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Claimed: Future Found

Page 9

by Mima

  It was suddenly easy to leave the tree, when it was him she went to. She took the veil from his hand. One day. She’d been with him one day. And everything was different. She was different.

  They walked quietly to the front door across the marble foyer. She pulled the veil on over her. Caught her breath at the smell of their sex trapped under the fabric. She looked at him through the transparent cloth. He arranged the folds so that they fell evenly down around her red toenails. Her skin bubbled with energy. She wanted to taste him again, this time leisurely, enjoying him, tormenting his length with teeth and tongue.

  “I can’t linger, can I.”

  “I’m sorry, Shay. I’ll find a way for us to be together soon.”

  “How did it go on the lattice?”

  “With the power the tree gave me through you, it was like I was looking at the bottom of a clear lake. It was all so clear, so easy. I found them. Both of them.”

  “The matches for Tavish and Cullen? Partners that will fill out a thrice binding?”


  “That’s good. The more time we have to plan the ceremony, the better.”

  “With you by my side, I’ll start to look forward to this ceremony. I’ll trust you with them, and them with you.”

  She grinned. He was generous to share his fears with her. Knowing how he felt made her feel steadier. A thrill at the thought of enacting the culmination of the symphony zinged around the crown of her head. She decided to lighten the moment, tease him.

  “Maybe we can start to practice. I can’t wait to meet your friends. I feel strongly that the partners you’ve just found will no doubt be beautiful.”

  His lips twitched. “You’ll see.”

  “I want to meet them, at least.” She laid one glitter-shrouded hand against his abdomen, a gesture mimicking the first touch she’d given him. She loved that he stood before her nude. No enticing cotton was needed for her to crave him, reach for him, now. “When will I see you again? I’d like to think about what just happened. With the tree. I’d like to talk with you about it more. I had a major revelation that will help the symphony, and I need to work out more of what Cullen summoned.”

  “You’ll hear from me tonight. Hopefully, with this power flowing through me, I’ll be able to have a plan for how to meet privately when I talk to you.”

  Shay’s lips twitched. Sand and his plans.

  “I’ll see you, Singer of my heart.”

  She grinned, happiness a chant under her heartbeat. An elite had captured her body, opened her mind, filled her Spirit, sung in her body. “I’ll enjoy that, Elite of mine. Spirit go with you.”

  “Oh, it does. It does.”

  Sand kissed her gently on the forehead, lingering long enough for her to feel his warmth, if not the softness of his lips. Shay turned away, veil rustling, with only the slightest ache in her heart. She believed. A forest was coming on a symphony that no one could stop. They were going to build a temple open to all, not a status symbol of power and wealth. People would unite in sacred promise that humans would never destroy what was left of the earth’s chi again. She was going to be there, with Sand at her side.

  About the Author

  Mima lives in western NY with her husband and her cat. Talk to her on Guild Wars as Mima Darkcrow. She’s either there, writing, or reading.

  To learn more about Mima, please visit Send an email to Mima at or join her Yahoo! Group:

  Her survival depends on the man—and the erotic sex—of her dreams.

  Blood Ties

  © 2008 Cathryn Fox

  A Claimed story.

  Dari Blake has spent her life sheltered from the world, believing she has a rare, genetic blood disorder that prevents her from aging. Her overprotective guardians are her only company, except for the mysterious man who enters her nightmares, soothing them into erotic dreams. Only he seems to have the power to help her shut out the cacophony of voices in her head.

  Alone in his English castle, Mikel Sare has one mission in life: to protect Dari, his soul mate. Unbeknownst to her, she isn’t suffering from a rare disorder, she is a rare creature herself. She, like Mikel, is a Nallie. Part human, part vampire, one of only two left in the world. Her womb, and her psychic ability, are more powerful—and more dangerous—than she could ever imagine.

  Now the alien vampires who created their kind are back, killing everyone in their path as they seek to take control of her child-bearing body. To defeat them, Mikel and Dari must join together—mind, body, blood and soul—in a ritual that will exponentially increase their power.

