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The Billionaire and the Best Friend Boxed Set

Page 4

by Nikki Steele

  The walls of the room were decorated with hunting scenes—formal men on horses and dogs battling with foxes; turbaned men slaying tigers with long spears on another. I shivered. Creepy thing to have in a waiting room.

  Edward appeared presently. “Tiffany, welcome.”

  I stood up meekly. “It’s Tiff,”

  “I beg your pardon?”

  “Tiff. Please call me Tiff.”

  He frowned. “Are you here to sign the contract?”

  “Well… I guess I want to look at it first, but yes.”

  “Then I’ll call you whatever I want. You might as well start getting used to it now.”

  My mouth fell open. Did he just say that?

  He turned away, walking toward the door. “I told you. Outside the bedroom I’ll be charming. But not in it, and not when we’re discussing it.”

  Okay… I guess I could handle that. Maybe it would change with time.

  The room we entered was a dark, low lit affair with raw timber beams visible on the roof, and stone walls. A roaring fire burned in one corner, a bucket of brands and pokers sitting beside it. I shivered. Branding. That was one thing I would definitely have to cross off.

  We crossed a bearskin rug to another door in the far wall. Edward produced a key from his pocket and the door swung open. “As you might have guessed, I own a pleasure room. It is where you will spend a majority of your time, so it is worthwhile familiarizing yourself with it before looking at the contract.”

  Edward stood to one side. In the shadows I could see the gleam of metal; polished appliances of unknown purpose.

  “If I sign the contract.”

  “You will.”

  I moved forward, so that I could see better. “And what makes you so sure of that?”

  “You said it yourself, on our first date. You’re timid, but up for anything.”

  “That was just a figure of speech…” I said absently, voice trailing off. I could see the room now. It had grey stone walls, with metal bars that ran along the entire left hand side, making it look for all the world like a medieval dungeon. Or a torture chamber.

  Chains hung from the roof, some fixed, some part of an elaborate rope and pulley system that crisscrossed it. A leather swing hung in one corner, and what looked like an iron maiden stood in the other—fearful spikes plainly visible on the inside of the open door.

  Whips and a variety of manacles sat on ordered pegs along the back wall, beside various lengths of black rope. The center of the room was taken up with a long stainless steel operating table—restraining cuffs hung at the top and bottom.

  “Is this… do you actually use all of this?”

  Edward walked into the room, looking around with pride. He nodded. “Impressive, isn’t it. I’ve used everything in the room except the iron maiden—that’s ornamental.” He strode over to it, stroking the spikes softly. “Unless, of course you would be interested?” he looked to me, but I stepped back, horrified.

  He shrugged. “Don’t worry, it’s not in the contract.”

  The contract. I’d almost forgotten. “I… ah, I think I’d better see this contract.”

  Edward strode to a previously unseen table, behind a large ornate leather chair that sat nearby. He picked up a thick document bound by crimson ribbon.

  “Here,” he said, throwing it to me. “Take it or leave it, but once you sign it you must know—I will expect absolute obedience from that moment on. If you don’t like that, you can leave now.”

  I caught the stack of pages. “But you said I have something other women don’t,” I said, a little hurt at his words.

  He laughed. “Yes you do—60 pounds, and a job where people won’t notice your bruises.” He held up his hands. “I mean that as a compliment.”

  I didn’t know how to take that. But I was pretty sure it wasn’t a compliment.

  I opened the document carefully. The first page was a checklist and questionnaire: my personal health, my weight, things like that. I skipped it and moved on to the second page.

  I agree to the following:

  - Abrasion

  - Anal plugs (small)

  - Asphyxiation

  - Beating (soft)

  - Beating (hard)

  - Bondage

  - Branding

  - Choking

  - Cuffs (metal)

  - Cutting

  - Fisting (anal)

  - Fisting (vaginal)

  - Gags (ball)

  - Golden showers

  I scanned down the list, horrified.

  50 Shades of Grey had been a great read. But as I stood looking at this contract, I realized there was a difference between reading about something, and being told it was about to happen to you.

  - Strapping (full body beating)

  - Suspension (upright)

  - Suspension (inverted)

  - Swallowing Semen

  - Swinging / multiple partners

  - Verbal humiliation

  - Violet wand (electrical)

  - Video (recording of)

  - Whipping (soft)

  - Whipping (heavy)

  - Whipping (flaying of skin)

  I swallowed. “Where do I cross things out? And what’s the safe word?”

  “Tiffany,” Edward said softly. “You misunderstand. The contact isn’t there for negotiation. It’s there to let you know what’s going to happen—a list of things that I intend to do to you. You can’t cross anything out, and there is no safe word.”

  “But… I don’t want some of this stuff.” What was I saying? I was fairly sure I didn’t want the contract at all, now. Things were getting just a little too… full on.

  He strode toward me and then pulled me into his arms. It was the first time that I’d touched him since he’d arrived. “It would only be for a little while. You could do that, couldn’t you?”

  A shiver went through me; half fear, half arousal. And I was reminded of the last time, in the stable. I’d been frightened then too. But it had ended in pleasure. His body was hard against me. His scent was clouding my mind. “Umm.”

