Spear of Heaven: The Fallen
Page 3
‘So how come he hasn’t descended from his mountain?’ Aurinatus asked as he looked at his father and started to shake his head.
‘I can’t leave.’ Bhan replied softly as he looked down at the floor of the valley. In an instant the little group was stood at the side of the stream that ran along the valley floor.
‘Cuz you really need to stop doing that.’ Tahir chuckled as he rubbed his stomach.
‘Not me.’ Stefan replied as he looked across at Bhan.
‘Sorry.’ Bhan whispered as he stepped through the group, he kicked off his shoes, pulled up his trouser bottoms and walked into the stream.
‘What are you doing?’ Marissa asked as she looked at the little old man stood in a stream with his trousers pulled up past his knees.
‘Fishing.’ Bhan replied softly as he pulled his hands back as if fishing and a rod and reel appeared in his hands.
‘Let me get this straight, the most powerful being in the universe has spent sixty-five million years standing in the water here fishing?’ Marissa asked as she shook her head.
‘You still don’t get it do you, this is how your limited brains are perceiving my reality.’ Bhan chuckled as he pulled the rod back and a gleaming silver fish leapt from the water.
‘You never miss do you?’ Tahir whispered as he stepped to the bank of the stream.
‘This is my reality Tahir, I can do whatever I want and it never gets old.’ Bhan replied as he reached for the fish, pulled the hook out of its mouth and threw it back into the stream.
‘What do you eat?’ Marissa asked as she watched the fish swim back up the stream.
‘What am I made of?’ Bhan smirked as he waded out further into the stream.
‘The dark matter that makes up the universe.’ Stefan replied with a large smile spreading across his face.
‘You’re not supposed to tell everyone.’ Bhan chuckled as he stood in the middle of the stream and raised his arms to shoulder height.
‘Father when will you leave this place?’ Marineus asked softly as she followed him into the water.
‘I’m incapable of leaving this place as I am right now, once you’ve found the rest of me I’ll be able to resume my place in the cosmos.’ Bhan replied as the water funnelled up around him and he disappeared.
‘So, what happens now?’ Marissa asked as she looked at the others stood around open jaws on all the ascended beings faces.
‘You’re free to go whenever you like.’ Bhan’s voice announced from nowhere.
‘Why would you want to leave this?’ Marineus asked softly as she looked up at the scenery and allowing her gaze to take it all in.
‘You want to come back here, don’t you?’ Katla asked softly as she walked out into the stream and wrapped her arm around Marineus and squeezed softly.
‘It’s a lot nicer than the place we exist.’ Marineus replied as a small tear ran down her cheek.
‘I live in the same place as you and it’s not that bad.’ Katla replied softly as she started to lead Marineus back to the shoreline.
‘We might exist on the same plane but it tailors itself to the person residing there.’ Marineus whispered as she lowered her head and let herself be lead back to the others.
‘Sister, you can make it as you wish.’ Vilstang growled softly as he held out his hand for Marineus to get back onto the shore.
‘No, I can’t. For some reason whenever I attempt to alter my little piece of the plane it won’t let me and reverts to a simple room with a bed and a chair.’ Marineus replied as she dropped to her knees and started crying.
‘Marineus you should just calm down.’ Stefan chuckled as he walked to where Marineus was sat and wiped away her tears with his hand.
‘What do I call you?’ Marineus whimpered softly as she looked up at Stefan and allowed a small smile to spread across her face.
‘Here you call me Stefan, the same as if we were anywhere in the universe.’ Stefan replied warmly as he looked at the rest of the group as green energy flashed between his eyes.
‘Cuz where are we?’ Tahir asked as he looked up at the surrounding snow topped mountains.
‘Where we were.’ Vilstang replied softly as he shook his head.
‘No, we’re not. When Stef’s eyes flashed we were transported from where we were to here.’ Tahir replied as he turned his back on the group and looked up at the mountains.
‘How can you tell?’ Marineus asked as she looked around trying to see the difference.
‘Trust me I know.’ Tahir replied as he started to walk away.
