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Cassandra's Challenge

Page 69

by Michelle Eidem

  “Assemblyman Terwilliger, I don’t believe I have anything else to say concerning the Challenge.”

  “Then Princess Cassandra the only thing left is for you to reveal your birthmark.” Everyone in the Assembly sits forward as Cassandra’s hand moves to her boot.

  “She must dissolve her Union first!” Cassandra’s hand freezes. Her eyes cold as she finds the voice, Assemblyman Oschofield of the House of Knowledge.

  “Excuse me?” Her voice is frigid stabbing Oschofield.

  “The heir to the throne must marry within her House. Admiral Zafar is of the House of Protection.” Cassandra says nothing just looks at Terwilliger.

  “I’m sorry Princess it is the law.”

  “Just so we are all clear.” Cassandra looks from Terwilliger to the Royals, seeing the regret in Jotham’s eyes, to the Assemblymen, to the balconies. “You are saying I must choose between my husband and the throne.”

  “Yes, your Union must be dissolved.” Turning from the Assembly she walks to William, who stands at her approach.

  “I’m ready to go.” Ignoring those watching William frames her face with his hands, looking deep into her eyes, seeing the truth.

  “You’re sure?”


  “Guards!” The Admiral’s voice commands. Security immediately surrounds them. “Marat, you have point.” As the group starts to move out Yakira stands.

  “What are you doing!?!” She demands. Cassandra puts a hand on William’s arm.

  “Marat.” He halts Marat as Cassandra walks to Queen Yakira.

  “The throne is yours. This Challenge is ended. I will not sacrifice my husband for it.” She looks to the Assembly and knows she has something that must be said. Walking forward she starts.

  “Twenty-five hundred years ago, a man and a woman fell in love, a Prince and a Princess, but because they were from different Houses a Union was denied. They were ordered to marry others. Instead of submitting to a life of misery, they left, together. Your own text called them Carina’s brightest light and its bravest warrior. Sabah and Kaydon, my ancestors.”

  “They took what they believed to be best of Carina, leaving behind what they saw as injustice. And they built their own House on a planet they named Earth. They brought the first written language and skills never before seen on the planet. They built, created, lived and protected, each other and the family they had.”

  “Nine sons and one daughter, all went on to become Kings and Queens on their own, creating dynasties. Creating a civilization based on the freedom of choice and that there must be more than just laws but justice, because without justice, your laws, your rules and procedures mean nothing.”

  “Today, you as an Assembly as a people, stood for the people of Earth, against one of your own and found them justice. For myself, Victoria, and the family we lost on Earth I thank you for that.” A tear runs down Cassandra’s cheek before her voice becomes pointed.

  “But if you think, for one minute, that I would choose a throne, a crown, a House, over my husband, then you’ve learned nothing from Sabah and Kayden’s leaving. And just to make sure we are perfectly clear. I choose Admiral William Zafar. It’s my privilege to be his wife.” Turning she walks to her future.

  William watches his wife turn her back on the Assembly. On what is rightfully hers, by birth, for him. Her eyes while clear still contained the fire of what she considers a slight against him. Walking out to meet her he sees Valerian charge the platform drawing his weapon.


  Cassandra spins around just in time to see Valerian fire his weapon, at William. In horror she watches as both Paa and William go down, hard.

  “No!” She screams.

  “You will not take my command!” Valerian rants as he advances on her.

  On the floor William is struggling to move the injured Paa off him. The stupid kid dove in front of him, taking the full blast from Valerian’s weapon. He has to get to Cassandra.

  “And you!” Valerian points his weapon at Cassandra. “You will never be a High Admiral’s wife.”

  Seeing William moving, she knows he’s alive, Valerian doesn’t. If he did he’d fire at him again. She needs to keep his focus on her.

  “What the fuck are you talking about!” Cassandra challenges moving to the side making Valerian move his head.

  “Do you think I’m stupid! That I don’t know they voted yesterday to make Zafar High Admiral, to retire me! After all I’ve done for them, all the cycles I’ve given.”

