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Cassandra's Challenge

Page 17

by Michelle Eidem

  “Admiral!” William turns to find Quinn at his side.

  “I want a security detail with the stretcher Quinn.”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Get one sent to the class where Victoria is. Tell them to wait for Lucas. Contact Lucas. Tell him what’s happened. He’ll be in charge of Victoria’s protection.” He watches as the medical personnel carefully position Cassandra so not to further aggravate the embedded shrapnel. When they start to move her he turns back to Quinn.

  “You’re in charge here Quinn. Get me some answers! I’m in medical.”

  Cassandra’s room fills with medical personnel as she’s moved from stretcher to bed. Dozens of hands start checking, hooking up machines.

  “Stop!” William orders, freezing everyone.

  “Admiral, we don’t have time for this.”

  “Everyone OUT! NOW! Except you Bliant.” The personnel look at Bliant. At his nod they leave the room.

  “You are to remain outside this door.” William orders the security detail. “No one gets in here unless I clear them. Is that understood?”

  “Yes sir!”


  “Admiral.” Bliant tries again.

  “This is the second attempt on her life Bliant. You know that. Until I know who is to blame no one touches her but you! Is that understood?” Bliant’s finally understands the Admiral’s concern.

  “Surely you don’t suspect one of my people.”

  “I’m not taking any chances. You said she’s stable. Can you handle her injuries?”

  Bliant looks at the extent of the damage to Cassandra’s left side. “Yes I can handle it. But understand this Admiral.” Bliant turns fierce eyes to William’s. “If for any reason I feel she’s in jeopardy, I will call in any personnel I deem necessary. Is that understood?”


  “Okay. Then since you’ve just become my assistant lose the jacket, we need to cut these clothes off her so I can see the full extent of the damage. There is a blanket in the closet behind you, get it. We’ll start at her feet working our way up, covering her as we go. I don’t want her going into shock.” Working together the two men start cutting off Cassandra’s clothes.

  Lucas is stunned as he listens to Quinn. How the fuck had a bomb been planted in Cassandra and Victoria’s quarters? What if Victoria had been there?

  “You’ve sent a security team?” He demands.

  “Yes. They’ll stand guard until you arrive.” Quinn confirms.

  “Victoria is going to want to know how Cassandra is.”

  “All I know is Bliant said she’s stable. From what I could see she took a lot of shrapnel to the left side and back. She’d turned, taken a few steps away from the hatch before it blew. Otherwise…” Quinn trails off.

  “But she’s stable.” Lucas persists.

  “Yes. Your father is in medical with her.”

  “Good. He’ll have her secure. I’ll do the same with Victoria. He put you in charge of the investigation?”


  “Let me know what you find out.” Lucas orders as he disconnects, sounding very much like the Admiral to Quinn’s mind.

  All Cassandra sees is darkness. Are her eyes even open? She isn’t sure. She feels nothing. Is she supposed to be able to feel? What are feelings? The dark seems to seep into her, until she is the dark. There is something, something she needs to…she loses the thought. She’s floating in the dark, it isn’t unpleasant. Maybe she’ll just stay, floating.

  Something’s trying to get her attention. Turning her head she can see a very dim light. “So far away.” She thinks, turning away. But something makes her look back. The light is brighter, closer. She’s curious and stands up. Had she been sitting all this time? She walks towards the Light.

  The closer she gets the brighter it is, but it doesn’t hurt her eyes, the dark starts to fade. There’s movement in the Light, but she can’t tell what it is. Getting closer a shape seems to be forming, emerging from the Light. It looks so familiar, but why? Stopping Cassandra watches as the figure approaches.

  “Grams?” She whispers.

  “Hello Cassie.” The blue eyes meeting hers are just as she remembers.

  “Grams, I don’t understand.”

  “We decided that I should be the one to talk to you.”

