Cassandra's Challenge
Page 26
“So it should be available to me, since someone thinks I could be Queen. Can it be done? From here, without anyone knowing?”
“It’ll be tricky, we can get so far on my security, without any flags, but after that…“
“Then it will be up to me. What happens if the Royals find out your security code is being used?”
“It won’t matter, you’ll be Queen.”
“Before that.”
“It won’t matter.”
“Cassandra, if you need the information you’ll have it. But it will have to be either from this comm or the one in our quarters. They have the best security on the ship.” Cassandra’s eyes narrow.
“Then why did you talk to the High Admiral on the Bridge?”
“It was about the Dioscuri coming wasn’t it. You didn’t want me to know.”
“I didn’t want anyone one to know. Only Quinn knows. Cassandra, I know how to protect you.”
“I’ve never doubted that William, but protecting me and keeping me in the dark are two entirely different things.”
“I told you about the Dioscuri when everything was set. You have to trust I know what I’m doing.” Standing she walks over to lean against the desk next to him.
“I’ve always trusted you. I need to go get Tori, class is almost out. But there’s something I want to show you, it’s the real reason I wanted you to clear sometime.” Putting her foot on his thigh she lifts her pant leg.
Expecting to see her birthmark is darker, he’s amazed to see it’s starting to fill with color. Rubbing his thumb across it he knows that anyone seeing it will have no doubt she is the lost Queen. Standing he pulls her close, suddenly uncertain of their future.
“William?” Easing his hold he leans down for a gentle kiss.
“You are the Queen, Cassandra.”
“Maybe, but I’m also just me, your life mate.”
“Yes you are. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“You need to make sure no one sees you birthmark until we reach the Assembly.”
“Alright, I need to get Tori.”
Walking Victoria to class several days later Cassandra can’t help but notice the unusual silence filling the Retribution. There are no yells, no shouts, no laughter, it’s like a funeral. Even the kids are somber.
As Victoria enters the class she sees Javiera and Amina coming down the corridor. They too are quiet with no smiles of greeting. Cassandra waits as Javiera hugs her daughter goodbye.
“Javiera, what’s going on?”
“You should know.” The accusation in Javiera’s voice causes Cassandra to take a step back.
“What do you mean?” When she starts to turn away, Cassandra grabs her arm. “You told me that if I had any questions I could ask you. Well I’m asking. What the fuck is going on? It’s like someone died.” Javiera sees the honest confusion in Cassandra’s eyes.
“You really don’t know do you.” Javiera looks around the corridor. “Come on, we can’t talk here.”
Following her, Cassandra is suddenly aware of the eyes following them. Entering the Michelakakis quarters Javiera secures the door.
“You know the Dioscuri replaced the Retribution on this tour.”
“Yes, it arrived yesterday.”
“That we’re heading back to Carina.”
“That there are only two reasons for that to happen Cassandra.”
“What do you mean reasons…?” Cassandra starts to get a sick feeling in her stomach.
“Either the Admiral has been ordered back because High Command has lost faith in his ability to command or the Admiral has requested it, because he no longer feels he can.”
“Can what?”
“Command the fleet.”
“What!” Cassandra’s eyes widen. “Javiera that’s crazy, why would anyone think that?”
“Cassandra! You don’t just have a Battle Star replaced eight months into a tour! Especially one that’s had a lot of combat, unless it is severely damaged or suffered heavy losses, the Retribution has had neither. It means there has been a loss of confidence in the commander at the highest levels.”
“Why would anyone think that, especially on this ship?” Javiera just stares at her. “Because of me? Everyone thinks it’s because I’m his life mate that he’s lost his nerve to command?”
“Simply put, yes.”
“But that’s ridicules. Javiera, you said you grew up on ships, you know the Admiral, you know there is a reason for this.”
“And it has nothing to do with you?” Turning away Cassandra runs a hand threw her hair.
“It does, but not in the way you think. Shit! Why didn’t he tell me this would be what his crew would think?”
“I thought you didn’t care what people would think. You didn’t about Falco.” Javiera accuses.
“That was different, he was worried what everyone would think about, talk about, me. I could care less. But this… this is what his crew thinks about him! Are saying about him! Fuck how could any of them doubt him? How could you!” Javiera is somewhat taken aback by Cassandra’s rage.
“You really didn’t know, did you?”
“If I’d have known I would have stopped it, there has to be another way.”
“Another way to what?” At her silence Javiera’s mind starts to race. “You’re saying that there’s another reason for this, one that justifies this.”
“I can’t tell you.”
Javiera sit down on her couch. She’s known Cassandra only a short period of time, but in that time has come to trust her. Her gut tells her to trust her now.
“Okay, don’t tell me but there is something else you should know, and I doubt the Admiral will tell you. Even if there is another reason for returning to base, a major reason that High Command is aware of. The chances of the Admiral ever being put in command of another Battle Star let along another fleet are zero.”
Cassandra’s pale face tells Javiera all she needs to know. While the Admiral’s told her what was going on, he’d protected her from what it would do to him.
