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Sarah's Awakening

Page 7

by Claire Thompson

  "Now it is Lawrence's turn.” She smiled at Sarah. “You will please wait here. I will get him.” She slipped from the room, leaving Sarah to stand there, wondering how she could ever learn to be so skillful with her own fingers.

  The two came back in short order. Lawrence stripped, effectively covered by Yukiyo's sheet. He lay down on his stomach and sighed happily. He, too, loved Yukiyo's ministrations.

  In her quiet voice, Yukiyo began to show Sarah how to touch her “client.” She instructed her briefly on the musculature of the body as she showed her various massage techniques and positions. Sarah tried to concentrate, and did so for a while. But she realized that she was quite hungry and not particularly interested at this moment in learning massage techniques. She wasn't really putting her heart into her lesson; she would have preferred to be napping. Her absentmindedness became somewhat evident when she pressed a sensitive spot too hard, causing Lawrence to jerk away.

  Yukiyo said nothing, but laid her hand on Sarah's and said, “Sarah is tired, Lawrence. Perhaps we should continue after a rest and some refreshment?"

  "Evidently,” he said dryly, annoyed that Sarah didn't seem to have the patience to learn anything. “But before Sarah takes a rest, I think a little reminder is in order. Tell me, Yukiyo. What would happen to a Japanese slave who did so poorly at their lessons?"

  "Oh, Lawrence, she didn't do so badly, really..."

  "I say she did. Please answer my question."

  Yukiyo blushed at the implied rebuke and bowed slightly.

  "Well, Lawrence, if a novice had been caught not attending to her lessons as well as she should, she would be whipped in the presence of those whose sensibilities she had offended. Then she would be displayed as long as her Master felt was appropriate, to humble her and remind her of her duty and her place."

  Sarah was listening in horror to the calm conversation going on in front of her. She had done all right! Could he really be thinking of punishing her in front of another? Sarah bit her lip and looked down, determined not to make a fool of herself.

  "Very good, then. I am feeling Japanese today. Sarah, come and receive your punishment.” Sarah walked hesitantly over to her trainer, still somehow hoping this might be a bad joke. But Lawrence was quite serious. Once she stood in front of him, he pressed her shoulders down until she was kneeling in front of him. “Yukiyo, please fetch my suede flogger from the playroom.” As Yukiyo left, Sarah noted that the young woman was evidently familiar enough with Lawrence's home to know where he kept his “toys."

  This implication that Yukiyo had at one time, at least, been more than friends with Lawrence, both irritated and intrigued Sarah. But of course she said nothing. She rather liked to be whipped with a soft flogger, anyway. It felt good as it heated her skin. She never failed to become aroused by that sort of whip. She would try to pretend he was her lover, teasing her with foreplay.

  Yukiyo came back swiftly, bearing the instrument of punishment, and handed it silently to the trainer. “Head on the floor, ass in the air,” he said curtly. Sarah dropped down quickly, pressing her forehead to the ground. Without warning, Lawrence struck her with such force that she fell out of position, her arms flailing wildly in front of her as she sought her balance. This was not the soft, sexy flogging she had grown used to with Julian. This hurt!

  "Back in position or I'll tie you in place!” Lawrence barked at her. She crouched back in place quickly, trying to ready herself for her beating. Each blow forced her forward, but somehow she managed to maintain her position, which seemed to mollify her trainer somewhat. Tears were streaming out of her tightly closed eyes but other than her heavy breathing, no sound escaped from her lips.

  At last he stopped. She remained crouched, her body heaving as she tried to catch her breath. Lawrence handed his whip to the impassive Yukiyo and then pulled Sarah to her feet by her hair. Sarah couldn't look up; she didn't want to face the calm young woman before her.

  Fortunately, she was granted a reprieve from her intense humiliation, as Lawrence instructed her to bring the coffee he had prepared for their refreshment following the massage training. Sarah rushed out of the room, grateful to be away from her tormentors for a moment. Her flesh stung from the lash. Her skin remained on fire as she found and brought the heavy tray, laden with a coffeepot and cups, as well as some fresh raisin cookies and little cakes.

