His Chosen Mate (The Ghegion Tribes Book 2)

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His Chosen Mate (The Ghegion Tribes Book 2) Page 4

by Maya Carnage

  "We've been living there for over a month, and we just started cleaning. We haven't gotten any decorations or real furniture, either. It feels dismal. A home shouldn't feel like that you know?"

  Setting the bucket on the ground, I move to stand in front of her.

  Crouching, I take her hands into mine. "I can't imagine being taken from my home and brothers, no matter how much they irritate me," I said. "It's all right to be sad, Tracy."

  Lifting her head, she gives me a small smile.

  "If you want, we can help. My brothers and father will be more than happy to do it," I suggested.

  "Nah, I think this is something we need to do on our own," she said, shaking her head.

  "If you change your mind just let me know."

  Getting to my feet, I place a quick peck on her cheek. I reach down to pull her to her feet. "Let us go and dig up this ornery plant." Heading back over to the cluttered shelf, my mate helps me sort through the mess until we find what we came here to get.

  "Found it!" She exclaimed, holding the small hand shovel up in the air like it is a grand prize and not some dented garden tool.

  "I'll fill this with water, and we'll get going," I said, gesturing at the bucket that is still sitting where I left it when I was worried about Tracy.

  After filling the bucket up with water from the well, we trek through the woods. The meadow looks different at night. I am excited to show it to Tracy.

  "This was easier when we came out this morning," she muttered.

  I laugh at Tracy's ill humor. The ground out here becomes soft and waterlogged after the sun sets and the temperature drops. It usually is not this wet, but the air has become quite frigid since leaving Tracy's house.

  I guess the colder season is here.

  "I'm sorry, I would have done this myself, but the trials require us to do it together," I told her.

  "It's fine." She replied. "It could be worse you know. It's not going to get worse, right?" She sends me a worried glance.

  "No, this is as bad as it gets," I said, chuckling.

  Finally, after trudging through the wet forest, we come to the meadow. It took longer for us to make it to the clearing, we had to pull our feet up from where they sunk into the soggy ground.

  From next to me, I hear Tracy gasp.

  "It's beautiful," she said quietly

  "Not as much as you, my mate," I said, causing her to smile self-consciously.

  "Let's get to work." Tracy walks over to the plants, coming to her knees. I carry the bucket over to where she sits. I'm careful not to let the water spill out onto the ground.

  I would be annoyed if I were to waste the water, and have to refill the bucket. Gently, I set it down, before I take a seat next to my mate. "We will need to dig down deep, so that way we'll get most of the plant's roots."

  Tracy nods. "Great! Did you want to dig it up or me?"

  I place my hands on the top of my thighs, leaning back on my haunches. "You can do it, and I'll transplant it at your home."

  Tracy leans over the plant, hand shovel in her grasp, and starts digging. I sit silently, on my knees. I watch her graceful movements as she works. Tracy amazes me every time I see her at work, the way she becomes fully immersed in what she is doing. I never thought I would have a mate who loves the ground as much as I do.

  When I was a child, my father planted a small garden behind our house. I would work on it every morning. I would get up early so that I would have plenty of time to take care of it before I had to help out father at the shop or train with the hunters.

  I'm glad my mate fits me so well, we will always have this to bring us closer.

  "All right, I think I got most of the roots. Do you have the water?" She throws the shovel down, wiping at her brow with the back of her dirt covered hand.

  I reach and grab the water. "Here, just place the plant inside."

  She scoops the plant up with both of her hands. Loose dirt falls free from the ends, and she drops the fallas into the water, then steps back and dusts herself off.

  I get to my feet and lean down, grabbing the bucket's handle. "Lead the way, my mate."

  Tracy chuckles and grabs the shovel from the ground, she turns, leading us back the way we came. "I figured we could plant it in the back, behind our house. That way it won't be at risk of having someone trample it."

  "Whatever you think is best."

