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Immortal Confessions

Page 15

by Tara Fox Hall

  “He seems very capable,” Danial said as he watched him leave. He turned to me. “He’s a were, isn’t he?”

  “Werewolf,” I said, nodding. “There are a few in the city. Mostly there are just the werebats, as I told you. Their leader is Uther. He’ll be stopping by later.”

  “I do not need to meet everyone dressed in my monk’s rags,” Danial said with that same bitter smile. “I do not want to be seen as your poor country relative, even if that is truth.”

  “Nonsense,” I said quickly. “Levi was told if you returned with me to put in a call to the tailor. He will be here tomorrow night. Tonight, if you like, I’d be happy for you to take some of my clothes.”

  “And a hot bath,” Danial said wistfully. “I bathed in the stream in the warmer months, but it has been ages since I had a hot bath.”

  I was already calling Levi back, telling him to find the housekeeper and boil the hot water. A half hour later, Danial sank into a steaming tub in my master bathroom. The cry he made as he was swallowed by the bathwater was almost pain, there was so much pleasure and relief within it.

  “Take your time bathing,” I said happily. “I will be below with Anna. Help yourself to whatever clothes you like from my closet.”

  Danial nodded, then quietly said “Thank you, brother.”

  I wanted to cry. I wanted to kneel down beside him and tell him how happy I was to hear his voice again, to see him move, to have him be alive. I wanted to squeeze him in my arms and ask him to forgive me. Instead, I just said, “You’re welcome.”

  I went to Anna’s sitting room in a daze. She was waiting there nervously for me, dressed in her finest gown of blue silk, sapphires in her hair.

  “He is here, Anna,” I whispered urgently. “He is alive!”

  She hugged me fiercely. “Dev, I’m so happy for you. I know what it means to you to have found him alive after all these years.”

  “I don’t know what to say to him,” I said nervously. “I don’t know how to start. I’m so worried that our relationship will be as it was before, where everything is strained.”

  “It will not be like that,” Anna assured me. “He would not have come back with you if he didn’t want to mend fences.” She hugged me again. “This is the chance you never had when you were young. Here, in this world, you are equals.”

  “Yes,” I nodded, kissing her cheek. “We will be brothers, finally.”

  Levi entered, Uther following. “I was going to tell you he was here, Devlin, but he insisted on following me in.”

  “I was not going to wait on the doorstep like a stray dog for a scrap,” Uther rasped. “I’ve come to see this brother of yours, Dev. Where is he?”

  “Bathing and dressing,” I replied. “We must give him some time. Can you return in a few hours to watch Anna, Uther? Danial will likely need refreshment. We and Quentin will meet, and likely be gone until dawn, Levi with us.” That begged a thought: what had Danial been doing for blood in that monastery?

  “You are always asking someone to watch me,” Anna said grumpily. “I can take care of myself, Devlin, inside these walls, especially as Eva will be with me.”

  “You are my treasure, Love,” I said tenderly. “My most precious treasure. I will not leave you here unprotected.”

  “Of course I can come back in a few hours,” Uther said, nodding. “It’s only a few miles’ flap.” He strode out.

  Minutes passed like hours as we waited for Danial. It became apparent almost immediately that I was too nervous to sit waiting. I was torn between taking care of some of my most pressing management matters at Fontainebleau, and stealing Anna away for some tension release in the guest bedroom. As luck had it, the housekeeper walked in at that moment carrying a squalling L’Amour.

  “She chased one of them mice across my hot stove,” she said crossly. “Burnt her feet clear up.”

  Anna was already cradling the cat, whose hair was singed on her underside and on her tail. “I’ll get some salve.” She carried the growling cat from the room, murmuring comfort to it.

  So much for pleasure. I turned to Levi. “Come, let us handle some of the paperwork. We might as well put my nervous energy to use.”

  Two hours passed. Anna returned to say that L’Amour was lying in her bed in our room. “The oozing stopped, but she’s still hurting. She tears off the bandages almost as soon as I finish putting them on.”

