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ARMOR [New World Book 2]

Page 10

by C. L. Scholey

  “I might make an exception.”

  He was on her then.

  Amy couldn’t struggle. Talons gripped her tightly. His tail curled around her ankles and pulled taut. She slumped and would have fallen but he held her upright. The Tonan was almost as big as Dasks. He too had a tattoo marking his face, but his was black—like his soul. A clawed hand reached for her throat and exerted gentle pressure. Amy could hear the being making clicking noises in the back of its throat. Its head lowered to breathe in her scent.

  “Such a pretty little thing,” he cooed.

  “Leave her,” a snarled howl came from behind them.

  “Dasks.” Amy wept with relief.

  The Tonan spun taking her with him. “This one is unclaimed and mine now,” the Tonan growled.

  Dasks didn’t even answer. He moved forward and tried to snatch Amy from his grasp.

  Amy screamed when both armored males refused to release her. She felt like she was being torn apart in a tug-of-war.

  Dasks clawed at the Tonan’s face.

  The Tonan bellowed when part of his armor failed and a jagged streak of red appeared for just an instant across his cheek. His armor snapped back into place.

  Dasks stomped down hard and snapped the tail in half.

  The Tonan howled again and the part gripping her ankles dropped in a heap.

  “More of Ulsy will be placed under darkness,” Dasks raged. “Until not one of you can keep your armor up. I can smell your weakness.”

  “Castians continue to fight with no honor,” the Tonan howled. “So be it. Take the woman—bury her.”

  Amy gasped when four talons slid up into her belly like a hot knife through warm butter. Her mouth opened and closed as she struggled for breath. Her eyes settled onto the gray face void of expression. Why? What had she done that he would do this?

  The Tonan tossed her into Dasks’ arms.

  Amy looked at the blood pouring from her wounds. Her fingernails gripped Dasks’ armor. She knew she was bleeding, she knew it hurt, but she couldn’t say anything—nothing in her mind registered.

  Dasks bellowed his fury for them both.

  The Tonan swung a claw to strike her again, but Dasks blocked the strike and with one arm, he threw her. Amy felt herself sail through the air, over the Tonan’s head. Wind ruffled her hair. Even as she remained airborne Dasks and the Tonan battled with a fast fury.

  Amy hit the healing waters in the next room with a splash. She sank to the bottom with no energy to swim to the surface. A circle of blood surrounded her. The water attacked her wound. Round and round the pool swirled like a blur. Bubbles encased her. Amy could feel the water inside her. The water waged war on her injury. It was disgusting to have sensations weave in and out of her torn flesh, piecing her back together in a mad flurry. All she could do was sit with her behind on the soft bottom of the pool helplessly.

  The pain began to lessen. The attack slowed to a gentle caressing motion. A few wayward bubbles burst and floated on a current. Just when Amy thought she would die from lack of air, the bubbles stopped. A large object crashed into the pool rocking her. She felt Dasks’ hands yank her to the surface. Amy gasped in huge gulps of air.

  “Dasks.” He was void of armor. She looked past him into the other room. The Tonan was gone.

  “Let me look,” Dasks demanded.

  Dasks lifted her high and checked her wounds. Only four healed puncture marks remained.

  Amy swallowed hard.

  “Is she all right?” Talsk asked.

  Dasks buried his head into her wet hair. “She’s fine.”

  “Meg?” Amy said with concern.

  “She’s fine as well,” Talsk said. His eyes were centered onto Dasks’ angrily. “She carries my babe, so nothing can harm her.”

  “Thank God,” Amy whispered.

  Amy didn’t need to have scent to sense the animosity radiating from Talsk toward Dasks. She knew why he was angry. It was her fault, not Dasks’.

  “I’m dying, Talsk,” Amy said quietly. “Dasks hasn’t mated with me because I might kill him. This wasn’t his fault. I refused him.”

  Talsk looked stunned. “The healing waters…”

  “They won’t cure a disease called cancer,” Dasks said.

  Talsk looked devastated.

  A throat cleared from the doorway.

