Falling Free (Vorkosigan Saga)
Page 24
So much for Graf’s famous safety record. Blessings in disguise, at least the engineer wouldn’t be able to jam that down his throat any more. A little humility would be good for him.
And yetâthe situation was so damned anomalous. It shouldn’t be possible to depressurize the whole Habitat at once. There were backups on the backups, interlocks, separated baysâany accident so system-wide would take foresight and planning.
A little hiss escaped his teeth, and Van Atta locked into himself in a sudden bubble of furious concentration, eyes widening. A planned accidentâcould it be, could it possibly be … ?
Genius Graf. An accident, an accident, a perfect accident, the very accident he’d most desired but had never dared wish for aloud. Was that it? That had to be it! Fatal disaster for the quaddies, now, at the last moment when they were all together and it could be accomplished at one stroke?
A dozen clues fell into place. Graf’s insistence upon handling all the details of the salvage planning himself, his secretiveness, his anxiety for constant updates on the evacuation scheduleâhis withdrawal from social contacts that Yei had observed with disfavor, obsessive work schedule, general air of a man with a secret agenda driven to exhaustionâit was all culminating in this.
Of course it was secret. Now that he had penetrated the plot himself, Van Atta could only concur. The gratitude of the GalacTech hierarchy to Graf for relieving them of the quaddie problem must appear indirectly, in better assignments, quicker promotionsâhe would have to think up some suitably oblique way of transmitting it.
On the other handâwhy share? Van Atta’s lips drew back in a vulpine grin. This was hardly a situation where Graf could demand credit where it was due, after all. Graf had been subtleâbut not subtle enough. There would have to be a sacrifice, for the sake of form, after the accident. All he had to do was keep his mouth shut, and … Van Atta had to wrench his attention back to his present surroundings.
“I’ve got to check on my quaddies!” The young woman was growing wild-eyed. She gave up on the com unit and began to shove her way back toward the airseal doors.
“Yes,” another man joined her, “and I’ve got to find Wyzak. He’s still not here. He’s bound to need help. I’ll go with youâ”
“No!” cried Van Atta urgently, almost adding You’ll spoil everything! “You’re to wait for the all-clear. I won’t have a panic. We’ll all just sit tight and wait for instructions.”
The woman subsided, but the man said skeptically, “Instructions from whom?”
“Graf,” said Van Atta. Yes, it was not too early to start making it clear to witnesses where the hands-on responsibility lay. He controlled his excitement-spurred rapid breathing, trying for an aura of steady calm. Though not too calmâhe must appear as surprised as anyâno, more surprised than anyâwhen the full extent of the disaster became apparent.
He settled down to wait. Minutes dragged past. One last panting group of refugees made it through the airseal doors; the Habitat-wide rate of depressurization must be slowing. One of the administrators from inventory controlâold habits die hardâpresented him with an unsolicited head-count of those present.
He silently cursed the census-taker’s initiative, even as he accepted the results with thanks. The proof that all were not present might compel him to action he did not desire to take.
Only eleven downsider staff members had not made it. A necessary price to pay, Van Atta assured himself nervously. Some were doubtless holed up in other pressurized pockets, or so he could maintain he had believed, later. Their fatal mistakes could be pinned on Graf.
A group by the airseal doors was making ready to bolt. Van Atta inhaled, then paused, momentarily uncertain how to stop them without giving away everything. But a cry of dismay went up from one womanâ“All the air is out of the corridor now! We can’t get through without pressure suits!” Van Atta exhaled in relief.
He made his way to one of the module’s viewports; it framed a dull vista of unwinking stars. The port on the other side gave an oblique view back toward the Habitat. Movement caught his eye, and he mashed his nose to the cold glass in an attempt to make out the details.
The silvery flash of work suits, bobbing over the outside surface of the Habitat. Refugees? Or a repair party? Could his first hypothesis of a real accident be correct after all? Not good, but in any case it was still Graf’s baby.