  I sighed. “I’ll contact Rene, and get some of that blue healing paste. We need more for ourselves anyway.”

  Anna bit her lip and nodded, dropping her eyes.

  “Am I interrupting anything?” a sensuous voice asked.

  We all turned. Danial stood in the doorway, a Danial I had never seen before in my life. All of our human years he had been dressed as he was in the monastery, or in farming clothes, or those last few days, in guard’s uniform. His hair and body had always been dirty, or at least untended, because of the hard work he’d always toiled at.

  I had never known all he could be. He was the perfect picture of a man, his shoulder length hair dark and glossy, his skin pale, his dark eyes a forest pool at twilight. He was wearing my plainest suit, one of a rick oak brown. It fit him almost perfectly.

  “Am I so terrible a sight to behold?” Danial murmured, gliding closer to us. “I thought I looked rather good in your mirror, Dev.”

  “Apologies,” Levi said, clapping him on the shoulder. “I feel as if I’ve looked into a dark mirror of Devlin. The resemblance that was hinted at is now uncanny.”

  “A resemblance you will need to be careful of,” Uther said dangerously, striding into the room. He shut the door behind him. “The fewer who know the better. Devlin is in a position of some power, Danial. Someone might use you to get to him, or vice versa. It would be better if he is introduced as your friend.”

  Danial nodded. Then he reached into the pocket of the suit, brought out a leather thong, and tied back his hair. “Is that better?”

  Uther studied him, and then nodded. “Surprisingly, yes. Really, there is little physically of your faces that is the same about you two. Most of the similarity is in your build, and the way you move, and talk. You should keep your hair as short as possible.”

  “The talking can be explained away in terms of being made at the same time, in the same region,” Danial said firmly. “Moving can be explained the same way; our age.”

  “That will also bring trouble,” Uther rasped. “You are as old as he is. Louis may have left you alone until now, Dev. But now that Danial is here, he will not. It will be only a short time until he learns of Danial.”

  “Who is Louis?” Danial said quickly. “One of those vampires who rule territories?”

  “France itself,” Uther muttered.

  Something like relief passed over Danial’s face. “I had thought a different vampire still ruled here. Tell me, when did the change take place?”

  “Louis ascended some time ago,” Quentin said sarcastically, as he sauntered in. “Have you been living in the sticks, that you are so unaware of the matters of the world you inhabit?”

  Danial turned and bared his fangs instantly. “I have, actually. But I would not expect a fop like you to understand my motives.”

  “Quentin, this is my brother, Danial,” I growled. “Danial, meet Quentin, my second in command.”

  Danial shot me a surprised look. “Your second? He cannot be even a hundred.”

  “He is the oldest save me alive in this department,” I replied. Then I snorted. “Or he was, until this night.”

  Danial nodded, then moved toward Quentin. “By the law, I challenge you, sir.”

  Quentin backed up a step. “I want no quarrel with you, Danial. You wish my title, then it’s yours. I am happy to handle my affairs and leave the fighting to those more capable.”

  Danial nodded once. “Indeed. You’re sure?”

  “Quite sure,” Quentin said with a smile. “It’s a relief, actually. I’m happy to make your acquaintance.” He held out his han

  Danial bared his fangs. “I do not know you, vampire. Of all the creatures I have met in my long life, I trust vampires least of all. Forgive me if I wish not to touch.”

  “Of course,” Quentin said, clearly taken aback. “Dev, come out with your brother when you are ready. I’ll be out in the hall waiting.” He nodded to Anna, then left.

  “How are you associated with him?” Danial asked softly to me. “He is not the type I would have thought to have found as your friend.”

  “He was and remains useful to me,” I replied. “Try to be civil. He may be a fop, but he means you no harm.”

  “That’s truth,” Uther said snobbishly. “He wouldn’t hurt a fly. Now me, I’ve killed over fifty vampires singlehandedly. Am I more your type, Dan?”

  I held my breath. No one, including me, had ever called Danial “Dan” to my knowledge since he was a small boy, when my father had taunted him with that name.