  “We?” Cassandra asks realizing other figures are emerging behind her grandmother. As she looks she recognizes them all, all the Qwes women, including her mother.

  “Mom….” Her mother smiles at her.

  “Yes, she’s here, but she had such a short time with you she felt I should be the one.”

  “The one to what?” Cassandra returns her eyes to her Grams.

  “Lead you from the dark. You are part of the Light Cassandra…you don’t belong in the dark. Now you must decide which light you will be a part of.”

  “Which one?” Cassandra looks around. “Gram’s this is the only light.”

  “That’s the dark, trying to take it away. You have another Light Cassie. You need to decide whether to return to it or stay with us. It is your choice.”

  Cassandra looks from her grandmother to all that came before her. One is standing slightly ahead of the others.

  “Sabah.” She whispers.

  “Yes Sabah is here, she is the first.”

  Sabah’s beauty alone would make her stand out with her long black hair and deep sapphire blue eyes. But she towers over the other women, easily 6’7”. When their eyes met Cassandra feels like she’s forgetting something. It’s there, just outside her grasp. The intensity in Sabah’s eyes seems to be telling her she needs to remember. When Sabah looks down, Cassandra’s gaze follows stopping on her birthmark, it is a tower of light, same as Cassandra’s but it glows white with rays of color shooting out of it, blue, red, amber, green, and violet.

  “Gram’s tell me what to do.” Cassandra looks into her grandmother’s eyes. “I don’t want to lose you again.”

  Gram’s reaches into the gray to gently touch Cassandra’s arm. “You’ve never lost me Cassandra. I’ve always been there. All of us have, in your dreams. But in this, only you can decide.”

  “Something’s wrong!” William tells Bliant as he’s removing the last of the shrapnel from Cassandra’s back. All color is draining out of her face. “She’s not breathing!”

  Bliant rolls Cassandra onto her back checking her pulse, rushing to the cabinet he retrieves the resuscitator. William leans over her gripping her face.

  “Cassandra!” He calls. “Damn it Cassandra! Come Back! I’m not letting go!” Bliant finds him immovable as he tries to push him aside.


  At her Gram’s touch Cassandra can feel the love of all those who’ve come before. She shares their joys, sorrows, and life experiences. She’s come home. Smiling she looks at her Gram’s ready to go with her when something flashes behind her.

  Looking she sees another Light. Small, dim at first, it quickly grows so large and bright it hurts her eyes. There’s something calling from the Light. Something she can almost hear, straining she doesn’t realize she’s pulled away from Gram’s hand.

  “I’m not letting go!”

  “William!” It all comes pouring back into her. William, how could she have forgotten William?

  “Gram’s?” Cassandra turns to see their Light is already fading.

  “You’ve made your choice Cassie. We’ll see each other again.” She says as they all fade away.

  “Cassandra!” Turning she runs to William’s Light.

  “Admiral!” Bliant starts to call for help when Cassandra’s body suddenly arches off the bed her body taking a long deprived breath. Her eyes fly open searching until they find William.

  “William.” She whispers, Bliant stands rooted in place.

  “I’m here Cassandra.” He rests his forehead against hers. “I’m here. Rest, I’ve got you.”

  As she drifts off to sleep Bliant slowly returns the resuscitator to the ca
binet. Returning to his patient he realizes he has just witness the true strength of love.

  “Admiral, I would like to treat her head wound now.” William is standing beside Cassandra holding her hand. “I need to get around you.”

  While William steps aside, he refuses to relinquish Cassandra’s hand, reminding Bliant of Cassandra with Tori. Examining the wound pleased to find it’s only superficial and easily closed.

  Stepping back to allow the Admiral in, Bliant stretches the tired muscles of his back. It’d been a long time since he’d done all the work himself. Going to the chart he writes down what’s happened, or at least what he could explain.

  “What’s her condition?” Bliant looks up to find himself under the Admiral’s scrutiny.