But there were quaddies out there, dammit, quaddie survivors. He could see the arms. Graf had not made his stroke complete. Just two quaddie survivors, if one was male and the other female, would be as bad as a thousand, from Apmad’s point of view. Perhaps the work party was all-male.
There was Graf himself, among the flitting figures! They carried an assortment of equipment. The wavering distortion of his transverse view through the port prevented him from making out just what. He twisted his neck, craning painfully. Then the work party was eclipsed by a curve of the Habitat. A pusher slid into, and out of, his view, arcing smoothly over the lecture module. More escapees? Quaddie or downsider?
“Hey.” An excited voice from within the lecture module disrupted his frantic observations. “We’re in luck, gang. This whole cupboard is filled with breath masks. There must be three hundred of ‘em.”
Van Atta swiveled his head to spot the cupboard in question. The last time he’d been in this module that storage had been filled with audiovisual equipment. Who the hell had made that switch, and why … ?
A bang reverberated through the module with a peculiar sharp resonance, like having one’s head in a metal bucket when someone whacked it with a hammer. Hard. Shrieks and screams. The lights dimmed, then came up to about a quarter of their former brilliance. They were on the module’s own emergency power. Power from the Habitat had been cut off.
Power wasn’t all that had been cut off. Stunned, Van Atta saw the Habitat begin to turn slowly past his viewport. No, it wasn’t the Habitatâit was the module that was moving. A generalized “Aaah!” went up from the mob within, as they began to drift toward one wall and pile up there against the gentle acceleration being imparted from without. Van Atta clung convulsively to the handholds by the viewport.
Realization washed over him almost physically, radiating hotly from his chest down his arms, his legs, pounding up through the top of his head as if to burst through his skull.
Betrayed! He was betrayed, betrayed completely and on every level. A space-suited figure with legs was waving a cheery farewell at the module from beside a gaping hole burned in the side of the Habitat. Van Atta shook with chagrin. I’ll get you, Graf! I’ll get you, you double-crossing son-of-a-bitch! You and every one of those four-armed little creeps with youâ
“Calm down, man!” Dr. Yei was saying, having somehow snagged up by his viewport. “What is it?”
He realized he’d been mumbling aloud. He wiped saliva from the corners of his mouth and glared at Yei. “Youâyouâyou missed it. You were supposed to be keeping track of everything that’s going on with those little monsters, and you totally missed itâ” He advanced on her, intending he knew not what, slipped from a handhold, swung and skidded down the wall. His blood beat so hard in his ears he was afraid he was having a coronary. He lay a moment with his eyes closed, gasping, temporarily overwhelmed by his emotions. Control, he told himself in a mortal fear of his imminent self-destruction. Control, stay in controlâand get Graf later. Get him, get them all… .
Chapter Twelve
Leo unsuited to the wails of disturbed quaddies.
“What do you mean, we didn’t get them all?” he asked, his elation draining away. He had so hoped that his troublesâor at least the downsider parts of themâwould be over with the ignition of the jet cord cutting off Lecture Module C.
“Four of the area supervisors are locked in the vegetable cooler with breath masks and won’t come out,” reported Sinda from Nutrition.
“And the three crewmen from the shuttle t
hat just docked tried to make it back to their ship,” said a yellow-shirted quaddie from Docks & Locks. “We trapped them between two airseal doors, but they’ve been working on the mechanism and we don’t think we can hold them much longer.”
“Mr. Wyzak and two of the life-support systems supervisors are, um, tied up in Central Systems. To the wall hand grips,” reported another quaddie in yellow, adding nervously, “Mr. Wyzak sure is mad.”
“Three of the crèche mothers refused to leave their kids,” said an older quaddie girl in pink. “They’re all still in the gym with the rest of the little ones. They’re pretty upset. Nobody’s told them what’s going on yet, at least not when I’d left.”
“And, um, there’s one other person,” added red-clad Bobbi from Leo’s own welding and joining work gang in a faint tone. “We’re not quite sure what to do about him …”
“Immobilize him, to start,” began Leo wearily. “We’ll just have to arrange a life pod to take the stragglers.”
“That may not be so easy,” said Bobbi.
