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Cassandra's Challenge

Page 19

by Michelle Eidem

  “I’m here, baby.”

  “I want to go home.”

  “Cassandra, you’re hurt.” He starts.

  “There’s nothing that can be done here that can’t be done at home. Please William? I want to sleep in our bed. I sleep better with you.” William looks to Bliant.

  “She’s right Admiral, what she needs now is rest. There are no more splinters I ran a full scan. She’ll rest better where she’s most comfortable, I’d say that’s with you.” William takes a moment to think.

  “Cassandra, I’m going to lay you down here for just a minute okay? I need to arrange a few things.” Laying her gently on her side the Admiral goes to the communications consul.

  “Marat I want four more guards in medical in five minutes, full gear.” Turning to Bliant he continues. “You will give her something that will take the edge off of her pain. She’s going to get bumped around. I won’t have her hurting unnecessarily.”

  ”She has the right to decide.” Bliant stands firm. “We’ll ask her.” Cassandra has been quietly listening to the two men.

  “Cassandra,” Dr Bliant starts.

  “I wouldn’t mind some pain medication doc. I told you I’d tell you. But please not the stuff from before. I don’t like floating. Just knock it back some.”

  “I can do that.”

  William waits as Bliant administers the medication. Quickly some of the pain eases from Cassandra’s eyes, easing the grip around his heart.

  “I’ll need something to wrap her up in.” The Admiral tells Bliant. At the knock on the door he leans down. “I’ll be right back.”

  Exiting the room the Admiral addresses the six men. “You will be executing the arrow of protection. No one gets through! We will proceed from this room directly to my quarters. Two guards will be posted outside. Arms are on full stun. You have two minutes.” Reentering the room Bliant has a large blanket ready for the Admiral.

  “Cassandra,” He gently whispers in her ear causing her to open her eyes. “Let’s get you up so we can go home.”


  “Yeah,” Wrapping the blanket around her shoulders, he helps her stand up letting the rest of it fall to the floor. Securing her in the blanket, William bends down to scoop her up in his arms.

  “You okay?” He watches her closely.

  “As long as I’m with you.” She leans her head against his chest, closing her eyes.

  “Let’s go then.” Bliant opens the door. The security detail forms around the Admiral as he heads out.

  The corridors of the Retribution are buzzing as the detail passes. The Admiral is carrying the Earth woman, with Arrow protection. There has been some talk but now….Falco is one of the crew seeing the detail. She has to decide what she’s going to do next.

  Quinn is just lying down in bed when consul rings. “Fuck!” He sits up to answer.


  “Colonel, this is Lucas Zafar.”

  “Do you know what time it is Lieutenant?”

  “Late. I had to be sure Tori was asleep.”

  “How is she?” Quinn’s developing a soft spot for the girl

  “Holding up well sir. Sir, I think I have a very creditable lead on whose doing this.”

  “What!” Quinn is out of bed.


  ”Can the ‘sir’ stuff Lucas, what have you got!” Filling Quinn in on Cassandra’s suspicions, Quinn interrupts him.

  “You’re going on another woman’s what? Intuition? Damn Lucas…”

  “I trust Cassie’s intuition Quinn, but I did some digging. Did you know that Falco has an E1 explosive rating?”


  “Specializing in directional blasts.” Quinn is quiet.

  “I know it was a directional blast Quinn. Hell the entire ship knows. I’ve gone as far as I can, called in every IOU that I’ve got. Now I need help.”

  “Why me, why not your old man?” Quinn asks and is greeted by silence.

  “Quinn, you’ve been my father’s friend longer then I’ve been alive. Fuck, you’re my Second Father! If this information is right, if all this is because Falco is jealous of Cassandra, and my father dismissed Cassandra’s concerns, how is he going to react? We both know what will happen if he finds her first. Are you willing to take that chance?”

  “Damn, Lucas you argue like your old man. What do you need from me?”

