That's What Friends Are For
Page 16
Once Jess had their undivided attention, she decided it was now or never. ‘I’m fine,’ she said quietly. ‘It’s just that I’m pregnant and–’
Ryan’s hand moved from her arm. ‘What?’
‘I only found out yesterday. I was going to tell you.’ Jess looked up at him, this time with tears in her eyes, hoping he didn’t know too much about pregnancy.
‘What’s going on?’ Matt glanced from one to the other. ‘Oh no. Tell me you’re not the father!’
‘No!’ Ryan coughed after his voice came out as a squeak.
‘You are,’ Jess said quietly. ‘I haven’t been with anyone else in months.’
Matt glanced at Jess with disgust. ‘You planned this, didn’t you?’
‘No!’ Jess lied again. ‘I would never trap anyone.’
‘In that case, get rid of it.’
‘You can’t tell me what to do!’
‘Too right, I can’t.’ He poked Ryan’s chest. ‘But you can. And you’d better do it soon. You prick!’
‘What am I going to do?’ Ryan paced the stock room. ‘Sarah will kill me.’
‘What do you mean, what are you going to do?’ Jess challenged, suddenly forgetting all her earlier fainting antics. ‘This is our baby. We’re in this together.’
‘In what together, exactly? Christ, I only slept with you because you threw your tits into my face every day. What man in their right mind could refuse that?’
‘I did,’ said Matt.
‘Shut up,’ said Ryan. ‘I’m in enough trouble without you going on at me.’
Jess stood up quickly. She rested her hand on Ryan’s arm. ‘We’re in this mess,’ she told him. ‘It’ll be okay, you’ll see.’
‘A mess, that’s right,’ said Matt before walking away. ‘You two deserve each other.’
‘Wait!’ Ryan shouted after him.
But Matt didn’t stop. The door back into the public area slammed shut behind him. Jess stood silently, wondering if her plan had worked or not.
Ryan began to pace again.
‘I’m still here, you know,’ Jess said, annoyed at being ignored. ‘Maybe we should meet somewhere to discuss things?’
‘Yeah, I think we should,’ Ryan agreed. ‘I’ll meet you after we finish tonight and we—’
‘I can’t – I have a doctor’s appointment.’ It was a complete fib but Jess wanted to keep him keen.
‘Tomorrow night, then.’
Ryan had at least stopped pacing but the look of fear on his face made Jess feel secure. She had the upper hand for now. And once he got used to the idea, they could talk.
Charley wished she’d never come to meet her mum from work. While she waited for her to finish, Sam had asked her to fetch some paper bags from the stock room. She’d opened the door to the sound of raised voices and saw Matt, Ryan and Jess up ahead. She knew she should have walked away but natural curiosity got the better of her. Closing the door quietly, she’d sneaked across the room and hid at the side of a shelving unit in the distance.
From where she stood, she could hear some of the conversation. She held her breath as she watched first Matt, then her Uncle Ryan storm out of the stock room. A moment later, Jess followed and Charley was alone in the stock room.
Her heart beating wildly, she stood for a while trying to put together the different snippets she’d heard.
Jess was pregnant and Matt was going to become a father. Charley’s eyes brimmed with tears. She thought he cared about her mum, and if she was honest, she thought he cared about her as well. What would happen if there was a baby too, and with Jess? How the hell was that going to work out? They would be out of the loop.
No, she shook her head, this wasn’t happening. It couldn’t happen. It would ruin everything.
The disagreement between Matt and Ryan continued when they were back on their stall.
‘Is it yours?’ Matt wanted to know.
‘She got under my skin, okay!’ Ryan wouldn’t look him in the eye. ‘I couldn’t get enough of her. But I dropped it off because Sarah started to get suspicious.’ He gulped nervously. ‘I told Sarah I was with you.’
‘I said I wouldn’t cover for you!’ Matt seethed, clenching and unclenching his fist.
‘I’m sorry! But she collared me about being home late again and I – I just said the first thing that came into my mouth. That I was with you. I told her we’d started running to lose a bit of weight in time for the wedding. Best men, and all that.’
