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CHOPPER: Southside Skulls Motorcycle Club (Southside Skulls MC Romance Book 11)

Page 8

by Jessie Cooke

  “He’s lucky,” Chopper whispered.

  “Chopper, there’s so much more I need to tell you…I’m sorry to spring all of this on you, but you seem to have this idea in your head about me that I’m so innocent and I couldn’t have done anything to deserve some guy chasing me…but I’m not so innocent and you deserved to know that much at least.”


  “Tigger, how far are we from the back gate of the ranch?” Chopper changed track so quickly that Chelsea was confused.

  “A few miles if we take the county road.”

  Chopper looked at Chelsea and said, “Can I show you something before we drop you off?”

  “Okay…sure.” She hadn’t called her parents, so no one was expecting her. The truth was, they were probably still gone on the trip they’d told her they were taking. She didn’t tell Chopper that, though. He would have never left her, but she didn’t want to be in his way, and she did need to be there when her parents got back. She settled back into the seat and curiously waited until Tigger turned the van onto a bumpy dirt road and several minutes later announced that they were “there.”

  “Can you call up front and tell Malice or whoever is watching the cameras today that Chelsea and I are going to go over the back gate? We’ll be at the old barn for a while. Why don’t you pick us back up here in say twenty minutes?” Tigger told him he would, and Chopper and Chelsea got out of the van. Chopper led her over to a gnarled old tree and surprised her again by using his body to press her back into the tree and then kissing her, deeply. She was breathless when he let her up and still gasping for air she said:

  “Wow, what was that for?”

  He grinned. “Just because,” he told her, like a kid. He took her hand then and led her to a barbed wire fence. He unhooked it from the post that held it tightly, like it was something he’d done dozens of times before. He let her step inside and then he stepped in and reattached the wire before taking her hand and beginning to lead her across a wide-open field. It was neatly plowed in rows and they walked between two rows of green sprouts.

  “What’s growing here?” she asked.

  “These are watermelons,” he said. “They’re really cool because those little green sprouts will be vines in a week or so and then the melons will start to grow from the vines and they’ll grow fast.”

  “Oh wow, what else do you guys grow out here?”

  “All kinds of vegetables,” he said. Then he cleared his throat and said, “And a lot of herb.” Chelsea smiled, realizing that he’d said “herb” and not “herbs.” Another thing that was common knowledge on the Southside was that the Skulls grew some of the best cannabis in the state. Chelsea hadn’t sampled any for years, but from what she remembered, it was pretty damned good.

  Once they came out of the field, there was a big barn in front of them that looked like it had been standing for decades, and those decades hadn’t exactly been kind. The weather, which could be harshly cold in the winter and just as harshly hot in the summer, had taken its toll on the roof, which seemed to be missing most of its singles. The structure seemed to lean to one side and as the door moaned when Chopper pulled it open, Chelsea wondered how much longer it would stand before it fell over on its side.

  There was nothing around the outside of it that would get hurt or crushed if it fell, but when Chelsea stepped inside, she saw what looked like hundreds of thousands of dollar’s worth of mechanic’s equipment. It was some sort of mechanic shop with choppers, like the one Chopper had lost, in varying degrees of repair or disrepair, depending on how you looked at it. The walls inside were reinforced with steel beams and siding, and there was another piece of steel sheeting between the rickety old roof and the room they now stood in. “Wow, it’s like a building inside a building.”

  He laughed. “That’s exactly what it is. The county gets picky about what can and can’t be built out here. Dax has already exceeded the amount of buildings, both residential and otherwise, that they’ll approve. So, we have learned how to improvise,” he said with a chuckle.

  “This is so cool.” She walked toward what looked like an antique Harley Davidson with three wheels, sitting off to one side.

  “That one is just for sentimental purposes,” he said. “It was the first trike my mom had. The one that I used to ride around in, strapped into the sidecar.”