‘Tahir, you really shouldn’t confuse these nice people.’ Stefan chuckled as he wiped away a small tear that had begun to run down his cheek.
‘What do you mean father?’ Marineus asked as she looked at Stefan with a look of shock spreading across her face.
‘This is where we’ve always been.’ Stefan replied softly as he looked at Marineus and smiled. ‘And the answer is British Columbia.’
‘Why go through all of this?’ Marineus asked as she looked around at the scenery.
‘Just for the hell of it.’ Stefan chuckled in reply as he walked off towards where Tahir was stood.
‘They’ll never get it.’ Tahir whispered as he turned to face Stefan who had a broad smile spreading across his face.
‘What are you two conspiring about?’ Marissa asked as she snuck up behind the two.
‘Absolutely nothing.’ Stefan replied softly as he turned to face Marissa and his eyes flashed again.
‘Cuz, you’ve really gotta stop doing that.’ Tahir chuckled as he turned to look over where the ascended beings had been stood.
‘I don’t know what you mean.’ Stefan replied mysteriously as he turned to where the ascended should be stood but were now conspicuous with their absence.
‘Where are they?’ Marissa asked as she turned to where Katla had been stood ad was surprised she’d gone as well.
‘We’re here.’ Katla chuckled as she materialised in front of the three friends with Hebro at her side.
‘How did you find us?’ Stefan asked as he turned to Hebro and allowed a brief smirk to flash across his lips.
‘I can sense any piece of father now I’ve been back to our place in the heavens.’ Katla replied softly as she walked over to Stefan, wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled in close.
‘Katie.’ Marissa squealed as she rushed over and wrapped her arms around both Katla and Stefan.
‘When you’ve quite finished we have a problem.’ Hebro growled softly as she walked over to where Tahir was stood and placed her hand on his arm.
‘What’s the problem?’ Stefan asked seriously as he pushed passed the two girls and raced to where Hebro and Tahir was stood.
‘Tahir’s body isn’t able to hold itself together much longer.’ Hebro replied quietly as she placed her hand behind Tahir’s head and pressed her fingers into his hair line.
‘What happens if the body gives out?’ Marissa asked as she released Katla and moved to where Tahir was stood and reached out her hand. As her fingers contacted Tahir’s arm a flash of gold light exploded. ‘Whoa.’ She screamed as she jumped backwards.
‘Nothing to do with me.’ Tahir whimpered as he started to rub his arm where Marissa had touched it.
‘It was never anything to do with you Tahir.’ Hebro said softly as she ran her hand over the point where Marissa had connected.
‘So, what’s happening?’ Tahir asked as he looked at Stefan with pleading eyes.
‘Your body was never designed to be able to handle this much knowledge and power, even with the updates Marineus gave you it wasn’t enough.’ Hebro replied softly as she looked at Tahir with a gentle smile.
‘Is there anything I can do?’ Katla asked quietly as she moved forward and a flash of green light shot between her eyes.
‘Only your father can undo now what Marineus did.’ Hebro replied gently as she turned to Stefan and smiled.
‘Hey, don’t look at me.’ Stefan hissed sof
tly as he squared up to Hebro who bristled.
‘You couldn’t do anything either Stefan.’ Hebro chuckled softly as she turned to look up at the sky.
‘So why did you look at me like that?’ Stefan asked as he followed Hebro’s gaze up to where she was looking.
‘I was just checking something.’ Hebro replied seriously as she fixed her gaze on Stefan and a pulse of energy flashed between her eyes.
‘Ok, so what’s so special now?’ Tahir asked as he started to wince slightly.
‘We’ve gone too far.’ Hebro replied softly as she looked across to Katla who stood there shaking her head.
‘We haven’t been anywhere.’ Katla scoffed as she snapped her fingers and a small chair appeared at the side of the stream and she lowered herself delicately onto it.
‘We’ve crossed the entire span of the universe in less than the blink of an eye.’ Hebro whispered as she moved to where Katla was sat.
