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Dirty Secret: A BWWM Office Romance

Page 5

by Nicole Houston

  Finn kissed her lower lips and paused to look into her eyes. “Such cuteness,” he said and bent again to kiss her upper lips.

  Something about his compliment stirred up a desire for him. She wrapped her arms around his neck to reciprocate the kiss. His tongue made its way into her mouth and she sucked it tenderly, gently releasing it from her mouth’s grip as she slid hers into his mouth.

  With their desire for each other’s body hitting the roof, Skye flung her clutch away. Luckily, it fell on the couch. She ripped his white shirt collar of his red bow tie and proceeded to strip him of his suit.

  Finn reciprocated her touch by holding her in a tighter embrace while stripping her of her red dress. Within seconds, their clothes were bits of cotton and silk thrown in different directions within the room.

  Finn bent to suck her breasts, gently squeezing them at the same time. Skye responded to the stimulation by grabbing the right part of his neck in her mouth. She bit it gently, sending a chilly stream of pleasure through his body.

  Finn swept her off her feet and hurried towards his table. He quickly pushed away all the items in the middle of the table before placing her there. He kissed her again, carefully caressing her entire body.

  Skye squeezed his pecs gently, an action that left Finn moaning softly and eager to push his huge bulge into her wet pussy.

  “Protection,” Skye whispered, seeing that he was ready to take their romance to the next level.

  Finn dashed towards his drawer and returned with a pack of condom. He took out the content of the torn pack and rolled it on his erect cock.

  Skye kept caressing his chest while he was at it. They briefly resumed kissing. Once they were both ready, he crawled to meet her on the table. With her upper body partially suspended in the air and her hands holding firmly to his neck, he parted her legs gently and pressed in. He banged very fast, contrary to their previous episodes when he usually started with short shallow strokes.

  With their hands caressing each other and Skye’s legs wrapped around Finn’s waist, both of them started moaning simultaneously. Finn continued to bang very fast and deep, much to the pleasure of Skye who kept moaning loudly. It didn’t even take five minutes before Skye climaxed. Finn continued his action on her pussy, moaning loudly each time she contracted her pelvic muscles.

  Gradually, the heat started building up again within Skye, causing her to increase her moans and grip on him. Finn seemed to be driven by a force that only he could feel as he kept banging faster.

  As they approached the zenith of their pleasure, Skye’s body trembled while Finn’s body stiffened. They let out a shrill, instant moan and disengaged.

  “That was a good one,” Finn said, pulling away from her.

  “Yes, it was,” Skye affirmed, wondering if the euphoria of the event was the reason for his unusual calmness.

  As Skye set to come down from his table, she noticed a cream-colored fluid dripping from her pussy. She examined it carefully and discovered that it wasn’t her vaginal fluid. Since it wasn’t her vaginal fluid, it could only be one thing.

  On his part, Finn noticed his semen dripping down his upper thighs. As soon as his eyes caught sight of the tip of his cock that stuck out of the sheath, the truth dawned on him.

  His eyes met Skye’s troubled face.

  “Holy shit!” he cursed.

  Skye reluctantly came down from the table, her mind doing a quick calculation of her expected ovulation date. She realized, from her mental analysis, that she was in her fertile season. She began to pick each piece of her outfit from the floor, her clouded mind thinking of what excuse to give to Aine in order to leave for the nearest pharmacy before they closed.

  Finn felt responsible for the accident. “Skye,” he called out gently. “Everything will be alright. I’ll have my driver drive you to the pharmacy.”

  Skye nodded, barely consoled. She began walking towards his convenience, her mind battling over the possibility of the emergency contraceptive failing and of her contacting an STD.

  Chapter Nine

  The air within Dublin was quite cool, typical of a morning in late fall. Skye leaned on the back seat to watch tall buildings, leafless trees and passersby speed behind them as the cab sped along the busy roads. Once the driver made a slow turn into Francis Street, Skye knew that they were only a few meters away from the hotel.

