His Chosen Mate (The Ghegion Tribes Book 2)

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His Chosen Mate (The Ghegion Tribes Book 2) Page 3

by Maya Carnage

  "I wanted to let you know the hunters are going on a week-long outing toward the Desert tribes. Some of us are sending letters to Fiona and the others I know you wanted to write to her and Michelle."

  "When do they leave?"

  "I'm not for sure, I think in a day or two. Karen will know though she was the one who told us, said Lucia. "Well, I am going to get back to work. I'll see you later?" She asked as she turns to leave.

  Nodding, "Yeah, we are all eating at your place tonight," I answered. Shielding my eyes from the sun's rays, I look around for Lorth's lean figure. I find him standing over at the shed. I shout his name, startling him. Chuckling, "Sorry! I just wanted to let you know I am going now, I'll see you tonight." He nods and raises his hand. Smiling to myself, I turn around, heading back toward the village.


  With the sun high in the sky, and the moisture clinging to the air. I collect a light coating of perspiration across my body by the time I reach the houses. Well, huts or shacks would be more descriptive, but that feels cold and impersonal. To help make them feel more like home, we have started making decor like curtains- which is something the Haanask tribe does not have in abundance. I have seen way too many naked asses glimpsing through someone's open windows early in the morning. But now that I think about it, I should probably not be peeping through their window.

  That's just creepy and nosey, which I try not to be.

  Helencia has even been talking to one of the tribesmen, who creates stone utensils to eat out of, she wants to see if she could paint designs on them. I understand the reason for that, every bowl, cup, and plate I have seen has either been red or grey. It would be nice to have something pretty to use once in a while.

  It has been almost a month since Fiona left with Graviel and the others for the Desert tribes.

  I miss her and Michelle.

  It is odd not having them around even though we were only cooped up together in that cell for a short time I got used to having them around constantly. I get along with everyone else in our group, especially Kate, but I will be glad once they come back.

  The door to the small house that Kate and Karen and I took is wide open. "Hey? anyone in here?" I asked as I walked into the place. Kate must have been busy all morning, I admit.

  The house is made up of two rooms; one large room that we use as a living room and kitchen. The back room is where the three of us sleep.

  The floors have been swept there's not a speck of dirt anywhere to be seen.

  The walls have been dusted, and now that they are free of the inch thick layer of dust they don't look as worn down as they did before. The place all cleaned up doesn't look half bad.

  I feel terrible not being here to help out, but I didn't think that she would get so much done in so little time. I left this morning after dawn, that way I could work in the garden before the heat got too bad. Kate usually doesn't wake up until midmorning, which was only a few hours ago. I told her that once I got back, we could start in on the cleaning.

  I guess she decided to start without me.

  Walking around the room, I start to see it differently. We could ask Helencia to help us with the curtains, maybe make the place appear a little bit cozier.

  Hell, maybe even find a soft rug to put down. That way our feet won't be so cold on the chilly wooden planks at night. We could make this house into a home, with a little bit of work and creativity that is.

  I make my way through the spacious living room into the back bedroom, where three mats with a high pile of blankets on each rest. Walking over to the one on the right side, pressed against the wall, I sit down on my bed. Kate cleverly thought of the idea to hang-up sheets between our spaces to have more privacy in the small room.

  I lean back against the wall, resting my hands loosely on my knees. "I don't even know what to say to Fiona," I said, thinking out loud. Nothing interesting has happened. I mean I could talk about Gher's crush on Karen and how she is avoiding him by training with the hunters. Well, I'll make sure to mention to her that that is just a theory of where she goes in the early mornings. She has yet to confide in any of us of what the mystery is all about.

  Or I could tell Fiona about the task Lorth has us doing, to prove we will be a good mated pair. But I, really don't know how to explain it, I don't fully understand it myself not yet anyway. Hopefully, I will here soon. I really don't want to upset Lorth by screwing this up. If I am lucky, it won't be that hard to take care of this damn plant.