‘Stef’ says we’re in British Columbia, why should I doubt him?’ Marissa asked looking around.
‘No, we’re at the centre of the universe on the planet Bhan created so he had somewhere to return to whenever he wanted to.’ Hebro replied softly as she looked across at Stefan and her eyes turned to two small blue suns.
‘It’s very pretty.’ Katla said as she turned in the chair.
‘How can we be here?’ Marissa asked as she decided to walk into the stream.
‘Because I allowed you to be here.’ Bhan growled from nowhere.
‘Father, please show yourself.’ Katla screamed as she started to reach for her feet.
‘Daughter calm yourself.’ Bhan chuckled as the air surrounding the little group began to shimmer as green flame burst from nowhere, a small balding man dressed in a dark blue full length coat appeared, a pair of gold rimmed glasses perched on the end of his nose.
‘How can I calm myself?’ Katla asked as she raced forward, wrapped her arms around Bhan’s shoulders and squeezed tightly.
‘You’re telling me the oldest most powerful being in the universe looks like something out of middle earth?’ Tahir asked quietly as he started slumping to the ground.
‘T.’ Stefan screamed as he raced to where Tahir was now slumped.
‘Your brains are perceiving the energy of my being in a way you can comprehend.’ Bhan replied with a big smile on his face.
‘So, if I think the most powerful being looks like you that’s what I see?’ Stefan asked as he pulled Tahir’s head back so he could breathe easier.
‘Here, let me.’ Bhan said as he moved over to where Tahir and Stefan were laid prone on the ground.
Stefan watched open mouthed as Bhan held his hand over Tahir’s chest and allowed it to penetrate, turning to look at Katla who nodded slightly. Hebro moved forward and placed her hand on the back of Bhan’s shoulder. Hebro’s eyes turned back to their normal state as her hand began to transform into a ball of flame.
‘Mother what are you doing?’ Katla asked as she wiped a tear away from her face.
‘Giving of myself so I can help my friend.’ Hebro replied as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
‘You can do this?’ Marissa asked as she moved forward till an invisible barrier stopped her. ‘How come I can’t get close?’
‘It’s for your safety.’ Bhan replied turning his head, his eyes ablaze like dark green suns.
‘I want to help my friend.’ Marissa screamed as she banged her fists against the side of the invisible barrier.
‘Stand very still.’ Bhan growled as he looked up, as he did so the sky turned black, lightning raced between menacing clouds and the mountain tops.
‘Mother.’ Katla whimpered as Hebro began to merge with Bhan.
‘What’s happening?’ Marissa screamed over the stormforce winds.
‘They’re trying to ascend Tahir.’ Katla roared in reply.
Turning to marissa who had tears streaming down her cheeks. ‘He doesn’t want this.’ She screamed.
‘He hasn’t got a choice.’ Katla bellowed over the ever-intensifying winds.
‘There’s always a choice.’ Bhan whispered in their ears as the wind stopped and the surroundings returned to their original state.
‘What happened?’ Marissa asked as she raised her hand to shield her eyes from the intensity of the sun.
‘With a little help, the old fool here was able to undo what Marineus did to me.’ Hebro chuckled as Tahir dropped onto the bank at the side of the stream.
‘You mean you’re cured?’ Stefan asked wildly wrapping his arms around his friend.
‘He’s his old self again.’ Bhan croaked as he started walking towards a log cabin that had appeared just outside the tree line.
‘Where you going now?’ Marissa asked quietly as she turned to watch Bhan leave.
‘I need to rest, undoing what my eldest did has drained me more than I anticipated, you need to find the spear quickly so I can return at my full strength.’ Bhan replied seriously as his form vanished at the door of the cabin.
‘Not much help was he.’ Tahir chuckled as he started to wrestle with Stefan.
‘More than you know.’ Hebro smirked as she turned around on the spot and the scene faded for a second.
Chapter 2
La Brea Tar Pits Los Angeles
‘Why’d you bring us back here mother?’ Katla asked as she took in the new view of the tar pits.