  “I see that we’re closer to my dream holiday destination,” Mabel Foster said, her eyes fixed on the Google map on her tablet.

  “It’s a weekend destination, mom.”

  “But it seems to me like a holiday,” Mabel said. “You don’t know how long I’ve dreamed of spending at least one day here. To think that I will be spending two days here courtesy of my precious daughter’s generosity is simply amazing.”

  Skye held her left hand, still smiling. “You deserve the best.”

  Mabel held back her hand while looking into her eyes. “Thank you.”

  The smile on Mabel’s face and the sparkle in her eyes were worth a million euros to Skye. She beamed a smile of contentment, knowing well that her mom was happy.

  The driver turned right into the hotel’s main gate and stopped briefly at the security post for the routine check. Once cleared and given a pass, he drove in.

  Mabel Foster who had been excited about the short trip couldn’t help noticing the magnificent billboard at the hotel’s main entrance gate and the welcome message it carried.

  As they drove past the large expanse of land on which the hotel occupied, they took notice of the golf resort and the oil palm plantation.

  “Those are an African species,” Mabel said, pointing at the palm trees. “They are so lovely.”

  Skye followed her gaze. “Yes, they are.” They continued admiring the features in silence.

  The car pulled to a halt in front of a fifteen-storey glass edifice. The edifice was bound on both sides by two buildings of similar height and architectural design. A glass half moon was attached to the middle building, giving it a slight distinction from the other two buildings.

  “Wow,” Skye said. “This is lovelier than I expected.”

  “It sure is. I’m glad to be finally here,” her mom said as she stepped out of the vehicle.

  Two Irish ladies hurried towards the parked car from the reception. “Good morning ladies and welcome to the Grand Irish Hotel and Golf Resort.”

  They offered to help them with their luggage.

  “Thank you,” Mabel responded. Skye settled their cab fees and trailed behind the ladies alongside her mom.

  The blonde receptionist confirmed their booking and handed them their room locks. She also handed them their itinerary for the next thirty hours.

  “The ladies behind you will usher you to your rooms,” the receptionist said courteously. “Once again, welcome to the Grand Irish Hotel and Golf Resort. I wish you an exciting weekend.”

  Mabel smiled. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” the receptionist replied courteously. The two ladies led them through the left broad corridor into the nearest elevators where they were taken to the seventh floor. They located their hotel room as quickly as they got to the floor.

  Once in, they spent a few minutes surveying the room. The room was an executive room with a large family sized bed, four single sofas, two large drawers positioned on both sides of the bed and two bed lamps on each of the drawers. A round dressing mirror hung on the wall opposite to the bed. There was a large dressing table with two chairs just in front of the mirror. There was a large reading table with two chairs on the largest space in the room. The room combined features of a bedroom and a sitting room, just as Skye had requested.

  Skye nodded in satisfaction. “This is it.” She received their luggage from the ladies. “Thank you very much.”

  “You’re welcome ma’am,” one of them replied. “Have a blissful weekend. See you by 4:00 pm.”

  “See you,” Skye replied and waited for them to take their leave.

nbsp; Mabel faced her. “What is happening by 4:00 pm?”

  Skye smiled and handed their proposed itinerary for the two days to her.

  Mabel scanned through it, gradually reading out their lineup of activities for the entire day. “Time out at the poolside by ten, brunch by twelve, siesta by one, swimming by three, shopping by four, dinner by six, personal time alone by seven and partying hard by eight.”

  Mabel stopped to look at Skye, smiling. “You seemed to have read my mind. How did you know the exact kind of stuff my heart was craving for?”

  Skye smiled, moving closer to hold her shoulders while looking steadily into her eyes. “You’re my mom and I’ve known you all my life.”

  Mabel smiled, extending her arms towards her. “I love you my baby.”

  “I love you too, mom,” she replied, clinging tightly to her.

  Images of the previous night’s incidence at Finn’s office flashed through Skye’s mind, leaving her worried and wondering if the emergency contraceptive she took would work or not. As the thoughts lingered on, fear gripped her, forcing her to grip more tightly to her mom.