  The front door slamming shut jars me out of my head. Startled, I ask, "Kate?" a slight nervous note heard in my voice.

  "Yeah?" She answered.

  Slumping against the wall, I let out a relieved breath.

  It doesn't make sense for the slightest thing to upset me like that, but I have yet to shake the fear I developed from my time on the ship.

  Scrambling to my feet, I go out to meet Kate.

  Chapter Three


  Kate came into the house carrying a pail of water, to scrub the grime off the walls. I took the bucket from her and started in on the cleaning. She finished sweeping the dirt from the bedroom. When we were done, both of us sweating from the labor, we went around to the back of the house to rinse our hands in the well's water. The pump sits between our house and the couple who lives next door. We share the well and the tiny backyard.

  After we are done and have taken a cool drink of water, Kate and I head over to Helencia's place where she is cooking us dinner tonight she has become close to the women of the tribe and has learned a few recipes from them she wants to try one of them out on us. The next big gathering around the bonfire is in three weeks, and she wants to bring something for the tribe to enjoy. I have seen some of the dishes that the tribesmen eat, half of them smell and taste amazing but...the other half not so much. Hopefully, it is something we can manage to get down.

  Their house is, really beginning to look lived in; they have hung up bright red curtains on the windows and planted some yellow flowers next to their front porch step. The outside walls of the house even look like they scrubbed them clean, they're practically shining.

  Our house looks like something someone would squat in because they think no one lives there. Even though we have lived there for a month, it sure doesn't look like it.

  "I think we got to step up our game," Kate muttered.

  "Hell, yeah," I said.

  "I don't even think they are here that often."

  "Right? Aren't they trying to integrate themselves into the tribe? How the hell do they have the time to do this?" I asked.

  "I think the actual question is, why haven't we made the time to do this?" She said lifting one of her brows sardonically. "You work in the garden in the mornings. I help out with the kids at the, well, I guess you could call it the school even though it is someone's house, only half of the day. Karen is back from training at around the same time. So we have plenty of time to have done the same, we've been slacking." With a set expression on her face, one that I am not quite sure what it means, she says, "We have a lot of work to do."

  Groaning, I march up to the door with a loud bang, I let them know we are here. From inside, someone hollers letting us know we can come in.

  I close the door behinds us, I face the room.

  I sigh. It looks even better inside than it does on the outside. The bitches.

  They have painted the wooden walls a pale blue, and they have even managed to find paintings to hang on the walls.

  There's even a soft looking rug in the middle of the room. I slip out of the strange sandals some of the tribe members gave us to wear, and walk over to the rug. "I haven't been on carpet since Earth," I said.

  "Yeah, Erral works in making the clothes, and she also makes curtains and other household goods. I can ask her to make one for you guys if you want," said Helencia from where she stands next to the fire pit steering something that smells amazing in the pot simmering over it.

  I look over to Kate, who
has sat down next to Lucia. I raise my brows in silent question. She nods. "Sure, Helencia. That would be awesome. Kate and I were just talking about how we need to spruce the place up," I said.

  "I'll ask her tomorrow! She is magnificent! Have you seen any of her art projects? Those are the ones she rarely sells or trades to anyone."

  I shake my head, "No, I don't go anywhere but the garden."

  "You should socialize more with the tribe, or they might start to think that you don't like them."

  I sit down on a stool next to the couch. "Maybe."

  "Is Karen coming?" Jessa asked.

  "Yeah, she is supposed to be here after she finishes up with training," Kate said, causing me to roll my eyes.

  "We don't know for sure that is what she is doing when she is gone. For all, we know she might just like one of the hunters, and that is why she spends so much time away."

  Kate sends me a pointed look. "You don't believe a word of what you just said, we all know she likes Gher, even if she pretends not to."

  "Seconded!" shouted Helencia.

  Shaking my head, I say, "How's it going with Hal'lis?" I asked her. Changing the subject to something safer because if Karen were to walk in on us discussing her and Gher, well, it probably wouldn't be pretty is all I can say.