“They’ll take away his command?” Cassandra’s voice is faint.
The first change she notices is Cassandra’s eyes. Moments ago they’d been dazed and shocked to the point she’d thought of making her sit. But now they blaze with fury, her cheeks filling with color.
“That son of a bitch! Damn him! What the hell gives him the right!” Javiera is suddenly glad she’s not the Admiral and not because of High Command. Cassandra pissed off is an unrivaled sight.
“I need to get back to quarters, but Javiera, don’t doubt the Admiral, NEVER doubt him.” As she strides the corridors of the Retribution no one seeing her considers stopping her.
Entering the ready room all conversation stops. Tar and Lucas are there making Cassandra realizing she’s the only one who didn’t understand. Carefully shutting the hatch she sits down in the chair to the left of the Admiral.
“Cassandra, we’re having a meeting.”
“Go ahead, it’s not like it concerns me anyway. Right? It was only my planet destroyed, only my family murdered. I mean, why should I give a damn? I’m just some stupid refugee that believes everything she’s told. Isn’t that right Admiral?” Her eyes blaze into his.
“Lucas. Quinn. Would you excuse us for a minute?”
“There’s no need for that Admiral, after all you keep them informed.” Cassandra’s eyes turn to the two men, the blazing cold, freezing them in their chairs.
“While I on the other hand have been kept in the dark.” Cassandra turns her attention back to the Admiral. “That ends now. So please continue on, I’d love to know how the three of you are handling my life!”
“You haven’t been kept in the dark.” The Admiral’s own temper is rising.
“Really….so I’ve been told what the arrival of the Dioscuri’s means for you.” Quinn and Lucas
look at each other.
“You’ve been given all the relevant information.”
“Relevant information….that’s what you call it? You knew I wouldn’t realize it would cost you your command!” She stands slamming her hand down on his desk. “You had not right to keep that from me!”
“It wasn’t your decision!”
“No it was yours! But it involves me! It’s because of me! I should have been told!” Leaning over the desk they are nearly nose to nose.
“You didn’t need to know! There are more important things for you to concentrate on.”
“More important? How are you not important? How is our life together not important?”
“Cassandra, once this is settled you’ll be Queen, it won’t matter.” Hoping to distract her, he walks over to grip her shoulders. But Cassandra’s caught the look on Lucas’ face, the looks he and Quinn exchange. There is something else she isn’t being told.
“What don’t I know?” Stepping around William, Cassandra advances in on the two sitting men.
“Lucas,” Cassandra’s eyes bore into his. “What don’t I know?”
“Cassandra, this is between you and me.” William gives his son a hard look.
“Bull shit! If it was I’d know about it wouldn’t I.”
“Dad, she has the right to know.”
“An heir to the throne cannot have a union with anyone outside his or her House.” Quinn tells her earning a furious look from his friend. “A Queen has the right to know William.”
“What?” Quinn sees the utter shock in her eyes.
“The Queen of the House of Knowledge must join with someone from her own House.” Cassandra’s eyes shoot from Quinn to Lucas, who nods.
“You knew….” She turns to William. “All along, as soon as you saw my birth mark.” William says nothing.
“You knew that if I became Queen…and you don’t think that matters!”
“Your safety is what matters! Damn it Cassandra, they want you dead! I’m not going to let that happen!”
“So I can be Queen…have a life.”
“One without you.”
“If that’s what it takes to keep you safe. Then yes.”
“You’ve thought it all out, planned it, are willing to execute that plan.” She slowly walks over to stand in front of William, with eyes he can’t read. She’s shut him out.
“So who have you picked?” She demands.
“Picked? What are you talking about?”
“I’ll have to marry won’t I? Produce an heir. So who is he?” The tormented look on William’s face almost makes her stop, but the thought of him planning all this fuels her anger.
“Who’s the man I’ll sleep with every night, who I’ll make love with, conceive with? Tell me William who will it be?” Lucas stands.
“Cassandra, that’s enough!”
”No Lucas, it really isn’t.” Her eyes bore into him. “Because this is my life, my future, and no one not even my life mate,” She turns back to William. “Has the right to make a decision like this for me!”
“That would be your decision Cassandra.” William finally replies in a tight voice.
“That’s right Admiral, mine not yours.” Turning away from him Cassandra goes into the private quarters, slamming the door.
William walks slowly to his desk, knowing he’s just lost any future he might have with his life mate. Sitting down he flexes his hands on the desk.
“We’ll have to continue this meeting later.”
“Dad….I’ll go talk to her.” Lucas starts to rise.
“Leave her alone Lucas.” William’s bleak eyes meet his son’s. “She’ll work her way around to it, figure out it’s the only way.”
“The only way to what?”
“Keep her safe.”
“Admiral,” Quinn stands looking at his long time friend. “I think you’ve misjudged. She’s hung out a Raptor for her niece, climbed into an active array for the Retribution, and stood toe to toe with Tibullus, leaving him stuttering for you, she’s not at all concerned about her safety. Come on Lucas.” Turning both men leave.
