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Tiana (Starkis Family #3)

Page 7

by Cheryl Douglas

  “I was only there for a couple of weeks. We went out a few times.” At my father’s insistence, I wanted to add. “That’s hardly enough time to determine whether we’re compatible.”

  “This is very important to our families,” he said, crossing his legs as he reached for my hand. “Don’t you want to please them?”

  I cleared my throat before shifting to withdraw my hand from his. I didn’t want to encourage him. If anything, this little chat should clarify my position so he wouldn’t waste any more time expecting something that would never happen. I stared at the moon’s reflection on the lit pool, and it reminded me of being with Blake in his hot tub as he made so many of my unspoken fantasies a delicious reality. “I’ve spent too much of my life trying to make my parents happy. It’s time for me to start doing what makes me happy.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” Chris said, folding his hands over his flat stomach.

  He was wearing black dress pants and a white shirt that set off his dark hair and olive skin. Most women would have swooned at the sight of him, but I wasn’t most women. Only one man could elicit that kind of reaction from me, and he definitely wasn’t a smooth-talking Mediterranean man intent on pleasing my father.

  “So tell me, what would make you happy?” he asked.

  I considered that for a long time, impressed and rather surprised that he’d asked. “To be honest, I’m still figuring that out.”

  “But you said you enjoy working for your father, yes?”

  “There are things about the job I like.” I adjusted the skirt of my long purple sundress as I crossed my legs. “There are also things I don’t like, but I suppose that’s true of any career. Tell me, what does my father have you doing?”

  “Mergers and acquisitions. He hopes I’ll eventually be able to step into the role your brother abandoned.” Shaking his head, Chris said, “I still can’t believe Damon was handed an opportunity like that and walked away from it.”

  His choice of words and judgmental tone annoyed me. He didn’t even know my brother or the reason behind his choices.

  “Damon is brilliant: Mensa, Phi Beta Kappa,” I said. “He’d be successful no matter what he chose to do. He opted to blaze his own trail, and I’m proud of him.”

  Chris smirked. “I take it you and he are close.”


  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you by questioning his choices.”

  “People assume just because we grew up a certain way that we’re obligated to follow the path that was laid out for us. Both of my brothers thought differently.”

  “But you’ve decided to be the dutiful daughter, hmmm?”

  Now he was really pissing me off, implying that I didn’t have a mind of my own. “Not necessarily. My father wants me to marry you, and I have no intention of agreeing to that.” I watched with satisfaction as his mouth opened and closed, revealing his shock at my bluntness. Being rude wasn’t in my nature, but he’d had it coming.

  “I’m sorry if I…” He waved as though he was searching for a word. “Rubbed you the wrong way. That was never my intent.”

  He seemed more interested in pleasing my father than in pleasing me, which didn’t surprise me. My father was the one with the deep pockets, whereas I was only wealthy by association, providing I remained the dutiful daughter. If I chose to set out on my own, I had no doubt my father would punish me. Especially if he found out about Blake. That alone would cost me everything: my job, trust fund, car, home… everything.

  Money wasn’t that important to me. I could learn to live without many things, but there weren’t a lot of employment opportunities for a former dancer with an art history degree, and I’d grown partial to having a roof over my head and clothes on my back.

  “I just don’t want you to confuse my father’s wishes with mine,” I said, trying to put myself in his position. He’d just moved to a foreign country to marry his new boss’s daughter, only to be informed after arriving that that wasn’t going to happen. “He may want me to marry you, but I’m not ready to marry anyone right now.”

  “I understand,” he said, shaking his head. “You need more time. There is no rush. We can plan to marry next year, if that would suit you better?”

  I didn’t know if he was being purposely obtuse or if he was really that clueless. “I don’t want to get married. Period.”

  He smiled as though my intent had been to amuse him. “Surely you plan to marry someday?”