  As Sarah reentered the room, she found that Lawrence and Yukiyo were seated on the couch in front of the large, square coffee table. Sarah moved to set the tray there, but was stopped by Lawrence, who said, “No, put it over there, on that side table. We need this space.” Sarah was suddenly, horribly certain what he needed the space for. Sure enough, he was directing her to display herself for them!

  She felt cold dread trickle through her as her fears were realized. “Get on the table, slave. Kneel just as you were before, but spread your legs a little farther. We will take our coffee as we watch you repent further for your transgressions.” Almost shaking with embarrassment, Sarah climbed onto the low table and positioned herself as he directed. From where they sat, the man and woman had a clear view of her still-reddened bottom and naked sex. She was glad at least that she could bury her head in her arms so they wouldn't see her blush with shame.

  Yukiyo served the coffee while Lawrence asked her politely about her business and her family. They seemed to completely ignore the trembling young woman spread lewdly on the table before them. Sarah was indeed humiliated by this treatment, but there was something else at work as well. She couldn't deny in her heart of hearts that being displayed like this was intensely erotic to her. She had been beaten and was now naked and vulnerable before them. She felt used; she felt owned. It felt wonderful.

  Unbidden, her fantasies about the harem came to her. She fancied she was bound in silken ropes before her stern sultan and his advisers and friends. She was the chosen slave girl for the evening, and would be expected to please them all before the night was done. Sarah's pussy was tightening at the thought. Suddenly she realized that her arousal might be evident to the pair. She didn't dare close her legs; but she made a conscious effort to think of something else.

  At last, they finished their coffee and cakes; none had been offered to the now-very-hungry Sarah. Instead, Lawrence told her to get up and clear away the things; he would see Yukiyo out. Sarah did as she was told, wondering if he would ever be pleased with her.

  Chapter Five

  On the third day, Lawrence told Sarah that she would begin her sexual training. While nervous, she was excited at the prospect. She was pretty good in bed, if she did say so herself. It was one area where she had a lot of self-confidence. Even as a submissive to Julian, she had been able to drive him wild sexually. Perhaps this would be the case with Lawrence. She would control the situation subtly, as she had with Julian.

  The novice was on her knees in his study, as usual, waiting for her trainer to acknowledge her. To her own surprise, she found that she didn't mind the wait as much as she had before; perhaps she was starting to learn a little patience. Eventually he put down the papers he was working on and looked down at her. “Good morning, Sarah."

  "Good morning, Sir,” she said, in a low-but distinct-voice.

  "As we have discussed, today you will start your sexual training. The first area of focus will be oral sex. You must learn to please a man in that way, not only as if you loved it, but as if you worshiped it. Your skill must be perfect and automatic so that you can focus on your Master's pleasure without the slightest hesitation. Are you a good cocksucker, Sarah?"

  This question, so crudely put, caught Sarah off guard. She stammered slightly as she answered, “Why, yes. That is, so I've been told.” She couldn't hide a slight hint of smugness as she spoke.

  He grunted skeptically. “We shall see. My standards are very high, as yours must be if you are to serve properly. You swallow, I presume?"

  "Yes,” she answered, again surprised at his directness. “That is, when I have to. I don't r
eally like it, but I can do it when I have to."

  "Not only do you have to, but you must learn to love it. You must learn to crave it. You must accept it as a precious gift. Your Master's seed is a very great honor that he may bestow upon you only occasionally, if at all. You must prove worthy of it; you must earn it with your adoration and obedience."

  Sarah suddenly felt unsure of her talents. But her naked pussy was already excited at the thought of trying to please this man. At last she was going to get to see his body! Or at least his cock! She wished at that moment she could close her legs; the moisture was beading on her open sex, and she didn't want to betray her desire.

  "First we will practice on a dildo. If I determine that you have sufficient skill, we will move on to the real thing. Brian's owner has generously agreed to allow you to practice on him. Brian is a submissive that I trained some years back. He is owned by a good friend of mine with very—ah—exacting standards for oral sex. If all goes well this morning, I'll have him come around this afternoon for your training."

