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Cassandra's Challenge

Page 38

by Michelle Eidem

  “Yes Admiral.”

  “Admiral, I have High Admiral Valerian on the comm.”

  “Put it on speaker. Zafar.”

  “Admiral, you’re late.”

  “Actually we’re early sir, we were scheduled to arrive at 1000, it’s 0800.”

  “Don’t tell me what time it is Zafar!”

  “Yes High Admiral.”

  “My shuttle will be arriving in ten minutes, have your landing bay ready!”

  “Yes sir.”

  Uneasy glances flash around the bridge. It was obvious to everyone that there was trouble brewing between their Admiral and the High Admiral.”

  “Communications inform landing bay A that the High Admiral’s shuttle will be landing in ten minutes.”

  “Landing bay ‘A’ sir?”

  “Yes ‘A’. Navigation, send the landing instructions to the High Admiral’s shuttle.”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Communications, inform Landing Bay D that a shuttle from King Jotham will be arriving in the next thirty minutes. They are to be given priority landing instructions.”

  “Yes sir!” Something definitely going on.

  “Colonel, you are to wait for the King’s shuttle, then escort the detail to my quarters.”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Colonel you have the bridge until the King’s shuttle is on approach.” The Admiral was taking no chances that the High Admiral could change his orders. Going to his comm the Admiral inserts a memory foil, enters a sequence of codes, and waits. Once the foil is full he removes it. Looking around the bridge then turns to Quinn.

  “You have the bridge Colonel.”

  “Yes sir.”

  Leaving the bridge of the Retribution for the last time the Admiral heads to his quarters and his future.

  High Admiral Valerian raises and eyebrow as he and his staff approach Admiral Zafar’s quarters. A security force of six lines the corridor.


  “High Admiral.” Marat salutes his superior officer.

  “Why is there a security force outside the Admiral’s quarters?”

  “Sir, because the Admiral ordered it, sir.”

  “Open his hatch Chief. We’ll wait inside.”

  “Sir, I am unable to do that sir.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Sir, I don’t have the authorization codes to access the Admiral’s quarters.”

  Moving to the security panel the High Admiral enters his security code. When it is denied he is enraged.

  “High Admiral Valerian nice to have you on board.” Zafar approaches from the opposite direction. “Marat.” He nods to the Chief.


  “Zafar! You will explain the meaning of this.”

  “Of what sir?”

  “Of my clearance not working on your hatch.”

  “Because the future Queen of the House of Knowledge requested it, High Admiral.”

  Marat freezes at the Admiral’s comment. Future Queen of the House of Knowledge? He’s talking about Cassandra. He’s self-proclaimed life mate. Marat finally realizes what they are facing. Looking at his men he knows they realize it too.

  Stepping up to the security panel the Admiral enters his code. As the locks release he gestures.

  “High Admiral.”

  Valerian passes but the Admiral stops his staff.

  “Just the High Admiral.”

  “My staff is with me Admiral.”

  “Yes sir, and they can wait in the corridor.”

  “You’ve over stepped your authority Zafar!”

  “It is my command until I leave the ship High Admiral. I have authority, unless you wish to remove me from that command. To do so you will need to contact High Command, call a commission and explain your decision. Or you may enter my quarters alone and within the hour I will be off the Retribution.”

  The look in Valerian’s eye is deadly. Turning he addresses his staff.

  “You are to stay here. No one enters these quarters. Is that understood?”

  “Yes High Admiral.”

  Cassandra had been sitting when she heard the locks release on the hatch. Hearing the High Admiral she stands walking over to the painting of the setting suns. The man is disrespecting the Admiral, on his own ship, in front of his crew. Something she is not going to tolerate. She’s dealt with self-important men before. Those who thought they knew more just because they were men. Apparently Carinian men weren’t that different than those on Earth.

  William scans the room as he enters, finding Cassandra in front of their favorite painting. The High Admiral glances at her than takes a seat.

