Book Read Free

Rival Love

Page 9

by Natalie Decker

  “What are you going to do then?”

  “Nothing. Good night, Caleb.” She stalks out of my room, leaving me rendered speechless with lots of thoughts.


  Derrick and I enter Amber’s parents’ house which is crowded. What happened at our house, if Derrick heard Erin about the bruised eye, he hasn’t said a word. And I’m not about to ask him. We make our way through the thick of the party and into the kitchen. Most of the linemen are in the back, lining up shots across an island while two receivers and a couple of cheerleaders stand around the keg.

  Normally, I’d join Derrick for shots, but I go over to the keg instead. Snatching up a red cup, I tip back the frothy liquid. I manage to get a third of it down when someone squeezes my sides. I jump a little, causing some of my beer to spill onto my shirt. “I thought you’d never make it,” Amber purrs in my ear.

  Flicking off some of the foam, I shrug. “Where else would I be?”

  “Some other girl’s house.” She pouts.

  My mood sours. There’s nothing more annoying than chicks pulling this stunt. Look, if there are other chicks, they’d know about it. “Nah. So, what did you think about the game?”

  She smiles and lets her tongue dart out and slide across her full lips. I smile back and she snatches a full bottle of Jack. “How about you and I take our party somewhere else?” She stumbles a little toward a room off of the kitchen area.

  I follow her, pushing my way past the guys. Derrick catches me and gives me a nod with a fist bump. “I’ll catch another ride.”

  Chapter 21


  Dressed in all black from head to toe, I sneak one more quick glance at myself in the mirror and then smirk. Tonight, I’ve officially lost my mind, but in all fairness, boys are the spawn of the devil himself and they’ve driven me to this. At least, that’s my excuse this time.

  Making my way through the kitchen, I glance around like a cat burglar and slip my keys from the hook near the back door. My wheels are technically still on lock down, but I need my revenge. Staying in stealth mode, I exit out the back of the house, and speed walk to my pretty, cherry-red Mini Cooper. Sliding into the front, leaving the door open, I pull the emergency brake and start to push it down the street. Two houses away, I slide back in and start it.

  “Beg” by Evans Blue blares from the speakers. My lips curl up at the ends. Shifting to first, I take off for a trip to the boundary line. I just hope I bought enough spray paint.

  “Welcome to Livingston, home of the Harris Academy Bulldogs,” I read aloud. Yeah, I don’t think anyone is going to claim this as a welcome visit.

  Driving past my old house, I sigh. My old bedroom’s light is on, and my insides instantly ache. I shouldn’t be thinking things like this—old room, old house, old neighborhood. This is home.

  As I travel past Sam’s house, the pain increases to the point I can barely breathe. I almost stop but that’s not smart. Not tonight. Especially with what I plan on doing, I can’t leave behind witnesses or evidence.

  Parking a block away from Kevin’s parents’ house, I slip on my ski mask and creep to his souped-up BMW coupe. I pull out my bag of goodies. The jar of ants, postal tape, Saran Wrap, Hershey’s syrup, and yellow spray paint lay in front of my feet.

  Thank God Kevin’s such a delusional sap when it comes to locking his car when it’s parked in his neighborhood. It’ll be easy to put my little guys to work.

  Okay, maybe it was a little presumptuous thinking this will be super easy. I know his house has only been tagged twice in the past four years. I think it has to do with his Doberman, Betsy, but I’m not worried about Betsy. That dog loves me, and I brought treats in case she comes prowling around here.

  Carefully, I open up his passenger door with my gloved hand. I pop the top on the Hershey’s syrup and squirt it all over the inside of his precious sports car. The chocolate sauce is dripping from the ceiling to the floor, and sliding down the windows onto the door handles. Is this overly childish of me? Yes it is, but I don’t care.

  Next, I twist off the lid of the jar holding my ants and I let them loose in their new home. Once they all leave the jar, I begin step three. Scanning my surroundings again, I unravel the Saran Wrap. Starting from the back bumper, I tape one corner and unroll. Five rolls later, I tape the final piece and then grab the spray paint.

