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Jion_A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance_Aliens Of Xeion

Page 27

by Maia Starr

  “I can’t stop thinking about that massage you gave me earlier,” Evlon whispered in my ear.

  I swallowed hard. “I don’t want to talk about that,” I said.

  “Are you sure?” he whispered. I felt my body responding immediately.

  “Yes, I am sure. What I do want to talk about is when I will have the opportunity to speak about the peace negotiations,” I said angrily.

  “Leader Rangellis does not do business talks at dinner. He says everyone is too drunk and incapacitated to remember.”

  “Yes, I can see why,” I said as I looked around the hall noticing that it was getting rowdy.

  “You haven’t seen anything yet,” he said. “I don’t think you have dinner feasts like we do on Earth. At least not anymore; perhaps in your ancient times. We enjoy the indulgences of not just food and drink,” he said.

  “What?” I said.

  He looked around the room to a corner of the hall. I gasped. A Zenkian male and female were having sex in that corner.

  “We are not ashamed of our flesh the way humans are. We celebrate it,” he said.

  I looked down the table at my team. They were so drunk. Eyes were half open, and they were slurring. I noticed Trevor pointed out the beginnings of the orgy in the corner of the hall to Brad. Brad cheered. This was not good.

  “I did not know the Zenkians were like this,” I said quietly to Evlon.

  “We are a race that takes what we want, when we want. That includes flesh, and that includes Earth,” he said to me.

  I looked at him with wide eyes. Then a loud ruckus distracted me from his brutal words. I looked to the other corner of the hall. There were Zenkians in a full orgy. A female was bent over the table licking another Zenkian female that lay on the table, while a male took her from behind. The loud ruckus was the sound of plates and cups crashing to the floor as they used the table to have sex. I was shocked.

  I looked at Evlon. He grinned. I looked at Rangellis. He raised his cup to me in cheers. Soon the entire hall was acting in complete debauchery. It was like a Dionysus scene in old Greek mythology. I couldn’t handle it. I got up from my chair and made my way to the veranda. I walked out and let the cold air hit my face. My breathing was ragged. I was startled by the scene and ashamed that I was turned on by it. I was not expecting this from the Zenkians. We did not know this about them on Earth.

  “You should not be out here alone. Any one of these brutes will take you for a slave and take you as he pleases,” Evlon said.

  I turned to see him standing behind me.

  “Is it always like this?” I said pointing inside.

  “Only for our feasts like this. Not at just any dinner time,” he grinned.

  “I can’t believe it,” I said.

  “Do you like it?”

  “I don’t want to participate, if that is what you mean.”

  “No, that is not what I mean. I mean, do you like watching it?”

  “I…no, I…”

  “Oh, but I think you do, Miranda,” he said as he got very close to me. He was so close only an inch from my body. I could smell his alien manly scent. Then he kissed me. His lips were soft, and his body was hot as he pressed it against me in his stiff uniform. His kiss was mesmerizing to me. It made a tiny pulsation explode between my thighs and a tingle all over my body. I had goosebumps on my arms as he put his large hands around my back. I moaned into his mouth as I gave into him. I was turned on. I wanted him to take me. I wanted this red alien inside of me. I felt my nipples grow hard and press against his massive hard abs. But then I came to my senses. I pushed him away from me.

  Slap! I slapped him across the face. I ran back into the hall. It was a full-fledged orgy now. Some were still casually eating and drinking while others just fucked. It was an insane sight. I went to my table, but my team was gone. I looked around to see them spread out all over the hall, drunk and watching the orgy. I was overwhelmed. I ran for the entrance of the hall. I had to get out of there.

  “Where do you think you are going, human? Come here, slave,” a deep voice said. A hand grabbed my arm and pulled me. I screamed. I looked up into the face of a Zenkian I had never seen before. He tried to kiss me.

  “No! Get off of me!” my small fists beat at his chest.

  Bam! The Zenkian was knocked out. I turned to see that Evlon was the one that delivered the blow. He had an angry look on his face. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

  “What are you doing? Put me down!” I shouted.

  “I am getting you out of here! Is that not what you want?” he shouted as he made his way out of the hall.

  “Yes but…”

  “Then shut up, human!” he shouted.

  He carried me out of the hall and all the way back to the dwelling. He threw me on the sofa in the living room of the dwelling.

  I narrowed my eyes at him.

  “I told you not to run off like that. You will be taken by one of these brutes!” he shouted.

  “You cannot tell me what to do!” I shouted.

  “Just stay here!” he shouted as he turned toward the door. “Don’t let her out,” he told the soldier.

  “Yes, sir, Evlon,” he said. Then they both walked out and locked the door behind me.