  Skye lay face up, her eyes looking beyond the pool into the distance. She heard birds humming nearby, singing sweet melodies, melodies that reminded Skye of Finn’s bedtime songs. She recalled with relish, the way Finn used to sing bedtime songs for Aine and her before putting them to sleep anytime she was at his mansion. Those cold winter nights were the sweetest nights of her life. Her mom would come to pick her up the following morning and she would recall the previous night’s events to her. She would always end her narration by asking her mom if she could come to live permanently with the Oscars to which her mom always replied in the negative. At Skye’s persistence, her mom would remind her that Finn wasn’t her father – a reminder that always sparked more questions from Skye about where her dad was, questions her mom had to answer almost every day. It took her many years to accept the fact that her dad was never going to be in their lives anymore.

  Skye turned left to see her mom taking pictures of her sipping her smoothie. She smiled, her soul admiring the only strong woman she had known all her life. Looking at the Michigan woman that lay beside her, Skye couldn’t help wondering where she got her strength from.

  Mabel Foster sensed a pair of familiar eyes on her. She stopped taking the pictures and turned right. “Hope there is no problem, darling?”

  Skye shook her head slowly. “Not at all. I was just wondering how you were able to do it.”

  Mabel stared blankly at her. “Do what?”

  Skye adjusted herself on the brown poolside lounger. “How were you able to work so hard to take care of me even with your limited income? You even sent me to an Ivory league elementary school for the first two years after dad filed for bankruptcy even when you had so little. What inspired your drive?”

  Mabel put down her smoothie on the side stool. “When I found out that I was pregnant with you and that your dad, my first crush wasn’t ever going to love me, I knew that you were all I’d ever have.”

  She paused briefly to sip her smoothie. Then, she continued. “The first time I held you in my arms, I fell in love with you – your cute little smile, your dimples, your innocence – and I decided that I was going to give you the best of me. So, to answer your question, I draw my greatest strength from you, my baby.”

  Skye smiled, her eyes getting moist. “That’s so sweet I just wanna cry.” She held her mom’s hands. “I appreciate your labor of love.”

  “Anything for you, my darling.”

  “So,” Skye continued, the excitement in her voice increasing. “Do you mind telling me about your first crush?”

  “Well,” Mabel began, slowly sipping her smoothie. “He was a cute chap with a flair for painting. He used to live next door back home in Michigan. I had always wanted to hang out with him since our high school days but never got the courage to. Besides, I was always intimidated by the numerous girls that flocked around him. Some years later, he came home on holiday and surprisingly, he started being nice to me. By then, he had made a lot of money from his paintings.”

  “Really?” Skye asked, getting more curious.

  Mabel nodded. “He was so sweet to me those few weeks. He literally swept me off my feet. One evening, while my foster parents were away, he came to visit. I lay down my guard and let him…”

  “You let him pop your cherry?” Skye asked curiously.

  Mabel nodded. “I was so naïve I didn’t even remember to insist on protection. Weeks later, I found out I was pregnant. By then, he had gone back to New York City. I informed him and got the rudest shock of my life.”

  Skye’s curious ears flapped. “What did he say?”

  Mabel scoffed. “He told me he could never date a failure who couldn’t get into college. The damn fool called me a failure!”

  Skye shook her head in disapproval. “That was so awful.”

  “Of course, he agreed to take financial responsibility for you and that was that,” Mabel concluded.

  By now, Skye’s mood had changed greatly. “I’m so sorry you had to go through all that.”

  “It’s okay,” Mabel replied.

  Skye stared quietly at her mom. She didn’t need her to tell her the rest of the story. She was already familiar with it – her dad’s gambling addiction, his subsequent bankruptcy and her mom’s decision to relocate to Ireland to start all over again. While still thinking of the story her mom just told her, something struck her, and she didn’t hesitate to voice the question her mind had conjured.

  “Is that the reason behind the numerous men?”