‘But can’t you see how awkward that is for me? I’ve known you both for years. I’m not going to lie to her. It makes me as devious as you.’
‘Anyone would think I’d murdered someone and was asking you for an alibi! It’s not such a big deal.’
‘She’s pregnant!’ Matt cried, then lowered his voice, aware again of his surroundings. ‘And you’re not married to Jess.’
‘Okay, okay! Keep your hair on!’ Across the aisle, Ryan could see Sam glancing over. He could tell she was wondering what was going on. ‘How about if I talk to her, finish things and –’
‘You can’t hide a baby, you stupid –’
‘I can deny it’s mine though.’
‘Everyone knows Jess is a dick tease. Of course she could make out it was mine, but she could just as easily have come back from London pregnant. I reckon she’s trying to trap me.’
Matt was astounded at his friend’s nerve. ‘Sometimes I don’t understand how we’ve stayed mates for so long.’ He shook his head. ‘You make me sick at times. It’s all about how Ryan can get his end away and get away with it, isn’t it? And this time it’s come back to haunt you. This time, there’s no getting away from it.’ He pointed at Jess who was also watching them carefully. ‘Because she won’t let you. If you think you can walk away from her, then you’re stupid.’
‘She won’t say anything,’ Ryan said, shaking his head as if to make himself believe that. ‘She won’t – and I’m going to finish it anyway.’
‘She’s got you over a barrel, mate!’
‘We’ll see.’
Matt glared at him before he really did punch him. But Ryan was watching Jess.
‘Look at her any more and everyone will know what you’re up to,’ Matt said. ‘especially after that best man comment the other day.’
This time, Ryan looked away swiftly.
Sam had watched Matt tear into Ryan across on their stall.
‘What’s going on over there?’ she asked Louise.
Louise stopped what she was doing and turned to look. ‘Beats me,’ she said. ‘But Matt looks fit to burst. Oi, you two!’ she shouted across to them. ‘You sound like a pair of girls in a catfight. What’s up?’
But the men ignored her. They were too busy arguing to respond.
‘Charming,’ said Louise. She spotted Charley coming back. ‘Did you see anything going on with those two while you were in the stock room?’
‘No, I didn’t see them.’
Charley rushed through to the back room, for fear her reddening cheeks would give her away. What was she going to do? She wished she had someone to confide in. She couldn’t tell her mum – she wouldn’t be able to keep it a secret. And if she hadn’t fallen out with Sophie, she could have rung her. Sam would be an obvious choice but it would be hard to get her alone. Or maybe she should just ask Matt? Or even have it out with Jess?
Charley couldn’t decide. In the meantime, she’d have to act like nothing had happened.
‘Good day at school, Charl?’ Louise shouted through to her.
‘Glad it’s over,’ came her reply.
‘Sounds about right. I hated school too.’ Louise grinned. She took off her apron and washed her hands.
‘Louise?’ Matt appeared suddenly. ‘Do you want a lift home? I’m heading off soon. Hey, Charl, how goes it?’
Charley stiffened. Matt smiled, but she couldn’t look at him. She couldn’t pretend that nothing had happened. Pushing past him, she walked away down
the aisle.
‘Don’t you want a lift home with us?’ Matt shouted after her.
‘What does it look like?’
‘Charley?’ She heard her mum shout but she ignored her. There was no way she was getting into Matt’s car until she got to the bottom of this mess. If Sophie wasn’t around she’d go and email Alex. Alex would tell her what to do.
‘What’s up with her?’ Matt looked puzzled. What was it with people today?
‘Beats me.’ Louise grabbed her coat. ‘Too many hormones, I reckon. She’s been a right moody sod lately.’
‘Takes after her mother,’ said Sam from behind them.
Matt sniggered.
‘Ha, ha.’ Louise’s voice was thick with sarcasm. ‘Anyway, Matt – care to tell us what you and my brother were falling out about?’
‘It’s nothing.’ Matt’s shoulders drooped. ‘Just boys’ stuff.’
‘That’s worse than women’s problems,’ laughed Sam.
‘If it wasn’t for you women, we men wouldn’t be falling out in the first place.’
