The Sinner

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The Sinner Page 17

by K. Trap Jones

  Until that day, I was quite content with my life.

  With Asmodeus sitting

  In front me after a long separation,

  I talked constantly

  As there was plenty to catch up on.

  I truly felt that her

  Walking into my life was a blessing,

  She held up her hand to halt the conversation

  In order to remind of an approaching encounter.

  I had never felt such a friendship like hers before.

  She was truly a friend to me and

  I would work hard to not break that bond again.

  Instead of running out to the street by myself,

  I asked her if she wanted to join me.

  She agreed and we faced towards the palace gates.

  While we waited, she asked me what I admired

  About my visions the most.

  It was a difficult question

  For me to answer

  As there was plenty to list.

  After a brief pause,

  I responded that it was just simply the woman

  That I admired the most.

  It was the imagination

  That she represented perfection;

  The equality between love and respect

  That formed her beauty.

  As the gates opened,

  I realized that it was the first time

  I was sharing my cherished ritual with another.

  I was at peace with that

  As she did not speak during the vision.

  She simply allowed me to be myself

  Without sheltering my feelings or desires.

  It was as if she understood what I was experiencing.

  From there on, my encounters

  Would be shared with Asmodeus as

  I believed that she increased my enjoyment.

  It was unique to express my feelings

  While in the moment and have someone

  Accept them with courtesy and respect.

  I never worried how she viewed me

  As I did not need to.

  She knew my inner most needs and

  Welcomed the discussions regarding them.

  Our friendship grew with each day.

  My trust in others conjured itself up

  From the deepest valley of my untrustworthy soul.

  Trust was not something that I gave away easily.

  I kept it as my last line of defense.

  I had seen regular people destroyed

  By their free spirit way of releasing certain emotions

  To anyone who would have them.

  Whether it was love, trust or happiness,

  People often spread their wings

  And leap from the ledge of emotions

  Before testing the depth of the canyon.

  Most would fall quickly

  While a few would soar and

  Fight their way back to the ledge

  In order to salvage the remainders of their lives.

  I held on to the idea that God provided us

  With these emotions

  Not to give away aimlessly,

  But rather to seek out those amongst society

  Who we deemed fit to receive them.

  Releasing emotions like a mindless farmer

  Randomly tossing seeds in a field

  Only destroys the holder.

  Instead, a farmer who strategically

  Placed the seeds in predetermined positions

  Would allow for a more controlled outcome.

  The random hurling would only provide chaos

  As the crops would battle with one another.

  Then there was my idealism,

  Which most would consider extreme.

  I tested my potential friendships

  For flaws prior to releasing emotions.

  I always had a fear of leaping off of the ledge and

  Not being able to grab the edge.

  I preferred to think of myself

  As having one foot on the ledge at all time

  So that I could easily control the situation if a problem arose.

  That concept made me not as social within society,

  But it also allowed me to avoid plummeting off of the cliff.

  Due to the proximity of my store

  Within the city streets,

  I had been able to observe many

  Different types of personalities as they walked by.

  I actually made a game out of differentiating

  Between the weak and strong minded people.

  I could tell who was on the verge of a mind collapse and

  Who was sheltering themselves from others.

  Full disclosure of one’s feelings

  Was an action that I felt to be a flawed joint in the mind’s armor.

  There are those who prey upon it.

  Some falsify their expressions

  To gain the emotional release from others.

  They take advantage of the trust

  They are given and use it to destroy its giver.

  It was a common practice within the streets

  Even in nature to lure prey

  In order to reap their rewards

  Whether mental or physical.

  I take pride that I had never been lured

  Into situations that were out of my control.

  I believed that I was able to distinguish

  Between false and real emotions

  When looking into the eyes of a person.

  Asmodeus was unlike anyone

  I had ever met before.

  She was the complete package

  Of what I looked for in a friend.

  She was kind, patient and most of all forgiving.

  I also believed in her consumption of my words.

  My only hesitation was that her personality

  Seemed too good to be real.

  My response was that she relinquished

  All of her emotions at a younger age.

  Now that she was older,

  She desired to hear the feelings of the young.