  A deep throaty growl startles me. Turning slightly, I notice Betsy and quickly lift my mask. “Betsy, it’s me. Come here, girl,” I whisper while patting my thigh. I kneel to my bag and fish through it for her treats. She charges me. Any other person would run, but I hold my ground, preparing myself for the next thing—Betsy colliding into me full force. Knocking me flat against the cement, her tongue slaps against my chin and runs up to my cheek. “Uck! Bets, come on. Your breath is terrible!”

  “Betsy! Betsy, where the hell are you?” Kevin’s dad yells. I should go. I need to go. My work isn’t quite done yet though. I push Betsy off me and spray paint the words “Marked your ride, BITCH!” Then I shove all my things in my bag and run. “Betsy there you…what the?” is the last thing I hear before sprinting away.


  Amber’s house is practically screaming “alert the cops”—there’s a lot of underage stuff going on here. Toilet paper sways in the trees, people I think are in my classes are tossing their cookies into the bushes, others stand around laughing.

  I’m not here to party. Nope. My next target is Caleb, and his pretty little ride. This is for the boys’ bathroom incident, flushing me out of my shower, and finally the Saran Wrap on the toilet seat. And now that I think about it, I can see why they say a bathroom is a man’s throne room.

  Skipping up to his bumper, I look around. No one is watching me, and the streetlight he’s parked under is out. Perfect. I wrap up his car bumper to bumper and roof to undercarriage. Once I’m done all it’s missing is a big red bow. Shaking my can of orange spray paint, I finish with the words, “I own you Morgan.”

  Looking over my handy work, a smile creeps onto my face. I kind of want to see his face when he comes out here and sees this. But someone’s loud voice, carrying across the lawn, pulls me from my thoughts. “Thanks for giving me a lift, Lance. Morgan’s getting himself a piece tonight and you know how that shit is.”

  I gather up my things and slink into the nearby bushes. “Yeah, yeah. And…Holy shit.”

  “What?” is followed by an “Oh damn. I’ll go get him.”

  Crap! Lance hovers by the car, looking around. I’ve got to get out of here—and quick. Army-crawling through the neighbor’s lawn, fallen leaves crinkle underneath me. A stick jabs my side and I stifle back a cry of pain as it ripples through my body.

  “Who’s there?” Lance yells.

  I don’t answer. I spring up and run as fast as I can. My lungs burn with a fiery rage while my legs are ready to give way but I can’t stop. Because another set of feet are behind me and with my luck lately, Lance is sober.

  Arms swoop around my waist and pull me into a yard. I crash on top of a pile of mulch. Fingers pull at my mask but I kick Lance hard. “Ghhh, balls.”

  I get up and kick him a few more times for good measure. He groans and tries to reach for my foot but I sprint off to my car. It kills me not to drive past the house and catch a glimpse of Caleb’s reaction, but my clock says twelve in the morning, so I’ve got to get home. Mom will be checking in on me as usual and I need her as an alibi for both crimes.

  God, I’m such a criminal.

  Chapter 22


  Amber is down to her skimpy underwear, and I’m in my boxers when Derrick bursts into the room. “Dude! Your car got smacked!”

  Amber yells, while trying to cover herself, and I’m pushing her off my lap. Grabbing my clothes, I toss them on so fast I almost trip slipping on my jeans. Hobbling into my shoes, I bump into walls. The room is spinning, and I’m so wasted it’s not funny.

  I stumble out onto the lawn and down the street to wh
ere my car is. Approaching it with blurred vision I’m not seeing what the hell he’s talking about. And I’m about to tell him thanks for the cockblock, when I see it. “I own you Morgan?” Rage oozes from every part of me. “Goddamn Bulldogs!” I yell. My hands shake with violence, as malevolent thoughts fill my head. I’ve got to calm down before I hurt myself or someone else.

  My eyes scan the street, and land on a limping Lance. “Bro, what the hell happened to you?” If someone jumped him, it’ll give me an outlet or an excuse to look for a fight. So part of me is hoping this is the case.