‘Why, you cheeky—’
‘You little—’
Even though they were joking around, Matt turned abruptly and went back to the stall. He opened his mouth to speak to Ryan but decided better of it. Instead, he grabbed his coat and stormed off down the aisle.
He couldn’t stand to be in the fool’s company a minute longer.
Chapter Eighteen
The following week, Matt was buying lunch for him and Ryan in Hedworth High Street. He’d just come out of a sandwich shop with two pies when someone tapped him on the shoulder.
‘That’s far too fattening for a best man to eat,’ a voice rang out.
Matt turned to see Ryan’s wife, Sarah, smiling at him.
‘Not that there’s an ounce of fat on you anyway,’ she continued.
‘Hi Sarah,’ said Matt, returning the smile, but inside he was dying. Sarah was the last person he wanted to bump into. ‘Haven’t seen you in a while. How are you?’
Sarah sighed. ‘Oh, you know, busy as usual. What with the wedding coming up and the girls so excited about being bridesmaids, I don’t have time to think.’
Matt nodded. ‘I’m really looking forward to it.’
Sarah laughed. ‘But you’re a man! You’re supposed to hate that type of thing.’
Matt shrugged. ‘I suppose I’m not your stereotypical man. I love a happy ending.’
‘You soppy sod.’ Sarah sighed. ‘I wish Ryan was the romantic kind. He hasn’t got an ounce of romance in him.’
At the mention of Ryan’s name, Matt’s guilt surfaced. Despite the goings on, it looked like Sarah hadn’t got a clue about Jess and the baby. He desperately wanted to tell Sarah as a friend but knew it wasn’t his place. Quickly, he changed the subject.
‘I just hope we can keep it secret,’ he said.
They walked side by side through the shoppers, chatting amicably. Soon they were at the entrance to the market.
‘Are you coming in?’ Matt asked as he held open the door, already dreading the scene if Jess caught sight of Ryan’s wife.
Sarah shook her head. ‘No, I’ll see Ryan later. Tell him he’d better be on time tonight, though. I’m tired of him coming home late.’ She smiled. ‘It’s no wonder there isn’t any excess weight on you, with all those miles you clocked up last week.’
The smile slipped from Matt’s face before he checked himself. So Ryan had been telling Sarah he’d been running with him, which meant that he’d probably been saying that for a while longer than he had admitted to. It could also mean that he was still saying it to hide the fact he was still seeing Jess. He would have to think of something to say to keep her from the truth.
But his silence spoke volumes, as did the blush creeping across his face. As the shoppers of Hedworth went about their daily business around them, Sarah stared at him.
Shit, thought Matt. Think of something to say …
Matt tried to laugh it off. ‘I think he’s taking this best man thing a little too seriously.’
Sarah’s eyes dropped to the floor for a moment and when she lifted them again, they were watery.
‘Matt, I’ve known you long enough now to know when you’re lying,’ she said. ‘You’re covering up for Ryan. What’s going on?’
‘I’d better get back.’ Matt jerked a thumb over his shoulder. ‘He’ll be wondering where I’ve got to.’
Sarah held onto his arm with a firm grip. ‘Is he playing around again?’
Matt gulped. ‘I – I don’t know what you mean.’
Sarah continued to stare at him, making him feel uncomfortable, as if she was trying to read his mind. All of a sudden, she let go of his arm.
‘Sorry,’ she said quietly. ‘I shouldn’t hassle you. It isn’t you at fault.’ Her eyes dropped to the floor for a moment. ‘Just tell me one thing. Exactly how many times did you not go running with him?’
‘I … I …’
‘It’s okay.’ She nodded. ‘I get the picture.’
While Matt was being grilled by Sarah and there was a lull in customers, Ryan took the opportunity to go and talk to his sisters. He wanted to know if either of them had any idea that he’d been messing around with Jess – Louise was such a gossip that Ryan knew if she was aware of it, everyone would know. He felt their fling had come to its natural conclusion – baby or no baby – and he was still planning on saying that the baby wasn’t his if anyone found out. How did he know for sure it was his, anyway? He’d only slept with her a few times.