  Danial glared at Uther for a long moment. Then to my surprise, he laughed, and offered his hand. “Yes, you are, Werebat. Please use my full name when you address me, if you will.”

  Uther clasped his hands. “Good to meet you, Danial. I hope to be your friend, as I am your brother’s.”

  “Yes,” Danial said, nodding. “But tell me; is no one going to introduce me to this lovely lady?”

  I blushed scarlet to realize that I had not yet introduced Anna. Before I could say a word, she herself stepped forward.

  “I am Anna, Danial. I have heard a lot of you from Devlin. It is good to meet you.”

  “Yes,” Danial said seductively, kissing her hand. “It is good to be met.”

  Anna gently took it back, moved closer, and then hugged him. Danial was momentarily shocked, then he gently hugged her back.

  “It has been a long time since I embraced anyone,” he said softly, as she drew back. “Forgive me.”

  “Come,” I said to Danial. “We must go. Refreshment, as we call it here, awaits.”

  Danial nodded. “I understand what you refer to.” He kissed Anna’s hand once more. “I’ll hope to talk to you again soon, Anna.”

  We walked outside to meet Quentin, who was waiting in the carriage. After settling in and giving the driver directions, Quentin turned to Danial.

  “So what are your plans, Danial?”

  His question was not aimed at me, but it gave me pause nonetheless. I hadn’t thought beyond getting Danial back with me, so we could be together. Where did we go from here?

  Danial was unruffled. “I will visit with my brother for the foreseeable future. As I’m now second here, I’m sure there are duties that come with that title.” His eyes shifted to me. “Does the title come with recompense?”

  Quentin nodded. “Yes, but not much. If you live with your brother, you’ll be able to live in style. If you do not, day guards and blood will eat up most of your earnings.”

  “Of course he is staying with me,” I said crossly. “He is not used to this time, or this city. Besides, it is additional security for my house.”

  “Glad I could be useful to you,” Danial laughed.

  “You will be,” I retorted. “In fact, Levi has been struggling with some murders in the worst part of town. If you would give your attentions there first, it would be a great help. You were always good with puzzles.”

  Danial nodded. “I’ll talk to him when I return. Now, what is this refreshment?”

  “We are nearly there,” Quentin said in relief. “I’ve been dying for a lay all night.”

  The carriage stopped, and we climbed out. After paying the driver, the three of us went inside.

  The women here were accustomed to us now, and the addition of Danial intrigued them. They clustered close immediately, all asking to be the ones we chose that night.

  “My new acquaintance gets first choice,” I said loudly. “Danial?”

  Danial looked over the women, and then selected the most homely of them, a girl Quentin and I had never been with. “Her, please.”

  The woman came to him quickly, and they went into a room together, Danial shutting the door behind them.

  “Will he know what to do?” Quentin whispered to me. “Not to heal her, I mean?”

  “Not a problem,” I said, handing a large purse to the madam, who took it greedily. “He picked the ugliest one. Her loss will not be hard to bear, if he is overzealous.”

  “He must not care about looks.” Quentin laughed. “That’s wonderful for us, Dev.”

  “Yes, it is,” I said, beckoning to my favorite two whores. “Come, my dears. The night is wasting.”

  Chapter Twelve

  An hour later, Quentin and I emerged to find Danial had left without us.

  “Did something happen?” I said, worried, looking around for the girl he’d been with.

  “Nothing unusual,” the madam answered slyly. “Justine said he’d been a perfect gentleman. She was very weak, and I’ve got her in her bed straight away.”

  “Good,” I said, handing her more coin. “Make sure she is available for him whenever he asks for her. She is to be his exclusively, understand?”

  The madam nodded, surprised. “As you say, sir.”

  “Let’s go,” Quentin said, yawning. “I’m tired, and it’s close to dawn.”

  “Yes,” I said, yawning myself. “It’s been a long night. Let’s go home.”

  We journeyed home, where Quentin excused himself at once. I greeted Levi in the kitchen, eating his dinner with Eva.

  “Where is Uther?”