  “Explain Admiral.” His total disregard of Cassandra pisses William off.

  “High Admiral Valerian, may I present Cassandra Qwes Chamberlain.” Hearing the slight change in William’s voice lets her know he’s no happier with the High Admiral than she is.

  Turning, her eyes are cool and calm as they stare at Valerian. Turning her gaze to William she nods then retakes her seat, as the Admiral takes his.

  “So this is the Earth woman you think can challenge Queen Yakira.”

  Saying nothing Cassandra continues to meet the High Admiral eyes. She’s found through her years of study it really irritates some men.

  “Will challenge and win.” William answers, watching Cassandra watch Valerian.

  “Show me the birthmark.”

  “No.” She answers. Never breaking eye contact she leans back, crossing her right leg over left. Her boots, socks and pants covering her birthmark.

  “Excuse me?” Valerian sits up higher in his chair.

  “Hearing problem?” Cassandra challenges. “I...said...'no’.”

  “Zafar what the hell is going on? You contacted me that there was a challenge to Queen Yakira.”

  “I contacted you because we have a traitor that’s killed seven billion people to stop the possibility that there is a challenger to Queen Yakira.”

  “She knows this?” Valerian jerks a thumb to Cassandra.


  “Have you lost your mind? Why would you tell her? This is restricted Coalition information!”

  “It is an assassination attempt on the future Queen.”

  “Oh please….she won’t even show her birthmark to me.”

  “Are you member of the Assembly?” Cassandra brings Valerian’s eyes back to her. “A ruling King? A First Son?” She fires questions at him


  “Do you carry a royal birthmark?”


  “Then why would I show you mine.”

  “You obviously don’t know who I am.” Valerian starts.

  “You are High Admiral Ossie Valerian, only son of Oscar and Calla Valerian. You went to the Academy where you were an average student, not really excelling in anything. You married had a daughter. They were both killed in a Regulian attack on Fortas. Since that time you’ve moved up the chain of command by being single minded in your hunting of all Regulians. Nine cycles ago you were promoted to High Admiral by the Coalition Council, by one vote, seems some of your tactics were questionable.”

  “I get results!” That this ‘woman’ thinks she has the right to talk to him like this enrages him.

  “You make sure there are never any Regulian survivors on any of your missions. That’s not battle, that’s revenge.”

  “How dare you!” Valerian surges towards Cassandra. The Admiral is immediately between them.

  “I wouldn’t.” His voice deadly.

  Looking from the Admiral to Cassandra Valerian suddenly understands. “You’re slamming her!”

  Valerian doesn’t see the calming hand Cassandra places on William’s back. “Be very careful High Admiral.” William voice is tense. Removing her hand she steps around William.

  “You have no understanding of the position you’re in Valerian.” Cassandra stares him down. “You only became High Admiral by one vote. ONE! What do you think the High Council will do when they find ou
t that for nearly eight cycles you’ve allowed a traitor free reign in the Coalition. That there have been easily found transmissions, in Regulian, on Carinian channels, that you’ve ignored. That this traitor has not only made a deal with the Regulians, but has traveled to and from the Relinquished Zone, and you allowed it. That this traitor is trying to assassinate a future Queen of Carina, and you’ve done nothing? How do you think they will vote? Do you have to guess how I will vote?” Cassandra’s coldly enraged eyes bore into Valerian’s.

  “You have no proof.” He fires back, refusing to acknowledge the possibility he is in the wrong.

  “Don’t I?” She raises an eyebrow.

  As the Admiral’s comm rings Cassandra calmly walks to the side of his desk. The Admiral makes no move to answer his comm until Valerian sits.

  “Zafar.” He puts the call on speaker.

  “Admiral, this is Tar, your detail is at the hatch.”

  “Understood.” Disconnecting he looks to Cassandra.

  “What’s going on Zafar!” Valerian demands.

  “High Admiral Valerian, it is time for the future Queen to leave the Retribution.”