  “So cool. No more sidecar, though?”

  “Nah, they took it off years ago and since they never really had a home base, a lot of things got left behind. The sidecar was one of them. I’ve thought about restoring the whole thing off and on, but I’m not sure I’ll ever get around to it.” He cocked his head and said, “Come over here with me, this is what I wanted to show you.”

  Chelsea followed him over to a workbench where a motorcycle engine sat. Next to the bench was an older bike, not as old as the trike, but at least twenty years, Chelsea would guess. The leather seat was ripped in a couple of different places and the tires looked almost flat. Chopper beamed when he looked at it, like he was looking at his own child. “This is a 1960 Harley Davidson Panhead. It was my grandfather’s first bike.”

  “Oh wow, that’s so cool.”

  “Yeah, when he passed, he left it to me. I’d just bought my chopper, and I was young and stupid. I thought that something newer was better and for the next thirteen years I poured money into that chopper of mine. Don’t get me wrong, I love it. Fuck, I’m gonna miss it if I don’t get it back. But sometimes I wish I would have put all that effort and money into this one. I started restoring it a few months ago finally. It’s going to be slow going. I want to find all the original parts and then once I find them, I usually have to restore them too, but when she’s finished, I think she’ll be worth it.”

  Chelsea smiled. “I like how connected you are to your family.”

  “Family’s important to me. To all of us. It’s one thing the community doesn’t really get about us. Family is everything. Dax is a big part of it around here. He recruits people that are family oriented and he encourages the brothers to involve their old ladies in things other clubs would have a seizure over. It’s progressive, I think, and I like it. When I get an old lady, she’s going to go everywhere with me. You know my parents even did club business in Ireland once? They were there the year before I was born, for the whole year. They have a lot of good memories of that. That’s my life goal, to travel with my old lady. I want to see everything.”

  Suddenly feeling a need to change the subject Chelsea said, “So who do the other bikes here belong to?” There were at least a dozen of them and Chopper walked around from one to the next telling her their stories. They ranged in make and model from an early Sportster to a late-model Softail. But the one thing they all had in common was that at one time or another they had belonged to a relative of one of the brothers…someone close to him. Chopper told her that he and a few of the guys worked on them all sporadically. No one got impatient or in a hurry, as long as they knew they were in a safe place and progress was being made, no matter how slowly.

  Chopper suddenly reached in his pocket and pulled out his phone. “Tigger says he has to run a quick errand for Handsome. He’s gonna be about half an hour.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  Chopper smiled down at Chelsea and said, “You ever fucked in a barn?”

  She laughed. “I can’t say as I have.”


  She put her hand on the side of his face and got up on her toes to kiss him softly. There was so much she still needed to tell him. So much that he had to know if she was even going to think about having a relationship with him. But he was leaving soon for who knew how long, so maybe that could wait, and this couldn’t. “As long as it’s with you,” she whispered when she broke the kiss. Chopper moaned and put his arm around her, grabbing her butt and pulling her up against him. He leaned down and gave her another kiss, this one hard and demanding. While they kissed he walked her backwards toward the wall, right next to the bike that his mother used
to drive him around on. He pressed her into it while he finished his kiss and then he took her by the hips and turned her around so she was facing the wall. His breathing was labored and when he pressed his hips into her butt from behind, she could feel how hard his cock was already.

  He bent her forward slightly so her back was arched and her butt was right at the level of his hips, if he bent his knees. She felt him hold her hips tightly and he began rocking into her, hard and fast. They were both still completely clothed, but it was hot, feeling his cock press into her and her pussy getting wetter by the second. He groaned, and she felt one of his hands slide around the front and unbutton her pants. She moaned as he slid his big hand down into her jeans and underneath her panties. He touched her clit and she cried out. It was swollen and sensitive and it was exactly what he’d been looking for. He pinched and rolled it between his fingers until he had her gasping for breath and practically begging him to fuck her, and then he slipped a finger inside of her. Her jeans were still pressing up into his hand and added more pressure as he moved his finger in and out of her. She could feel how wet his hand was getting as her pussy became more and more drenched. Chopper slipped in a second finger and began moving them both around inside of her, pulling them in and out, crooking one so that he could find her G-spot.

