Resisting Perfection (The Perfection Series Book 2)
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I try to rationalize why I’m even here; standing in a damn utility closet no less. Am I really the lunatic guy that can’t let his girl talk to another guy? If it was just any guy, I may be a little more concerned. I was worried she was here with that douche, Shane. If she never talks to him again, I would be ok with that. Although I was a little shocked to see her sitting with Logan, I know I don’t have to worry about him. There was a time in our lives he wouldn’t have thought twice about taking my girl but he seems completely whipped by the one he has now.
“What now?” I ask myself as I look around at the brooms and chemicals. I shake my head and chuckle as I realize I am definitely that guy…
“I can’t thank you enough, Logan. I’m excited to get our partnership started.” I take one last drink before shaking his hand.
“I will call you in the morning and we will get the details worked out. Oh, I wanted to let you know I’ve heard some pretty nasty rumors about Shane and wanted to make sure you are careful around him.”
“Uh, thanks,” I say, a tad confused. I want to ask him what he’s heard but it’s probably best I don’t know.
“You seem like such a nice girl, I wouldn’t want you to get mixed up with the wrong people.”
Is this guy for real? He can’t be much older than me but I feel like I am talking to my father.
“Thank you for the concern. I will see you Monday morning.”
“Looking forward to it,” he says then winks before leaving the table.
I grab my purse and head toward the ladies room before leaving. I turn the corner toward the bathroom and all of a sudden, a hand covers my mouth and I’m being pulled from behind. Panic soars through me and I try to scream but I can’t. I contemplate biting their hand but I have no idea where it has been and even though that is probably what I need to do, I can’t fathom someone’s dirty hand in my mouth. So, I do what any other person does when they are kidnapped. I close my eyes and hope for a moment of weakness from my captor, so I can elbow them in the groin or something.
As I stand, being held in his arms, something seems oddly familiar about him. When he begins whispering in my ear, my body begins tingling. The last time I heard that voice, it told me our relationship meant nothing to him.
“We have to stop meeting like this, Sweet Piper.”
He pulls me against his chest and I cradle my head in the crook of his neck. Happiness and contentment flow between us and I hope my heart doesn’t hop out of my chest. His scent floats around me and all I can think about is how close he is to me. I have to savor this moment as I don’t know when or if it will happen again. I don’t want either of us to speak as that seems to be the turning point. I want to stay wrapped in his embrace with no words and no sorrow for the rest of our lives. But my dread becomes reality when he pulls us slightly apart.
“I’m so sorry, Piper,” he whispers.
That’s when the last two days slap me in the face and the beautiful moment that didn’t have to end, does.
“Fenton, why? Why is this happening?” I ask him, completely defeated. I begin backing away from him. I have to protect my heart as I feel he is about to break it again.
“Baby, please listen to me. I never meant for any of this to happen.”
“I can’t…” before I can get out another word, he pulls me to him and smashes his lips to mine.
“You…taste…magnificent…baby,” he says between breaths. I need him, I crave him and I don’t care that we are in a tiny utility closet. I want him.
We begin ripping each other’s cloths off and the skin to skin contact is completely electrifying. We’re like two hungry souls who have been starving for ages. The hunger has consumed us and gone unattended for so long it’s clouding our judgment and neither of us cares enough to think about the repercussions.
He rips my hair from its holder and it falls from the top of my head and the feeling almost makes me fall over the edge. His fingers tangle in my hair as he pulls me closer. My body begins tingling from his perfect fingers as they move to the small of my back.
“Piper…I have…missed…you…so much.” His words simultaneously sting and make my heart flutter.
“Why…are we…in a…closet?” my question goes unanswered as he buries himself deep inside of me. No matter, because I don’t even remember what I asked him.
“You feel fucking amazing, Piper. You better not be letting that douche have what’s mine!” If I weren’t in ecstasy right now, I might be offended. But I don’t want him to stop so I leave it for now.
“I won’t, baby. Don’t stop, you are amazing, Fenton!” He picks up his pace and I can’t take it anymore. Between the last two days of anguish and this beautiful man’s skill, I am screaming out with pleasure while the echo follows us all around the room.
“Fuck, Piper.”
“I know…” I say, breathlessly. He lays his head on my chest and I can’t help but feel like this was a mistake. I mean for the last two days he has basically been telling me he wants nothing to do with me.
“Huh?” he says, without lifting his head.
“Fenton?” I call his name again, reciprocating his behavior from the pond. This time he lifts his head and our eyes meet.
“Are you seriously going to make me ask the question?”
“Can we just enjoy the moment?” he asks and the question is laced with aggravation.
“Oh, excuse me. I forgot you get to make the decision of when we can and cannot be together.” His eyes harden but he doesn’t move or speak. He’s waiting for me to cower and it’s not going to happen. He finally breaks our embrace and sits me on the floor while he puts himself back together.
“Why were you with Moore?”
