Cassandra's Challenge
Page 48
“His Majesty, King Jotham.” All heads turn to the doorway. Nodding to the Assemblymen and spouses as he passes, the King walks over to his son and friend.
“Admiral Zafar, Princess Cassandra.” The King acknowledges the couple.
“Majesty.” William and Cassandra nod to the King, their expressions unchanging at Cassandra’s sudden title. The same can’t be said for Dadrian
“Kyle, it’s good to see you again.” The King smiles at him.
“You too Majesty.” Kyle smiles back as he nods. The Zafar smile Cassandra notices.
“Dadrian.” While the King continues to smile his tone is cooler.
“Sir.” Dadrian nods to his father, unsmiling.
“Majesty.” All eyes turn to find Valerian has approached.
“High Admiral?”
“Might I have a moment of your time before the meal is served? It regards the First Son.” Cassandra can tell Valerian has pushed the right button.
“Excuse me.” King Jotham leads the High Admiral out of the room, an air of self satisfaction around him. Cassandra looks up to William, wondering if Valerian has discovered were Tibullus is.
Conversation has barely resumed in the room when the King returns his face an unreadable mask. Valerian’s lost his self satisfied look.
“Majesty.” A servant enters the room. “The meal is ready.” Nodding his permission the servant opens the doors to the dining room.
Placing a hand on Cassandra’s lower back William guides her into the room. As the guest of honor she will be seated closest to the King. Walking to their seats his thumb absently caresses her soft skin. Servants pull out the chairs, all wait for King Jotham. Once he sits, everyone else is allowed too.
With the King at the head of the table, William to her left, Cassandra looks across to find Dadrian directly across from her, Kyle across from his father. Next to Kyle sits High Admiral Valerian, who is currently staring intently at Cassandra. Raising an eyebrow she cool stares back, letting the High Admiral know he doesn’t intimidate her. Kyle watches the silent exchange with interest.
“Ladies and gentlemen, tonight’s meal is the conclusion of the first day of the Challenge to Queen Yakira throne. You, as the Assemblymen for the House of Protection, have all been invited to meet the Challenger so you will be able to make an informed decision on what is best for Carina.” The King looks at each of them. “With that said, I believe we should have some words from the Challenger before we eat.” King Jotham gives her a pointed look.
Cassandra’s eyes are calm as she listens to Jotham. She realizes he’s not giving the Assemblymen his opinion of her Challenge. William’s friend or not he’s not going to publicly support her. Realizing this, he’s next comment doesn’t surprise her. He’s testing her. Seeing how she’ll stand. So she would.
As she starts to slide her chair back, a servant steps up to assist her, nodding her thanks, she stands. She first addresses the King.
“I’d like to thank King Jotham for this opportunity, he’s understanding with the uniqueness of the situation is appreciated.” Nodding to him she turns her attention down the table.
“While I have met with each of you today, I realize that small amount of time isn’t enough for you to make an informed decision about my Challenge. It is my hope that in the following days we will be able to spend more time getting to know one another. So you, as King Jotham so eloquently put it, will be able to make the best decision for Carina.” As she turns to sit the servant pushes her chair back in for her.
Silence greets Cassandra’s statement until Evadne Terwilliger begins to clap her hands together. The Admiral and Assemblyman Terwilliger are quick to follow. As the King claps the others follow. After a nod to Madame Terwilliger, Cassandra turns her attention to King Jotham, her eyes staring directly into his, waiting for his next move. When he stops clapping the servants begin to serve.
The first plate is small. It contains what looked to Cassandra to be pasta dish even although it is black in color. Reaching for her glass filled with what she knows is water she takes a sip, waiting for William to take his first bite. Following his example she takes a small bite, finding that while the texture is pasta like, the flavor is more like black licorice. Chewing she tries to make sense of the contrasts.
William discretely watches as she takes her first bite, chew, and swallow. She is a constant amazement to him. She hadn’t known Jotham would ask her to speak but acted as if it had been a well thought out plan. Now she is eating things she’d never seen before, without complaint, when did she ever complain?
Conversation is light during the first course, all knowing they would be there a long time. As the plates are removed and replaced King Jotham turns his attention to Cassandra. He is impressed with how she handled his thrusting her into making a speech, she hadn’t faltered.
“Have you been able to see much since your arrival?” The King asks politely, knowing she hadn’t.
“Unfortunately no,” Cassandra replies to him. “There will be time after the Challenge is completed.” Her confidence apparent, “I was able to spend some time in the Royal Garden today, though. Queen Lata had a wonderful eye for color and contrast.” She watches the quick flash in his eyes at the mention of his late wife.
“She redesigned that garden herself. She wanted you to be able to stroll through it, to be surprised.”
“She certainly accomplished that, the center is unexpected and welcoming. The girls particularly liked having an open area to play in.”
“I’m glad they enjoyed it.”
“I hope they were better behaved then when they returned to the Palace yesterday.” High Admiral Valerian criticizes.
King Jotham watches Cassandra’s eyes turn icy before she slowly turns to the High Admiral.
William, along with the rest of the table, had been following Cassandra and the King’s conversation with interest. Valerian’s interruption, his comment about the children, has a jarring effect on all present. It also tells William that the High Admiral has a spy within the Palace.