  "So, I've been wondering... what does your dad think of this?" She gestures between the two of us. "I haven't really spent that much time with him or your brothers. I didn't know if he has said anything."

  "Pops is not one to hold his tongue, but he hasn't said anything so far. I believe he is all right with our mating, but if it would make you feel better, how about I have you over for a meal? That way you can spend some time with him," I suggested.

  "Is that cool with you?"

  "Of course! I would love to spend as much time as possible with you, and this way you can get to know your soon to be family better."

  "Okay. I know that Kate and I want to start cleaning up the house, decorating it, so let me check with her. That way I won't be skipping out on any of the work."

  "Let me know the best time for you, my mate," I said.

  The rest of the way to the village is quiet.

  At this time of night, most of the villagers, except for those that prefer to sleep the day away, are asleep. So there isn't that much noise around us, it is a serene night. I walk close to my mate's side, occasionally a drop of water will spill out, splashing my leggings. I take a deep breath of the chilly air, letting it out slowly. "It is a beautiful night, isn't it? On nights like these, I miss hunting out in the desert. I wasn't any good at it, but I liked being in nature. The night sky is gorgeous out there. Perhaps one day you and I can spend some time out there. Would that be something you would like to do?"

  "Yeah, I use to go camping all the time before I went to college. Even when I was a little kid, I would pitch a tent out back behind my gran's house. My brother and I would spend most of our time out there pretending we were survivors of a hunting trip gone wrong," she said. She laughs softly at the memory.

  "You were close to your brother, weren't you?"

  She nods, "I was a few years older than him, but since it was just the two of us we were close."

  "I'm sorry, Tracy. If there was any way I could return you to them, I would."

  "I know, that's why you're a sweet guy, Lorth," she said, giving me a small smile.

  When we reach her house, she leads us around back, motioning for me to be quiet.

  "Kate is a light sleeper, so we need to make sure to be extra quiet. That way we won't wake her, okay?"

  I place the bucket containing the fallas, down next to the edge of the house.

  Tracy hands me the shovel. We drop down to our knees. "Are you sure this is where you want it?" I asked.

  "Yeah, Kate and I are the only ones that come back here. I'll let her know to keep an eye out for it."

  I take the tool from her. I press the shovel into the ground and start to dig. When the hole is big enough, I lay the shovel to the side, and I drag the water and plant closer to the hole. "We have to soak the dirt before we place the roots in the dirt." We gently tip the bucket, with the plant still inside, over. We let some of the water pour out and into the ground.

  "I think that is enough," I said. I put my hands into the lukewarm water, grabbing the plant. After I place it in the hole, I have Tracy add some of the water. When I think there is enough, I start filling it with the dirt I dug out earlier. Patting the loose dirt down around the plant, I say, "We'll have to make sure to water it often throughout the day."

  We water the plant, and I gather up the shovel and bucket. "I'll take these back to the shed. Are you going to bed?"

  "Yeah... it's getting late, and I'm tired," she said, yawning. "Have a nice night, Lorth."

  I wait until she is safely tucked away inside her home before I start heading toward the garden. Most of t
he way there I am left alone, except for the occasional howl from a beast off in the distance. Right when the clearing for the garden comes into view, I am startled by a large figure jumping out in front of me.

  "Aye, you rotten ghoeph! You could have given me heart pains. What is wrong with you?" I asked. I clutch my chest, over my racing hearts, and glare down at my foolish brother. "Havrick, what are you doing out this way?"

  "We were worried. You never stay out this late, so Pops sent me to check on you." Havrick jumps to his feet from where he had landed on his back after he sprang from the bushes. "Why are you out here so late?"

  "I was with my Tracy, but that is none of your concern." I push past him, heading toward the garden. He stops me, grabbing my arm and pulling me to a stop. I look over at my brother, who looks like me except he has chosen to shave all of his hair off and had the Jessik tribe's artist stain his arms with ink. Our father didn't approve. I don't mind them, but I do not think I could go through the pain to receive them. I shudder at the thought.