  She was moaning so loudly that she was surprised the sound didn’t bring the roof down, but it felt too good to be quiet. He fingered her harder and faster and brought his other hand around to slide up into her shirt and under her bra and take one of her breasts in his hand. Her nipple was hard enough to cut glass even before he began to roll and pinch it between his fingers. Chelsea took it as long as she could, finally pushing her hips back into him and rocking against his hand as hard as she could. The orgasm hit her hard, like an ocean wave in a violent storm. She clawed at the wood of the wall in front of her while she rode the waves, one after the other. The orgasm left her weak and breathless and Chopper held her steady against him until she was able to stand on her own two legs, and then he let go of her slowly and took a step back. She heard the sound of his zipper being pulled down and she turned around. He had his pants pushed down and his cock in his hand. She immediately dropped to her knees and licked the tip of it, tasting the bead of fluid gathered there. She opened her lips, prepared to take it in her mouth, but he had other plans for her. He pulled her to her feet and said:

  “Pull down your panties, baby, and bend over the bike.” Chelsea did as he asked and while she was doing that, she heard him opening the condom pack. When he was ready, she felt him step up behind her and press his hard thighs into the back of hers. She could feel his throbbing cock bouncing up and down against her and she pressed her hips back into him, trying to catch it. He held it in his hand and teased her for a bit, dragging it up and down between her legs and making her whimper. Finally, she whispered:


  “Say my name, baby. I like it when you call me Justice when I’m fucking you.”

  “Please, Justice…please fuck me.”

  “Mm…” He pressed his cock into her opening and with one quick shove forward he was buried deeply inside of her. They both groaned, and he pulled back and shoved himself in again. She gripped onto the bike she was lying against tightly and while Chopper fucked her, he reached around and slid one of the fingers he’d had in her pussy into her mouth. She sucked it all the way in and rolled it around on her tongue, tasting herself on him. He was fucking her hard and fast, not holding anything back, holding her against him with one hand as tightly as he could so that he could sink deeper into her each time. He pulled his fingers away from her mouth and she cried out his name loudly as his cock struck the floor of her pussy and he wiggled his hips, not pulling back until she felt like she might explode. She was panting and gasping and telling him how good it was, so he did it again, and again and again. And then she did explode, again. When he felt her coming, he grabbed a handful of her long hair and pulled her head back and began to pummel her, slapping his hips into her butt hard with each thrust. She was still trying to work her way through her orgasm and catch her breath when he said:

  “Oh fuck, Chelsea!” She felt his already huge cock swell up inside of her and seconds later, it was pulsating as her come ran down the sides of her thighs. She was going to smell like sex when she got to Mom and Dad’s. Thank goodness they wouldn’t be there. No sex with strangers was part of the deal—the deal she’d made with them and couldn’t break. It was the most important deal of her life, and Chopper was the only thing standing between her and getting the only thing she’d wanted for the past three years. She knew that. She knew her parents would never accept Chopper, and she knew they’d make her choose. It took her a second to catch her breath when she had that thought, because she knew there was no “choice.” Chopper was a nice fantasy, but the deal she’d made with her parents was her reality, and the longer she waited for what she needed from them, the harder it got to breathe. There was no choice. You couldn’t live without oxygen, or your own beating heart.


  Hours after Chopper made love to Chelsea in a barn in Massachusetts, he would be sitting on an airplane with emotions raging in his chest. Chopper hated flying and had only done it twice before in his life. But just about the time Tigger showed up to pick them back up so they could drop Chelsea at home, Chopper got a call from Dax. He replayed it in his mind now.

