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Show Stopper: A Single Dad Bodyguard Romance

Page 38

by Amy Brent

  I lay there still for a moment. I am suddenly aware that Mark is only a tent away from us all. There is just a thin piece of plastic protecting us from his eyes. He would ruin us if he ever knew. I lay still for a long time.

  “Do you think this is wrong?” I blurt into the still silence.

  “What do you mean? Jasmina asks, rolling over. Her small arm slips through mine, and she spoons my back.

  “Just, ya know. We will never be able to publicly announce our love -”

  I try my best to form my thoughts and have them make sense.

  “So?” She asks. “Who cares. We know and that's all the matters.”

  “What about Mark,” Christian whispers.

  “What about Mark” Jasmina asks louder.

  “What would happen if he found out?” I clarify for her.

  “It doesn’t matter. Mark is not my father. He might have helped make me, but he has never loved me like a father should have.”

  Inside the tent, it is quiet again. The sound of crickets and nature fills the void. I listen for a moment and then take a breath.

  “You're right. He has been very distant in raising you,” I say.

  “She nuzzles in closer to me. I feel her bare breasts pushing into my back. I hold her hands with mine. I know Christian is holding her in his arms, and together we lay all snuggled up. It feels nice and warm.

  “Look. I am an adult now. I can make my own decisions and do whatever I want with or without Mark’s consent. I know he will never approve so what's the point in trying?” she says flatly.

  Christian and I both don't say anything. We know she is right. Jasmina is done with college and onto to the world. There was nothing we could do to keep her, and there was no reason for us too. Mark no longer had a say in her decisions nor should he.

  “Mark has never realized how amazing his daughter is,” Christian sighs. I feel his arms tighten around Jasmina.

  “No, he hasn't,” I agree,” But that's okay. Because we do.”

  I feel Jasmina smile. I know I can't see but I know she is.

  “You’re right, “ she sighs. “I am the luckiest girl in the world.” She pauses. “Honestly we could probably screw in front of Mark and he wouldn't even blink.”

  We laugh silently at the crazy idea.

  “You’re probably right,” Christian says.

  “I mean we basically did it tonight” I confirm.

  Jasmina sighs.

  “Promise me this won’t end,” she says.

  I turn around so I face her, and we are inches apart. She turns to lie on her back then. So Christian and I both can see her face. I am unsure about how to respond right away.

  “As long as my heart is beating, I know that I will have love for you.” I hear Christian whisper.

  “It's true. There is honestly no woman whom I have met that compares to you.”

  “And there is no one like you two,” she sighs. “That's why I have waited my whole life and have been with no other man.”

  We lay in the stillness for a minute longer, and then I stand up.

  “Well, we should get to bed,” I say, slowly getting up.

  “No, please don’t go,” Jasmina says sitting up grabbing my legs. Christian stands up next to me.

  “He’s right.”

  Jasmina folds her arms.

  “Fine. Sleep tight you guys,” she says.

  “We will.”

  We both kiss he forehead and step out of the tent. The air outside feels cold compared to the warm blankets with the feeling of having each other close. Christian and I look at one another.

  “Man is this weird?” he asks.

  I shake my head.

  “I don't know, but it feels right.

  He nods.

  “It does.

  “Whatever happens with Mark does not matter as much as what happens to Jasmina,” I say.

  “I know exactly how you feel.”

  We walk to our tents; the grass crunches under our feet.

  “I guess it's up to us to talk care of her.” I realize. “We are the only men she wants in her life.”

  “In a way I think that has always been the case.”

  “You're right.”

  Chapter 16

  I open my condo door. Ryan and Christian stand on the other side. Their faces smiling wide.

  “Hey!” I shout, jumping up and hugging them both.

  They have come over for a quick bite to eat and a visit. I still see Ryan every day at work, but it has been a while since I have spent much time with Christian after the camping trip. There are so many nights, I lie in my bed and wish we could go back to being together under the stars. It was so fun, sneaking away from Mark late at night and acting normal during the day. None of us wanted to come back to the real world, but we had to. Mark did not suspect one thing the whole trip. There was only one close call, when he got up to take a piss, but nothing happened.

  “Jaz!” Ryan shouts, as we move from the hall into the apartment.

  Christian steals me for a long embrace.

  “Oh, it is not fair, Ryan gets you every day!” he says holding my close.

  “I know,” I say. “I’m sorry. Maybe if you both open a dentist law firm we could make something work.”

  They laugh at the idea, and Christian takes a step back.

  “I know it's fine. I can get over it.”

  “So,” I look back and forth at them.

  “What's for dinner?” I ask.

  Ryan holds up a box.

  “Pizza, obviously!”

  “Oh, what kind?” I reach and take the box out of his hand and flip it open.