  “Like letting a traitor have free reign for over seven cycles!”

  “You with your fake challenge to the throne! All you care about is catching Audric, so Zafar could become High Admiral! That’s what this is all about!”

  “So it has nothing to do with the murder of billions of people, people that might have been saved if you’d done your job!”

  “Who cares about them! You used them to get what Zafar wanted and now you won’t show your birthmark, proof that this was all a hoax, a hoax to discredit me.” As William is finally getting free of Paa, Valerian eye catches the movement.

  “You want to see my birthmark?” Cassandra’s sharp question distracts him from the motion. “You want proof? So everyone here knows once and for all just what kind of man the Admiral is?”


  “Fine!” Pulling her pant leg aside Cassandra unfastens her boot, grabbing the heel she flings it aside. “There! Is that what you needed to see!”

  No one in the Assembly moves as for the first time nearly twenty-five hundred years the birthmark of the true Queen is seen.

  “No….that can’t be….” Valerian staggers back a step back, shocked, he’s weapon lowering slightly.

  “It can be, you sorry excuse for a leader. It filled with color while on the Retribution, still two days from Carina.”

  Valerian’s eyes go wild as he realizes what he’s done. He’s threatened and insulted the true Queen. Threatened and spied on her family, in an attempt to kidnap a Royal. He’s finished. But he won’t go down alone.

  “You will never take the throne!” Bringing his weapon up he fires.

  William is the only one moving as Cassandra reveals her birthmark. Valerian is insane and his wife is in the line of fire. He tackles her moments before Valerian fires. Tar fires at the same time followed by every weapon from Cassandra’s House. Valerian is dead before he hit the floor.

  “Cassandra….” William looks down at her pale face. “Cassandra!”

  Opening her eyes at William’s demand she finds her husband’s franticly searching her face. She’s scared him.

  “I’m fine,” She wheezes, “Just got the wind knocked out of me.” As William sits them both up she wraps her arms around him, burying her face in his chest. Her guards surround them, weapons drawn.

  “Come on,” Kissing the top of her head he stands, lifting her with him. “Let’s get you out of here.”

  “Victoria!” Her eyes search for her but can’t see passed the guards. “William!”

  “She’s in Lucas’ arms, she’s safe.” Cassandra gives herself a second to sag against him, to draw from his strength.

  “You’re not hurt?” Her hands start to fly over him.

  “No. Paa took the full hit.” With his arm around her he helps her hobble on one heel towards Victoria.

  “How is he?” She looks at Paa being tended by Bliant.

  “Kid’s lucky,” Bliant answers the Queen’s question. “He wore his blast jacket, otherwise he’d be dead. Still, he’ll be hurting for a while.”

  She looks at the unconscious young man, she owes him more than she could ever repay. He’d saved her husband. His grandfather would be proud.

  “He’s to receive the best care Bliant.”

  “He’ll get it Majesty.” Bliant gives her a slight bow then turns back to his patient.

  “Aunt Cassie!” Lucas continues to hold Victoria until guards enclose them all, then releases her into her Aunt’s arms.

  “You’re okay? All of you?” Cassandra scans Leander, Javiera, and Amina.

  “Fine, we’re all fine.” They reassure her.

  “Cassandra…your birthmark, it colored while you were still on the Retribution?” Kyle grips her arm.

  “What?” She frowns at him. “Yes, before we arrived.”

  “Cassandra it’s important. You’re sure?” Kyle tightens his grip.

  “Kyle, she’s sure.” William frowns at his son. “Now we’re leaving. Guards.”

  “No! Dad! Cassandra! Wait, just wait. Please!” It’s his son’s insistence that has William pausing. Looking at Cassandra she nods.

  Kyle pushes his way through the guards to the front of the Assembly, walking around Valerian’s now covered body.

  “Assemblyman Terwilliger! Assemblyman Terwilliger! I need to be heard!” When he is ignored he turns. “King Jotham!” Kyle sends Jotham a pleading look.

  “Terwilliger! Recognize Kyle Zafar!” King Jotham’s eyes will brook no argument.