“I don’t think that is any of your business. And furthermore, I don’t care for the fact that you tell me more than once we can’t be together and the minute you think I am with someone else, you are here claiming your property.” I air quote the last part for emphasis. I know that is snide but he really has some nerve.
We seem to be in a staring match. I can tell he wants to say something but he knows I’m right.
“Look Piper, I know you don’t understand what is going on but for your protection, it has to be this way.”
“What way, Fent? You pulling me into random closets for a piece of ass every now and then?” I’m in disbelief when the corners of his mouth twitch. “Are you laughing, Fenton James? Because this so not…”
“Shhh!” he says as he bends down and slowly kisses me. He brings his hand to my head and massages my scalp that he practically ripped off earlier. I don’t think I have ever been brought to the edge before just from a massage but this man is capable of making my body feel all sorts of things. While he continues massaging the top of my head, he gently pulls my head back and softly kisses my neck, outlining the spot where the bruise used to be.
“Shhh! don’t talk, just feel.” His left hand makes its way down the side of my neck. My body tingles in ecstasy while his hand descends my body.
“Fenton, I can’t…”
“It’s ok, baby.” He cups my breast and takes in his mouth, while being ever so gentle.
“I can’t stand the thought of being away from you any longer, Piper, but it has to be this way for a while. Just trust me, ok?” I can’t speak while he is making my body hum. His fingers arrive at their destination and once he begins his assault, I cry out instantly as I’m still sensitive.
“Good, baby?” he asks while he is working his magic, circling and dipping his fingers. I can’t speak; I am paralyzed from his sweet touch. He dips his head and flicks his tongue in just the right spot and that’s it, I’m spent. He places his hand over my mouth as I cry out once again.
“Two, baby. That’s going to have to last you a while,” he whispers in my ear then kisses the end of my nose. I can’t move. I’m lying on the floor of a utility
closet, in the middle of a café, naked, and I literally just want to take a nap.
“What are you doing?” I ask when his hands begin moving up my legs, this time pulling on my panties.
He chuckles. “Well, from the looks of you, if I don’t dress you, you will lie here all day. As fucking beautiful as that sounds, I think we probably should get out of this closet.”
I try to stand so it’s easier to dress but he stops me.
“Just lie there, I will take care of your clothes.”
This is torture. All I want to do is make her go home with me and lock her in my room until all of this is over. I can’t handle not knowing what is going on with her. I sit back on my calves and take in the sight of her. I will never have enough of that beautiful body, those sweet lips and her pure soul. I don’t know what ever came over her to give an asshole like me a chance but I am glad she did. Then look what happened, I go and put her life in danger.
“Piper, I need you to listen to me.”
She instantly perks up and worry garnishes her face. “What is it, Fent?”
“I tried to tell you this the other night but, well, you know what happened. Anyway, I’m being framed for Gibson’s murder. I might be a bastard but I would never murder a friend. You know that, don’t you, Piper? You know I didn’t do this, don’t you?”
“If I know nothing else, Fenton, I know you couldn’t murder someone. Who is trying to frame you? And why won’t you let me help you?” She begins to shake and I bring her hands to my lips to try to calm her.
“I have an idea of who it may be but I don’t know for sure. I’m in the process of gathering information before I go to the people responsible. In fact, I was on my way to a meeting when I had to make this detour,” I admit and fail miserably at hiding my smile.
“Wait, you were on your way to a very important meeting and you had to stop what you were doing because you thought I was on a date?”
“Yes,” I say, shamefully. I hold my breath at least a minute waiting for her to decide my fate and am relieved when she begins laughing.
“Fenton, you’re crazy!” she says as she rips her clothes out of my hands and stands to dress. I know she is going to kick my ass for asking but I do it again.
“Why were you meeting with Moore?” I wince when she slings her shirt at me.
“Fenton, when you decided to leave me on that roof with Frank, you missed a lot. Because I chose to be loyal to you, he basically told me to take a hike. Then I went to find you and you were with another woman. So, you’ll understand that I am not sympathetic to your jealousy over something that is not anywhere near what you think.”
“Frank fired you? That son of a bitch!” My blood begins to boil. He didn’t have to fire her. She has nothing to do with it.
“Would you expect anything less of him?”
“Fuck! No, I wouldn’t. Listen, I’m sorry but I have to get going. Please understand the note I left you and then telling you that we can’t be together was to keep you safe. I’m so sorry for everything that happened, I never meant it to. It’s going to be fucking impossible but we are going to have to try to stay away from each other for a while. It will only be until I can get this figured out.”
“Fenton, I wish you would let me help you,” she pleads.
“No! You have to go on like you and I have nothing to do with each other. These people are nasty and will not hesitate to put a bullet in anyone who gets in their way. When I get this squared away, I promise, you will be in my bed again.”
“How about your counter?” she whispers. I know she is just joking but damn that’s harsh. Especially not knowing when I will see her again.