  Regardless of her reasoning,

  She was very skilled at the art of listening and

  I was very willing to help her in increasing her level.

  We experienced many encounters together

  After her return and

  Had several quality discussions

  Regarding my maiden, but

  Our friendship reached a new level on one beautiful day.

  During that day, as we both anxiously stared

  At the palace gates for my lady to arrive home,

  Asmodeus said something that would alter my dreams.

  She ever so softly whispered that she could

  Get me closer to my maiden if I so desired.

  I did not know what to think by the comment.

  At first I thought that she was fooling me,

  But she held strong by her words

  Even when I pressed her for more detail.

  She continued to say that her late husband

  Had been a palace guard before he headed off to war.

  She said he had many friends in the palace

  Including several of the guards

  Who currently protected the gates.

  The hesitation that I previously felt

  Towards my friend suddenly crept back into my life.

  Maybe she was being truthful with me

  Or maybe my hesitation came from the mere idea

  That my desires would turn into actions.

  It was new unexplored territory that I often avoided.

  I had always been cautious, but Asmodeus

  Spoke so easily about the situation

  That it made me question my beliefs.

  She said that if I so desired that

  She could arrange a close encounter with the maiden.

  The mere thought of being in the same vicinity

  As her sent chills up my neck.

I imagined smelling her aroma and

  Maybe touching her skin.

  My hesitation was bombarded

  With what could possibly be.

  I no longer was satisfied with visions

  As the potential physical portion of my desires

  Now reigned over all my other emotions.

  I had no chance to judge her idea

  Nor deny it as my mind focused solely

  On the opportunity to be near my maiden.

  All of my dreams of what could have been

  Flashed rapidly on the backs of my eyes lids.

  At that moment,

  My dreams were meeting reality and

  The partnership they were forming

  Would be permanent in my mind.

  With so much running through my head,

  I actually cared not about the visionary encounters.

  I even at one point turned to look at Asmodeus

  While my maiden was in sight.

  My friend opened up a whole new area of my fascination;

  One that I believed could not exist.

  The potential of her idea was endless;

  The journey would be exciting and new.

  I always thought that I would never

  Get the opportunity to meet

  My beloved and there I was

  With a gift of chance in the palm of my sweaty hands.

  Once my nerves and emotions subsided

  They allowed me to think logically,

  I began to ask Asmodeus questions regarding her plan.

  She stated that she could easily get us

  By the palace guards

  As they all still respected her late husband.

  Once in the palace, I would take up the persona

  Of a servant and make my way to the maiden’s quarters.

  After that, she would not be able to help me

  As my words would be my own.

  It was not a well thought out plan,

  But at that moment I did not care.

  Asmodeus thought that it was a good idea

  For her to try to gain entry into the palace

  So that she could see whether the plan would work.

  I agreed and asked her why

  She was doing all of that for me.

  Her response was that she wanted

  To give me the opportunity to meet my desires.

  She said that she could only provide me

  With the means to reach my dream

  That once I was there,

  All of the choices would be my own.

  She said she was interested in knowing

  How far my emotions would take me;

  If my conscience would allow me to swallow my wants.

  I told her that I wanted nothing more

  Than to be in the same vicinity as my maiden,

  That my rational thought had no place within the palace.

  We left each other that day

  With the understanding that Asmodeus

  Would enter the palace through the guards and

  Survey the situation from inside.

  The first part of the plan would occur

  Early the next morning

  When much of the palace servants were asleep.

  I awoke much earlier than I usually did

  As my nerves were tumbling within my sleep and

  Presenting me with visions of blood scarred battlefields.

  I sat outside and waited to catch sight of Asmodeus.

  She did not fail me as I saw her from a distance

  Approach the palace guards.

  The demeanor of the guards were at first abrupt,

  But as she spoke, their mannerisms became much more relaxed.

  They even extended out their hands to welcome her,

  Which put a smile on my face.

  After a brief period of conversing,

  The guards opened the gate and allowed her inside.

  The sight of her disappearing through the gate

  Was a blessing to me as I now believed

  That I was also capable of entering the palace as well.

  I waited for Asmodeus to exit the gates.

  It took quite some time for her to reappear.