“You outnumber him, take tenâtake twentyâyou can be as careful as you likeâis he armed?”
“Not exactly,” admitted Bobbi, seeming to find her lower fingernails objects of new fascination. The quaddie equivalent of foot-shuffling, Leo realized.
“Graf!” boomed an authoritative voice, as the airseals at the end of the work-suit locker room slid open. Dr. Minchenko launched himself across the module to thump to a halt beside Leo, and gave the locker an extra bang with his fist for emphasis. One could not, after all, stomp in free fall. The unused breath mask trailing from his hand bounced and quivered. “What the hell is going on here? There’s no bleeding pressurization emergencyâ” He inhaled vigorously, as if to prove his point.
The quaddie girl Kara in the white T-shirt and shorts of Medical trailed him, looking mortified. “Sorry, Leo,” she apologized. “I couldn’t get him to go.”
“Am I to run off to some closet while all my quaddies asphyxiate?” Minchenko demanded indignantly of her. “What do you take me for, girl?”
“Most everybody else did,” she offered hesitantly.
“Cowardsâscoundrelsâidiots,” he sputtered.
“They followed their computerized emergency instructions,” said Leo. “Why didn’t you?”
Minchenko glared at him. “Because the whole thing stank. A Habitat-wide pressurization loss should be almost impossible. A whole chain of interlocking accidents would have to occur.”
“Such chains do occur, though,” said Leo, speaking from wide experience. “They’re practically my specialty.”
“Just so,” purred Minchenko, lidding his eyes. “And that vermin Van Atta billed you as his pet engineer when he brought you in. Frankly, I thought âahem!”âhe looked only mildly embarrassedâ“that you might be his triggerman. The accident seemed so suspiciously convenient just now, from his point of view. Knowing Van Atta, that was practically the first thing I thought of.”
“Thanks,” snarled Leo.
“I knew Van AttaâI didn’t know you.” Minchenko paused, and added more mildly, “I still don’t. What do you think you’re doing?”
“Isn’t it obvious?”
“Not entirely, no. Oh, certainly, you can hold out in the Habitat for a few months, cut off from Rodeoâperhaps years, barring counterattacks, if you were conservative and clever enoughâbut what then? There is no public opinion to come to your rescue here, no audience to grandstand for. It’s half-baked, Graf. You’ve made no provisions for reaching helpâ”
“We’re not asking for help. The quaddies are going to rescue themselves.”
“How?” Minchenko’s tone scoffed, though his eyes were alight.
“Jump the Habitat. Then keep going.”
Even Minchenko was silenced momentarily. “Oh …”
Leo finished struggling into his red coveralls, and found the tool he wanted. He pointed the laser-solderer firmly at Minchenko’s midsection. It did not appear to be a task he could safely delegate to the quaddies. “And you,” he said stiffly, “can go to the transfer station in the life pod with the rest of the downsiders. Let’s go.”
Minchenko barely glanced at the solderer. His lips curled with contempt for the weapon and, Leo felt, its wielder. “Don’t be more of an idiot than you can help, Graf. I know they foxed that cretin Curry, so there are still at least fifteen pregnant quaddie girls out there. Not counting the results of unauthorized experiments, which judging from the way the level is dropping in that box of condoms in the unlocked drawer in my office, are becoming significant.”
Kara started in guilty dismay, and Minchenko added aside to her, “Why do you think I pointed them out to you, dear? Be that as it may, Graf”âhe fixed Leo with a stern eyeâ“if you throw me off what do you plan to do if one of them presents at labor with placenta praevia? Or a postpartum prolapsed uterus? Or any other medical emergency that requires more than a band-aid?”
“Well … but …” Leo was taken aback. He wasn’t quite sure what placenta praevia was, but somehow he didn’t think it was medical gobbledygook for a hangnail. Nor that a precise explanation of the term would do anything to ease the ominous anxiety it engendered in him. Was it something likely to occur, given the alterations of quaddie anatomy? “There is no choice. To stay here is death for every quaddie. To go is a chanceânot a guaranteeâof life.”