  Sighing, "I'm not into him anymore, but he's such a nice guy. I don't want to hurt his feelings. You know?" she said sadly.

  "I'm pretty sure he'll be fine, Hel. You have to do what you feel is best," said Lucia while piling her unruly brown hair on top of her head and securing it with a thin red stick.

  "You're right, but I'll slowly break it to him, though. He's more sensitive than you would think," she said. Giggling, she turns to look at us. "No joke, he cried the first time we had sex."

  We all chuckle at that, imaging the always cheerful and good-natured Hal'lis bawling his eyes out after a sweaty session in bed. "Did you have your eyes set on someone else? Is that why you're not into him anymore?" I asked curiously.

  "Maybe," she said, with a sly look.

  Karen rushes through the front door, causing us to jump. She slams the door behind her and puts the wooden slab in place to secure it. Leaning against the frame, she lets out a relieved breath.

  "Everything okay?" Kate asked.

  Pushing off the door, she strides over to the couch, sitting down on the wooden arm. "It's Gher, for fuck's sake, he won't leave me alone." She tucks her hair behind her ears, irritation visible on her face. "He was waiting for me at the house. I didn't see him because he was sitting down on the ground next to the porch. By the time that I noticed him, he had already seen me."

  "What did he want?" Jessa props her feet up on the long table in front of her, picking at her nails absentmindedly.

  "What the hell do you think he wanted?" said Karen sharply. "He's everywhere! I wanted to go home and wash up before coming here, and I had hoped I wouldn't run into him." Groaning, she slumps down in her seat.

  "Did you cut your hair?" Helencia asked.

  Jerking her head up, Karen glares at her. "Really?"

  "What?" Helencia asked, confused by Karen's biting tone." It looks different. Shorter is all. You also don't look that harsh anymore."

  Jessa lets out a squawk of laughter. "Well, that's misleading." Karen turns her glare on her, "Who the fuck asked you to talk?"

  "No one, but I feel it's my duty, to warn people of your soullessness," she replied.

  "Alright, let's not get all worked up over this, okay?" said Lucia, trying to calm everyone down. "Helencia has prepared a nice dinner for all of us, so let's try to get along."

  "Fine," said Karen.

  Lucia looks at Jessa.

  "What? Seriously? Are you worried about me causing a scene? That's Karen's department, not mine," said Jessa.

  Sighing, "That's probably as good as I'll get from you two."

  Helencia calls us over to get a bowl of food. "You guys are going to love it! It tastes delicious. Here try some." She ladles some into the bowls arranged on the small table. We all take a bowl and go back to sitting in the living area, Helencia sits down on the stool next to mine.

  We are all quiet as we dig into the meal. After taking a bite of the thick soup that had some root vegetables, ghifer, and dark purple noodles, I moan, "This is great, Helencia. They'll love it," I said around a mouthful of food.

  Smiling, "Thanks, Tracy. I was worried that it wouldn't be any good. I really do want to contribute to the tribe during the bonfire gathering."

  We finish eating while the women talk about their day and what they have planned for tomorrow. I don't mention Lorth or the trials even though I want to. When we are all done, Lucia offers to do the cleanup. Kate offers to help, but Lucia says she fine doing it by herself. "I find it soothing," she says before taking a bucket off one of the hooks in the kitchen area. She goes outside to get some water from the well.

  The three of us get up to leave. "Thanks for the meal, Helencia!" I tell her before walking out with Karen and Kate. We begin walking back to our place, the wind blowing softly. Tonight doesn't feel that bad it can sometimes get very chilly after the sun goes down.

  "What do you do while you're away from the house, Karen?" Kate asked.

  "Kate, that's not our business," I said chidingly. "She'll tell us when she's ready."

  "It's fine." Karen sighed. "I am training with the hunters, but not for the reasons you think."

