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Show Stopper: A Single Dad Bodyguard Romance

Page 31

by Amy Brent

  “I know this!” I shout back.

  “But you should be with men your own age. Find someone you can bring home.”

  “I want to bring you home. I want to be with you!”

  “Jasmina, you are so young,” he sighs, holding his head in his hand.

  “I know how I must look, but trust me this isn't just some phase. I know what I want; I can make my own decisions. I'm not that little girl anymore.”

  “I can see that,” Ryan responds, reaching under his desk and pulling out a bottle of water. He takes a long pull from it. His Adam's apple rises then falls.

  “Why did you kiss me? And touch me like that?” I ask, eyeing him. He smirks.

  “I don’t know,” he shrugs.

  “No. That answer is not good enough.” I fold my arms and glare at him.

  “It was a mistake.”

  “Why’d you do it?”

  “Jasmina - I”

  “Just admit, you liked it.”

  There is a long pause now. I want to say that I hate fighting with him, but I actually enjoy every single second, watching him all frustrated turns me on.

  “I think that every man would be lying if he said that he did not enjoy that interaction.”

  “But, come on, you more than just enjoyed it.” My things fingers my air quotes around the word enjoyed.

  “Jasmina, I think it best if you don’t come into work tomorrow.”

  My eyes grow wide.


  He nods.

  “I think, perhaps, some space would benefit us both. I need to think about all of this.”

  I take a deep breath and nod.

  “I guess I should go then?”

  “Yes, that would probably be best.”

  “Alright, then.” I back up slowly and place my hand on the door handle of the office. “Bye, Ryan.” I push the door open and leave without waiting for him to say goodbye to me.

  I know I put myself in a risky situation. And how I am supposed to expect Ryan to react. There is no way he would have been all about it without putting up sort of confrontation. It’s scary and exciting. But how could he question anything after how that kiss felt? It was so real and perfect. Nothing could ever compare to that. I sigh and ride the elevator down. He needs time, I remind myself. I walk out to the parking garage and make my way to my car. But how much time? I was so close to him, how do I just feel satisfied with that one kiss. I need more. He is my drug now, and I am going to need a fix soon.

  I can still feel the lingering sensation of his lips rocking against me and feel his teeth biting on my bottom lip. Ugh. The mere thought of kissing him again makes me wet. I climb inside of my car and drive home. I know he will want more. I felt it just as much as he did.

  Chapter 9

  I can see my reflection staring back at me. I don’t even recognize myself at first with all the bright red lipstick staining my mouth and face. I reach into my pocket and pull out a tissue and rub it away. I don’t want to be driving down the street and have people see me with all of this over my face. That would be awkward. But not as awkward as Mark finding out that I made out with daughter. Jesus. What is wrong with me? I walk over to the window and inspect the sides of my face until the lipstick is barely visible. That was rather a dick move of me though, kissing her like that, pulling her onto my lap. God, she felt so good, so young and fresh. So, she was playing me. All those times in the office, when she would brush up against me. Even the way she was dressing was all for me. She is stubborn, that is for sure. I walk out of the office and close the door. I don’t know how I am going to handle this whole situation. I am not even sure exactly what Jasmina wants from me. Is she hoping for some relationship? That can not happen. Oh, man. No one in my practice would take me seriously if they found out. Maybe, I should never have hired her.

  I take the key out of my pocket and lock the door. The secretary desk sits empty. It already looks strange without her sitting behind it with her bright smile. I could fire her. But she does such a good job that it wouldn’t make much sense for me too. That would set me back in my job performance, but then having to dodge her advancements might be even more difficult now. She does a pretty great job of distracting me all day.

  I punch in the ground floor elevator button and descend down to the parking garage. How long has she wanted to be with me? She could have any guy in the world. Oh man. The humid heat makes me sweat as I make my way to my car. I take a long moment to just breathe the city air. I think maybe I can call her tonight and sort it out. No. It’s still too fresh.

  I make my way home to my place downtown. As soon as I walk in, I slip off my suit and put on a pair of sweats. I make myself a quick protein shake and begin working out. I set the treadmill to high and begin to sprint. I need to exhaust my body, or who knows what tempting thoughts would enter me when I try to close my eyes and go to sleep. I push myself harder than I normally ever do. Sweat runs down my forehead and drips down my shirt. I rip it off. I take a short break to take a sip of water and my phone rings. I freeze and pick it up. My first instinct is to think it's Jasmina, but thank god that it's not. Viviane just sent me a photo of herself in lingerie standing in front of a mirror. Her body is nothing compared to Jasmina’s. I cannot believe that was my first thought. I turn the phone off and jump back onto the treadmill.

  Finally, my legs begin to ache to the point that I cannot run any longer. I turn the treadmill off and hop into the shower. After a few minutes, I make my way to my bed and collapse onto it. As soon as I close my eyes, the image of Jasmina sitting on top of me, with her hand rubbing my hard cock flashes in my mind. I open my eyes and frown. Thanks, brain.