  “We got one side ham and pineapple, because that's what sinners like you eat, and the other side is meat lovers,” Christian says.

  “Well, I guess you can say I have always been one for a more different palate.” I shoot them a corny wink.

  We set the pizza on the counter and dig in. I easily eat two pieces and then pour a glass of red wine for both of us to enjoy.

  “Thank you,” Ryan says, gulping the wine back.

  “Woah,” Christian says, watching his friend down the drink.

  “Sorry, stressful day at work.”

  “It was?” I ask surprised. “I don’t call anything be out of the ordinary for you.”

  “Oh, she so caught your bluff,” Christian laughs.

  “See having Jasmina work for you doesn’t have all the benefits,” Ryan says shaking his head.

  We move to the couch. Ryan sits at one end and Christian is at other. This works out well for me, because I can drape myself across them both.

  “So what’s going on in your life, Christian?” I ask.

  “I’m not sure. Same old, same old.”

  “Did you see that Mark has a girlfriend?” Ryan asks suddenly leaning forward. “Sorry, Christian. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

  I turn my head fast.

  “Wait, what? Who?”

  “It just popped up on my Facebook!” Ryan says.

  “Show me!” I demand.

  “Hold on!”

  Ryan clicks a few things on his phone and pulls the profile up.

  “Aw, man, no way!” he starts to laugh.


  I rip the phone out of his hands and stare at the page. My mouth literally drops in shock. Christian glances back and forth between us and then rips the phone out my hands.

  “Let me see this.” He stares at it silently not reacting the way that we just did.

  “I don’t get it?” Christian says very confused. Ryan and I both are laughing at this point. I laugh so hard there are almost tears in my eyes.

  “What!?” Christian barks, getting frustrated he has no idea what is going on.

  “Do you actually not remember who that is?” Ryan asks shocked.

  “Uh, I don’t. Looks like a normal lady. I don’t know. What is going on here?” />
  I take a breath and one large gulp of wine before answering.

  “That’s Mark’s old girl, Viviane. Remember from my graduation party this summer?”

  Christian’s eyes grow wide as he takes it all in.

  “Oh, fuck. No way.”

  “Yup,” Ryan says shaking. “But you know they are actually quite perfect for on another. Viviane has absolutely no depth to her, so Mark can just ram her all the way home.”

  “That’s not cool though,” Christian says handing the phone back. “I mean that is your old girl. Mark should respect that.”

  Ryan stares at Christian.

  “Dude are you, serious?”


  “We are fucking his daughter!”

  I lift my arms up and cheer.

  “Hell yeah, you are.”

  Christian sighs.

  “Yeah, I guess you got a point there.”

  Ryan stands up and goes over to the wine.

  “Yeah. I really could not care less. I should have seen it coming though.”

  “Good for them,” I say. “She can be the next pain in Mark’s ass.”


  We all sit thinking about how strange the situation really is. If someone had told me last summer where I would be, I would have never believed them. But life is funny and strange and here we are, doing our own thing. Mark kicking me out that day was the best decisions he could have made for me. Nothing was going to come from our relationship.

  Christian finally says something

  “So, what are your plans then, Jaz?” he asks.


  “What are you planning on doing now?”

  I think the question over. This was part of the reason why I had invited them over. I chew on my bottom lip. This summer has been the best point in my life, and I know now that things will only get better from here.

  “So, I have some news to share with you guys,” I say.

  “And what is that?” Ryan asks, sitting down on the coffee table in front of me munching on another piece of pizza he had grabbed from the box.

  “Well - I have finally made some serious decisions after doing some thinking.”

  “That’s great!” Christian says, leaning forward, “and what have you decided?”

  “Earlier this summer when I had just started working for Ryan, I received an invitation to apply for graduate school, so I did!”

  “What school?” Ryan asks.

  “Robin Art University.”

  They both nod their heads as I continue.

  “It’s this amazing private liberal arts school right outside of the city here! Like, its only about twenty minute drive.”

  “Oh, wow. That’s nice,” Christian says.

  “Yeah, right? So, I applied and I just found out yesterday that I have been accepted into their program to receive my Masters in art!” My voice has risen, because I cannot contain my excitement. Christian and Ryan both stand up and cheer. They throw their arms around me, and we jump up and down. Finally, I get the acceptance that I have been waiting for.

  “That is so amazing, Jaz!”

  “I know!” I beam. They let me go.

  “So tell us about it,” Christian says.

  “Okay- well it's a two year program and I actually will be teaching some of the undergraduates which means that they will not only pay for my whole tuition but I will actually be paid to go there!”

  “Wow,” Ryan says, leaning back into the couch. “See, look at you. You are unstoppable.”

  I smile from ear to ear.

  “When do the classes start?” Christian ask. He is always thinking through all the details, putting everything together. Ryan is already pouring us each a full glass of wine to celebrate with.