  “I almost had ‘em man, but they escaped. I was a little winded. Whoever it is, is super fast. Can you think of who’s built for speed on their team?”

  No. I couldn’t. But I knew someone who’d know. Unless…no, she wouldn’t. Would she? I’ve got to find out either way. If she did do this, she’s dead. Plain and simple.

  Hitting the locks on my doors, I listen to the familiar popping sound. “Hey man, you sure you’re okay to drive?”

  I wave Lance off. “I’m fine. I’ve gotta get home anyway.”

  He snatches my keys from me. “I know, but you’ve been drinking, man. I can’t let you drive like this. Come on, we can pick it up in the morning.”

  As much as I don’t want anybody else seeing my car completely violated like this, he’s right. My uncle might be a few inches shorter than me, and half my build, but he’d totally kick my ass if he found out I drank and then drove home. Especially after what happened with his little sister. I let Lance pull me along into his car, Derrick in tow. We’re about to all pile into his Mustang when a half-crazed, half-dressed Amber storms out of her house. “Caleb Morgan, I swear you’re the biggest jerk on the planet!”

  I nod because what else can I do at this point? Apologize for leaving her high and dry? Nah. Besides, she kind of started getting into that very clingy stage where she thinks I’m her boyfriend and she owns me and shit. And that’s not going to happen. Relationships are way too much work.

  When I get out of Lance’s car in front of my house, the first thing I notice is Skylar’s Mini. Still in the same spot on the street. I run my fingers across the hood and instantly frown. Because the hood is ice-cold, which means she couldn’t have touched my car.

  “Hey, Morgan, I’ll call my cousin tomorrow and see how much a paint job will run ya,” Derrick offers.

  I smirk. “Thanks man. Thanks for the lift, Lance.”

  “Anytime. Tell Liv she better be at the next one.”

  My eyes instantly go to Derrick. He smiles. “Yeah man. I can totally help her with those…bedroom urges.”

  My insides boil. He’s not laying a hand on her. Neither is Lance. I don’t give a damn if they’re my friends or not, there’s no way that shit will ever happen. Besides, they wouldn’t want her if they knew who she really was.

  Entering the house, I tiptoe up the stairs and make my way to Skylar’s room. She’s lying on her stomach mulling over a book. I come closer to her and she glances up at me. “Yes?”

  “Whatcha doing?”

  “Studying? You reek of alcohol.” She waves her hand in front of her face while she turns to one side.

  I sit on her bed, and she huffs. “Sorry.” I sway a little and she sits up. “I’m good,” I slur.

  “I’ve got a feeling you’re lying but whatever. Trash can is in the corner.”

  Normally I’d tell her to fuck off, but I need something from Skylar. “So what are you studying for?” I reach for her book but touch her fingers instead, and like all the times before, an electric current passes through me. Quickly I let go.

  “Italian test on Monday.”

  “So, can you teach me how to say ‘Suck it’ in Italian?”

  She glares at me and shakes her head while an irritated huff escapes her lips. I don’t get why she’s so mad at me, when other people from my school could say or do the same thing and she’d just ignore them. With me, though, she never holds back how much I’m annoying her. It kind of pisses me off.

  “I hope that’s not why you came in here.”

  “It isn’t.” I get up and pace the area between her window seat and bed. “I realized something tonight. The thing you said about not leaving, and I was thinking we probably should come up with a game plan. I mean, I know the whole hat thing is working for the most part, but you’ve got to admit people aren’t going to believe the bad acne excuse forever.” Her eyes are on me. She sets her pencil down and cocks an eyebrow up.

  “What do you want?”

  I sigh. “I’m not sure. Don’t get me wrong, I hate that you’re here. I hate that I’ve got to watch who I bring over now and when, because you’re here.” This kind of crap will cramp my weekends when me and the boys play video games all afternoon or I sneak girls into my room. Yup. Totally sucks. “So, maybe we can work out some kind of arrangement.”

  She slams her book shut. “I don’t need your help. And what makes you think I’d even want your help, Caleb? My new black eye? All of you Bobcats can keep coming at me. Your rude remarks, the awesome gang-style beatings in the bathrooms, oh and the lovely way you share food and drinks. So thanks, but no thanks.”