  They all looked to see Cobra standing there.

  “Cobra, I can explain.” Dasks struggled for a second, scooped Amy up and leaped out of the water.

  “You should have come to me,” Cobra said.

  “I was afraid,” Dasks stammered.

  “You were afraid I would have left her on Earth.”

  It was a statement. Dasks didn’t try and deny it. It was the truth.

  “It’s my fault,” Amy said quietly. “I’m dying, Cobra. I begged Dasks not to mate with me. The healing waters won’t work. I don’t want to kill him.”

  Dasks hugged her tighter to his chest.

  Amy felt certain he was afraid she was about to be ripped from him.

  “It’s not your fault,” Cobra said. “I wish I could tell you if you mated with Dasks you would be cured. I’m not certain. We couldn’t save our own women from the poison.”

  “But, Cobra,” Dasks said, “we don’t know what will happen. No one knew when the baby’s shield would wear off. No one was certain when the women would stop lactating. If their mate had been there at precisely that second, who’s to say the armor wouldn’t have taken over and healed them?”

  Cobra shook his head. “You’re grasping, Dasks. It is still too uncertain. You could die.”

  “But she might live,” Dasks said desperately.

  Cobra looked at Amy. His expression was tender. “I am heading to our home planet. Leah and the children are coming home with me. She could use your help, Amy. You will be safer on Bagron with no shield. Dargon is still in its infancy stages. The defenses are too uncertain while Castian warriors remain prisoners on Ulsy. Only mated men whose females are expecting and invincible may stay here. As long as you live, I’ll make certain you are cared for.”

  “Cobra…” Dasks said.

  Cobra’s eyes hardened. “She almost died today. You knew the shield had been breached. The moment the alarm sounded, you just took off. You said nothing. I hold you solely responsible for this incident. You cannot use your armor to shield her. You can’t mate with her because you could die. I can keep the warriors away from her at my home. I am responsible for her well-being now. You are leaving with the next ship to Ulsy.”

  Cobra spun on his heels and left. Dasks looked devastated. Amy felt her heart break.

  * * * *


  When he entered their room, he just stood there staring at her. Amy smiled at him. The water on Bagron had finally been restored. Amy was in no danger of being poisoned. She was grateful Cobra was giving her a home. She was fond of Leah and her children. It was about to become a full house with the new baby. Leah insisted she felt wonderful. In fact, she said she never felt better in her life. Amy was happy for her.

  Since Grace gave birth to her daughter all the expecting women were feeling confident. It was no wonder they had no need of doctors.

  Amy had never witnessed such an amazing and pain-free delivery.

  Grace had declared there was neither pain nor discomfort.

  Cobra had told them it was the shield. If the mother was distressed, the shield would go up and the baby wouldn’t come. Without pain, the babe was gently eased from the womb. For a full twenty-four hours afterwards, the shield did go up. No one was allowed near mother and child while they slept and bonded and the babe nursed.

  Afterwards, only Rask was allowed close.

  “This is for the best,” Amy told Dasks. “I’ll be safe with Cobra on your home planet. You’ll be able to go to Ulsy and help save other Castians and human females. You can find a real mate. You deserve that. I want that for you; I want you to be happy and find happiness.”

>   Dasks strode forward and pulled her into his arms. “I love you, Amy.”

  “And I love you.” She leaned back and brushed back a lock of his hair. He was so handsome. Her heart ached to have to leave him. It would hurt her more if she killed him.

  “I want to make love to you,” Dasks said.

  “Once more, my love. Something to remember you by,” Amy said in agreement.

  Dasks tenderly scooped her up into his arms then lay her on the bed. A fistful of her shirt was in his hand and he ripped it off with painstaking slowness. As the fabric tore, his eyes never left hers. He seemed so intense, so resolved. Amy knew it was for the best. This was a good way to say…goodbye. She would be dead to him soon. The thought made her eyes tear up.

  Dasks was on top of her. His weight was on one arm while his other crushed her to him. He inhaled her scent. His tongue licked across her throat and over her jaw.