  “Of course, to a man I love and want to spend the rest of my life with, not someone my father chooses for me.” I held up my hand when he tried to interrupt me. “I’m sorry I allowed this to go as far as it has, Chris. I should have told you how I felt when we met in Greece last year, or I should have told my father how I felt before he brought you over here. It wasn’t fair to allow you to come all this way under false pretenses.” I reached for his hand to soften the blow. “I’m sure my father would understand if you don’t want to stay on here now that you know we don’t have a future.”

  He smiled before bringing my hand to his lips. “I don’t give up that easily.”

  “But I just told you—”

  “I know what you told me.” He set my hand down and gave it a final squeeze before releasing it. “But your father also told me you might make this hard for me. I have no problem with a woman who plays hard to get. You are worth fighting for, beautiful.”

  I cringed when he called me that. It reminded me of Blake and how angry he would be if I told him Chris planned to be a thorn in my side for the foreseeable future. “You don’t understand. I’m not going to change my mind about this. I don’t want to marry you.”

  “There is another man?”

  I couldn’t tell him about Blake. He would run straight to my father with the news that I was seeing someone. “No, I just—”

  “You’re not a very good liar.”

  I wanted to walk away, to tell him that he had no choice but to accept my decision. But with my father involved, it wouldn’t be that easy. “My personal life is my business. Since we’ll evidently have to work together, I’d like for us to have an amicable relationship, but that can’t happen unless you learn to accept my boundaries.”

  “As you wish,” he said, winking.

  I watched him walk away, knowing full well this was bound to be the beginning of a long and arduous battle that hopefully would end with my emancipation.

  Chapter Six


  As Tiana curled up in my arms, pretending to focus on Dancing with the Stars, I could tell her mind was somewhere else. I’d asked about her evening, but she’d been reluctant to share, giving me the distinct impression that her father and his patsy had been relentless. I would have happily set them both straight, but that would only drive a wedge between Tiana and me. That was the last thing I wanted now that we were getting closer.

  Tiana giggled when Rosie jumped up on the couch and planted her chin on Tiana’s thigh. God, I had it bad when the sound of a woman’s laughter made me happy.

  She patted Rosie’s head. “You’re such a good dog. I can see why Mia loves you so much.”

  I had to admit the little mutt was pretty well-behaved, but I couldn’t believe Deacon let her walk around wearing pink bows and a rhinestone collar. Had he no shame? Of course, his new bride’s happiness was paramount in his mind. Hell, if Mia wanted to put pink bows in Deacon’s hair, he would probably let her. I laughed at the image of my best friend kowtowing to his beautiful pregnant wife.

  “What’s so funny?” Tiana asked, tipping her head back to look at me.

  “Just thinking about how whipped your brother is.”

  “Which one?” she asked, smiling.

  “Good point.” I chuckled. “They both are.”

  “I guess love does that to a guy, huh?”

  “I wouldn’t know.” I was lying for her benefit. She wasn’t ready to hear the truth that I’d been in love with her for a long time.

  She twiste
d to face me. “I know what you said earlier, but honestly, you’ve never been in love?”

  “Okay, there was this girl I thought I was in love with when I was in the first grade. I even used all of my birthday money to buy her a ring, but her mother made her give it back.”

  Tiana laughed, slapping my thigh. “You’re lying!”

  “No, I’m not.” I tried to keep a straight face before kissing her. “I wanted to marry that girl.” I knew it was important to keep our conversation light and fun. I had a feeling she’d already been subjected to enough heavy conversation for one night, and I wanted to give her a reprieve.

  “Did she want to marry you too?” Tiana grabbed a fistful of my T-shirt and pulled me in for another kiss.

  “What do you think?” I asked, rolling my eyes. “Given how irresistible I am now, can you imagine what I was like at six?” She tried pinching my stomach before I pushed her hand away. “You won’t find an ounce of fat there, honey.”

  “Believe me, I know.” She wiggled her eyebrows playfully before sighing contentedly and curling into my arms. “Thanks, Blake.”