  “Fine. But there’s got to be something.”

  “Caleb, I’ve got no idea what the hell you’re on and honestly, I don’t care, but you need to leave. Nice is not your thing, especially around me. So let’s just do each other a solid, forget this whole conversation, and let me study.”

  I take a seat on her beanbag chair near her bed. “I’m not fucked up. I mean…I am, but you need to hear me out. My car got royally jacked up tonight. And normally, I’d just take my revenge out on another football player, or just someone who has a stupid sign in their yard. But this time it’s beyond personal, and I want to take out the entire team. In order to do that…” I walk over to her bed and put my hand on her bare shoulder. “I need you.”

  “You need me? I’m the last person in the world you should be coming to.”

  I shake my head. “No. You’re the first. I overheard your conversation with your ex. I know deep down, you’re like every crazy chick on the planet and you want to rip that douchebag Kevin’s balls off. So yeah, you’re the first person I’m coming to.”

  “Maybe you’re right.” She shrugs. “That doesn’t mean I’m ready to turn on the entire football team because of one douchebag.”

  “What are you saying? You’re going to let that asshole get a pass?”

  She shakes her head. “No. But what I do is not your concern.”

  Stubborn. There’s got to be a way to talk her into helping me. I push a few strands of hair away from her face. She flinches. “What if I promise this kind of crap won’t happen again?”

  “Caleb, you’re drunk and have no idea what you’re doing.” She pushes off her bed and hooks her arm into mine then pulls me out of her room. “I’m going to walk you to your room and leave you there.”

  When we reach my door, I pull her into my room. My footing slips and we tumble onto my bed. I’m still holding her against me, and we’re breathing hard. My gaze drops to her lips. A sudden urge to kiss her comes over me. She pushes off of me. “Fletch…” She walks out of my room and shuts the door behind her.

  Chapter 23


  Kevin storms into the CJD, pushing his way to the front of my line screaming, “Your boyfriend is dead! You hear me?” He twitches a little. I let my eyebrows rise and my lips remain pursed. I’m not about to crack a smile even though this is beyond amusing.

  His fist slams down on the counter and I flinch, causing my hair to uncover a sliver of my bruised eye. His face changes instantly. “Jesus, Sky, what happen to you?”

  He tries to reach out and touch me, but I shy away from him. Smoothing my hair back into place, I shrug. “It’s nothing. If you’re going to order something you need to stand in line.”

  The coldness in his stare returns. “I’m not. Tell your boyfriend to stay the hell away from my house.”
/>   “For the last time he’s not my boyfriend, so go relay your message to him yourself,” I tell him.

  He storms out of the coffee shop. The girl who’s next in line shoots me a look.

  “Sorry about that, what can I get you this morning?” I ask.

  The door dings again indicating yet another customer or least that’s what I thought. The girl in front of me is about to place her order when Alex screams, “Skylar! My office, right now.” I smile and hold up a finger to the customer. “I’ll be right back.”

  Entering Alex’s office I say, “What’s up?”

  “Sky, I told you not to come in and work with your eye looking like that. Do you really need the money that badly or what?”

  “I…I…” What could I tell him? My life sucks now. I’ve got no friends, did all my homework, and have nothing better to do. Usually, I’d practice hitting balls at the batting cages or swim laps but there’s no point in that now, is there? Even if I wanted on the Bobcats’ team there is no way it will happen. So I lie. “You caught me.”

  Alex frowns. “Okay, I’ll pay you for the hours you were supposed to work, but that’s it. Go home. I’ll see you Thursday, hopefully that’s healed by then. Or at least able to be covered up a little better.”

  I nod. Home. Amber and her skanks are going to pay for making my life even more of a hell than it was. Leaving the shop slowly with my freshly printed check in hand, I roll my eyes at the new annoyance leaning against my car. Caleb slides his sunglasses down a fraction and glares at me. “You know, I’ll give you some credit, Fletch, you had me. God, you had me good.”


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