  Quinn listens, finding he agrees with what he wants. “I’ll let you know when I’m ready.”

  Entering their quarters William secures the door before carrying Cassandra into their private quarters gently laying her on the bed.

  “Cassandra you’re home.” Saying it out loud fills him with a satisfaction he can’t explain. Opening exhausted eyes she gives him a soft smile.


  “What about you?” She starts to sit up.

  “No, lay back down. I have a few things I need to take care of. I’ll just be in my ready room. It won’t take long. Rest.” Kissing her he turns the lights low leaving the room.

  Cassandra watches him go with concerned eyes. He needs sleep too. Catching a smell, she wrinkles her nose.

  “What is that?” Working her way out of the blanket she realizes it’s her. “Okay, time for a shower.”

  Carefully she puts her feet on the floor. Standing slowly she takes an inventory. She feels a little like a human pin cushion but it was more irritating then painful. Whether that’s the medication or not, she doesn’t know. Her right arm is starting to show colorful bruising. Pulling her gown aside she finds her entire right side blooming with bruises.


  The thought of a hot shower has taken root, she really wants one. Leaving the blanket behind she carefully walks into the bathroom, her abused muscles protesting. With a shower the only thing on her mind Cassandra enters and sees herself for the first time.

  “Shit.” Raising a hand she touches her cheek where there was yet another bruise blooming. Her hair is a tangled mess with debris falling out as she tries to run her fingers through it. Her finger coming out smudged with soot.

  “Oh, definitely in need of a shower.” Slowly working the gown off, she turns on the shower and steps in.

  In his ready room William leans his head back on his chair. He’d gotten her home safely. Home. She’d called it home. With everything that has happened today, all the mistakes he’s made, she trusts him, feels he is her home. He needs to do a better job of taking care of her. Rubbing his eyes, he sits up, starting now. Turning to his communications consul he starts making calls.


  “Quinn, I wanted to let you know that I’ve moved Cassandra from medical to our quarters. I’ve also posted a security detail outside.” The ‘our quarters’ isn’t missed by Quinn.

  “She’s doing okay then?”

  “She’s beat to hell Quinn!” William’s rage is finally breaking free.


  “She stopped breathing.”

  “But she’s okay now.” Quinn persisted. He knows his friend, knows he’s blaming himself. Even without knowing what he and Lucas suspected.

  “Yeah, she’s sleeping.”

  “That’s what you need to be doing. Get some sleep Will. There’s nothing else you can do tonight. We’ll get started on it again tomorrow.”

  “There’s no new evidence?”

  “No Will. No new evidence. Go to bed.” Quinn disconnects before William can ask anything else. He hadn’t lied. He had no new evidence yet.

  William knows Quinn is right but he has one more call to make before he can sleep next to Cassandra. He waits as the call connects.

  “Zafar.” William hears a quiet voice.


  “Dad? What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, just checking in with you. Victoria’s sleeping?”

  “Yeah, she’s been down a couple hours now. How’s Cassie?”

  “She’s sleeping. That’s what I wanted tell you. I brought
her home tonight.”

  “Home?” Lucas questions before he thinks.

  “Yes. Home, with me, our quarters, because that’s what it is now Lucas, our quarters, after what happened today I’m not letting her stay anywhere else.” Lucas can tell he’s building up a head of steam.

  “Dad, stop. You just caught me off guard. What about Victoria?”

  “I’m working on that. I just wanted to let you know where to bring her tomorrow. Cassandra’s going to want to see her, I don’t know if going to class is advisable yet with us still unable to identify who’s doing this.”

  “I agree.” Lucas starts, trying to decide if he should tell him of Cassandra’s suspensions. “Dad there’s something….”

  “Fuck!” William interrupts him hearing the shower turn on.

  “What’s wrong!”

  “She’s getting in the shower!” William disconnects.

  Lucas takes off his headset grinning. Yeah, Cassandra could handle his father.