  Her mom grinned. “Sort of. I haven’t been quite fortunate with love, so I go about experimenting with what comes around.”

  Skye chuckled.

  Mabel became quiet again, her face metamorphosing into an expression of deep worry as she looked into Skye’s eyes.

  Skye was quick to notice the mood swing. “What’s wrong, mom?”

  Mabel drew in a deep breath. “Each time I think of the thousands of euros that you have doled out just to have us spend time here, I can’t help wondering where you got the money from.”

  Skye’s troubled mind could only think of the contract she signed with Finn, but her lips wouldn’t move for a number of reasons. First, she was legally bound to remain discrete about whatever she had with Finn. Moreover, Mabel had always been opposed to the idea of cash for sex. She believed that it was the rudest disrespect to a lady’s dignity.

  “Skye,” Mabel called out after what seemed like a moment of ageless silence.

  Skye jerked back to the moment, still unsure of what response to give to her mom. “Don’t worry your mind about the money. Just know that it’s legit.”

  “That’s what you said the first time I asked you,” Mabel replied, unsatisfied with Skye’s response.

  Skye’s mind did a quick assessment of her expenses over the last few weeks. She had only spent about thirty percent of the entire money from the deal with Finn, which left her wondering why her mom was so paranoiac about her expenditure. Apart from the weekend getaway, her only major expenses were the house rent and her mom’s medical bills. In the silence of the moment, Skye found an answer which she believed would be acceptable by her mom.

  “I’m working on a private contract,” Skye said. “And it’s legit,” she added, hoping that it wouldn’t raise more questions from her mom.

  Mabel knew from Skye’s facial expression that she wouldn’t spill any more information about her sudden source of income. “So long as it’s legitimate and you’re not indebted to anyone, it’s okay.”

  Skye heaved a sigh of relief as she leaned back on the lounger, hoping that her mom wouldn’t bring up the subject again and determined not to incur any huge expenditure in the next couple of weeks to come.

  Chapter Ten

  Finn felt an unusual warmth within him, one that sent him pushing down his blanket. Unfortunately, that didn’t suffice, so, he ended up stripping his bed of
the blanket. He crawled back to the bed and forced his eyes closed. Rather than see total darkness, he saw her face, her soft dimples, her curves and most strikingly, her intelligent response and contributions to issues.

  He opened his eyes again.

  Finn found his insomnia unusually odd given the person over which he was experiencing it. He had taken his meds as prescribed and had even tried reading a book on finance just to lure in sleep, all to no avail.

  His left hand roamed his bedside drawer in search of his phone. When finally, he located it, he grabbed it with full force like it was some treasure. He scrolled down his contact list and stopped at Skye’s number.

  Skye and Mabel waited patiently for their flights to be called. Done with feeding her eyes with the pictures on the fashion magazine she had been holding, Mabel faced Skye.

  “I can’t believe that a new week has begun, and our little weekend getaway is coming to an end.”

  “Same here. I’d have loved it to continue but tomorrow’s Monday,” Skye replied, throwing her hands in the air.

  Mabel nodded. “This meant a lot to me. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” Skye replied, smiling.

  Skye’s phone rang and she hurriedly fetched it from her handbag. “Excuse me,” she said to her mom.

  Mabel nodded her approval.

  “Hello,” Skye said.

  Finn’s voice sounded from the other end. “Hello Skye.”

  Skye watched split seconds run into seconds with the only sound coming from Finn’s end being the sound of silence.

  Finally, Finn’s voice came up again. “I was…How is your trip going?”

  Something about Finn’s hesitation to speak at first hinted to Skye that that wasn’t what Finn had in mind to say. He couldn’t possibly have called her just to find out how her short trip was going.

  “Is there a problem, sir?” Skye asked, secretly praying that there was none.

  Finn’s voice came up again. “Hey Skye. I’m in need of your kind of warmth.” He paused to catch a breath. “I need you to kiss me, caress me, gently bite my neck and suck me up so I can direct my joy stick into your wet interior.”


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