  Not sure any of them could take much more Terwilliger pounds his gavel on the podium until some order of semblance is reestablished.

  “Quiet! I will have order or I will have this hall cleared! The Assembly recognizes Scholar Kyle Zafar.”

  “Assemblyman Terwilliger, there can no longer be any doubt that the true Queen has returned. Cassandra bears the full birthmark she is the Queen.”

  “Scholar Zafar,” Terwilliger rubs his neck. “While no one here argues with you that she carries the Queen’s birthmark, the fact remains she has married outside her House. If she refuses to dissolve her Union our hands are tied.”


  “Why?” Terwilliger is becoming angry. “As stated earlier the heir to the throne must marry within her own House!”

  “Of course he or she must.” Kyle agrees.

  “Then what are you arguing about?!?”

  “King Jotham, when did you become King?” Jotham raises an eyebrow at the question, not sure where Kyle is going.

  “I was crowned King of the House of Protection 10 Iuil 5252.”

  “No, when did you become King?”

  “I became King twenty days earlier, when my birthmark colored…” Jotham begins to see where Kyle’s going.

  “Assemblyman Terwilliger, do you accept that an heir to a throne becomes King or Queen when their birthmark fills in, not when they are crowned.”

  “Of course but…”

  “And do you believe the statement made by Cassandra. That her birthmark filled in when she was still on the Retribution?”

  “I see no reason to doubt her word.”

  “Does anyone in this Assembly, doubt her word?” Kyle challenges, silence greets him.

  “Then I charge that this Assembly has no say over Queen Cassandra’s Union. The law applies only to the heir to the throne, not the current Ruler. She was Queen before her Union, therefore the Union Law does not apply.”

  Terwilliger looks from Kyle to Cassandra and the Admiral who have stepped out of their security to listen to Kyle. There is nothing he’d like to do more than agree but…

  “Agreed.” All heads turn to Yakira. “Once a birthmark fills the heir is the Queen and the Queen may choose anyone she wishes for her Union.”

  “William…” Cassandra looks at him not sure what she’s hearing.

  “You are Queen. Cassandra it’s your birthright, your destiny.”

  “Only with you at my side, you are my destiny.” William lifts her hand to kiss the ring on her finger.

  “I will always be at your side, I told you, I’m not letting go.”

  “Okay. Then here we go.” Turning Cassandra walks alone to the center of the platform and becomes Queen Cassandra Qwes Zafar of the House of Knowledge.

  Chapter 22

  Returning to the Royal Wing they find Hutu’s arranged a celebration in the formal living room. Taking the glass William hands her she waits until everyone has one, including the guards.

  “I would like to personally thank each and every one of you. Each of you played a vital role in making my reign possible. To Chief Marat and his men,” Cassandra names each one. “You’ve kept us all safe and secure during some trying times.”

  “Colonel Tar, your knowledge, skills and loyalty were invaluable. Hutu, for keeping us all feed, for finding those special things like fudge torta, and chocolate chip cookies. Leander, your support here and on the Retribution. Amina, my new niece, you have been a joy to know. Javiera, your support, understanding and friendship has made difficult times easier.”

  “Lucas, while there are many times I’d like to beat you, you’ve been a good friend and someone I trust implicitly.

  “Kyle, you once said you wouldn’t be much help. You were wrong. If it weren’t for your knowledge, I wouldn’t be Queen.”

  “Victoria, you are the bravest little girl, your parents and grandfather would be very proud of you.”

  “And to the Admiral.” She turns to her husband, eyes full of love. “For protecting us. For knowing what needed to be done and being willing to do it. For being my life mate and husband, I love you.”

  William listens with pride to his wife, to her making sure everyone knows they had a hand in what happened today. That each was vital. It is her way, and would make her a beloved Queen, always recognizing the contributions of others. But he hadn’t expected her to include him. Her words, full of love humble him.

  “You are my life, my wife, and my Queen. I love you.” Leaning down he kisses his wife, long and hard, much to the enjoyment of those present.

