and…"

  He felt her full body shiver and stopped speaking.

  Christ! He was even turning himself on by trying to talk her into a shower for two.

  Bending his knees, he dragged the evidence of his arousal over the firm cheeks of her succulent ass. "I bought condoms, too. No need for just fingers and mouths tonight."

  She groaned and arched herself to press against him as he continued to move. Using his fingers to grab her chin, he twisted until their mouths met and tongues were dueling. As usual, all coherent thoughts in his head fled when their lips joined. It was pure sensation of heated slick flesh moving together, almost a promise of how it would be when he finally got inside her.

  And he was aching to be there. So much so, his cock was yelling for him to strip off her fancy-assed jeans and what he knew were the plain sexy panties she had underneath them to just take her from behind against the washer. Take her until she screamed his name again as she hit it.


  He broke away from her and took a step back. "You're ruining me, Dallas."

  "Wh-what?" she stammered, opening her eyes slowly looking like she was just waking up from a long, sweet dream.

  "I'll meet you in the shower." He hadn't wanted to admit it, the lack of control he had when it came to her. The words had just bubbled up and out of him on their own free will and he was hoping she hadn't really heard them.

  That just proved exactly how out of control he was over this woman. Over his girl.

  He left her with reluctance and went to his room. Trying to keep his mind carefully blank, he stripped down to his boxers and unwrapped the full box of condoms before placing them in the nightstand drawer. But he reached back in to take two packets out and set them on one of the shelves in the shower.

  Setting the controls to provide a rainfall effect, Trey moved to adjust the lights until there was only the center LED over the huge shower enclosure setting the mood. He stood back, assessing what he'd done.

  "Wow, this is some seduction scene you've got going. Steamy, dimly lit and with a hot, half-naked guy standing front and center," he heard her murmur from behind him. It was only seconds and her hands were on his lower back before they slid around his waist. Trey bit back a groan at the feel of her unfettered in just a t-shirt against him.

  "You like it?" He couldn't believe the deep growl that came out of his mouth was actually his. Or the anticipation and nervous feelings inside as he waited for her to answer.

  Her lips as she kissed his back felt like a benediction. Much as her whispered, "yes" did, the breath of her voice heating the wet spot where her mouth had been. She shifted and moved around to his front, her hands moving up to caress his chest and shoulders. Glancing down when her hands stilled, he saw her head tilt and a question in her eyes.

  "What?" The bear inside him was still evident by his rough voice.

  "I thought we were going to take a shower, sweetie."

  Trey closed his eyes, acknowledging she'd used an endearment for him for the first time. Christ, he had it bad if just a word, a commonly used nickname, made him weak-kneed. "We are, Dallas."

  "Well. The shower is two giants steps over there and we aren't." He opened his eyes. His girl didn't do cute and he needed to see if she was doing it on purpose. Yep, totally real, honest and true. "Just sayin'."

  Aw, fuck it, he thought wildly. So she made him out of control, made him so he couldn't think straight. At least she made him fucking feel.

  Without another thought, he lifted her up to his eye-level, the huge t-shirt billowing around her thighs. "Put your legs around my waist, pretty girl." As soon as her legs were in place, he yanked the shirt off her in one swift pull.

  "Hold on to my shoulders," he instructed again, his eyes glued to her and the expressions
that came and went. Arousal and need, shock and then expectation were just the ones he could name since they flickered across her face so fast.

  He shoved his boxers to his knees and stepped out of them. "Ready?"

  "Willing and able." Her voice was a soft murmur and he saw her sexy grin make an appearance, causing a deep throb within him.

  When had his cock become connected to his heart?

  Angling them directly underneath the rain-shower plate, he dipped his head and allowed her mouth to soothe him, to tame the beast that wanted to devour every inch of her. He didn't know how long they kissed but only knew that after what felt like a long damn time, he became aware he held a very wet, wiggly and totally naked Dallas in his arms. Who was whimpering and rubbing the core of herself against his belly as he rubbed himself through the cleft of her ass. The cheeks of which overflowed his palms.

  I shoulda put the condom on before she even walked in, he thought with a rueful mental chuckle reaching for the shelf that held the foil packets he'd laid out earlier. "I need to set you down to glove up, Tex."

  "Huh?" He loved that look on her. The one where her eyes were unfocused and her mouth swollen. She staggered as he placed her on her feet which again spoke of her arousal and had his cock flexing deep and strong.

  Trey sat on the end of the bench seat, and stretched his long legs on either side of where she stood, propping his toes against the other side. He held her gaze as he opened the condom and stroked it on, thrilling as her eyes flared when he continued to fist himself.

  "Come fucking ride me, Dallas." His voice wasn't a demand but a simple statement of what he knew they both wanted.

  Although he was willing to admit to it actually being a need at that point.


  I felt like I was drugged which probably accounted for my lack of shame in standing completely naked in front of him. But my mind wasn't on myself. Not after watching him stretch out on the small built-in seat and roll the condom over his erection. The evidence of his hunger was in his face and the way he continued to lazily stroke himself as his eyes drifted down my body.


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