  Amy buried her hands into his hair. When their lips met she tasted his sweetness. Amy trailed her tongue across his and was immediately awash with his pleasure-seeking secretions. She nipped at his lower lip, pulling him closer.

  Amy felt Dasks’ hands move lower to part her legs. His broad bare chest was pressed to her, flattening her breasts. Amy wrapped her arms around him, holding him as tightly as she was able. Dasks’ hard cock pushed into her and he began moving swiftly. Amy wrapped her legs around him and hung on. She groaned as he began pounding into her. Dasks seemed to want to possess her as though his life depended on it. Her back arched with his roughness. No other man would ever come close to Dasks and she decided then and there this would be the last time she allowed any man to ever get close to her. She would die with Dasks’ image in her mind.

  Dasks spun her beneath him. She wasn’t concerned. He had taken her this way often enough at the cave. He remained buried deep and for just a few moments his hands caressed the swell of her rump. One hand slid around to settle between her breasts. His frantic pumping slowed and Amy could feel him as he filled. She held off as long as she could, wanting the experience to last for her short lifetime. Finally it was too much. Her insides couldn’t stretch any more unless she was completely relaxed. Amy cried out. She felt Dasks’ fangs sink into her shoulder. Her body slumped, but she could feel him moving. With a rolling action, his hips moved forward and back, sometimes resting against the backs of her thighs.

  Amy could feel his hot breath on her shoulder as he continued to lick her. It was such a pleasant feeling. Again she felt his bite. Amy began growing tired. Dasks’ movements were so sweet and caring. As she slipped into rest, she heard Dasks tell her she would be fine. He told her he loved her. She smiled; she already knew that. She could feel his love.


  Amy could see the meteors exploding around her. She was standing in the crevice of the cave on Earth watching like she did some nights when she couldn’t sleep. When she looked back into the cave it was dark, empty. She was alone. There was no one left here but her. Dasks was only a sweet memory. After finding out she had cancer, she had been left on Earth to die alone. It was all right. Dasks was safe, that’s all that mattered. She had her fantasies to keep her company. The sweet way he made love to her. The way his eyes would alight with love and tenderness. That was something she could take to her grave.

  “So this is what you dream,” a voice said. “Do you think that little of me?”

  Amy stepped out of the cave. She smiled at Dasks wondering what he was doing here—and without his armor on. “I think this much of you. You got away. I didn’t kill you, my love.”

  Dasks sighed heavily. His fingers rose to trace her cheek. “Is this what I normally wake you from?”

  Amy looked around. Another meteor crashed and exploded. The Earth was almost in complete darkness. If not for the meteors’ light, there would be total darkness. She felt confused. Her fingers captured his and she kissed his hand.

  “What do you mean by wake me from?”

  “You’re dreaming, Amy.”

  “No,” she stammered.

  Dasks pulled her against his chest. “Close your eyes.”

  Amy complied. She felt an odd sensation of moving yet her feet remained still. When Dasks demanded she open her eyes, she gasped. They were high in a treetop on Dargon. The sun was shining. Amy could see everything from her vantage point. It was beautiful. She gripped Dasks harder, still a bit frightened of high places but growing more accustomed when she knew for certain he would keep her safe.

  “It’s just like I dreamed,” she whispered.

  “You didn’t dream Dargon. You live here with me.”

  “But how is that possible? How is this possible? You’re so vivid. I can feel you.”

  “Amy, wake up,” he commanded.

  “I don’t want to. You’ll be gone and I’ll be all alone in my cave,” she said, weeping. “Don’t go away yet. Stay for a little while. Please.”

  “Trust me, Amy.”

  Amy could barely see him through her tears. She loved him so much. Life was so unfair to give him to her and then take him away. But she had to let him go, even in her dreams. It was sweet torture having him so close, touching him. His skin was so warm and welcoming. Gently his mouth lowered to claim a tender kiss. Again he whispered for her to trust him.

  “I will always love you, Dasks.”