  "When do we get to meet your future mate? I've only caught glimpses of her around the village.," said Havrick.

  "Soon," is all I say before I step around him and continue walking, he catches up with me and stays by my side, talking the whole time.

  "I think it is odd that you haven't brought her by to meet Pops, yet. I understand why you haven't introduced her to me. You're afraid she couldn't resist all of this." He swipes his hand down his chest. "So I don't blame you for keeping her away from me, but Pops wants to meet her."

  "My mate isn't desperate, Havrick."

  Havrick growls at my comment, taking in a deep breath of air, he says, "Most of the women in the tribe has said I'm the attractive brother, Lorth, you're the nice one. I'm sorry if that upsets you. It just can't be helped."

  "You do know that most of the women in the tribe are old, their eyes are not that good, brother," I said.

  "Don't try to argue my evidence is too good," he said. "What are we doing back here?"

  I walk along the dirt packed path toward the shed. "I have to return these." I hold up the bucket and shovel for Havrick to see. Sometimes, I do not think he is the brightest. Perhaps I should allow him to claim to be the most handsome because that may be his only good quality.

  "What did you need those for?"

  I sigh, "Tracy and I have begun the mating trials. That is why I needed the tools."

  "That is good news!" He slaps me on my back, causing me to jolt forward.

  "Yes, it is," I said, rubbing where he hit me.

  "Now you have to have her over for a family meal. I'll let Exxil know."

  "Havrick, I will not rush Tracy into anything. We will have a family meal when I think she is ready, not before."

  "Ugh, fine. But try not to wait too long, I'm not getting any younger. Neither is Pops," he grumbled. "I have to go. I was meeting with some of the other hunters for some fun."

  "Don't drink too much because I won't be helping you stumble home," I said sternly.

  "I won't!" He yelled over his shoulder as he jogged away.

  I shake my head.

  Exxil or I will probably have to help him home later, most likely it will be me since Exxil has three children and Ferle has been having sleeping issues lately. I wouldn't want to ruin the little hunter's peaceful sleep.

  I go into the shed and hang the bucket up on the wall and place the shovel down on the table. I make sure the door is firmly shut behind me when I leave. I would not want a repeat of the other night. A fvisiks somehow got into the place, and it made a mess everywhere, I am very certain that it stole some of our tools.

  Looking up, I search the braches for any signs of the little beasts. I don't see any, but they are probably still up there, hiding and watching for when I leave. I check the door once more before I make my way home.

  I take a long way home, passing by Tracy's home. There are no candles lit in the house that I can see through the curtainless windows. She did say she was tired. I can't but help to feel sad that I did not catch a glimpse, even a small one, of my mate. Well, I will see her tomorrow in the garden that will have to be enough.


  "Pops, are you still up?" I call out when I enter my father's home.

  "I'm over here."

  I head toward the kitchen where the voice came from. I find my father sitting down at the old worn out table. The table is as old as Exxil. I remember eating breakfast there every morning when we were children.

  My father and his family built this house when he and my mother first became mated. It has a private kitchen in a separate room from the living area. It has an upper level where two of the four rooms are. My mother painted the outside a vibrant red, and my father makes sure to repaint it the same color whenever it starts to fade.

  I take a seat next to Pops. "You're up late. It's not because of me is it?"

  "No, my knee was aching, so I made some tea. Were you out with Tracy? Havrick was worried, so he went looking for you."

  "He met up with me when I was on my way back to the garden. He was wondering when I was going to bring Tracy here, for a family meal. I know you want to meet her, but I want to give her some time first. We have just started the mating trials, and I know that can be stressful, but I will bring her by soon," I said.

  "There isn't any reason to rush. I'll always be here," he said. "Now, tell me, what did you use for the first trial?"

  "The fallas. Tracy and I transplanted it behind her house. I believe we will succeed."

  "Hmm, I've heard that can be a stubborn plant. Are you sure you two chose right?"