  He took my answer as a yes. “Good. You will live in the guesthouse for the duration of your contract, which will initially be six months. After that you will be free to leave, or re-sign for an additional six months. Most contracts don’t go beyond the six month period. I’ve never had any contract go beyond the second.”

  “Have… have you done this often?”

  Edward nodded curtly, stepping back “Yes.”

  I was starting to think clearer again. “How many partners?”

  He cocked his head. “Do you mean, how many do I have now, or how many in total?”

  I paused. “You have partners now?”

  He looked at me like I was stupid. “Of course. Two, and you will be the third. They’re both very nice people, I can assure you. And while it might sound strange to hear, they’ll be glad when you’re onboard. I have very distinctive tastes, and they tire easily.”

  There was so much to process here that I wasn’t sure where to start. “You mean, like the tying up thing, right?”

  Edward shook his head. “No. We only did that because you hadn’t signed the contract. You’ve seen it now—you know there would be more than just tying up. There would be things we do that you need time to recover from. That’s why I have multiple partners.”

  “Oh… I don’t think I’d like to do anything with other people.” It was a stupid thing to say, because it was the least of all the things Edward had mentioned that I didn’t want to do.

  He smiled, a thin cold line that slit his face. “Sign the contract, or get out. It’s your choice.”

  “I’m sorry?”

  “I’ve already told you. The contract isn’t up for negotiation. If you want me—if you want access to my money and my life and my love, you’ll sign the contract. If you don’t, the message you’re giving is pretty clear, and I have no further time for you.”

  I stared at Edward in shock. “But… the dat
e. We had such a nice time!”

  “If that’s what you think, you’re a fool. I enjoyed myself, yes. But not because we had a ‘nice time’. I enjoyed myself because the entire time we sat there I was thinking about what I would do to you after you put pen to paper.”

  I slapped him, hard. “You bastard.”

  He grinned, wiping a trickle of blood from his lip. “That’s the spirit. I knew you had it in you. Sign the contract and there will be plenty more, trust me.”

  I considered slapping him again. In fact my hand even bunched up. But then I remembered it would only add to the pleasure. Instead, I walked back into the main room, avoiding the bear rug. “The answer is no. I’d like to go home now please.”

  Edward’s hand gripped my shoulder from behind, pulling me violently around. “You’re actually turning me down?”

  I nodded, biting my lip.

  He grinned viciously. “I love it. Okay, name your price.”


  “Name your price. One million? Two? How much will it cost me.”

  I stared at him in shock. “Edward, I’m not for sale. Now take me home, please.”

  He stalked forward. “Nonsense. Everyone is for sale, it’s just a matter of finding the right price.”

  I began to back up, until I was through the main room and into the hallway. “I’m not for sale.”

  “Ten million. But I want you for a year. Final offer. Think of it; you’d never have to work again. One year with me and then you could go anywhere you want, be anyone you want. You’d never have to blog. Or you could blog about fabulous holidays! You could own a ranch with a thousand horses, if you wanted to.”

  I shook my head. “No amount of money is worth the abuse you would put me through. No amount of money is worth putting my body up for sale. And no amount of money will ever justify the way you’ve treated me.”

  “Seriously, you think you can get sex anywhere else with a body like that? Just take the contract like a good girl.”

  My back hit the front door. I shook my head again. “It’s not about the sex anymore, Edward. Even if you just wanted vanilla, or spooning every second Monday, I wouldn’t take your money. You’re a horrifying, frightening, abusive man who uses his money to get his own way. I’m sorry I didn’t see it sooner.”

  His face slowly changed as realized I was serious; forehead drawing tight as his teeth bared. “You bitch,” he snarled. “Get out, before I fucking set the dogs on you.”

  “I didn’t drive.”

  “I don’t care. Fuck the next truck driver you see for a lift—it seems you’re good at that.”

  My hands scrabbled behind me for the doorknob, and then I was out in the rain, tears streaming down my face as I stumbled toward the driveway.

  Edward stood laughing until I’d disappeared from sight.


  What have I Done?

  Posted by Miss Kitty [30 seconds ago]

  Oh god oh god oh god. I’ve fucked up big time. I got in over my head with a guy that was only interested in the power he had over me. And as soon as he realized it was gone, he threw me out.

  Now I’m walking home in the rain on a deserted stretch of the South East highway and all I can think of is my best friend was right about the creep, and my best friend hates me, and he’s right about that too.


  I walked sobbing down the highway in the pouring rain, not a single car in sight. It seemed appropriate. I’d dumped my best friend for a crazy psychopath, and then the psychopath had dumped me. Why wouldn’t the rest of the world get in on the act?

  It was hard rain; the sort that soaked your dress right through and left you shivering. Big fat droplets that splashed mud up your legs.

  Where had I gone wrong? Should I have seen the signs on the first date, when he paid more than I earned in a year just to own something someone else wanted? I shook my head. I should have seen it before then—when he asked if I was ‘up for anything’. I was so stupid!

