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The Boyfriend Diaries: A Romance Box Set Collection

Page 5

by S. E. Law

  Is there a double-innuendo to that statement? But I merely smile and follow her into the store. I see quite a few tattoo tables, and the walls are lined with tattoo machines, piercing needles, and drawers filled with ink. When we get to the back, Dane’s massive form appears, sculpted and bronzed as usual. The breath evaporates in my lungs and I swear my heart stops beating. Of course, he looks completely at ease.

  “Nice to see you, Zoe. All set for your consultation?”

  I nod dumbly.

  “Yes,” I croak. “Hi Dane.”

  Kate smiles and turns to go.

  “You two holler if you need anything,” she sings while making her way back to her desk.

  “Thanks Kate. Come with me Zoe. I’ve got a room reserved in the back so we can have some privacy for your first consultation.”

  We walk to the back of the store, where there’s a hallway leading to several closed doors. He opens the last door on the left and steps aside to let me in. This is some sort of office, and it looks pretty average, to be honest. There’s a computer on a desk, as well as two metal filing cabinets, two chairs and a rug. Nothing abnormal.

  I walk about halfway into the office and then turn around to face Dane. He’s godawful gorgeous, those blue eyes flashing, and as he turns to face me, I hear the unmistakable click of the lock on the door. Then, he smiles impishly and turns the deadbolt too, locking us into the small room together.

  I feel my mouth turn dry and I can’t help but nervously bite my lower lip.

  “Um, is there a reason why you just locked us in here?”

  He grins and walks forward a step before pulling something out from behind his back.

  “I figured you’d want privacy, seeing that we’re about to discuss this.”

  It’s my journal! I gasp and immediately try to snatch it from his hands, but Dane’s too fast for me.

  “Nuh-uh!” he says in a teasing voice as he holds it up over his head out of reach. “Not so fast.”

  “Dane, give that back,” I say, my trembling voice giving away my sudden loss of confidence. “That belongs to me.”

  He holds the diary above his head, still smiling arrogantly. His eyes are an intense blue, and I get the feeling he enjoys this. He’s like a cat, playing with a helpless mouse, and unfortunately, that mouse is me. Then he speaks, his voice low and rough.

  “We need to talk about these naughty fantasies of yours, Miss Canning. I had no idea. This was a surprise, to say the least.”

  Oh my god, I’m going to die. Clearly, he’s seen my sketches and my cheeks flare as my nipples tighten. But I feign ignorance.

  “I do not know what you are talking about. If you are referring to something you saw in my diary… well then you must have simply misunderstood whatever it is that you saw,” I say, trying my best to play dumb. I’m certain it’s too late for this move, but it seems the only the move I have at this point.

  That merely makes Dane grin even more.

  “Nope. I’m not buying that,” he says, utterly calm, although there’s a dark flush on those high cheekbones now. I should have known he was not about to let me off that easily. Who would, after seeing sketches like that? I’m so embarrassed, but so aroused too. Dane is dominant and assertive, and it turns me on. My breath is coming hot in my chest, and my breasts rise and fall from excitement.

  His gaze trails appreciatively over my large bosom, eyeing my hardened nipples. But he doesn’t say anything. Instead, he brings the book back down to chest level, and I don’t even bother trying to snatch it from him anymore. Oh crap. I’m in for it now.

  With lazy fingers, Dane begins flipping through the pages. When he finally stops on the one he’s searching for, a telling grin grows involuntarily on his face. Oh no, oh no, it’s coming. Sure enough, he turns the diary around so I can see, but I already know what page it is.

  I look anyway, and see a sexy, naked man pleasuring himself. He looks at me, eyebrows raised.

  “What is this?” he asks. “Is this me? In a compromising situation?”

  “I, well, you see,” I stammer. My tongue is all twisted up.

  Damnit Zoe, get it together!

  “I mean it’s … ,” I begin like a dunce again.

  But before I can continue, Dane flips the page and shows me another sketch of him, but this time instead of stroking himself, he’s in the middle of a climax. There’s a large jet of liquid spurting from the tip of that enormous cock, and his face is contorted in an expression of both hunger and satisfaction as he looks at the reader.

  “And this one?” he asks again, that black eyebrow still raised. “Care to explain this one, Zoe?”

  My mouth opens, but this time, no sounds come out. I can’t force any air through my vocal cords, and I probably look like a fish gasping for oxygen. But Dane merely chuckles at my discomfort and closes the book.

  “I thought so,” he says in a low voice. “You’ve made me very, very happy, Zoe.”

  What? But before I can say anything, to my amazement, Dane puts a hand on the back of my neck, hauling me towards him, and then kisses me.

  This kiss is no meek first kiss. This kiss is rough. And it’s hot. He bites onto my bottom lip and opens his eyes to pierce into mine. He lets out a quiet groan and then releases his teeth before nuzzling my throat hungrily.

  “I had no idea you were so dirty, Zoey,” he rasps. “So fucking dirty and so fucking sexy,” he continues, reaching up to pinch my hardened nipples. I can’t help it. I lean my head back and moan as hot flashes of electricity dart straight from my breasts to my cunt. He chuckles low in his throat.