  “He left an hour ago, when Danial returned. He said he had a lot to do tonight.”

  I nodded. “Did you have a room readied for him?”

  “Anna did. She is with him now. I believe they are in the library.”

  I felt a pang of worry, then brushed it aside. “Thank you.”

  The library was empty. I looked for Anna and Danial for many minutes, finally finding them in my bedroom. Danial was sitting in the chair, Anna on the loveseat, L’Amour on her lap.

  “Devlin,” she exclaimed as I entered. ”Danial healed L’Amour. It is so wonderful. She was crying so piteously and now she’s sleeping.”

  I’d not even thought of that, yet it made perfect sense. I’d never used my blood to heal anything but a human. “You’re a savior,” I said gratefully. “Thank you, brother.”

  Danial got to his feet. “You are welcome. Now that you have returned, I’ll go to my quarters. Good day, Anna.” He left quickly.

  Anna and I got ready for bed.

  “How was his mood?” I asked her quietly. “He seems unnaturally calm.”

  “He was very polite and kind, but not warm,” Anna said finally. “He’s likely in shock, coming from what he knew for so many years. He’d been there a century at least, Devlin. He wouldn’t say much more than that.”

  “Did he say why he’d been there? He mentioned there was penance he was doing, that there was ‘much still to be done’.”

  She shook her head. “Only that he found peace there among the monks. I thought it might have been because of a woman, but he didn’t divulge anything.”

  “I’ll ask him when a moment presents itself,” I said, getting into bed and spooning her. “He needs time to settle in. Just wait, Love, things are going to be wonderful.”

  * * * *

  Teaching Danial about the vampire world was an experience, to put it mildly. He was amazed that there were so many vampires in this country, though he admitted he had met others previously in his travels. In fact, it became obvious quickly that he knew them as a species better than I did.

  That next night, Danial and I met with Uther to discuss strategy for dealing with Louis. I was worried Danial might be apprehensive, or think he should leave, and came prepared with arguments to get him to stay. He put my fears to rest immediately.

  “I think we should declare to Louis that I am here as your second. Having him find out on his own and summon me would be a death warrant.”

  “Yes, but a
nnouncing your presence also is risky,” Uther answered. “He will think your courage comes from surety that he will be unable to stop you from staying.”

  “He is powerless to stop Danial from staying,” I said slowly. “Isn’t he?”

  “He can declare him a traitor, or a rogue, and have him hunted down.” He turned to face Danial. “He can do this on a whim, Danial.”

  “I have something to say about what goes on in my own lands,” I said angrily. “Samuel himself told me how well I’d been doing. Besides, we can downplay Danial’s role in my cabinet. My brother is not one to indulge in either excesses or stupid mistakes.”

  “Yes,” Danial mused. “However, I give credence to Uther’s advice. I think it would be best to wait for a month, and let me contribute some good deed to your credit, Devlin. Then we should go to Louis, and tell him I am here. Once he meets me, with that basis, he should agree to let me stay.”

  “Why should he do that?” Uther rasped. “He could just as easily squash you.”

  “Men in power who stay in power are those who don’t over-react, or under-react,” Danial answered. “Louis came to power some time ago, as Quentin said. He should have stabilized by now.”

  “Maybe,” Uther said, getting to his feet. “Are you ready to go?”

  Danial got to his feet as well. “Yes, let me get Levi.”

  I looked from one to the other. “Where are you going?”

  “You asked me to investigate that murder,” Danial answered, as he headed to the door. “I’ll be out most of the evening doing that, then heading to drink, then coming back here. I’ll be available to watch Anna after about 3 am. Likely that will be my usual schedule.”

  “That sounds good,” I said quickly. The door was already closing on my last words.

  Quentin came in a moment later. “Are you ready to go over your investments? I need a few decisions from you, after I make my reports.”

  “Yes,” I said absently.

  “Danial seems to be settling in quickly,” Quentin said, shuffling papers from his briefcase.

  “Yes,” I said, snapping myself out of it. “Let’s get to work.”


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