  I roll over and turn the television on, but that doesn’t help. I still can feel her light body on my lap, moving back and forth. The way she slightly whimpered when I pulled her in. There is no denying the lust I feel for her; the intense craving I have to enter her tight pussy. But there is no way in hell that will ever happen.

  I force my mind to focus on the television. Anytime the thought of Jasmina returns I try and think of Mark. That is a pretty strong turn off enough on its own. Eventually, I fall asleep for good.

  In the morning, I realize I have slept through both of my alarms. I jerk up out of bed and rush to get ready and am out of the door within five minutes. It wasn’t that big of a deal if I was late, but usually no one really started to really work until I was breathing down their necks about it. I speed the whole way there and tear into the parking garage.

  As soon as I walk into the office, I look to see Jasmina, but the desk is empty. I remind myself that I told her not to come in today. That is a stupid thing for me to do. I look over at Stacy, one of my assistants.

  “Staci,” I bark out at her, “You’re on phones today.”

  “Okay,” she groans.

  “Oh, get over it,” Kevin adds in. He looks slightly distraught. Stacy glares at Kevin.

  “You’re just upset that your eye candy didn’t come in today.”

  Oh, Kevin you have no idea. I think to myself, as I make my way into the office. I wish Jasmina was going after him. But I know that’s a lie. It drove me crazy watching them be so close to one another. The rest of the day, I could not help but check my phone every now and then, hoping that Jasmina had sent me some text telling me that she is coming in today, even if I told her not to. I want to see back at her normal spot at her desk. The office appears to have more life with her there. She just has an energy about her that makes everyone want to be happy instead of miserable. Aren’t we all just miserable. I tap my pen on my desk. If I was just a little younger than maybe this would work. Even if I was the same age, but didn’t know Mark than maybe it could be different. Mark and I are drifting part. I catch that thought before it goes any further.

  I can’t believe one little harmless kiss is tormenting me this much. It is worse than my first kiss in middle school. I try to run through the options in my head, playing out every scenario of what could
come out of this whole mess. Nothing too good.

  One thing is for certain. I cannot be with Jasmina. I just need to accept that, but more importantly she has to understand that. If she doesn’t then I might risk another incident happening in the office. I grab my phone. I will stop by her apartment tonight to talk with her. Let her know that I am sorry I kissed her, and that it must never happen again. I send her a text and she responds right away. Hopefully this lets me clear my head a little before the people, I have a meeting with, arrive.

  Five o’clock couldn’t come any faster. I waste no time talking to anyone and dart out of the office. Why am I so anxious?

  I easily find my way to Jasmina’s apartment and park my car. Once inside, I make my way up and knock on her door. It takes a few minutes, but she finally answers. The door creaks open and she stands there, her blue eyes staring at me intensely. She is wearing a thin, dark satin robe. My mind already begins to wonder if she is completely naked under there.

  “Do you want to come in?” she asks.

  “Uh, yeah...if you don’t mind,” I stammer. Why couldn’t she be wearing clothes.

  She opens the door all the way and I walk in. The first thing I notice is how nice it smells. It smells like vanilla. It's a large, open apartment. Her art hangs on the wall. She goes and sits on the couch, stretching out.

  “Come on, Jasmina,” I sigh, sitting on the ottoman, away from her.

  “What? You said you wanted to come over and talk? What do you want to talk about?” She twists a chunk of her hair around her thin finger and looks around the room.

  “Just to clear up what happened the other day in the office -”

  “You could have just called,” she sighed. She was right.

  “I wanted to do this in person.”


  “So I could see you and make sure everything was good.”

  “So you could see me?” she repeats what I said in a sexual way, and I feel my cock stir at the way her voice sounds.

  “That kiss was nothing,” I say flatly trying to gain control of the conversation.

  “Really? Nothing - it didn’t feel that way, at least it didn’t feel that way when I was on top of you.”

  I suck in a breath.

  “Jasmina, this cannot go any further.”

  She turns on her side, and I can see her ass peeking under the robe. It takes every ounce of my power not stare at it.

  “Why are you trying to make it something? We kissed and it was hot, Ryan. That’s it.”

  “Tell me you will stop trying to seduce me and everything will go back to normal. Back to the way it is supposed to be.” She tilts her head back and lets out a little giggle. I can’t tell if I am getting mad or aroused.

  “And if I don’t want to go back to normal? What if I don’t want to forget.”

  “That’s not an option, understand?”

  “What if I don’t understand?” She sits up and shifts her position so she is leaning over the arm of the sofa. Her ass is raised high in the air and she is inches from my face. “Are you going to punish me?”

  “Jesus,” I whisper, averting my gaze to the kitchen, but my cock stiffens anyway. “Maybe I will have to fire you.”

  She tilts her head.

  “You wouldn’t do that to me. You need me. I see that you need me, right now.”


  Her eyes land to the growing bulge pushing itself up in my suit pants. Jasmina’s hand slowly undos the belt around her robe. Her breasts are almost spilling out of the black bra she wears. Her see through thong almost reveals everything.

  “What- am I being bad?” she asks.