  Kate and I look at her expectantly hoping that is not where she will leave it. We have been discussing her whereabouts since she started disappearing almost three weeks ago. She can't keep us in suspense.

  "Gher's... he won't leave me the fuck alone!" Karen grouched. "He's a nice guy, but he won't give me any damned space. So when I overheard that some of the tribe will be going to the big market near the River tribe, I decided that I was going to go with them. I think I am going to try staying with another tribe, not forever but just for a while. So I have been learning to hunt so that I can provide for myself."

  "Wait, you're leaving?" I asked, disbelief in my voice. If she left, it would be so strange not having her here.

  Karen nods. "It won't be forever. I don't think I could stand being away from all of you for that fucking long."

  "I am very certain none of us would mind all that much if you decided to stay away longer if that's what you wanted," said Kate, wrapping her arm around Karen's waist.

  Chuckling, she says, "I don't know, I think you all would miss my bitching after a while."

  Karen pulls us back, causing us to come to a stop before our house comes into sight.

  "What?" I asked perplexed. I look around for what might have caused her to make a sudden stop. I don't see anything.

  "I want to make sure Gher isn't around, Tracy, go check."

  I give her an annoyed look.

  "Please." She gives me a beseeching look.

  "Fine," I said. I creep around the row of houses to look down the short path that leads to our place and a few other small houses. Seeing no one around the place, I turn back to Karen and Kate. "It's all clear."

  "Thank fuck," Karen replied.

  We walk up to our front steps when a figure steps from the shadows causing us to scream.

  "Lorth, you scared the hell out of us," I said, placing a hand over my racing heart.

  "We're heading in, night guys," Kate said, bypassing Lorth and me to go inside. Karen follows her in, telling us goodnight.

  I'm left standing alone with Lorth. I watch him for a moment before I say anything. He sways nervously on his feet. Touching the end of his braided hair that hangs over his blue suede-like skin. When he catches me staring at him, he blushes a dark blue. Smiling, I ask him if he's ready to go and dig up the fallas.

  "Yes, let's go, my mate," Lorth said, taking my hand he leads us toward the meadow.

  Chapter Four


  The wind picked up considerably after we left Tracy's house. My long braid had already wrapped around and s
lapped me in the face several times, each time causing my Tracy to laugh. When the wind started to blow her long hair into a mess, she tied it up on top of her head, after the third time of my braid slashing at my face she asked me why I didn't do the same. "The females wear their hair like yours. I am a male I can't do that," I grumbled. If one of the hunters, or my brothers, were to come out near the garden tonight and see my hair styled in one of the elaborate designs the females wear, they would mock me for the rest of my life. Though I will admit the advantages of wearing my hair like Tracy's, it would make the task of digging up the fallas easier. It would be irritating to have to stop every few moments to move my wayward braid from my view. It wouldn't be great if I accidentally crushed one of the roots because I couldn't see.

  Before we go to the meadow, I stop by the tool shed to gather our supplies. "We'll need a bucket of water and something to dig the plant up, do you see the one you call a trowel?" I asked as I was sorting through the mess littered across the shelf at the back of the shed.

  I should have been spending more time tidying up in here, I think to myself.

  "Babe, you love the messiness. I've seen your room at your dad's." Tracy chuckled.

  With my face flaming hot with embarrassment, "I didn't mean to say that aloud."

  "It's fine." She said, smiling. "If you really, want to organize this place I'll help you, but it will have to be after I get done with Karen and Kate."

  "What are you doing with them?" I asked curiously. Tracy does not spend that much time with the women she lives with, unless they are all in a group together or when they are home. But besides that, she tends to spend most of her time by herself.

  Tracy takes a seat on a wooden crate next to the door. The wind blows through the open doorway, ruffling the few strands of dark brown hair that has managed to escape her braids. "Helencia and they have done a lot to make their place... well, look and feel like a home. We haven't." She sighs, shoulders dropping.

  My brow tightens with concern. Does my Tracy not feel at home here? I will have to do more to make her love this place as much as I do.


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