  Sarah was dumbstruck. Another man? A submissive man? She sighed audibly. It was not to be Lawrence's cock, but some stranger's. Rather than causing this handsome man to swoon with ecstasy, she would have to perform in front of him to what she was certain were exacting specifications indeed.

  If Lawrence had noticed her sigh, he ignored it. Opening his desk drawer, he withdrew a rather large flesh-colored dildo and placed it on the desk before her. It was molded quite realistically into the shape of a penis with balls attached. “Let's get started. Show me what you can do with this. Make love to it as if it were your Master. Make it come for me."

  Sarah suppressed her own distaste at the thought of “making love” to a piece of plastic. But she knew she had no choice in the matter. He held out the large, erect penis and she took it into her hands. Closing her eyes, she tried to imagine that it was Lawrence there before her. She licked slowly up and down the shaft, wetting it with her tongue.

  Gingerly, she put her mouth on the head and closed her lips around it. Slowly she suckled the plastic cock, bringing her mouth up and down on its fleshy rod while her hands gently cupped and smoothed the balls attached at the base. She did her very best to suck the cock as if it were a man's. Her jaws were growing tired; it was much harder to do than an actual man would have been. There was no yielding flesh here, but only the hard, ever-erect plastic to kiss and adore.

  Lawrence watched her critically for a while. Finally he said, “Can't you take it farther in than that?” Sarah redoubled her efforts, taking it back into her throat and trying desperately not to gag. But because she was now focused on not gagging, that is precisely what she did. Lawrence made a little clicking noise that indicated his disapproval.

  Chagrined, Sarah tried again. Once more she gagged and withdrew it. She looked very unhappy.

  "Don't worry for now. Go back to what you were doing. We'll work on the deep-throat technique with Brian. You have time.” Relieved, Sarah went back to sucking and kissing the huge pink cock. After what seemed an hour but was probably more like fifteen minutes, Lawrence stopped her.

  "All right,” he said. “You seem to have the basics down, at least. You will need to learn to make a man come without using your hands at all. And, of course, you have much work to do in opening and relaxing your throat. We will work on it this afternoon. You may go do your household duties now."

  Relieved that this lesson was over, Sarah stood and held out the dildo, slick and shiny with her own saliva.

  "You keep it,” Lawrence said. “Make sure you wash it well. You will be needing it again. Keep it on your bureau. When you have time in your room you can practice on your own. I would suggest that you work on desensitizing your gag reflex. That will be essential."

  Biting her lip, Sarah withdrew her extended hand and left the room. After soaping up the plastic cock, she dried it and placed it on her dresser, glad to be rid of the thing, at least for now.

  That afternoon, while she was washing up from their lunch of mushroom soup with fresh tarragon and cream, served with crusty buttermilk bread, she heard the knocker falling heavily against the huge oak front door. Wiping her hands on her apron, she rushed to get the door, forgetting for the moment that she was naked save for the apron.

  Peeking through the one-way glass, she saw a young man of average height, about her age, dressed in faded jeans and a gray sweatshirt. She hesitated a moment, but felt fairly certain that this must be Brian.

  "Get that, Sarah,” Lawrence called out. “I'll be right down.” Sarah opened the door, feeling rather shy that she was naked in front of this stranger. Thank heavens for the apron! Brian entered and smiled pleasantly at her.

  "You must be Sarah. Nice to meet you.” If he noticed her nakedness, he gave no indication. He probably was used to seeing naked slaves, Sarah presumed. He probably was kept naked himself at home. She tried to act perfectly natural as she answered him.

  "And you must be Brian. A pleasure.” They heard the sound of Lawrence coming down the stairs and fell silent.

  Lawrence appeared, smiling, and shook the young man's hand warmly. “Welcome, Brian. How is Steven?"