  “She’s very lucky. The head wound is just a laceration. I don’t expect her to have even a minor concussion. No broken bones, which is a testament to just how strong hers are. The shrapnel did some damage, but hit no vital organs. She’ll be bruised and sore for awhile, have a few small scars. She got off lucky.”

  “Lucky!” The Admiral snares at him.

  “Yes Admiral. Lucky!” Bliant stares him down. “If she’d been standing in the direct line of that blast we wouldn’t have been bringing her to medical!” Paling the Admiral looks back to Cassandra.

  “She isn’t in any pain?”

  “No. I’m giving her pain medication through her port.” Bliant explains walking over to check her hand. “It might make her feel a little light headed but that should be all. Admiral,” Bliant waits until their eyes met. “She’s going to be fine.” Bliant sees a flash of relief before it’s gone. Pulling a gown out of a drawer Bliant puts it on her making her as comfortable as he can.

  “When will she wake up again?”

  “That I don’t know.” Bliant walks into his office giving the Admiral some privacy.

  “Has anyone approached the hatch?” Lucas demands of the guards.

  “No sir, no one.”

  “Wait here.” Lucas takes a deep breath and relaxes his face into a smile. He doesn’t want to scare Tori. Opening the hatch his eyes immediately search for her. Finding her safe he closes the hatch before walking to the Educator. Explaining in a low voice there’s been an accident and that he’s here to collect Victoria.

  Turning, he finds Victoria has gathered up her things and is walking towards the hatch. Once there she stops, waiting for him.

  She says nothing as Lucas opens the hatch stepping out in front of her. Once in the corridor Lucas scoops her up into his arms.

  “Go!” He orders. With a guard in front and back they head to the last place anyone would look for Victoria, Lucas’ quarters.

  Once inside Lucas secures the hatch and puts her down.

  “What’s happened to Aunt Cassie?” She demands. Surprise flashes through Lucas’ eyes.


  “Something’s happened or you wouldn’t have come gotten me. If it wasn’t to her then she would have come gotten me! Tell me!” Victoria is starting to become very upset.

  “Calm down, baby.”

  “I’m not a BABY!” Lucas closes his eyes.

  “I know you’re not. Look there was an explosion.” Lucas stares into Tori’s eyes. “Cassandra was hurt. She’s in medical. She’s stable.”

  “Where was the explosion?”

  “Tori, it doesn’t matter.” Lucas doesn’t want to tell her.


  “Your quarters.” Lucas can’t believe he’s telling a nine cycle all this.

  “It’s the same as the poison.” Tori whispers.


  “The poison. It was meant for Aunt Cassie, not me. So is this. It’s the same person.” Lucas is shocked, he hadn’t thought of that.

  “I want to see Aunt Cassie.” Tori demands.

  “I’m not sure that’s such a good idea Victoria.” Tori moves to the hatch to disconnect the locks. “What do you think you’re doing!”

  “I’m going to go see my Aunt!!!! If you won’t take me then I’ll go by myself!” Lucas catches a glimpse of the independent woman his life mate would become. He isn’t sure if he likes it or not.

  “Fine, we’ll go, but if I say we’re gone for any reason, any reason at all you will give me no argument! Is that understood?”

  “FINE!” Tori replies. Picking her up Lucas opens the hatch. “I can walk you know.”

  “Not fast enough.” Lucas shoots back. “We’re going to medical, no one stops us. Is that understood?” Lucas informs the guards. “Let’s go.”

  William looks at the small bruised hand in his. Only three hours ago it had been holding him in the shower, caressing him, loving him. Now it’s still, so still. He’d nearly lost her. He knew that. Here in this room she nearly slipped away, his life mate. Sitting on the edge of the bed William gently kisses her palm, letting his tears fall.

  Cassandra’s eyes open to the feel of William’s tears silently falling into her palm. Gently she moves her thumb to wipe one away. He’s eyes shoot to hers.