  Amy closed her eyes. She could feel arms tighten around her. Anxiously she waited for the dank smell of the cave to invade her nostrils. Soon the burning stench of the meteors would pollute her lungs. Her hand would lift to feel the lump in her breast to remind her that she was dying. Like a sick sign that tormented her. Amy could feel death under her hand. She cried harder when Dasks told her to open her eyes and look at him. He should be gone now. Why is he still in my dream? When Amy finally opened her eyes. They were in their bed on Dargon.

  “No, no,” she wept with realization.

  “I’m sorry, Amy. I had to. I couldn’t let you go. I can’t live without you,” Dasks said.

  His thumb wiped at her tears. Their secretions mixed.

  “Why, Dasks?”

  “I need you.”

  It sounded so simple. Her hand lifted and she felt the lump in her breast. Their mating hadn’t cured her illness. She sobbed again and Dasks held her tight. She could feel his sorrow for her. His entire being filled her. She understood now what Meg had said about mating. Dasks had mated with Amy. They were one. They would live as one; they would die as one.

  “You had no right,” she accused and tried to push him away.

  He held her tighter. “I had every right.”

  “I’ve killed you.”

  “I would have died anyway without you.”

  “But what if there’s a baby? She’ll be all alone.”

  Dasks inhaled her scent. “There is no babe.”

  “I’m still dying.”

  “I know.”

  “What do we do now?”

  “We make love; we live while we have every opportunity.”

  Amy felt his hands caress her. He gave up his life for her. She wouldn’t spend a second being angry with him. When he pulled her under him and thrust into her, she wrapped her legs around him. Her face buried into his neck. She felt his entire body close around her. Her breasts were crushed to his chest. The sheets beneath her felt strange. Dasks was no longer sweating. His thrusting had all but ceased. Amy couldn’t move. She looked up at the ceiling. Her arms tried to pull away, but she was frozen.

  “Dasks?” she whispered.

  “Don’t be afraid. It’s my armor. The second I entered you it came up.”

  “I’m in here with you?”


  “It’s like a cocoon.” She could see everything around her but she couldn’t move a muscle. It was like being glued to one another, fused.

  Dasks chuckled then began laughing. “It is a cocoon, Amy. My pretty little caterpillar is going to be given wings so she can fly.”

  Amy could do nothing but wonder at his wo
rds. She remained pressed tight to his body. Suddenly Dasks began pumping harder. Amy felt her hips settle onto the sheets. She could feel Dasks growing inside of her.

  “Please, Dasks, no baby.”

  “Oh, we’re going to make a baby. You owe me a daughter. Not only Talsk gets to be smitten. I want my turn too,” he declared. “And in four years, you will give me a son. A Castian warrior who will grow up to be as strong and healthy as his father.”

  “What?” she said then gasped. “Oh, Dasks, please. There’s too much.”

  Dasks sank his fangs into her neck. Euphoria claimed her and she settled under him, enjoying what he was doing. He rocked against her. She could see his smile in the moonlight and wondered at it. Wait, he had said she would give him a son—a healthy son like his father.


  “My armor sensed the danger,” he said. His tone was filled with wonder and delight. “You’re fine, Amy. Your cancer is gone. My armor attacked it and healed you.”

  “What?” Stunned, Amy felt her breast. There was no lump. “Are you certain? Really certain?”

  “It’s true, Amy. My armor senses no more threat. It healed you and you’re whole—we are whole and well and will live for centuries. We can watch our children grow, and their children and their children’s children.”

  Dasks slumped to the side when he finished. His hand rested on her belly. “It’s all right, Amy. My armor cured you before we conceived.”

  “Conceived?” she squeaked.

  “Yes, conceived. Our baby will have two parents to fuss over her—her entire life.”

  Amy lay there shocked. Dasks had sacrificed his life for her. In the end, he had saved them both. When his hand reached for her, she could feel his happiness. His emotions surrounded her from every direction, enveloping her. Amy knew what had happened. She had been encased in love and nothing was more impenetrable than his armor.


  C. L. Scholey lives in her Ontario home with her husband and children. She is working on the next book in her series. She loves to connect with readers and can be reached at or check out her web page


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