  I kissed her temple. I could stay like this forever. “For what?”

  “For making me laugh.” She stroked my chest as her eyelashes tickled my chin. “I suppose you already guessed tonight didn’t go well.”

  “You want to talk about it?” I was dying to hear what had happened, but I didn’t want to pressure her.

  “I thought Chris would be reasonable when I told him I wasn’t interested in marrying him.”

  I was relieved that she’d at least made her feelings known. “But he wasn’t?”

  “He said he doesn’t plan on giving up without a fight.”

  I clenched my jaw and tightened my arms around her. “If it’s a fight he wants, I’m more than happy to oblige.”

  She looked up at me, concern etched on her face. “Please, let me handle him. I don’t want this thing to escalate.”

  “Baby,” I said, stroking her face, “what we shared last night was magic. I’ve been waiting for this, waiting for you, for a hell of a long time, and I don’t plan on letting anyone get in our way. Not your father or his puppet.”

  She curled one hand around my neck while slipping the other up the front of my T-shirt. “Believe me, I can’t get it out of my head either.”

  I’d wanted to tear her dress off as soon as she walked in the door, but I didn’t want her to think that was the only reason I’d invited her over. “Promise me you’re gonna stay strong, sweetheart.” My lips hovered above hers. “Your old man won’t make this easy, but I want a chance with you, Ti. A chance to figure out where this could go.” I absently rubbed her ring finger. If I had my way, it wouldn’t be bare for much longer.

  “I want that too.” Her eyes watered when she said, “I don’t know if he’ll ever forgive me for being with you though.”

  I hated making her choose between her parents and me, but Demi and I would never be able to find common ground, not even for her sake. The wounds were too deep. We’d already said too many hateful things to each other, things neither of us could or wanted to take back.

  I thrust my hands into her hair as I wrestled with my self-loathing. “I know I’m being selfish. I have no right to ask you to choose me, given what it could cost you, but…” I had to tell her now, whether she wanted to hear it or not. “Here’s the thing, Ti—I’m in love with you. I think I have been since the night you seduced me.” I smiled, hoping she would do the same. “Does that sound crazy to you?”

  “No.” A tear slipped down her cheek as she shook her head. “It’s not crazy at all. In fact, I…”

  I held my breath, waiting, praying…

  “I love you too, Blake.”

  In that moment, I knew complete and total contentment. I finally felt as if I belonged to someone and they belonged to me. I hadn’t felt that way since my mother died, and I’d almost given up hope of ever feeling that way again. Tiana made me think of love and family and forever. That was what I wanted with her. Forever.

  “But I don’t know where we go from here,” she said. “You know Deacon doesn’t approve of us either, and I’d hate to cause a rift between you two. You’ve been so close for so long.”

  “Let me worry about your brother,” I said, pulling her into my lap until she was straddling me. “I’ll make him understand that what we have is the real deal. Trust me, he’ll give us his blessing. He’s nothing like Demi.”

  “I know.” Tiana sighed. “He’ll question your… our… sexual practices though.” She blushed so hard her ears turned red. “He’ll want to know if we… if you’re making me do things.” She dropped her face into her hands. “I’ll die of embarrassment if he asks me whether I let you tie me up or spank me.”

  I pulled her hands away from her face before holding her close. “I’ll kill him if he asks you anything that embarrasses you. It’s none of his goddamn business what we do behind closed doors.”

  “Um, Blake, about that…”

  I could tell she was anxious by the way her nails were digging into my shoulders. “Just say it, sweetheart. Whatever it is, you need to put it out there so we can talk about it.” My mother had always told me that communication was the foundation of any good relationship, and I wanted to have that with Tiana. I wanted to be her best friend, the one person she could say anything to without fear of recrimination.

  “I’m not into those things.” She wrinkled her nose. “I mean, I’m not even curious about that lifestyle. I don’t want you to think I’m a prude—I loved the way it was between us last night—but…”

  “But what, baby?” I asked, framing her face with my hands.