  “This fall!”

  “Nice!” Ryan exclamation handing us the wine. “So let us do a toast then to this wonderful girl. For pursing her dreams and her talent, and being the love of our loves.”

  We raise our glasses high into air. And we clink them together, each of us take a long sip from the glass.

  “Well, we just want you to know that we are very proud of you,” Christian says.

  “Thank you.”

  “Honestly, whatever you need, don’t hesitate to call or reach out to us. Okay?”


  Ryan pauses and looks at me.

  “So, have you told Mark about your decision to leave for to get your masters at Robins Art University.”

  I shrug.

  “Nope, I don’t plan on it either. “ I really could care less about what he thinks. “He has told me before that if I ever decide to study art than he will disown me.”

  “What an idiot,” Christian sighs, deeply blowing air out of his mouth. “Down the road. I know that Mark is going to full of regret for saying what he has said to you. He will never be able to replace you or find anyone has amazing as you are.”

  Ryan sits back and thinks about it all.

  “You know? I’m glad he decided to disown you, because now we can get you all to ourselves!” Ryan leans over and kisses my neck. I close my eyes and sigh at the sensation.

  “That’s right,” I say. “I have everything I need right here with you two.” Christian scoots close to me as well and his hands fall between my thighs. He kisses me long and slow. I enjoy every second of it all.

  “Are you guys staying the night?” I ask though the kisses. Ryan moves in and kisses me then as well.

  “I think so,” Christian whispers. His hands slide underneath me, and he presses me against him.

  “Tonight is a big night, and we are going to need to celebrate.”

  “Oh, are we?”

  “Yup,” Ryan says, opening the bedroom door.

  “You deserve a big reward for doing so well.”

  Christian gently lies my down on my pillows. I sigh as their hands pulls my pants down. Christian because to kiss my pussy, to find out I am already soaking wet.

  “How should we celebrate?” Ryan asks Christians as they stand over me, looking down.

  “Should we see if we can set a new record for making her cum?”

  My eyes grows wide, and my body is already shaking with anticipation for what they are planning on doing to me.

  Christian and Ryan both undo their pants, so their large cocks fall forward. I moan in the sight of them. They are so perfect. Ryan gently pushes his cock around my clit, teasing me.

  “Fuck me, please,” I beg desperately, thrusting my hips toward his member.

  Ryan slowly starts to stick his dick inside of me. My hands reach up to try and force it in fast and deeper, but Christian stops them before they leave the bed. He leans down and kisses me. My pussy is desperately yearning to be filled, as Ryan continues to tease me.

  Then, suddenly, Ryan’s hands land on either side of my hips and he flips me over, so I am on my hands and knees. Christian kneels in front of me. I waste no time and hungrily put his dick inside of my mouth, licking his throbbing piece. He groans at the entry between my lips.

  As soon as I have taken Christian's cock into my mouth, Ryan begins to pound me hard. His dick thrusts deep inside of me, filling that ache I so crave. I cry out, but Christian keeps his cock buried deep in my throat.

  Ryan’s hand reach from around, and they rub my clit, faster and faster, matching his thrusts, until the pleasure is overwhelming, and I cum again. Then, suddenly, they switch. Christian's hard cock replaces Ryan’s and thrusts inside. It’s Ryan cock covered in my taste, that I find sliding on my tongue.

  Christian rocks back and forth steadily. The waves intensify and build again, until my body stutters with spasms and I cum again. I moan in sweet release as my pussy surges with pleasure.

  They are about to switch again, when I stop them.

  “Both of you fuck me,” I command softly.

  I don’t have to wait long. Their long, rock hard shafts penetrate my pu
ssy and squeeze into my asshole. I let out a cry. I don’t know who’s dick is in my ass or whose is in my pussy. But it doesn’t matter. They thrust into my, their cocks moving like one. I can feel them both inside of me. I moan and gasp. There is no pain, just overwhelming sensation of fullness. It hardly takes a minute, but my body throbs once again. My legs shake, as tingling spreads rapidly through me. I feel like I might break from how amazing this feels. I cum, but I think it might have been two or three times, the waves came in like fireworks erupting from everywhere inside of me.

  I am so exhausted I can barely hold myself up and longer. My body feels warm and heavy and I fall forward in the bed. My legs are shaking, like residual movements after an earthquake.

  “Are you okay?” Christian asks.

  “Yes, I am more than okay,” I smile, waving my hand clumsily. They crawl onto the bed and lie on other side of me, holding me close.

  “Good, we’re glad,” Ryan whispers, kissing my forehead.

  “You look so hot when you cum,” Christian says.

  “It’s true,” Ryan agrees.

  “Thanks, I guess,” I laugh. “So do you guys.”


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