  To my surprise she emerged at the exact moment

  That the maiden was returning to the palace.

  I saw my friend speak with her and

  Even witnessed my beloved touch Asmodeus’ arm.

  I was amazed by her ability and the calmness

  That she showed throughout the first part of our plan.

  She gave me such confidence in my own ability

  That I never doubted her judgment from that moment on.

  She was a true friend.

  She scurried as fast as her little old legs

  Could carry her and greeted me with a smile.

  I did not speak

  As I did not want to miss anything that she had to say.

  She began by stating that the guards

  Did remember her and her husband.

  Once inside, she said that the palace was beautiful

  And went on to describe every detail that she saw.

  I did not care about the look of the palace, but

  I was not about to be rude to her

  After what she had done for me.

  She finally reached a topic that interested me,

  Which were the maiden’s quarters.

  I had her describe the scene exactly as she saw it.

  It was everything that I imagined it to be

  With the finest cloth, beautiful artwork and ripest fruits.

  She stated that the best time

  Would be to enter the palace when the maiden was away;

  To be within her quarters when she returned.

  It was to be the most perfect encounter that I would ever have.

  I envisioned it every time I closed my eyes and

  It was all that I had dreamed.

  The day came faster than usual

  As if time increased its speed for my reasoning.

  Asmodeus met me in front of my store and

  We went over the plan that I was an old servant to her family.

  She was offering me to the palace as a sign of respect.

  She even acquired a servant tunic

  That I wore for the occasion.

  We waited patiently for the maiden to leave.

  As we neared the gates, I was quite taken back

  By the sheer size of the guards.

  I had always viewed them from afar and

  Did not realize how strong and powerful they were in person.

  To say they were intimidating

  Would be an understatement

  As they were massive barbarians with heavy armor.

  Their strict posture broke tradition when they noticed Asmodeus.

  I could tell they admired her by the way

  They lowered their defense and in a most loving way,

  As much as a barbarian could, touched her arm.

  She acknowledged them and

  Introduced me as her private family servant

  That she would like to gift to the palace.

  I dared not get eye contact with the guards

  As I imagined they were skilled in the art of noticing liars.

  Their pupils would offer me nothing except

  A blistering, painful death.

  I merely bowed my head and stared

  At their armored plated boots that could

  Easily be used to shatter my skull if I ever found

  Myself underneath of one.

  A pause allowed me to envision

  Them ripping the flesh from my body and

  Constructing a chair out of my bones.

  I felt my forehead give in to the heat and begin to bead.

  The tunic did a decent job

  Concealing my nervous shaking, but

  It was the involuntary expressions on my face

  That wor
ried me the most.

  My throat became dry and I began to grind my teeth,

  All while I was being surveyed by guards.

  Apparently they believed our story

  Which was something that I was struggling with myself.

  They allowed us passage through the gates.

  As I saw the gates slowly open, I could not help

  To think that metal doors represented the opening of my coffin.

  I kept my eyes fixated straight ahead and

  Followed closely behind Asmodeus

  I could feel their blood scarred eyes piercing my mind.

  It took all of my effort to not look at them.

  I feared the worst if they were able

  To mind control me by looking into my eyes.

  Their breaths were that of large horses and

  Weighed more than me alone.

  The shifting of their arms prompted their armored metal plates

  To grind against one another.

  The sound pierced my right mid-section, forcing me to twitch.

  I felt as if I was walking through a valley of giants

  With a mind full of fear as my companion.

  Uncomfortable and uneasy are decent words, but

  They do not fully detail the amount of suffering I was enduring.

  As we walked through the main courtyard,

  I managed to conjure up enough courage to peer around.

  The courtyard was filled with perfectly structured horses,

  Wonderful statues and flowing fountains.

  There were a few more guards walking about,

  But they paid no attention to us

  Since we has already crossed the threshold.

  My tunic provided me perfect concealment

  And allowed me to blend in with the other servants.

  My confidence began to unhide itself

  From behind the wall of fear and stress.

  I could feel my curiosity peeking over my shoulders

  Like a creature seeking knowledge.

  I realized that no one within the palace

  Was looking at us;

  We were of no concern to them.

  Everyone had tasks to tend to and


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