“Why would you think they’d been out of the Palace?” The Admiral’s eyes are rock hard as they look at the High Admiral, his voice revealing nothing.
“It was obvious.” The High Admiral, in his attempt to undermine Cassandra, hasn’t yet realized what he’s revealed. The King has.
“How so?” William presses.
“I don’t need to explain myself to you Admiral.” Valerian barely contains his sneer.
“You do to me, High Admiral.” Jotham’s voice carries the authority of his position. He’d been aware of the animosity between William and Valerian, but to hear the High Admiral so openly disrespect him, in a public setting, Jotham would not tolerate. “I was there yesterday and saw no indication of an outing.”
“They were coming from the Public Wing, Majesty.” Valerian must respond to the King.
“That indicates nothing High Admiral.” Jotham tone hardens.
“The child must have said something then.” He tries to cover his tracks.
“Victoria said nothing to indicate she’d been out of the Palace. Her only comments were about her room and Barek.”
“Then I must have heard it somewhere Majesty.”
“You’re implying that someone from my House would inform you on the movements of my guests.”
“No Majesty,” Valerian begins to sweat. “I must have misunderstood the situation.” He is forced to admit he is wrong or tell the King he has eyes in the Palace.
“Yes High Admiral, you did.” Jotham drives home his point.
Cassandra watches Valerian as the King steps in. She too realizes what he’s revealed. He’s been watching Victoria, watching all of them. He has a spy in the House of Protection. Her fingers clench under the table. Feeling William’s gentle touch she looks to him. What she sees calms her fears, he isn’t going to let anything happen to Victoria. Lacing his fingers with hers he gives her a reassuring squeeze before retuning his hand to the table.
Picking up his forc his look telling her she should do the same.
“Barek?” Dadrian lower’s his forc. He’d been enjoying the High Admiral’s belittling of the Admiral until his father’s intervention, and now Barek.
“Victoria met him when she was on the Retribution.” Jotham tells his second son.
“Why wasn’t he on the Sentinel?” Cassandra sits back as plates are exchanged. Watching Dadrian she can almost see his thoughts. Where had Barek been during the Regulian attack on the Sentinel?
“Your brother’s position has him traveling throughout the fleet.” King Jotham informs Dadrian.
“I realize that. I meant, why was he on the Retribution?” Dadrian picks up a goblet.
“Because of an assassination attempt,” Cassandra informs him, watching as wine sloshes onto Dadrian’s hand. A servant’s immediately there mopping up the spill. The King looks questioning at his second son.
“Assassination attempt!?!” The table has gone silent.
“Yes.” Cassandra lets it hang there for minute. “He needed to interview me.” Dadrian stares at her.
“There was an attempt against you?” Kyle hadn’t heard this. Cassandra’s eyes turn to Kyle.
“Several. Victoria was hurt during the first, several of the Retributions crew members during the second.”
“But you were unharmed.” Dadrian presses her.
“The Princess was badly hurt in the second attack.” While the Admiral’s tone and express are cool and unreadable, both Cassandra and Jotham know him better. Jotham realizing this is where William had nearly lost his life mate.
“It is what convinced the Admiral and then High Admiral Valerian,” Cassandra makes sure everyone understands that Valerian was in full agreement with the decision, “that the Retribution should return to Carina.”
“The Succession Protection Law.” The Admiral gives his son a surprised look.
“Yes.” Cassandra nods to Kyle.
“Why wasn’t this made public High Admiral?” Terwilliger demands. “Rumors of all sorts have been flying about Admiral Zafar and the return of the Retribution.” Mummers of agreement filter around the table.
“Making it public would have put the Princess and her remaining family at risk, it’s what we were trying to avoid.” Admiral Zafar speaks for the High Admiral, earning himself a glare.
“And the rumors?” Umbarger demands.
“Were helpful in diverting attention away from the Princess.”
“Not all diverted attention away from Cassandra.” Dadrian can’t help but comment. Things were going to much the Admiral’s way. His comment and use of her first name earns him a cool look from Cassandra, but the Admiral eyes flare before cooling, telling him he’s scored a hit. He’ll have to remember that. But his enjoyment is short lived as he meets his father’s eyes. The King is not happy with him.
“I’ve never put much stock in rumors, or those who spread them, Prince Dadrian.” Cassandra puts the subtlest of emphasis in his name, scoring a hit of her own.
Leaning back William allows the servant to remove his plate, and his temper to cool. Cassandra had handle Dadrian perfectly, making her opinion of him known without actually referring to him. When the next plate appears he discovers its Zebu, remembering the first time they’d shared it, William looks to Cassandra. The slight smile she gives him tells him see remembers too. The shared moment goes unnoticed by all, except Dadrian.
What can she possibly see in that old man! He silently rages. She must absolutely hate sharing a bed with him. He’d show her what a real Carinian male could do in bed. Then she’d talk to him with more respect!