  “To Queen Cassandra and Admiral Zafar.” Quinn proposes the toast. With glasses raised the toast is repeated. With her husband’s arm around her waist Cassandra’s eyes sparkle as she sips the Carinian champagne.

  Looking around the room she sees their House, filled with family and friends. The one she and William had built together, on their own terms.

  “And what are you two whispering about over there?” She’s been watching Victoria and Amina, they’re plotting something.

  “Who us?” Victoria’s voice is sugary innocent, her eyes mischievous.

  “Yes you.”

  “We were just thinking that maybe someone should eat some fudge torta before it goes bad.”

  “Goes bad?” Cassandra looks to see Hutu covering his mouth.

  “Well it might, and that would be a very bad thing.”

  “I couldn’t agree more. Why don’t you and Amina make sure everyone gets a piece, then you two can have what’s left.”

  “Really!” The girls exchange excited looks.

  “Really. Let Hutu cut it though, we might want more than just a bite.”

  “Oh man!” Victoria knows she’s caught but with a smile heads to Hutu.

  “What’s she going to be like at eighteen?” William leans over to ask, smiling.

  “Trouble. Lots of trouble. Won’t it be fun?” Cassandra smiles back.

  “Admiral,” Marat walks to the couple’s side. “Majesty, King Jotham and Queen…Princess Yakira are at the door.”

  “Show them in.” William looks at his wife knowing this is their life now. As they enter the room quiets.

  “My apologizes for intruding at this time Majesty,” Jotham gives Cassandra a slight bow. “I know it’s been a trying day. I need to speak with the Admiral and Princess Yakira was hoping for a few minutes of your time.”

  “No apologizes necessary,” Cassandra speaks first. “Let’s go to a quieter spot.” All eyes follow them as they leave the room.

  “Admiral if I could speak with you alone?” Will raises and eyebrow to his friend.

  “We’ll use my ready room.”

  “Princess Yakira, it’s a lovely day out, would you mind if we walked in the garden? I’d like to stretch my legs.”

  “Cassandra.” William frowns.

  “I assume the King’s guards are still on patrol?” Jotham nods. “Would you prefer I get Marat?” She waits for William’s decisio

  “I’ll let him know where you are. Where both of you are.” With a nod to Princess Yakira he leads Jotham to the ready room.

  Opening the garden doors she allows Yakira to go first, following she leaves the doors open.

  “You really would have waited for Marat if Admiral Zafar had wanted you too.” Yakira isn’t sure why she’s amazed, not after all that happened today.

  “Of course, his only concern is for my safety.” Cassandra walks along one of the paths.

  “And yet he allowed you to go through the Challenge, knowing you were the true Queen. Knowing you would be at risk. Why?”

  “Because I asked him too.” Cassandra turns to look at Yakira. And she realizes it’s as simple as that.

  “What are you wanting Yakira?”

  “To know what you’re going to do. So I can prepare, prepare my family.”

  “You mean your children.”

  “Yes, this is going to be difficult for them.”

  “They’re beautiful children. Their resemblance to their father is remarkable.”

  “They look nothing like Audric!” Yakira finds herself having to take a deep breath.

  “I said their father, Prince Vane, not your husband.”

  Yakira’s eyes are wide with shock at Cassandra’s statement. No one knew, only she and Audric. “How could you know?”

  “They are obviously brother and sister. They look nothing like Audric. Vance was born seven months after the Union. And Audric despises both of them.”

  “Yes, yes he does.”

  “Once things have calmed down, settled, and you’ve had time to confer with your children. I would not oppose getting the correct father listed on their proofs of birth.”

  “What….” Yakira is stunned at the thought, that she would be willing.

  “You chose to marry Audric, that’s no reason to punish your children.”

  “I…thank you. They already know they will be grateful.” Cassandra nods.

  “Now down to business.” She walks into the center of the garden. “I would like Assemblyman Bevington to accompany you back to Kisurri, if he’s willing. To be my intermediary during this transition, will you have a problem with that?”


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