  Warning: This book contains explicit sex, graphic language, ménage a quatre, and a little bit of red-hot manlove. Reading this book without your partner, or a few toys nearby, may be hazardous to your health.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Blood Ties:

  He’d had sex before, of course. For the sake of sex. For physical relief only. With Dari it was different. Less physical, more emotional. She was his mate. The one and only meant for him. Unfortunately, with the threat against their lives, he could only make love to her in her dream world. And if he grew careless, prolonging their psychic connection, even that could prove dangerous.

  She pulled back, breathless, and licked the moisture from her plump, kiss-swollen lips. Her flushed face was full of desire, her eyes darkly seductive. “Come see what I found.” She gathered his hand and tugged. Mikel’s fangs receded as he fell into step beside her. She guided him across a bed of freshly cut, crisp green summer grass. The dead flowers had once again sprung to life as happy thoughts filled her mind.

  “Where are you taking me, Dari?”

  A smile pulled at her lips as she extended her hands and tilted her head back to look at him. “Right here.” Arousal edged her voice and made his cock pulse.

  He had to admit, she did have one hell of an imagination. Mikel took in the picturesque waterfall spilling over a cluster of rocks. The cool spray reached them on the grassy embankment, moistening their skin and clothes, but doing little to help ease the heat inside him.

  Her provocative pout made him harder than he’d ever been before as she toyed with the top button on her dress. “Will you join me?” she murmured seductively.

  He shot her a sidelong glance and cocked one brow. “Like you even had to ask.” He stepped closer. Her blue floral dress had changed in color, turning crimson red, indicating her mood, reflecting the passion inside her.

  He grabbed her hands and anchored them to her sides. “Allow me.” His nimble fingers worked the row of buttons lining the front. Once finished he slowly pulled it open to reveal her gorgeous breasts. He quickly discarded the flimsy piece of material that had prohibited his gaze from caressing her naked flesh. He slipped it from her shoulders and let it fall to her feet. The bright red dress spilled across the grass like blood.

  He stood back, drew a deep, steadying breath and panned the length of the sensuous woman before him. Her bottom lip caught between her teeth as she in turn appraised him. He registered every detail of her gorgeous curvy body as his gaze shifted to her breasts, to pert nipples that beckoned his mouth.

  Who was he to deny them?

  In one quick stride, he closed the short distance and removed the flower from behind her ear. He brought it to his nose and sniffed.

  “This doesn’t smell nearly as sweet as you.” Dari tilted her head back and exhaled a sexy bedroom moan as he trailed the flower over her lips, her neck and lower until he skimmed her breasts. He brushed the tulip over her nipples, scenting her ethereal, porcelain-white flesh. The enticing combination of Dari mixed with the flora became his undoing.

  Unable to deny his mouth the taste of her any longer, he lowered his head. Flicking his tongue out, he circled her pale mounds, drawing the blade of his tongue closer to the engorged peaks. Dari arched and tangled her fingers through his hair. He blew a heated breath on her wet nipples and watched them tighten in

  “Oh, Mikel.” When he closed his mouth around one extended nipple and sucked, she exhaled a shuddery breath and quivered in delight. “You always know how to touch me just right.”

  He trailed the tulip down lower, curling it around her belly button, dipping it into the hollow, tickling her oversensitive flesh. As though moving of its own accord, the flower descended, whispering across her thighs. She widened her stance in silent invitation. He growled his approval. Mikel brushed the scented petals over her pussy, caressing, arousing her clit out from its pink hood. His finger skimmed her folds. Her twin lips were damp with passion.

  She trembled as he paid homage to her other breast. Drawing her hard bud into his mouth, he bit down until she cried in pleasure and pain. His fingers replaced the flower between the juncture of her legs. It pleased him to find her so warm and wanting. He opened her labia and pressed a finger into her slick heat, pushing all the way inside her passion-drenched sheath. A shiver wracked her body. He reveled in her texture, her warmth, her heady aroma.

