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Doctor Who - [113] - [E-Space 2] - [Vampire Trilogy 1] - State Of Decay

Page 9

by Terrance Dicks

K9's tail antenna wagged. 'Your apologies and thanks are recorded.' For an automaton, K9 had a very forgiving nature.


  There was a lot of clearing up to be done, a lot of congratulations and explanations and organisation to be taken care of, and the Doctor seemed to be in demand for all of it. It was well into the next day before they got back to the TARDIS, still ensconced in the rebel HQ - Government HQ as it was now, thought Romana, since it appeared that Ivo and Kalmar were going to run things between them.

  Even now the Doctor was still hard at work, putting the finishing touches to his overhaul of Kalmar's beloved video console. He straightened up at last. 'There you are, Kalmar. That should do it. There's all the information you need in there. With all that you can get back to a high-technology society in no time. If that's what you want, that is. I always feel there's a lot to be said for the simple life!'

  `We've had quite enough of that in the last thousand years,' said Kalmar dryly.

  The Doctor grinned. `Yes, I suppose you have. Still, I'm sure you'll use the information wisely.'

  'We'll do our best, Doctor.'

  The Doctor yawned and stretched, and headed for the TARDIS, where Romana and Adric stood waiting rather impatiently. K9 was already inside, trying to compute reentry to normal Space with the aid of additional information gleaned from the Hydrax data banks.

  Kalmar came hurrying after him. 'One more thing, Doctor.'

  The Doctor paused by the TARDIS doorway. 'Yes, Kalmar?'

  'If we do manage to raise the level of our technology, do you think that some day we could get the main ship working again?'

  'Well, anything's possible,' said the Doctor cautiously, though he found it hard to imagine Kalmar piloting a spaceship.

  'Well, if we did manage to get it working,' persisted Kalmar, 'do you think there's any chance we could ever get out of this E-Space and go back to Earth?'

  The Doctor sighed. 'To be honest, I really don't know. You see we came here by some sort of freak accident, but you were brought here by the Great Vampire - and it looks as if his secret died with him. My advice is to make the best of it here. It's not such a bad planet, now you have it to yourselves. Good luck, Kalmar.'

  'Thank you, Doctor,' said the old man. 'Safe journey!' He turned and hurried back to the console, a source of endless fascination to him.

  Adric and Romana waved goodbye and Romana went inside. Adric hesitated in the doorway. 'Doctor?'


  'What happens now - about me, I mean?'

  'Nothing happens. You're going straight back home.'

  'Have a heart, Doctor. I want to explore the universe.'

  `Home,' repeated the Doctor firmly. 'Just as soon as I can get you there.'

  Adric grinned cheekily. 'From what I've seen of the TARDIS, that could take quite a while!'

  'Inside!' said the Doctor firmly. Adric went inside and the Doctor followed, closing the door behind them.

  The Doctor went over to the console and found K9, Romana and Adric staring fixedly at him.

  Romana said what they were all thinking, 'Well, Doctor? Where to now?'

  The Doctor went over to the console and studied it thoughtfully. 'Don't worry,' he said. 'I'll think of somewhere!'

  There was a wheezing, groaning sound in the rebel HQ, and the TARDIS faded away. Kalmar watched it go a little sadly. A pleasant fellow, that Doctor. Perhaps a little too erratic for a real scientist, though ... Kalmar returned to work.




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