  Then there was the contract. He’d warned me about that—told me it was coming. I had no problem with BDSM—in fact I’d enjoyed being tied up. But I was only ready to dip my toes in. And what he wanted was to hold me under. What sort of fool was I? I’d gone to his house to sign a contract I knew nothing about when I’d barely known the man.

  Lightning crackled across the sky, and I lifted my hand to my eyes, shielding them from the rain. Crap. Rain was one thing. But I wasn’t going to give his ass the satisfaction of finding me zapped by lightning the next time he drove to his country club. A car zoomed past and I tried to flag it down. It didn’t stop.

  The rain got even heavier. I ran to a tree—it was dry under, though drippy, but then at the next crack of lightning I leapt back out. Wasn’t there something they said about not standing under trees in the rain? My shoulders slumped, I began to trudge along the side of the road; soaking wet, defeated.

  Another car passed. I didn’t bother trying to wave it down. What was the point?

  But then it stopped. And slowly began to reverse.

  A window wound down. My head looked up.

  “Need a lift?” asked Ryan.

  * * *

  “I’ll ruin the leather.”

  “Just get in the car, Tiff.”

  “No, I don’t deserve to get in the car.”

  Ryan raised an eyebrow. “Are you going to make me come out there and push you in?”

  “Fine,” I huffed. I opened the door, sliding into the seat. Then I promptly burst into tears once more.

  Ryan leaned over, awkwardly, to put his arms around me from the driver’s seat. And then he stayed there as I cried and cried and cried.

  “I’m so sorry Ryan. Sorry for what I said to you. You were right, he was a creep.”

  Ryan didn’t say a word. He just continued to hold me as the words began to tumble out. “I thought he was nice, but I should have seen the signs, and then he wanted me to sign a contract, and it was awful Ryan! Just awful.”

  Ryan finally spoke. “Was it the contract? Was it what he wanted you to do?”

  I nodded, but then shook my head. “Yes… I mean no. The contract wasn’t for me, but that wasn’t the problem. It was how he treated me when I said no. I thought he would be sweet, and charming, just like on the first date. But he wasn’t. He tried to buy me Ryan. And then when I said no, he called me fat and threatened to set the dogs on me!” I burst into tears once more. Ryan’s grip tightened around my shoulders.

  Eventually he let me go, sitting up in his seat to put the car into gear. “Let’s get you home Tiff. You’ve had a rough day. We can deal with that creep after.”

  We drove in silence as I eventually calmed down, and then we sat in silence until I looked over at Ryan and he poked his tongue out at me. I burst into laughter, and then he did too, and suddenly it was like I could breathe again, and the world would keep going on.

  He reached over to rest his hand on my arm. “I love you Tiff, you know that right?”

  I sighed. “Why can’t there be other men like you in the world Ryan? Handsome, kind, forgiving when their best friend fucks up. In another time and place, we might be married.”

  Ryan went quiet at that. Then he forced a smile. “Yes indeed. Another time and place.”

  We pulled up outside my apartment, and Ryan opened the door.

  “Ryan, you don’t have to-”

  But it was too late, he was already out and circling the car, holding his coat as an umbrella for me even though I was the one already wet and he was the only one dry. I stood up, tears in my eyes once more. “Thank you.”

  We walked in silence up to the front door. I slipped in the key, then opened it.


  “Yes?” I said, heart catching as I turned to face him.

  A moment of hesitation crossed Ryan’s features. Then he leaned in, with a look that said ‘fuck it.’

  And kissed me.

  BOOK 2:


nbsp; After a bad breakup, Tiff’s best friend Ryan sets her up on a date with a handsome Billionaire. He seems too good to be true—handsome, charming and rich. But Edward has a darker side—a side that only comes out in the bedroom. Tiff’s first experience of this leaves her heart racing. Edward wants her to sign a contract, and she agrees readily.

  But then she sees the contract. And she suddenly discovers that sometimes the fantasy of something is much more attractive than the reality.

  Edward tries to threaten Tiff into signing his BDSM contract, but she stays strong. He tries to buy her too, but she doesn’t break then either. It isn’t until she’s walking home in the rain that the tears start.

  That’s where Ryan finds her. Ryan has always been there for her. A steadfast pillar she could always count on. He’s rich, and handsome too. Not that it could ever matter—best friends don’t think about each other like that.

  Not until he kisses her, anyway. And then, suddenly, it seems anything is possible.


  Urgh… what I night. I blinked my eyes open, staring up at the ceiling as I tried to orient myself. It felt… late morning. I don’t know how I knew that. Sixth sense maybe.

  There’d been drinking , I remembered that much. And something else. Something about walking in the rain, and Ryan.



  I looked to my left. Hey. What was Ryan doing here?

  Alarm bells started to ring. They started far off in the distance of my mind, but as I lay there staring at my best friend in confusion, they suddenly got very loud. I sat bolt upright in bed.

  Ryan! Oh no, what I had I done?

  My heart started thudding as it all suddenly came crashing back. The events of yesterday—Edward, the billionaire I’d been dating, who had wanted me to sign a BDSM contract that was just this side short of terrifying.

  Ryan. My best friend, who had found me walking heartbroken in the rain after I’d turned Edward down.


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