So far, his running excuse had been a godsend, but since she’d told him she was pregnant, he’d tried to keep his distance. It would only take Matt getting wind of what had really happened and he’d be in deep trouble for using him again. Still, Matt being Matt – boring and dependable – gave him the perfect alibi. Sarah wouldn’t think anything of him coming home late if she thought he had been with Matt. It had been a stroke of genius.
‘What’s up with you?’ Ryan asked Louise as she served a customer and then gave a heavy sigh.
Louise sighed again. ‘Oh, I don’t know. I’m just sick of everything at the moment. I feel like my life is so boring.’
‘Tell me about it,’ Ryan agreed.
‘Don’t you sometimes wish you could just up sticks and move away, where no one knows you? Maybe start again?’
‘Yep, but it isn’t that easy.’
‘Oh, hark at you two, you’re always the same,’ Nicci butted in as she reached over for a bunch of bananas. ‘It’s enough to make me get out my violin. I wish you’d both cheer up.’
‘We can’t all be sunny and positive like you,’ Louise retorted.
‘Yeah,’ Ryan joined in, nudging her arm and making her drop one of the potatoes she was now packing into a bag. ‘Shut up, little Miss Sunshine.’
‘You never change,’ cried Nicci, retrieiving it as it rolled away. ‘Even when we were younger, you pair were always moaning about something or other. You should be thankful for what you’ve got.’
‘And you’re our younger sister, we should be lecturing you!’ said Louise. ‘Although I do agree with you, for once. I don’t know what’s wrong with me half of the time. I think I need a man.’
‘I thought you said you were through with men,’ Nicci retorted.
‘Oh, ha, ha. There’s only so much time I can spend in my own company without going loopy.’
‘Well, maybe Sam will start coming out with you again now Reece is back home permanently,’ said Ryan.
‘Permanently?’ Louise frowned. ‘I don’t know what you mean.’
Ryan paused. ‘She never told you they fell out?’
‘No, she didn’t!’
‘Me neither,’ added Nicci.
‘He came home one Friday night and some fella turned up on the doorstep with flowers and that was that,’ Ryan explained. ‘He stayed in Sheffield for a while but now they’ve decided to give it another go. He moved back a couple of weeks ago. I can’t believe
she hasn’t said anything.’
Louise was furious. All the time Sam was going on at her about getting a steady fella and Louise was feeling inferior because she couldn’t find one … but Sam hadn’t told her what had happened with Reece? And who had turned up with flowers – it must have been Dan Wilshaw. She’d wondered why his name had become off limits so quickly.
But what hurt the most was why the hell hadn’t Sam confided in her? They were supposed to be best friends.
‘And how do you know all this?’ she asked her brother.
Ryan didn’t have time to reply as he spotted Matt marching up the aisle towards them, his face like thunder.
‘Don’t tell me,’ Ryan grinned. ‘They’ve run out of vanilla slices.’
‘I want a word with you.’ Matt put down his food and for a moment, raised a clenched fist. Then he dropped it to his side quickly. Instead, he grabbed Ryan’s arm.
‘Let go of me!’ said Ryan.
‘Matt!’ Louise gasped and turned to look at Nicci. She too, was standing open-mouthed. It had looked as if Matt was going to thump Ryan. What on earth had got into him? ‘Matt,’ she repeated.
‘Keep an eye on the stall for a minute,’ he told her before storming off with Ryan.
‘What’s eating him?’ said Nicci. ‘I don’t think I’ve ever seen Matt lose his temper.’
In the staff room, Sam had heard all of Ryan’s conversation. In fact, she’d cringed through every word of it. While she waited for Louise to come and speak to her, she rubbed at her neck. Squashed into the corner of the back room, she sat on a stool, trying to balance her laptop on her knee.
‘Why didn’t you tell me that you and Reece had split up?’ Louise demanded as she barged in.
Sam closed her eyes momentarily and pinched the bridge of her nose. ‘Because I didn’t know if it was permanent,’ she replied.
‘So I’m not good enough to confide in now, is that it?’
‘Don’t be silly. I was just so ashamed over what happened with Dan Wilshaw and I didn’t want to talk about it.’
Louise looked like she was going to burst. ‘You split up with your husband but you don’t want to talk to me?’