  "We are good with plants, Pops. It will be fine," I said.

  "Your mother and I went with a young khero. It was hard, but we managed," he said.

  "I remember having one of those around here when I was a child. Was it the same one?"

  He nods. "We had to give it away when Havrick was born. He wouldn't leave the poor beast alone, and we were worried that he would hurt him." He places his hands down on the table, pushes himself up, and takes his mug over to the sink. "Well, I'm going to try and get some sleep. You should do the same."

  After he heads upstairs, I grab some dried meat from one of the shelves and eat it on my way to my room. Sighing, I look about at the mess in my room. My clothes are strewn about, hanging over shelves and chairs, piled up on the floor. In the corner is broken garden tools that I put there. I was hoping to get around to fixing them, eventually, but they have been there since before I went with Graviel to retrieve his mate and the other women. Perhaps I should tidy up before bringing Tracy over here again.

  I have brought Tracy here only a time or two, but she has never really met my family except in passing. Every time I insinuated the idea, she became nervous and said that she wasn't ready. I am all right with waiting, but I do feel bad, over her not having met Pops. I think I will talk to Tracy soon about having her over for a family meal. I know that they will love her as much as I do.

  Plopping down on my bed, I wrap my blanket around myself.

  The next morning Exxil and his three children come over. I'm taking Hexxil with me to the garden today, and Pop is watching Rex while Exxil takes Ferle to train with the young hunters for the first time.

  "Good morning!" Exxil shouted as he comes into the kitchen. Hexxil and Ferle come charging in after him, Ferle runs into the living area shouting for Havrick. Hexxil stands in the kitchen, glaring at me.

  I clear my throat uncomfortable with her intense stare. "Is everything all right, Hexxil?"


  Setting down the hot mug of tea, I go over to Exxil. I feel Hexxil's glare on me the whole time. Exxil and Pops are talking over by the open door. "What is wrong with Hexxil?" I look over at her. "She seems angry with me. Why?"

  "She is upset with you because I told her that you suggested that she help you out with the garden." He shrugged. "I think it will be good for her."

  "Why did you have to tell her I was the one who sugg
ested it? You could have said it was your idea," I said.

  "I don't want her to be mad at me!"

  "I'm not going to feel safe now. I hope you're happy," I groaned.

  "You'll be fine." He slaps me on my back. "Will you let Ferle know it's time to go?" He says to Pops before he walks outside to wait.

  Sighing, I go over to Hexxil.

  We say goodbye to everyone and start for the garden. There isn't much conversation between the two of us as we make our way out of the village.

  I look over at my somber niece.

  Exxil is right; she is a lot like her mother. Looking at Hexxil is like looking at a young version of Meema, though she does have her father's eyes. I remember losing my mother. I was a little bit younger than Ferle. It was a hard and painful time. After Meema passed, Hexxil shut herself off from everyone, and it feels like she never opened back up.

  I am hoping that by working in the garden maybe, just maybe, she might start to feel better. That maybe she might start opening up and we'll see the old Hexxil again, I know that it would ease some of Exxil's stress if his daughter were to be happy once more.

  "I'll have you help with the watering this morning, and afterward you can help me organize the shed," I said when we arrived.

  "Fine." She goes over to the well, and I grab two watering cans from the shed.

  "This is going to be fun!" I said.

  She sends me an annoyed expression and holds her hand out for one of the cans. I give it to her, and when she is done filling it up, she stomps off toward a row of plants.

  Well, this isn't going to be easy. I fill my can with water and head over to work on the row next to her.

  Chapter Five


  I wake up to Karen leaning over me. "What are you doing?" I said, voice rough from sleep.

  "I haven't done any laundry in days, so I need to borrow a pair of your leggings."

  "Were you going to ask?"

  "Why? We live together, the three of us are practically sisters." She grabs a pair of green leggings from next to my bed and starts for the door. She sends me an irritated look over her shoulder as she goes.


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