  “I’m worried that won’t be enough for you. I know you’re used to partners who are a lot more experienced and adventurous, and the truth is, I haven’t experimented much at all.” By now her cheeks were so flushed, she looked as if she had a serious sunburn. “In fact, you’re the only guy who’s ever gone down on me,” she whispered before burying her face in my neck.

  I chuckled while wrapping my arms around her waist. “Honey, if I didn’t already feel like the luckiest son of a bitch alive, you just sealed the deal. I love…” I tugged on her hair to coax her head back so I could see her face, and whispered, “I seriously love knowing that I’m the only guy who’s ever been able to experience that with you.”

  “That’s not all.” She sat up and took a deep breath as though it took all of her courage just to look me in the eye. “God, this is so embarrassing.”

  I gripped her chin between my thumb and forefinger. “Hey, you can tell me anything. Just remember that.”

  “Okay.” She bit her bottom lip before blurting, “I’ve never pleasured a man like that before. I wanted to our first night together, but—”

  “I remember.” I hadn’t let her because I was afraid I’d lose it even before I had the pleasure of sinking inside her.

  “God, you must think I’m way out of my league with you. I am.” She pushed her long dark hair off her face. “I know I am. I don’t think I can please you the way your other lovers have.” She got off my lap, prompting Rosie to jump down too. “Maybe this was a bad idea. It was.” She reached for her purse on the chair. “This can never work. I can’t be what you need.”

  I grabbed her wrist as my panic started to feel like a full-on assault. “What the hell are you talkin’ about, girl? You’re all I’ll ever need. Don’t even question that.”

  She looked so torn, as if she wanted to believe me but was afraid to. “You say that now, but what about a year from now when you’re tired of vanilla sex?”

  I couldn’t help but smile at her use of that term. “Honey, it’ll never be vanilla with you, trust me on that.” I kissed her hands before holding them, and looked at her. “Tiana, I felt more alive making love to you last night than I ever have with any other woman. I swear to you, baby. You gotta believe me.” If she didn’t believe me, I didn’t know what I’d do. I couldn’t stand the tho
ught of losing her.

  She sat on the ottoman in front of the sofa so we were at eye level. “Blake, please try to understand. I do want this, but I’m scared of what will happen if it doesn’t work out. For me, there’s no going back. I’d have to give up a lot to be with you.”

  “I know that, but I’m willing to give a lot in return.” Desperate to convince her, I said, “I’m willing to give you everything. Everything I have.” I hope she realized what I was saying—that I wanted to marry her without a prenup. If it was security she wanted, I could give it to her. Even if my army of lawyers stroked out when I told them my plans.

  “This isn’t about money,” she said, tears gliding down her cheeks in a steady stream. “It’s never been about money for me. This is about family. That’s one of the few things that really matters to me. I know some people think my father is a monster, but he’s still my father.”

  I lowered my head, wondering whether I was fighting a losing battle. “I know.”

  “He’s not getting any younger, and if I sever our relationship now, I’ll have to live with that regret if something happens to him and we never get to make amends.”

  I knew how it felt to lose someone. Even though I’d spent a lot of time with my mother before she passed, there were still a lot of things I wish I could have said to her. I could only imagine how painful it would be for Tiana to be estranged from her father, especially given how close they’d been all of her life.

  “I understand where you’re going from, sweetheart. I do. But when I found out this Chris dude was coming to town, it got real for me. I realized this could be my last chance to prove to you that we could be great together.” When she still seemed hesitant, I raised her chin with my fingertip. “You can’t deny we were pretty great together last night.”

  “You don’t understand,” she said, dropping her head. “This isn’t just about sex. It’s my life, my future, we’re talking about.”

  Rosie yipped when I grasped Tiana’s shoulders, as though she could sense the tension between us and was concerned.


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