  "He is very well, Sir. He sends his warmest regards and hopes you can come to dinner soon.” Brain spoke in a pleasant, well-modulated voice. Sarah's thoughts were racing. Steven! So he was owned by another man? Sarah had automatically assumed that a submissive male would be owned by a dominant female—a Mistress. And his Master had “exacting standards of oral sex.” Sarah believed that was what Lawrence had said. Did that mean Brian was gay?

  Surely it meant Steven was. But that didn't necessarily mean that Brian was, she decided.

  Lawrence had explained to her during their many talks before they had met face-to-face that sometimes a slave was owned by someone with a different sexual orientation. That didn't matter if he was truly only a slave, and not a lover as well. He was there to serve, and it shouldn't matter how he was commanded to serve, or by whom. All that mattered was that he was permitted to do so. Sarah looked Brian over as he stood there, smiling pleasantly at Lawrence. The trainer was speaking, and Sarah turned her attention to him.

  "We'll practice in the music room. It's nice and warm there, with the fire going. Can we get you anything before we start, Brian?"

  "No, thank you, Sir. I'm ready when you are.” He grinned at Sarah as he spoke, and she imagined he was ready indeed. His part would be easy! And quite a treat for a slave, too. To have his cock sucked for who knew how long by a willing and submissive young woman.

  They followed Lawrence upstairs to the music room. Once there, Lawrence told Brian to strip. Sarah, of course, was already naked. Brian stepped out of his clothes quickly and folded them in a little pile in the corner. Then the trainer had Sarah kneel on the floor and Brian stand before her, with his legs a comfortable distance apart and his hands clasped behind his back.

  For some reason, Sarah found that she didn't mind being naked in front of Brian; perhaps because he was just another slave, like her. The thought thrilled her for a moment. Just another slave! How perfect, how right it sounded to her.

  Kneeling in front of the young man, she had a chance to examine him. To her surprise, his pubis was completely shaven. There was no pubic hair to be seen. His balls were soft and pink and seemed quite naked there before her. His penis was not yet erect, but hung limply over his balls. Sarah felt rather sure he was gay at this point. It seemed unlikely that a straight man would have no reaction to a naked young woman such as Sarah kneeling before him, on her knees, about to suck his cock.

  The realization that he probably was gay made her uncomfortable. It would be that much harder to please him. Sarah realized then that Lawrence had probably arranged it this way on purpose. What better way to test her, to determine her real skills? She couldn't rely on her own sex appeal as an aid to his arousal. In fact, her sex appeal, by definition, might be an actual turn-off to a man who preferred those of his own sex.

would have to close his eyes and dream it was someone else, someone masculine—a man. She would have to apply all her skills and all her attentions to bring him to release. Sarah realized she was terrified—what if she couldn't even get him hard? Somehow, she managed to kneel quietly, a placid expression on her face, as she waited for instruction from her trainer.

  "Go to it, girl,” was all Lawrence said. “Oh, and keep your hands behind your back at all times.” Immediately, she brought her hands behind her. This caused her breasts to jut out alluringly. However, Brian seemed quite indifferent to Sarah's physical charms. He stood patiently, and even looked a little bored.

  Sarah accepted the unintentional challenge of his indifference and began to lick and kiss him with all the finesse she possessed. Her tongue darted over the head of his still-flaccid cock and teased its way down the shaft to his heavy, naked balls. She covered them in butterfly kisses and then suckled her way back up the now-stirring member.

  After a few minutes, she had succeeded in getting his cock fully erect. Feeling very proud, she took the whole of it into her mouth and sucked and kissed it gently as best she was able without the use of her hands to keep it in place.

  She glanced up at one point and was pleased to see that Brian's eyes were closed. He didn't look bored anymore. His lips were parted slightly and his breathing was just barely audible. She continued to suck his cock, which was now as hard as iron.

  "Take it back in your throat, Sarah,” she heard Lawrence say from somewhere behind her. She was startled momentarily by his voice. She had almost forgotten he was there. Leaning forward, Sarah took Brian's cock back as far as she could. She focused on relaxing, but when she felt its head touch the back of her throat, at once her gag reflex kicked in and she balked.


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