  “I have not given her that right.”

  “It’s not yours to give.” Making sure he’s between them he opens the hatch.

  Immediately eight very large males, dressed in black with purple jackets enter the room. They carry what Cassandra has come to know as stunners their jackets bearing the insignia of King Jotham.

  “Admiral Zafar, are you ready?”

  “Yes.” As Marat and his men close around William, Cassandra, and Tar. The King’s men close around them.

  “Chief!” The High Admiral orders. “You will stand down.”

  Inside the King’s security Marat ignores him.

  “CHIEF THAT’S AN ORDER!” The Captain of the King’s men turns to the High Admiral.

  “Are you trying to countermand the King’s protection?” Dark eyes gleam at Valerian.

  Realizing what’s happening, that Zafar is now under King Jotham’s personnel protection Valerian silently takes a step back.

  Turning the group heads to the waiting shuttle.

  Entering the shuttle Cassandra immediately scans the cabin, finding Victoria sitting with Lucas. Everyone has made it safely. Some of her tension eases.

  “Captain, we’re ready whenever you are.” William leads her to a seat. In minutes the shuttle is air borne.

  “I need to talk to Marat and his men.” William leans over to her.

  “To give them a choice.” As the shuttle hits some turbulence Cassandra’s stomach starts to roll.

  “Yes.” Seeing her pale he turns her face to his, eyes concerned.

  “I’m fine, go talk to your men.” With a small smile she touches his leg. Nodding he moves to the back of the shuttle. His seat is quickly taken by Javiera.

  “Queasy?” She asks in a hushed voice.

  With her eyes closed Cassandra nods.

  “Did you eat this morning?” She shakes her head. “Here, eat these, they’ll help.” Javiera passes her what looks like crackers.

  “I don’t think they’ll stay down.” Cassandra confesses as she takes them.

  “They will.” In a slightly louder voice, “Shuttle turbulence always takes a little getting used to.”

  “Thanks Javiera.”

  “No problem.”

  The Captain of the King’s guards enters the compartment, eyes scanning, finally coming to rest on the Admiral who’s walking forward.

  “Admiral, a message from Admiral Carnot.” Taking the message the Admiral reads.

  “Thank you Captain. What’s our arrival time?”

  “Fifteen minutes sir. You and your party will be taken directly to the Royal Wing were you can settle in. The King will see you at 2000 tonight.”

  “Understood, there will be several people arriving that will need escorted to the Royal wing today. I will get you their names for security checks.”

  “I have not been authorized for that sir.”

  “They will be clothiers for the future Queen, they will be required.”

  “Get me the names I will see if they can be cleared.”

  “Thank you Captain.”

  As the Admiral walks back to Cassandra, Javiera returns to her seat. Seeing that his life mate is still pale he frowns.

  “It’s just the turbulence and not eating this morning.” She shows him the crackers Javiera had given her. “I’m fine. What did your men decide?”

  “They’re all staying.”

  “Even with the High Admiral?”

  “Because of him.” He reaches into his pocket handing her the message. Frowning she scans it.

  “Not on any lists, sending you a going away gift on the Judgment, five days. Carnot.” Handing it back to him she smiles her understanding, Tibullus was on the Judgment, he is alive. In five days he will be on Carina. She loses the smile as the shuttle hits more turbulence.

  “Five more minutes.” William tells her.

  “Okay. Talk to me. Tell me what’s going to happen next.”

  “We’ll land and be escorted to our quarters in the Royal Wing. We’ll be given the day to settle. We’ll be meeting with the King tonight to explain.”


  “I need the names of Javiera’s family for security clearance. They need to get started on your clothes.”

  “I’ll need something for tonight.”

  “Yes.” She hears the concern in his voice.

  “I’ll be fine, I promise. Go talk to Javiera.”

  Passing the information onto the Captain, the Admiral returns in time for the landing.

  “Welcome to Carina Cassandra.” William whispers in her ear. Squeezing his hand she exits the shuttle.