“But you need me,” argued Minchenko.
“You have toâwhat?” Leo’s tongue stumbled.
“You need me. You can’t throw me off.” Minchenko’s eyes flicked infinitesimally to the solderer.
“Well, huh,” Leo choked, “I can’t kidnap you, either.”
“Who’s asking you to?”
“You are, evidently …” He cleared his throat. “Look, I don’t think you understand. I’m taking this Habitat out, and we’re not coming back, not ever. We’re going out as far as we can go, beyond every inhabited world. It’s a one-way ticket.”
“I’m relieved. At first I thought you were going to try something stupid.”
Leo found his emotions churning, a mixture of suspicion, jealousy?âand a sharp rising anticipationâwhat a relief it would be, not to have to carry it all alone… . “You sure?”
“They’re my quaddies …” Minchenko’s hands clenched, opened. “Daryl’s and mine. I don’t think you half understand what a job we did. What a good job, developing these people. They’re finely adapted to their environment. Superior in every way. Thirty-five years’ workâam I to let some total stranger drag them off across the galaxy to who-knows-what fate? Besides, GalacTech was going to retire me next year.”
“You’ll lose your pension,” Leo pointed out. “Maybe your freedomâpossibly your life.”
Minchenko snorted. “Not much of that left.”
Not true, Leo thought. The bioscientist possessed enormous life, over three-quarters of a century of accumulation. When this man died, a universe of specialized knowledge would be extinguished. Angels would weep for the loss. Unlessâ“Could you train quaddie doctors?”
“It’s a forgone conclusion you couldn’t.” Minchenko ran his hands through his clipped white hair in a gesture part exasperation, part pleading.
Leo glanced around at the anxiously hovering quaddies, listening inâ listening in while men with legs decided their fate, again. Not right … the words popped out of his mouth before reasoned caution could stop them. “What do you kids think?”
A ragged but immediate chorus of assent for Minchenkoârelief in their eyes, too. Minchenko’s familiar authority would clearly be an immense comfort to them, as they traveled farther into the unknown. Leo was suddenly put in mind of the way the universe had changed to a stranger place the day his father had died. Just because we’re adults doesn’t automatically mean we can save you … But this was a discovery each quaddie would have to make in their own time. He took a deep breath. “All right �
�” How could one suddenly feel a hundred kilos lighter when already weightless? Placenta praevia, God.
Minchenko did not react with immediate pleasure. “There’s just one thing,” he began, arranging his features in a humble smile quite horribly out of place on his face.
What’s he sweating for now? Leo wondered, suspicions renewed. “What?”
“Madame Minchenko.”
“My wife. I have to get her.”
“I didn’târealize you were married. Where is she?”
“Downside. On Rodeo.”
“Hell …” Leo suppressed an urge to start tearing out the remains of his hair.
Pramod, listening, reminded him, “Tony’s down there too.”
“I know, I knowâand I promised ClaireâI don’t know how we’re going to work this …”
Minchenko was waiting, his expression intenseânot a man used to begging. Only his eyes pleaded. Leo was moved. “We’ll try. We’ll try. That’s all I can promise.”
Minchenko nodded, dignified.
“How’s Madame Minchenko going to feel about all this, anyway?”
“She’s loathed Rodeo for twenty-five years,” Minchenko promisedâsomewhat airily, Leo thought. “She’ll be delighted to get away.” Minchenko didn’t add I hope aloud, but Leo heard it anyway.
“All right. Well, we’ve still got to round up these stragglers and get rid of them… .” Leo wondered wistfully if it was possible to drop dead painlessly from an anxiety attack. He led his little troop from the locker room.
Claire flew from hand grip to hand grip along the branching corridors, done with patience at last. Her heart sang with anticipation. The airseal doors to the raucous gym were crowded with quaddies, and she had to restrain herself from forcibly elbowing them out of her way. One of her old dormitory mates, in the pink T-shirt and shorts of crèche duty, recognized her with a grin and reached out with a lower hand to pull her through the mob.