  “You are so hot, Dari.”

  “That’s because you don’t visit me often enough.”

  “Let me make up for that right now.” He pressed another finger inside her. Her body vibrated, her chest heaved. His own muscles clenched as he fought down the primal beast itching to make its presence. Itching to plunge into her and stake his claim.

  Dari threw her arms around his neck. Her head lolled to the side as her body opened for him, granting him access to her most private parts. “I love how you touch me.”

  Mikel’s chest puffed up knowing how excited she was, how much she enjoyed and longed for his visits and their intimate playtime. If only their unions could be more frequent. If only he could truly have her with him. Mikel pushed that painful thought aside and turned his concentration to her beautiful body.

  “Mikel,” she whispered, her aroused voice sounding suddenly impatient.

  “Yes,” he mumbled around a mouthful of breast.

  “You’re overdressed.” Small hands tugged at his shirt.

  She stepped back, taking her heat with her. His fingers slowly slipped from her soaked pussy. The pad of his thumb nudged her marbled clitoris. Her body quivered in response to the erotic withdrawal. Lids fluttering, she let out a little gasp. Moisture dampened his flesh as he felt her shiver of pleasure as though it was his own. He immediately missed her feminine heat as his hands fell to his sides. He growled, showing his displeasure.

  She smiled, a sparkle lit her dark eyes. God, how she loved to tease him. He scrubbed his hand over his chin. Her scent lingered before his nostrils.

  “I want to see you naked. There are things I want to do to you.” Her raspy voice played down his spine, prompting him into action.

  Mikel made short work of his clothes, hastily tearing away his shirt and his pants. He tossed them aside, leaving them to mingle with hers on the ground a few feet away. Lacking modesty, he stood before her, naked, eager, his cock jutting forward, aching to sink into her heated core. Her eyes swept over him. She smiled her approval.

  Lust thickened his voice as fire burned through his veins. “Now where were we?” he inquired with a raise of his brow.

  Dari turned her back to him, gifting him with a view of her perfect backside. She wiggled slightly and pointed to the waterfall. His gaze fell from the X branded on her back, a mark identical to his since they were given to all Nallie at birth, to her perfect heart-shaped ass. He groaned, knowing he’d have to have her right there, in her tight fissure, if she continued to provocatively shake it at him.

  “I think I’ll take a swim.” She ran away and jumped into the pool of water at the foot of the falls.

  A low rumble rose up from the depths of his throat. “You are such a tease. I’m going to make you pay for that.” He let out a patient sigh.

  Her laugh was raspy, sexy. “That’s what I’m counting on.” He didn’t miss the note of amusement in her voice as she splashed water at him. God, he loved it when she was happy. She disappeared under the waves, encouraging him to chase her.

  Mikel dove in after her. It didn’t take long for the frigid water to clear his lust-saturated mind and ease the heat inside him. Couldn’t she have at least made the waterfall warm?

  With long even strides, he swam after her. They both surfaced in the shallow end and moved under the waterfall. Ribbons of water pelted against their skin, stinging his flesh but arousing his senses at the same time. Her dark eyes met his. Her long thick hair clung to her pale skin, a few strands curling around her blissfully hard nipple. Mikel brushed her bangs from her forehead and dropped a hard kiss on her mouth. His fingers traced the pattern of her curves. His gaze left her face to track a stream of water as it slipped between her breasts, over her flat stomach to bury itself in her feminine mound.

  He moved his hand to the small of her back. Sexual awareness leapt between them. “I’m naked like you wanted. So what are you going to do with me?” he taunted, pushing her closer to the smooth rock wall behind the cascading stream and onto the sandy ledge. Sunlight broke through the canopy of water. The soft glow made her skin glisten.

  “Anything I want to. After all, it’s my dream.” The pleasure in her voice excited him. Grinning, she dipped her head and feathered kisses over his chest. Her thick lashes fluttered against her skin. She took such great pleasure in tormenting him, prolonging her sexual seduction. He groaned in frustration. The coldness of the water was quickly forgotten.