‘Because this is where my journey to hide the spear started.’ Hebro replied quietly as she looked down at the main pit.
‘You do know we’re fifty feet above the pit, don’t you?’ Marissa asked as she looked down at her feet and saw nothing beneath her.
‘You humans are so obsessed with seeing things from ground level, a different perspective can sometimes give you an amazing realisation.’ Hebro chuckled as she looked across at Tahir who had an unsettling look upon his face. ‘Are you ok?’ she asked.
‘I was never very good with heights.’ Tahir replied as his pallor took a decided turn for the worse.
‘If you plan on being sick just turn away.’ Marissa chuckled, clearly enjoying the fact that Tahir was uncomfortable at height.
‘Behave.’ Stefan hissed softly as he wrapped a friendly arm across Tahir’s shoulders.
‘Here.’ Katla whispered as she placed her hand on Tahir’s stomach and allowed it to glow for a second. ‘Better?’ she asked quietly as she withdrew.
‘Yeah, thank you.’ Tahir whispered as colour started to return to his swarthy features.
‘No problem.’ Katla blushed as she floated back to where Marissa stood, a look of understanding drawing across her face.
‘So, why bring us up here?’ Stefan asked cutting across Marissa before she could say anything else.
‘Look at that.’ Hebro replied softly pointing to where the two mammoths were located. ‘Just to the side of the one in the pit, there seems to be an imprint of something else, I can’t quite explain it but it’s ringing a bell in the back of my mind.’
‘Ok, it’s a start.’ Stefan said as he stared at the area Hebro was pointing at.
‘Now we need a closer look.’ Hebro said softly as her eyes flashed, instantly the little group were looking directly at the area from a few inches off the ground.
‘Err Hebbie, what’s happened?’ Tahir asked as his nose seemed to be squashed against some invisible object.
‘We’re getting closer to the problem, that’s how you work things out isn’t it?’ Hebro replied softly as her face hovered delicately over an area that was quite active.
‘Careful, you’ll get burnt.’ Marissa warned as a bubble of hot gases breached the surface, sending tar flowing into the surrounding area.
‘I’ll be fine.’ Hebro replied as she waved her hand and the stain of tar was gone.
‘If only it was always that easy.’ Marissa chuckled as she tried to pull herself back from the steaming tar bubble in front of her.
‘Don’t worry about it.’ Hebro chided softly as anothe
r bubble exploded right in front of her.
‘Unlike some Hebbie I’m not ascended.’ Marissa hissed softly as the bubble she’d been watching exploded sending hot tar over her.
‘Here.’ Hebro scoffed with a wave of her hand.
‘What are we looking for?’ Stefan asked as he aligned himself with the area Hebro had been interested in.
‘You tell me, you’re the one with the knowledge and power.’ Hebro replied a little scornfully.
‘Hey, he took back everything and left me with nothing.’ Stefan said waving his arms in front of him.
‘No, he took them back for a second to help Tahir, now he’s back in his little hideaway and you’re back on the mortal plane, you’ve got the knowledge, you’ve got the power, so use it.’ Hebro grumbled softly as she looked over and caught sight of Katla tilting her head slightly to look at a bubble of gas coming up through the tar. ‘What is it?’ She asked.
‘This isn’t coming from the same source as the rest.’ Katla replied softly as she reached into the tar, picked up the ball of gas and held it between her finger and thumb.
‘So, where’s it coming from?’ Stefan asked as he flapped his arms to try and move.
Hebro laughed out loud. ‘Sorry.’ She choked as tears of laughter started to run down her face. ‘If you want to move, look at where you want to go, then see yourself in that place.’ She finished stifling yet another laugh.
‘Well, I’m glad I amused someone today.’ Stefan said sniffing loudly as he looked at where Katla was suspended and saw himself there, in an instant he was hovering immediately to her side.
‘That wasn’t so hard now, was it?’ Katla whispered as she held out her hand so Stefan could see the ball of gas held perfectly together between her finger and thumb.
‘I can see energy in this.’ Stefan said after he’d gazed at the ball for a few moments.