  “Yes, very,” I whisper back, not daring to move. My dick is throbbing full force. There is something about her that drives me crazy. She moves off the couch and slides onto my lap. I do not dare touch her.

  “I just want to make you feel good,” she murmurs in my ear, nibbling at it. I groan and then bite my tongue. She nuzzles against my neck, gently kissing it. Her breasts pushing on my chest. My cock is aching.

  “Ryan, please, just touch me.”

  Finally I cave. Our mouths meet once again. Her full soft lips suck on mine. My hands wrap around her. I want to feel every inch of her against me. I pull her in. I grab a handful of her ass and squeeze. I stand up and her legs wrap around me. She digs her hips into mine and grinds against my member. I throw her onto the sofa. She gasps audibly as her hands make their way for my belt. She unhooks it and pulls my pants down. For a long moment, she stares at my throbbing cock. She reaches a hand around it and just touches it.

  “You are so perfect,” she says, looking up at me. I move my mouth against her in response. Her touch thrills me and I want more. My hands reach on either side of her legs and I hoist them. I want to fuck her. I have wanted nothing more in my entire life. My hand finds her underwear. She arches her back in willingness as I slide her panites down to her ankles. I am amazed at how wet she feels as I touch every inch of her. She shudders and moans, tightening her legs around me. I slowly stick one finger in.

  “You are so fucking tight,” I say.

  “I’ve been waiting for you.”

  I don’t think I could possibly get anymore turned on. I stick another finger in slowly. She closes her eyes and winces slightly, then she lets out a gasp and her eyes open wide. I rock my fingers back and forth, stretching her and getting her pussy ready for my rock hard dick. I find that I could do this forever, watching her body react to my touch.

  “Go inside of me, Ryan,” she starts to beg.

  “Are you -”

  Ding! Ding! Ding! I stop. It's the ring tone for Mark coming out of my back pocket. Our eyes meet and the moment stops.

  “Keep going,” she says frantically.

  “I -I…” I feel like my brain is having a meltdown. The ringing stops for a second, but then comes back.

  “What is it?!” she sits up.

  “Your dad,” I respond leaning off of her.

  “Well, that’s a mood kill, right there. Why is he calling you?”

  “We are supposed to be meeting up for drinks right now.”

  Jasmina shakes her head and ties her robe.

  “I guess you should go then,” she says with disdain getting up off the couch. I stand and pull my pants up.

  “This is why I said what I said. It’s too complicated, Jaz.”

  She reaches for a glass out of cabinet and fills it with water.

  “I’m sorry, this...shouldn’t have happened,” I follow behind her to the kitchen. She keeps her back to me.

  “Maybe, you are right,” she sighs, “I’ll stop.” The phone rings again. “You should go.”

  “Jaz -”

  “I’m sorry, this is just weird, Ryan.” She sets the glass on the counter and walks past me back into the living room.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

  “Bye, Ryan.”

  God, I feel like such an asshole. And what I supposed to tell Mark. Oh hey bud, just got done fucking your daughter. Sorry, I was late. I race down the condo stairs and find my way to the car. I knew this is why it had to end. Why couldn’t she have just listened to me in the first place. It doesn’t matter now though. I turn out of the parking lot and make my way to the bar.

  The next morning, I sit in my office holding my head in between my hands, leaning forward. The whole office is completely spinning in the circles. I guess that’s what happens when you go out with Mark, when he doesn't have to work for the next three days. Jesus, Fuck. I reach under my desk and pull the trash a little bit closer to me, just in case. The whole night was one large blur. We were sitting at the bar and the next thing I know Mark starts ordering tequila. Of course this all happens when we are both three beers in. Mark and his tequila are always a bad idea. I rub my forehead. After that everything seems to be a mess of memories. I know there was some vodka drinks after. I'm not sure, but anything closely related to the smell of alcoh
ol makes my stomach flip. I could hardly use the sharpie to write this morning.

  I just want to go home and take a long shower and then sleep for a whole month straight. I just wish I could remember if drunk me said anything to Mark about Jasmina. I doubt we even talked about her. Christian was smart to call quits on the night before it even started. I’ve been noticing he and Mark are not as close as before. I mean - we all aren't, but those two are not getting along nearly as well as before.

  A wave of nausea makes its way through my stomach and I groan, tilting my head against the cold mahogany desk. The hard surface feels good against my raging hot skin. Am I slightly drunk still? I rub my eyes, reach into one of my drawers and pull out a bottle of Excedrin. I crush the pill between my teeth. The relief washes over me, fast, but it is only a dull relief. My stomach still feels like it has been flipped and tossed overboard. Mark did throw up. I remember that much.

  I reach for my folder with the information on this client that is coming in today. It's a huge case. One that has shook the whole community. Oh man - and my stomach. I lean over the trash bin and hurl. This morning’s small breakfast of half a bagel makes its appearance again.

  “Fuck me,” I muttered spitting into the trash.

  “I already tried.” A voice calls out from the front of my office. I lift my head to see Jasmina standing in the doorway, looking as stunning as ever. I wipe my mouth quickly with a handkerchief.


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