“Baby, it can be the counter, on the dock or in the woods. All that matters is that you stay safe. I can’t be worrying about you and trying to figure this mess out.” I pull her forehead to mine. “We will get through this. You have to trust me. Can you do that?”
“Of course, Fenton. But you also have to keep yourself safe.”
“I will do my best.”
“Your best isn’t good enough, make it happen.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Now, get off me so I can finally finish getting dressed.”
“Does that mean you want these?” I ask, dangling her panties from my finger.
“No, I don’t need them. I’m fine walking out of here without them,” she shrugs and turns to walk out of our makeshift love shack.
“I’m beginning to have a nice collection,” I say, before pulling her back to me. “I need to taste your lips one last time before you go.” I pummel those lips which are the object of my desire.
“Don’t let Moore think he can have his way with you,” I remind her before she leaves.
“What type of girl do you take me for, Fent? I don’t sleep with just anyone.”
“You slept with me,” my brow cocks in question.
“Well, don’t tell anyone but I kind of have a soft spot for guys who think they know how to drive big machines.”
“I’m sorry, think they can drive?”
“Yeah, I told you all that nonsense to pet your ego.”
“As much as I want to kiss that smartass grin off your face, I have to go. The next time we are in that dozer, I’ll show you how it’s driven and then I will bend your ass over that seat.”
“Oh, Fenton, is that a promise?”
“Yes, ma’am. Now, get that hot little ass out of here before I change my mind.” I swat her ass when she turns to leave. Need runs through my veins from the yelp that escapes in reaction. In fact, I almost forget the strings in my hands.
“I still have your panties, babe.”
“Put them with the collection.”
“Oh my God, you’re killing me.” I about lose it when she blows me a kiss before walking out the door. I have to adjust myself before walking out of here. This is a nightmare and the sooner it’s over and I can have that girl whenever I want her, the better.
My phone chirps while I’m waiting my turn to leave the closet.
“YOU NEED TO GET HERE NOW!” My heart sinks when I read the message from Camille.
“FUCK!” I hope Piper has had enough time to get to the bathroom because I have to get out of here. Slowly, I open the door and am relieved when there is no one in the café. I quickly close the door behind me and walk toward the exit. The waiter from earlier thanks me for my business but looks confused when he recognizes me. I salute him and walk out of the place before he can question me.
I wish my life could be like the last hour. I could stay locked in a room with her for the rest of my life and be perfectly happy. Being with her takes no effort. We have fun, I love that smart mouth of hers and only she has my favorite drink. All in due time, man. Get your shit together and you can be with her without restriction. I exhale deeply, wishing that time was right now.
I reach in my pocket to grab my keys and smirk when I find her panties. I don’t know why I think it’s a good idea to let her walk around with no panties. Next time one of us has that idea, I have to turn them down no matter how hard it will be. And it will most definitely be hard.
I hop in the truck and immediately call Camille. It makes me sick to think about what could be going on. She never calls me about anything. I’m usually the one that has to call her about issues. So, to receive the message that she sent, in all caps, tells me there is something wrong.
“Camille, what’s going on?” I ask when she answers. I need to know what I am walking into, so I can mentally prepare. It’s going to be pretty hard to turn my mood around after the last hour.
“FENTON, SOME PSYCHO JUST CAME IN THE BAR AND SHOT THE PLACE UP!” Well, it wasn’t as difficult as I thought.
“Are you fucking kidding me?”
“Why would I kid about that, Fent? Where the hell are you?”
“I’m on my way.”
Chapter Five
I walk out of the bathroom with a smile on my face t
hinking I could really get used to these secret closet meetings. As much as I want to be with him right now, seeing him every now and then has its advantages. He is all sweet and needy and I can pretty much make him do what I want. I chuckle at the fact that he has taken my panties again. Next time he’ll be shocked when I don’t have any on for him to steal. Then the thoughts and the uncertainty of when I will see him again set in. No, I will not feel sorry for myself. I will be anxiously counting the moments until I see him again.
Turning the corner feeling more confident, I pull my eyes from the floor just in time to see someone’s chest.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there,” I say, embarrassed.
“I’m sure your head is in the clouds after your secret rendezvous with Fent.” My heart drops when I realize it’s Frank’s voice.
“Frank, w-what are you doing here?”
“Well, I was here for a meeting but I saw the two of you go in that closet and thought I would stick around to see what happened.”
“Why? You washed your hands of both of us. Why does it matter to you what we do now?” I ask, completely disgusted.
“I thought you were a smart girl, Piper. I had high hopes for you. I never dreamed you would get caught up with him.”
“Again, why do you care?” I ask, growing tired of this conversation.
“When you left yesterday, I thought maybe I had made a mistake by letting you walk away from the company. So, I had a meeting with one of my business partners to get his opinion. We agreed if you wanted to come back, we were ok with extending the offer. Then, I watched both of you sneak in that closet. I’m usually a pretty good judge of character but I was way out in left field with you. I thought you were someone that valued life and what it represents but if you are wasting your time with Fenton that is obviously a false assessment.”