  “Ughhh!” I shouted as I made my way to the glass to look out over the city. This was not going as I had planned, but nothing was as I expected it to be on Anvin.

  Chapter 7


  No one rejects me. I could still feel the sting of the slap that Miranda gave me. It wasn’t the first time a female had slapped me, but it was the first time it had really bothered me. So the next day, I knew that I needed to blow off some steam before I went about my duties of keeping her and her team occupied as Rangellis wished.

  I knew exactly where to do it: the war game complex. I looked out of my window in my home dwellings. I could see a sandstorm approaching on the horizon. It looked to be at least another twenty-four hours away. We had them often. When they blew through, the city would shut down, and everyone hunkered down and waited for it to pass. But I didn’t need to worry about it now. I had time. I left to the war game complex.

  “Evlon, what are you doing here?” Tormunt held out his hand. I slapped it in a greeting. He was walking out while I was walking in.

  “Just getting in some practice time, same as you,” I said. “How’s the head? Sorry about the blow last practice,” I said teasing him about taking him out.

  “All part of it. Don't you know there is a sandstorm coming?” he said.

  “Yes, I do. But it looks a day away. I will be fine,” I said.

  “I don’t know about that. I heard it will be arriving in a few hours. I’m getting out of here and preparing my home.”

  “You do that,” I said continuing my way in.

  “I'll see you at practice in a few days, and I owe you one for the hit. I’m sure I will get you next time,” he said.

  “I look forward to it,” I said.

  I went out onto the field with my sword and shield. I did a few stretches.

  I had to get some of this vigor out of me, and by vigor, I meant the craving I felt for Miranda. I found myself jacking off to her every chance I got. Maybe this time I could work her out of my mind with my sword and shield.

  I ran across the field over and over, swinging my sword while carrying my shield. I went through all the drills by myself. I hit the drills harder and harder.

  “Aagh! Fuck!” I shouted grabbing my inner thigh. This was not good. I had actually injured my leg this time. At first, it was just an ache, and I had pretended it was injured in order to get Miranda to treat me, but now it was actually hurting.

  Shit. I limped my way inside and used the communication wall to call the soldier guarding the humans.

  “Evlon, yes, sir,” he said.

  “I am inside the war game complex in the medical rooms. Bring me the human female Miranda, but just her, alone. Do it now,” I said.

es, sir, Evlon, sir,” he said.

  I turned off the communication and laid on the floor. This was not a good thing, and I really did hope she could help me. The war games were months away, and I would time to heal, but I wanted to be at my best. I had to win, not for Rangellis but for myself.

  Chapter 8


  Having some time away from Evlon overnight was helping with not feeling so confused. I found myself thinking less and less about Evlon and his conceited flirtations. Except when I laid in bed last night alone, that was when it had hit me hard and I had to take care of myself with my hand.

  These were the thoughts that went through my mind over and over again in order to persuade myself that I needed to let go of any fantasies I was having about the alien soldier.

  In the early morning hours my drunken team was escorted back into our dwellings. They passed out in the living room, on the sofas and on the floor. I did not want to know what they had gotten into. I was sure they had participated in the orgies and debauchery and I’d rather not hear the details.

  I stood on the balcony of my dwelling looking out over the city. The sky was a dark gray, and there were dust clouds forming over the horizon coming closer and closer. I knew that Anvin had sandstorms and I wondered if that was what it was. I looked down over the city, and it did not seem to be in alarm over an approaching storm. Then I heard the door open inside the dwelling. I assumed that it was Evlon.

  “Miranda?” the soldier guarding the door said. I walked back inside.


  “Miranda, you are being summoned to the war game complex. I am to escort you there now by orders of Evlon,” he said.

  “Her? Why her? We should call Leader Rangellis,” Captain James said.

  “No, it’s all right, James. I will go,” I said to the soldier.

  “What? Why? Miranda, what is going on?” he said worried.

  “James, it will be fine. I do not know what is going on, but at least this is something more productive than sitting here waiting. I will be back. You all should get some rest. I know how tired you must be after last night,” I said. He looked away, ashamed.

  I followed the soldier out of the dwelling and into the hallway. I was quiet as he secured me into a speeder and drove to the outskirts of the city to the war game complex.

  “I saw massive dust clouds on the horizon. Is that a sandstorm?” I asked him as he drove.

  “Yes. It is scheduled to hit us in twenty-four hours, but they are unpredictable, and that can change to two hours in a matter of minutes,” he said.

  “Are they dangerous?” I asked.

  “They can take your skin off,” he said.

  “Okay…” I said feeling shocked by that information.

  “We are here. Come with me. I will show you to Evlon,” he said.

  I followed him into the war game complex and down the halls of the familiar rooms I had seen before.

  “You will find Evlon in here,” he said opening a door for me. I walked in, and the soldier left. I walked into the physical therapy room where I had treated Evlon before. I looked around.