  “Cassandra...” Looking around she’s suddenly confused.


  “Shhhh….your fine.”


  “There was an explosion.” It’s all he can get out.

  “Victoria?” Trying to rise she sucks in a quick breath.

  “Fine! She’s fine Cassandra. She’s with Lucas.” William eases her back down.

  “Bliant!” William yells turning his head towards the doctor’s door. Rushing in Bliant sees she’s awake.

  “Well, look whose back.” He efficiently checks her vitals. Pleased he smiles down at her. “How are you feeling?” Cassandra tries to take an inventory of her body. But she can’t get her mind to focus.

  “I don’t know.” She says in a hoarse voice. “I feel like I’m floating.”

  “That’s the pain medication. Let’s get you some water.” Bliant is about to call for it when he catches the Admiral’s eye. “I’ll be right back.”

  Cassandra looks at William. She can see the fatigue and worry in his eyes even if no one else can. Lifting her left hand to touch him she feels a sharp pain.

  “Ouch!” Looking down she sees the port. “What?”

  “Careful." William says gently putting her hand back on her stomach. “You don’t want to rip it out.”

  “Says who?” She frowns at it.

  “Me. You need it.” Trying to stop the floating feeling she focuses on William.

  “How long?” She asks weakly.

  “Just a couple hours.”

  “Hours...” Cassandra felt like she’d been gone days. “Do you know who?” She watches his face tighten.

  “No.” Bliant reenters the room with the water.

  “Here we go. Let’s raise you up so you can take a sip.” Moving the bed into more of a sitting position Bliant puts the cup by her mouth tipping ever so slightly. As she drinks he looks at the Admiral acknowledging that he’s filled the glass himself. When she leans back some of the water spills onto her front.

  “You know I really need to introduce you guys to the concept of straws.” She mummers closing her eyes, turning her head she looks at William trying to ask her question.

  “Why are you here?” Bliant quietly leaves them alone.

  “What!?!” William is stunned by the question. “Cassandra….”

  Hearing the hurt in his voice, seeing the pain in his eyes she realizes she hasn’t said it right. Gripping his hand she looks into his eyes.

  “William…shit I can’t get my thoughts straight! It’s worse than the dark.”

  “Cassandra you’re not making sense.”

  “Do you think I don’t know that!” She demands then closes her eyes as the room starts to tilt.

  “I’m getting Bliant.”

  “No. Please William…I need you to hear me.” Her eyes to bore into his, “The way I heard you…in the dark.” William goes completely still. “I heard you…I was….not lost…
.just nothing…I was nothing…then I heard you…calling my name…saying you weren’t letting go…” Cassandra’s eyes pleaded with his. “I wasn’t about to leave you. You are my light. When I was in the dark, your Light showed me the way home.” Setting an elbow on either side of her head William leans down to capture her lips in a gentle kiss.

  “Cassandra,” He rises up to look into her eyes. “You humble me. There is no Light in my world if you’re not in it. I’ll never let go. You are mine and I am yours.” Kissing her again he pulls her as close as he dares.

  “William?” She whispers.


  “Am I dying?”

  “What! No!”

  “So I’m going to be okay?”

  “Yes! Cassandra yes!”

  “Then why are you here?”


  Putting a hand on his chest she continues. “You are Admiral William Hale Zafar, Commander of the Battle Star Retribution and five battleships. If I’m going to be fine then the fleet needs its Admiral.”

  “Cassandra…” He doesn’t know what to say.

  “I’m safe William.” She rubs her hand over his heart. “I’m not going anywhere. You were here when I needed you, now you’re needed elsewhere. Go. Do what only you can do, be the Admiral.”

  After staring at her for a long moment he gently kisses her. Rising from the bed, he finds his jacket, pulling it on, and all the responsibility that it carries. Cassandra watches the transformation, realizing it makes her love him even more.

  “There are guards posted outside the door.” He tells her buttoning up his jacket.


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