  “Your chopper was spotted in Iowa.”


  “Yeah, one of the overnight rallies on the way to Sturgis was held there at a campground near Dixon. Zack and Garrett are leaving Chicago and on their way there now. They’ll be there in a few hours. The Vipers are detaining this guy until they get there.”

  “I want him, Dax.”

  “I know. He will still be breathing when you get there, but get on a plane because we don’t have twenty-four hours to wait. Cody, Handsome, and I are boarding ours now; the prospects will get the bikes out to North Dakota by the weekend.”

  “Okay, thanks, Dax.”

  Chopper had sat in the airport pacing and cussing mostly, for four hours before he could get a flight out. Now he sat on a plane between a soccer mom who kept turning back to tell her rambunctious twelve-year-old twins to be quiet, and a fat businessman who was currently snoring and practically resting his head on Chopper’s shoulder. They had squeezed him in on a last-minute cancellation. He’d called Garrett just before he boarded, and Garrett told him that he and Zack had just gotten to Dixon and were almost to the campsite. They had run into some traffic along the way. Chopper knew how the parties were along the way to Sturgis. He just hoped there was someone sober enough in the Vipers crew to keep a good eye on the guy.

  He was so pissed off that he was almost afraid of what he was going to do to the guy when he got there. He imagined himself looking like Dax always did in situations like this, cool, calm, and collected. In his mind he had his gun in his hand and he was looking down at the man who tried to hurt Chelsea and stole the most important thing in his life…before he’d met her. He felt the rage again, but realized that his mind kept going back to the guy trying to run Chelsea down. If he had just stolen the chopper, he’d be in for the ass-whooping of his life. But Chopper thought that if he looked into this guy’s face and remembered how scared Chelsea had been, and how close she’d come to being permanently injured or worse, he just might be able to pull the trigger.

  Of course he didn’t even have a gun on him. There was no way he could board a plane with it, but he knew someone else would have one, and he knew Dax. Dax would leave the decision of how to handle this up to him. The closer the plane got to Chicago, the more he hoped he’d be able to make the right choice. He wanted to make a choice that he could live with, but more importantly, one that would make Dax and his brothers, and most importantly of all Chelsea, proud of him.

  Trying to ignore the constant chaos between the mother and her kids, and the drooling fat man next to him, he laid his head back i
nto the seat and closed his eyes. He hadn’t expected to be able to sleep, but the next thing he knew, he was being nudged awake by the soccer mom and the “Fasten Seatbelt” sign was on. He buckled up and woke the businessman so he could do the same.

  The prospects traveling with Zack and Garrett were at the airport to meet him. They drove for over three hours in a rented SUV until they came to a campground/picnic area that was littered with bikes, tents, bikers, and scantily clad women. The sun was just coming up, but the party from the night before was still going on. Loud music was booming from somewhere and it looked like the alcohol was flowing freely. No one looked to be in any hurry to get moving. They all just looked like they were having a great time, except for Garrett, who met them at the car. Garrett’s mood was never easy to gauge. He always looked flat, and a little scary. Hell, if you didn’t know him, he looked a lot scary. He was like a non-green Incredible Hulk. The dude was huge…built like a Mack truck. His leather vest would have fit like a dress on any other normal-sized man, and when he held out his hand for Chopper to shake it, Chopper’s man-sized hand was completely swallowed up.

  “Hey, Chop, I don’t have good news.” Another thing about Garrett was that he was always straight to the point. Chopper saw Zack walking toward them now. Zack was a whole different entity. He was always smiling. Usually his smile had an edge to it, sarcastic or otherwise, but Chopper had even seen him take a guy out, with a smile on his face. Zack was funny. All the women loved him, and they all hated how devoted he was to his old lady, but the thing people remembered most about Zack once they got to know him was his “Don’t fuck with my family or my club” attitude. Otherwise, the last thing you might see was a smiling executioner.


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