  William storms into the bathroom ready to tear into Cassandra, and stops cold at what he sees. With her back to him William gets his first complete look of her injuries top to bottom. On one side she’s all scraps and lacerations, closed by Bliant but still healing. On the other one massive bruise. Taking a deep breath he removes his clothes and joins his life mate.

  “Cassandra,” he says quietly. “What are you doing?”

  She isn’t surprised to hear William’s voice. Deep down she’d known he would come when he heard the water. What does surprise her is that he isn’t angry. Turning slowly she brings her hands up to his chest.

  “I’m taking a shower.”

  “I can see that. Why aren’t you in bed?”

  “Because, not only am I filthy, I stink.”

  “Cassandra….” William can only sigh. She raises a hand to his cheek.

  “William, yes I’m tired, yes I’m sore, I admit it. But I’m not going to lie down in our bed covered in whatever I’m covered in. My hair is full of soot and dirt. I just want to get clean.” He finds he can’t argue with her.

  “Come on then let’s get you cleaned up.” Reaching behind her he fills a hand with shampoo and starts massaging it into her scalp.

  “William…I didn’t mean…”

  “Shhh…lean on me.” As she does his hands work their way through her hair, his touch soothing her. After rinsing her hair he gently washes the rest of her body.

  “You know,” Cassandra tells him as he washes her breasts. “If you were doing that any other time I’d be all over you.”

  “I’ll hold you to that.” Reaching her ankles, he stares at the birthmark that had started the argument this morning. It seemed darker. He’d have to ask her about it, but not now. Now he needs to get his mate to bed.

  Turning off the water he reaches for a towel to dry her hair, just as he’d done earlier that day. But things weren’t the same now. Finishing, he leans down to carry her to bed.

  “William I can walk.” She protests in a weak voice, telling William just how far she’d pushed herself.

  “Not tonight.”

  “I don’t want to sleep, unless you’re with me.”

  “You couldn’t keep me away.” Turning off the lights he slides in next to her, making sure he’s between her and the door. Secured or not he’s taking no chances. Cassandra immediately finds him in the dark, wrapping an arm around him.

  “Easy, you don’t want to lie on your side.”

  “You know you’re right,” She mummers in a sleepy voice. Pulling herself up onto his chest her body goes lax. Exhaustion catches up with William. Putting his arms carefully around her, he follows her into sleep

  Waking with Cassandra in his arms William’s content. The ringing of his consul has him stretching trying not to wake her.


  “Dad, it’s Lucas, Victoria had a dream last night. She says she needs to talk to you and Cassandra, something about understanding Regulian.” William runs a careful hand up and down Cassandra’s back as he feels her waking.

  “Give us about twenty minutes then head over.” Disconnecting he looks down to find sleepy blue watching him. “How are you feeling?”

  “Who was on the comm?” She asks instead of answering.

  “Lucas. He and Tori are coming over. She had the dream.”

  “What!” Cassandra winces as she leans up without thinking. “Damn.”


  “I’m okay, just stiff and sore.” Looking into concerned eyes she leans down giving him a soft kiss. “Good morning.”

  William isn’t being that easily distracted. Easing her onto the bed he stands.

  “I’m calling Bliant.” He reaches for his comm. “You need another shot.” Ready for an argument she surprises him.

  “That might not be a bad idea.” She tells him still lying on the bed.

  After notifying Bliant, he calls Hutu telling him to bring first meal for four, one being Tori.

  “William.” Cassandra slowly starts to sit up.

  “Take it easy.” He grips her elbows to help her.

  “Trust me I am.” Once she’s sitting on the edge of the bed William pulls the blanket around her. “William, I need something to wear.”

  “I’ll find you something. You okay there?”

  “Yeah.” She admires his bare backside as he walks over to his closet to get her a shirt, pulling on pants he heads back. The man is built, she thinks with a little smile. William raises a questioning eyebrow at the little smile on her face as he helps her into one of his shirts.