  “Down here,” he said.

  I looked on the floor.

  “Oh my God, are you all right?” I said getting on my knees beside him.

  “I really fucked up my leg this time. I overdid it. I thought you could help me,” he said.

  “Ugh. You should have been resting that leg, not playing your war games,” I said.

  “Sometimes I cannot help myself. If I want to do something, I just do it,” he said, looking at my nipples poking through the tight material of my space suit. I sucked in a sharp breath of air.

  “Whatever you want me to do, I will obey,” he said with a grin.

  “Lay back on the floor. Go slowly,” I said as I put my hands on his right thigh.

  “Does it hurt here?” I asked.

  “Yes,” he said.

  “It might be that you have overstretched the groin, or might have torn a muscle. I will have to feel around a bit,” I moved my hands to his inner thigh and began to explore over the material of the uniform. “This is too thick. I can barely feel anything,” I pulled at the material.

  “No problem, I can take it off,” he said. He unzipped it down his chest and pulled it down over his hips. Then he arched up with a moan and pulled it down to his knees. My eyes lit up. I looked at him and then looked directly at his cock.

  “Okay. I guess that will have to do,” I said.

  I put my hands on his inner thigh again. I slowly moved my fingers over his smooth red skin. He moaned.

  “I am sorry. Does that hurt?” I asked him.

  “Yes, it does,” he said.

  I moved my fingers higher on his thigh. My brow was fixed as I concentrated. I bit my lower lip.

  “It does feel swollen this time around. It is probably inflamed. I think we should go ahead and get you into an ice bath immediately, if you can move.”

  “Yes, I can limp,” he said.

  “Okay, well you stay here for now, and I am going to go get the bath ready. Do not move. Do you hear me?” I used a stern voice, and he seemed to like it.

  “Yes, I hear you, human,” he grinned.

  The lights flickered off and on overhead. I looked at him confused.

  “Shit. It’s the sandstorm. I thought it wouldn’t hit until tomorrow, but it looks like it’s a lot closer. The grid starts to go out when it hits,” he said.

  I wondered just how bad it was out there. I ran the water bath and then moved back to the naked alien lying on the floor.

  “The water is running in the ice bath. Now let's get you into it,” I said.

  “Help me get this off,” he said pulling at the uniform around his knees. I took a deep breath and pulled off his thick boots. Then I pulled off the rest of the uniform. Now he was completely naked. He pulled himself up off the floor and limped to the tub.

  I was completely aroused. In my spacesuit I knew that my nipples were already hard and piercing through the material, something Evlon let me know when he stared at them. But now I could feel just how erect they were.

  “I need your help,” he said.

  “Oh, of course. Sorry,” I said as I allowed him to drape his arm around my shoulder. Having his sexy, nude, alien body next to mine was a delicious feeling. I could feel the heat from his alien body against my side. He was tall lean and perfect.

  I helped him into the bath and watched his naked body submerged in the cold water. He groaned as he allowed himself to relax. I realized that I was staring at him. I moved away from him.

  “Set the timer, Evlon,” I said.

  Then a loud siren rang that startled me. I jumped and looked at him.

  “It’s the storm siren. It’s coming.”

  “It is?”

  “Looks like you are stuck with me, Miranda,” he said.

  “Yes, it seems that way,” I said. He looked at me in a flirty way, and I was starting to relax a little.

  I was now playing with fire, and I did not know if I could stop. The flirtation was getting to me, and the vigor of the sandstorm outside was only making it feel more dreamy and impassioned. The lights flickered again.

  “Do you think the lights are going to turn off completely?” I asked.

  “Yes, they will. It always happens. You will find wicks in the drawers there with a fire device,” he said.

  I looked through the drawers and found some candles and an advanced version of a lighter.

  “I don't need you falling in the dark and hurting yourself more,” I said as I placed them around the room. Then I lit them.

  “Now it is passionate in here,” he laughed.

  He was right. It was romantic with candles lit and the sandstorm raging outside.

  Ding! “That’s the timer,” he said.

  “Time to get you out of the tub and onto the table,” I said.

  “The injury feels better already. The cold helps, Miranda
,” Evlon said as I walked over to him with a cloth.

  “That is good to hear,” I said.

  I helped him stand up. It was hard for me to be this close to his wet naked body. He was such a perfect alien soldier.

  “Come on; let’s get you on the exam table,” I said.

  He climbed out of the tub dripping wet. I wrapped the cloth around his waist. Then he limped over to the exam table and climbed on top of it. His nude alien body stretched out before me. I quickly grabbed the cloth and draped it over his mid-section. The lights went off and on. I looked at Evlon. We both knew what was coming but said nothing.


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