  Her hands snaked out. One small palm closed over his engorged cock. She stroked him once, then twice, brushing her thumb over the slit. Dipping into the liquid arousal dripping from the tip.

  She brought her thumb to her mouth and licked it. “Mmmm,” she moaned.

  He sucked in a tight breath. “Dari.” All teasing slipped from his voice.

  “Soon, Mikel,” she whispered. “After I taste more of you.”

  How to trust him…when she can’t even trust herself?


  © 2008 Bonnie Dee

  A Gifted story.

  Jordan Langley thought he could deal with his empathic “gift”—until a traumatic event drove him into seclusion. As a hermit, he can avoid a world that tears his own emotions to shreds. But now a friend needs his help to reach an autistic boy who witnessed a murder.

  Detective Lauren Sadler specializes in blocking her emotions so she can do her job. She can’t deny Jordan’s ability to reach the troubled boy, but she hadn’t counted on how his touch affects her.

  In the midst of the investigation, Jordan and Lauren break their own rules, sharing a night of passion that shatters all their barriers. Jordan is intrigued by the vulnerability and self-doubt he senses underneath Lauren’s tough exterior.

  But Lauren isn’t sure if she’s ready to yield to the power of the most intimate exchange she has ever known. Even if it’s the only way to catch a killer.

  Warning, this title contains the following: explicit sex using graphic terms. Mind sex…you’ll have to read to find out what that is.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Empath:

  Lauren got out of the car, rehearsing what she would say as she walked up the path to the front door. She stood on the stoop for several minutes gathering courage. Just as she raised her hand to ring the bell, the porch light turned on and the door opened.

  Backlit in the doorway, Jordan’s imposing height and shadowed features made him appear ominous for a moment. Then he stepped into the light and the illusion was dispelled. Once more his heavy-lidded eyes and up-tilted eyebrows reminded her of a sad hound dog. But a smile curved his mouth, creasing his cheeks and his warm brown eyes lit up at the sight of her. “You’re here.”

  “Hi. I just came to…” She trailed off, giving up the pretense she was here because of the case before she’d even spoken it.

  “Come on in.” He stepped aside so she could enter the house.

  As she passed by him, she felt his body’s heat. He was wearing a T-shirt so
old and thin she could see his muscles and the bump of each nipple pressing against the material. He had on a pair of gray sweats and below that bare feet—big like the rest of his gangly body. What would it be like to have those long arms and legs wrapped around her?

  He closed the door behind them, and for a moment they stood in his front hall facing each other, a weighted silence between them.

  “Find out anything new today?” The soft rumble of his voice made her nipples tingle and her pussy go soft as butter. The sound vibrated down her spine and through her nervous system.

  “Not much. Talked to some people.”

  The words they exchanged seemed superfluous to the sexual tension shimmering in the air.


  Another moment slipped by as their gazes remained locked, burning into one another in unspoken communication. Her heart raced. Her body yearned. The magnetic feeling grew stronger, drawing her inevitably to where she’d known she was going to end up this evening. Dropping her purse on the floor, she stepped toward him.

  Jordan met her halfway, dragging her into his arms and up against his body, hard enough that she gave a soft grunt. He leaned to cover her mouth with his. His lips were soft but the kiss firm and possessive.

  She sagged against him, melting into his embrace, giving herself over to him. It felt so good to relax and let down her guard. How strange that she was ready to do that with a near stranger when she’d been with Mark almost two years and had never let him in. She was letting Jordan into her mind simply by allowing him to touch her. Lauren knew he could feel her, because she could feel him too. His warmth wrapped around her, both inside and out. This was more than the coming together of two bodies hungry for sex.

  God, he was tall. She wasn’t a petite woman, but pressed up against the length of his body, she felt fragile. And she certainly didn’t need protection; physically she could probably kick Jordan’s ass because she was trained in martial arts and he wasn’t. Yet she felt protected and safe in the circle of his arms.


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