Sitting next to Dadrian, Kyle is silently chewing his Zebu. He’d come here tonight having made up his mind about Cassandra. He’d listened to Dadrian, to the rumors of his father being controlled by a conniving woman. But what he’d found was that his father had indeed made a military decision, following the law, in the protection of the heirs to the throne. That he’d knowingly allowed the rumors to further that protection. He is one of the people Cassandra doesn’t put much stock in.
Valerian fumes as he eats. How dare this….woman imply that he believes she is a royal entitled to protection under Carinian law! But arguing would only make him have to explain why he’d really wanted the Retribution back. He needs that child to flush out the traitor, and he’d almost said too much when he’d commented on them leaving the palace. If the King found out he had eyes in the Palace….but he hadn’t….now he just needs to bide his time.
“So you spoke with my son.” King Jotham comments as another course is served. It appeared to be some sort of soup.
“Yes twice actually.” Cassandra stirs it with her spoon missing William’s raised eyebrow. It seemed thick for such a clear soup.
“What was your impression?”
“Impression Majesty?” Cassandra slowly lets go of her spoon, looking at the King she wonders how honest she should be.
“Yes.” Valerian sits back he is going to enjoy this.
“I found Tibullus to be mildly conceded, somewhat irritating, and totally intrusive.” The King can’t keep the shock off his face, no one in the room moves. Cassandra feels William’s hand gently touch hers under the table. “That being said, he was also thorough, competent and damn good at his job.”
Jotham is silent, Dadrian is not.
“You will not speak about my brother that way!” He pounds a fist on the table, causing the crystal to ring. “Especially when he maybe dead!” He’s given Cassandra her in.
“Why would you think he’s dead?” She’s cool and questioning.
“His ship is lost!” Dadrian’s voice carries just the right amount of anguish.
“The Sentinel wasn’t lost, the Talon was. The Sentinel is dead in space.”
“It’s the same thing.”
“No it’s not. The Talon experienced rapid decompression after the Regulian attack, the ship was destroyed, the entire crew, eight-hundred and thirty-five to be exact, died.” Cassandra’s tone is that of a teacher to a dim student. “The Sentinel is dead in space. That means it has no defenses, no propulsion system, and no ability to communicate. But it has life support. Its crew is still alive. That means there is a good chance Tibullus is alive.”
“He’s not on any list.” Dadrian fires back, enraged that he is being talked down too.
“You did serve didn’t you?” She questions Dadrian, knowing very well that he had, but only for the minimum of one year. “The military never puts a name on a list unless they can back it up. It makes them look incompetent.” Cassandra shifts her focus to Valerian. “Isn’t that right High Admiral?”
Valerian sits up straight as suddenly all the eyes in the room are on him, including the King’s. “No name goes on a list without verification.” Valerian reluctantly agrees with her.
“What does that prove?” Dadrian demands.
“That there is no proof he’s dead. So unless you know something no one else does, there’s no reason to assume he is.” Cassandra’s voice is cool as she watches Dadrian.
“You haven’t explained to me why you think my son is alive.” While King Jotham’s voice is steady Cassandra can hear the pain not knowing is causing him, she’s going to give him what she can.
“Because of everything I said before Majesty. Tibullus is smart, he knows his job, how to handle things. I can’t see him allowing a Regulian attack to get the better of him.”
King Jotham says nothing as he stares at Cassandra. Leaning back he allows the servant to remove his course.
The meal continues with others asking questions of Cassandra ranging from simple to complex. The King listens but does not participate. Cassandra manages several bites from each course, some she forces down. William leans over occasionally to tell her something.
“Why do you call him Tibullus?”
Cassandra glances to the King as she gladly puts down her forc. This course didn’t agree with her.
“I call him Tibullus
because that’s how he was introduced to me, as Chief Tibullus. It wasn’t until…I believe nine days ago that I discovered he was the First Son of the House of Protection.”
“You seem to have acquired a great deal of knowledge since your arrival on the Retribution, how is it you didn’t know Tibullus is the family name?”
“I have learned a great deal your Majesty. Mostly from books and memory foils on the Retribution. I’d challenge you to find a book that states the family name for any of the Royal Houses.” Cassandra’s eyes are steady. “It is considered common knowledge, for a Carinian. You are never called King Tibullus, it’s always King Jotham and ‘Tibullus’ is referred to as Prince Barek.
“So your opinion of my son?” She sees Dadrian tensing out of the corner of her eye.
“Was formed before I knew he was First Son.”
“And once you knew?” Cassandra raises an eyebrow to the King.
“It changed nothing, if anything it reinforced it. I would think all the traits I described would be necessary in being First Son and eventual King.”
While the King says nothing the look he gives William is full of humor, before he leans back so the last course can be presented.
What is placed in front of Cassandra can only be described as a masterpiece. If it’s what she thinks it is, she’s going to enjoy it, but she’s not getting her hopes up. Picking up her forc she takes a small piece of what appears to be a four layer chocolate cake, with a cream filling, chocolate frosting and chocolate sauce. Her taste buds tell her, that her eyes haven’t deceived her.
William watches as her eyes half close at her first bite of the dessert. The look in her eyes tells him she more than likes this course. He’d have to let Hutu know.
“Admiral Zafar?” Madame Terwilliger sets her forc aside, wanting information more than dessert.