  “Aunt Cassie look, it’s a castle!” Victoria comes running up to her.

  “I see.” And what she sees amazes her.

  The shuttle has landed inside what she gages to be a thirty foot wall, in a large open vividly green space, a walkway leads to the entrance of a four story building that did resemble castles found on Earth. It seemed to be made of some type of grey stone that suddenly changes to purple as a ray of light strikes it. Following that ray upward Cassandra gets her first look at the three suns she’s only seen in her dreams and a painting. They pull at something in her.

  “Cassandra,” William’s voice pulls her eyes from the sky to his. “We need to go.” He wishes he could let her take her time but the guards need to get them inside.

  “Of course.” Turning she follows the others along the path.

  The guards lead them down wide corridors lined with portraits, art and furniture. After several turns they approach a very large closed door with guards stationed in front.

  “Report Sargent.” The Captain of the King’s security demands.

  “Captain, no one has approached, your seal remains intact.” The Sargent steps aside so the Captain can inspect the seal. Satisfied, he removes a key from his pocket, unlocks the door breaking the seal, and steps aside so the Admiral’s party can enter.

  “Admiral Zafar ,” The Captain turns. “The key to the Royal Wing.” He hands the key to him.

  “Thank you Captain.” William turns to find Cassandra has yet to enter. She’s looking at the Captain. Taking a step towards him she stops.

  “There are many rule’s that I am still unfamiliar with,” She address the Captain. “Is it permissible to know your name?”

  The Captain’s eyes reveal none of his surprise as they gaze down at the small, dark haired woman who has acquired the protection of one of the most respected Admirals in the Coalition.

  “Deffand, mam. Nicholas Deffand.”

  “I thank you Captain Deffand, for all you and your men did today. Please pass that along to them.”

  “Mam.” The Captain nods. Turning Cassandra enters the Royal Wing.

  The Royal Wing is set up as a private residence for guests in need of high security and their staff. The first floor co
ntains the only entrance to the wing it opens into a formal foyer. As Cassandra passes through she enters a mid-sized formal reception room, obviously set up for entertaining with couches and chairs, what would be considered her staff waits for her. Unsure what her next move needs to be she turns to William.

  “Marat, two of your men need to be stationed outside the door at all times. No one gets in unannounced all are scanned with the exception of the King. All. Is that understood?” The Admiral stares at each man.

  “Yes sir.” Marat motions to two of his men to guard the door.

  “Hutu, the kitchen is that way.” He points. “It is fully stocked and has been inspected by the King’s personnel chef. Get everyone something to eat.”

  “Yes sir.” Hutu hustles out, knowing no one had eaten yet.

  “The third floor consists of rooms for guards and staff, you’ll need to assign those rooms Marat.”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Lucas, take Cassandra, Victoria and the Michelakakis’ to the second floor you’ll find the other living quarters, get everyone settled while the Colonel and I show the guards the perimeter.”

  “Yes sir.” Turning Lucas heads further into the first floor, obviously knowing his way. Knowing this is the way it has to be Cassandra follows Lucas into yet another foyer, this one round containing a curved staircase in its center. As Lucas leads them to the second level the stairs continue to the third.

  “This level is divided into two separate areas.” Opening a door he leads them to the front half of the second level. “Leander, this is the largest suite, it has a private living area, bath, and second bedroom for Amina that can only be accessed through this door. I’ll take the first room across the hall, the Colonel the second. There is a common living area down the hall that we can set up for the girls.”

  As he speaks Tori and Amina run into the suite to look at the room.

  “It’s set up to be easily defendable.” Leander says to Lucas.

  “Yes, on the small chance someone could get this far.” Lucas turns to look at Cassandra.

  “Cassandra your and Victoria’s quarters are this way.”

  “Go ahead we’ll bring the girls over after their done exploring.”

  Turning Cassandra lets Lucas lead the way to the door that opens to the other half of the level.


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