Standing in the middle of the room, Cassandra doesn’t know what to do? How could he have done this? How could he believe she’d sacrifice him to be queen? That she’d choose another to have children with? Has it all been a lie? Four days ago he’d promised her a child, ‘soon’ he’d said. A lie or a wish?
She needs to sort this out, to come to a decision in her own mind and she can’t do that in this room with all its memories. Turning she enters the ready room, stopping when she finds William there, sitting behind his desk.
Hearing the door open he watches her enter. Her face is set, her stride determined, her sapphire eyes shuttered. When she stops, he stands.
She is the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen, she’s his life mate. How is he going to let her go? The thought of her sharing with another, what they’ve shared, is tearing him apart. Starting towards her he stops as she turns, leaving him without a word.
“Admiral, where’s Aunt Cassie?”
“I’m right here, kiddo.” Striding into the room she finds them finishing their meals, a plate still covered next to William. Rounding the table she pulls out the chair next to Tori.
“So how was school?” She asks.
“Some. Why didn’t you pick me up?”
“I’m sorry, I asked Javiera to because I was worried I’d forget. You know how I get when I’m in the middle of a project.” She forces a smile she isn’t feeling. “She picked you up didn’t she?”
“Yeah, she did.”
“Good. You done?”
“Then let’s hit that homework.”
“I can do it.” Leaving the table Victoria goes to her room, closing the door. Standing Cassandra picks up the dirty dishes.
“You need to eat.” William breaks the silence, his eyes following her.
“Later.” Picking up the bag she’d dropped by her chair she heads over the work area.
“Cassandra, we need to talk.”
“No.” With her fingers flying over the keys, she dives back into her research, shutting him out. Watching her he sighs.
“I’ll be at my desk if you need me.” Receiving no reply he leaves, after one last long look at her back.
Sagging in her chair Cassandra puts her head in her hands. This is going to be so much harder then she thought. To be this close to him and not touch him, not kiss him. But he needs to understand what his decision will cost. Cost both them. Looking at the screen she gets back to work.
Unable to put it off any longer William goes into their private quarters, hoping to find Cassandra already in bed asleep. Instead he finds her at the comm center, her plate untouched.
“You didn’t eat.”
“Hmmm….what?” She looks to finding him standing beside her. She’d been so consumed by what she’s found she hadn’t heard him enter.
“You need to eat.” He gets just a glimpse of the woman he loves before she shuts him out.
“Later.” Turning back to the screen she continues to scan the page.
“Cassandra….” As documents continue to scroll by William rubs his neck in frustration. Perhaps for the first time in his life he doesn’t know what to do. He’s responsible for this, that he knows, but there is no other way to secure her safety.
“You want to sleep I’ll go work in the other room.”
“No, stay.” He needs her close. “You’re all set up.” Turning to their closet he changes for bed.
Unable to stop herself Cassandra watches him. How could he possible think she’d be willing to give him up? Dragging her eyes back to the screen she tries to concentrate.
Stopping on the way to bed he waits for her to look at him. When she finally does her eyes are unreadable.
“Don’t stay u
p to late.” He mummers, raising a hand to touch her cheek, he freezing as she jerks away. The pain her action causes clearly evident in his eyes. Dropping his hand he turns to the empty bed.
Lying alone, in the bed they should be sharing, he watches as she continues to works at the comm center. Her fingers flying over the keys digging out the information she needs. He knows she’s searching for connections between the Royals and Regulians. They’d discussed it…before. He’d given her the codes she’d need to access the records, he’d been willing to let her search, hoping it would keep her busy, so she wouldn’t realize what he was doing…behind her back. He could admit it, to himself. But he has the right to protect her, no matter the cost.
The wind whips his hair as the waves violently crashed against the cliffs. There would be no calming sunset for William. Storm clouds were building on the horizon, stealing the light of the suns. Sensing someone behind him he braces for an attack.
“Wicked storm, wouldn’t want to be caught in it alone.” Turning quickly he assesses the shorter man. What he lacks in height he make up for in size, he would be a worthy opponent in battle.
“Only an idiot would be out alone.” William replies.
“Most men are, at one time or another, or so my life mate tells me.” The man turns calm, violet eyes to William.
“You’re Kayden.”
“You murdered your brother, than ran away.”
“Did I?” His violet eyes harden. “If I had, you would never be. You know nothing.”
“You are the third son of King Tibus. You killed the First Son then ran away taking the future Queen of the House of Knowledge, with you.”
“My brother lived. The King’s First Son gave me his blessing. I left with my life mate.”
“She was to be Queen.” William fires at him.
“She was Queen!” Kayden fires back. “My Queen!”
“You stood in the way of what she was to be." Kayden rounds on William.
“You know nothing!” Rage fills his eyes. “Stand in her way! No one stands in my life mate’s way once she’s made up her mind, including me!” Turning Kayden stares at the gathering clouds his chest heaving.