  “Just admiring the view.” She tells him unable to meet his eyes, a blush creeping up her neck. William finds the blush captivating, that she could still be shy around him amazes him. Squatting down he tips her chin up, looking into sheepish eyes.

  “Glad you like it.” Causing her blush to deepen but her eyes become mischievous.

  “Oh trust me I did.” A grin breaking across her face. William rises at the buzzing at the hatch indicating Bliant’s arrival. Going back to his closet he pulls on a shirt.

  “I’ll be right back, stay put.” He tells her leaving the room. Bliant enters the Admiral’s ready room and waits as he secures the hatch. The Admiral appears to have gotten some sleep.

  “So how is she this morning?”

  “Sore, she isn’t even arguing about the medication.” He leads him to the adjoining door.

  “The day after is usually the worse. I’ll check to make sure it’s not anything more serious.” Entering the private chambers Bliant find Cassandra standing on the far side of the room next to the bed. Wearing what is obviously one of the Admiral’s shirts as it came down to her knees.

  “You were supposed to stay sitting.” William moves to her side.

  “I’m not a damn dog.” The look on his face tells her he didn’t understand. “Sorry, I just wanted to try to loosen up my muscles.”

  “Do you want to sit on the chair or couch?” Bliant breaks the tension. Ignoring Bliant, Cassandra puts a hand on William’s forearm.

  “Would you help me to the chair?” William’s eyes bore into hers. “Please William.” Taking slow small steps he helps her to the closest chair. Easing down she breathes a sigh of relief.

  “Thank you.” She looks up at him with strained but grateful eyes. William steps back his jaw tense.

  “She needs the shot Bliant.” Bliant steps around the Admiral.

  “So how are you feeling this morning?”

  “Sore. More than I expected.”

  “You ready for another shot?”

  “Yes, whatever you gave me last night. It helped without making me feel weird.” Pulling out a pressure syringe he gives her the shot.

  “I want to check your wounds.” At the buzzing at the hatch, Cassandra looks at William.

  “If that’s Tori…”

  “I’ll keep her in the other room until Bliant is done.” She flashes him a grateful smile. As he leaves, he closes the connecting door. Che
cking to make sure there is no infection in the wounds Bliant continues to talk to her.

  “So you slept ok last night?”

  “Yeah. I don’t think I moved once I was asleep.”

  “You’ve had a shower.”

  “Yeah, it helped loosen up my muscles.”

  “No vision problems?”

  “No.” Bliant checks her lungs.

  “Take a couple deep breaths for me.” When Cassandra obeys she winces. “Still really sore?”


  “Your right side absorbed the worst of the impact hitting the bulkhead, it’s a deep contusion, it’s going to take time. You need to not push yourself. When your body tells you it needs rest, take it. You’ll heal faster.”

  “There’s a lot going on right now.” She starts only to be cut off.

  “Right now you need to concentrate on getting better, let the Admiral handle the rest.” Cassandra just looks at Bliant, unsure of how to answer him, unaware he’s been contacted by Tar to dig into Falco’s medical history.

  “The Admiral’s very good at his job Cassandra. He’ll find out who’s doing this and it will be handled. But if he has to worry about you pushing yourself too hard it’s going to distract him. Trust him.”

  “I’ve trusted him since the moment I meet him. Nothing that’s happened since changes that.” Looking at him she can see he’s trying to make a point. “Why would you think it did?”

  Bliant isn’t sure he should continue.

  “You started this Bliant finish it.” She orders.

  “You and Tori have both been injured while you’ve been under his protection, on his ship, by one of his crew. Some might start doubting his ability.”

  “A Carinian woman you mean.”

  “Yes, especially with the Admiral being from the House of Protection. It will be a very serious concern for him.” Bliant decides to get it all out there. “I’ve seen the two of you together. The bond you have. But you’re still new to our ways, have ways of your own. I thought you should know how this is going to affect him.” Listening to Bliant Cassandra realizes he knows of her suspicions.


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