  “That’s my girl because you’re not getting off easy, Zoe. We’re going to discuss these images, sooner or later. But for now, talk can wait.”

  And with that, his mouth descends on mine once more, dark and dominating. I melt into his huge frame because this is what I’ve wanted for so long: Dane Reston, claiming what’s his. Dane Reston, showing me how to be a woman. Dane Reston, my dream come true, and now the fantasy only gets better.



  With those words, he takes me by the back of the neck again, wrapping his other arm firmly around my lower back. He kisses me passionately while slowly walking me backwards, step by step, until he has me pressed up against the wall of the office. There’s a small window to my right. He stops kissing me momentarily to snap the blinds closed, his body never releasing its pressure from mine.

  We begin kissing again and I moan desperately into his mouth. Chuckling low in his chest, he rasps, “You like it don’t you?” before pressing a ravenous kiss to my throat. I sigh, and begin to slide my hand up the back of his shirt, feeling rock-hard muscle and warm skin. But then Dane moves. He abruptly pulls his lips from mine and before I know it, he has my hand out from under his shirt. Both of my wrists are cupped in one large fist, and he presses my hands firmly into the wall above my head. I stare at him, dumbfounded yet so needy.

  “I am going to give you your fantasy, baby girl,” he rasps, eyes glinting. “But you’re going to do exactly as you’re told. Do you hear?”

  “Yes. I’ll do anything you want me to,” I breathe. A ruthless grin crosses his face.

  “Then don’t move,” he commands while releasing my hands from above my head. My wrists drop to my sides, but he doesn’t comment on that. Instead, Dane steps just out of reach and begins to undress himself until he’s standing stark naked before me, his clothes in a pile on the floor next to him. I am in awe at his perfect body and deep confidence. His broad chest gleams in the low light, and sure enough, that enormous cock hangs almost to his knee. My mouth waters and I stare unabashedly. But then Dane speaks.

  “Take off your clothes,” he rasps. I shake myself to alertness. I can’t tear my eyes away because Dane’s already erect, and I see my drawing was spot on. The ruddy tip glistens a bit with moisture, and there’s a vein that I didn’t capture, but I’ll get it the next time I draw him.

  Slowly, I slip off my clothes with tremb
ling fingers and drop them on the floor beside me. I stand completely nude before Dane, breasts trembling, waiting to see what comes next.

  He looks me up and down and then lets out a long, erotic breath. He comes to me once more and kisses me softly. The kiss is passionate, but he’s careful to not let his body touch mine this time.

  “Stay,” he commands again. Then, he walks over to the middle of the floor and gets down onto the carpet. He lays on one elbow, mimicking the pose from my diary. He has his head propped up in his hand, one knee bent, and the other leg outstretched. His other hand is on his dick, and he’s beginning to stroke himself. He’s looking right at me, melting me with his penetrating blue eyes.

  “Is this what you want, Zoe?” he rasps. “Me, touching myself? Is this what you dream of at night?”

  I mewl, unable to form words. My eyes fly to his hand, which is moving with increasing urgency up and down that pulsing shaft. Before my eyes, he gets harder and bigger, his cock lengthening. A pearl of come grows at the tip and slides down the side, making me lick my lips hungrily. I want nothing more than to taste it, and I move forward, but Dane stops all movement and looks at me sharply. I tremble in place, afraid to budge.

  “Stay,” he commands in a strict tone. I lean back against the wall, knees bent and slightly quivering. He starts again and I feel my own breath quicken as he falls back into his erotic euphoria. His gaze on me softens. He takes one last look at me struggling to keep myself against the wall, physically trembling with lust and desire, and then drops his head back.

  It’s the sound of his moan that really does it to me. He begins to let out deep groans of satisfaction, pulled from somewhere in his core. I’ve never heard anything that resonated as deeply in my soul as this sound does. I’ve never wanted someone so badly and I can’t take it anymore.

  I fight the urge to move off the wall, seeing as I agreed to do as told in exchange for having my fantasy come true. Instead, I succumb to the next best thing. I slip my hand between my own legs, allowing my two fingers to engage my clit.

  I’m rubbing up and down over my clitoris and can feel myself quickly becoming wetter and wetter. I let my fingers dive deep, finding the place inside of me that is yearning to be touched. I can’t help but let out a cry of pleasure. This gets Dane’s attention.

  He lifts his head and upon opening his eyes, finds me pleasuring myself to the show he’s putting on before me. His jaw drops and suddenly the tables are turned. There is a clear and sudden shift in his demeanor. I see him stand and move toward me, but I don’t stop. I can’t because it simply feels too good. I’m in a small, private space with this compelling man and I need him so badly.

  But Dane’s not playing around anymore. He advances and rips my hands away and shoves his fingers in their place before letting out a low growl.

  “Fuck, you’re so tight and warm.”

  While working his fingers inside of me, he slides his free arm under my butt and scoops me up off the ground. I wrap my legs around his waist, and he walks us over to the desk before gently lying me on the surface.

  Then, Dane leans over the edge of the desk and begins to suck on my breasts, fiercely working my nipples with his tongue. He takes my hand and tightly wraps it around his cock, encouraging me to participate in my fantasy now. Just feeling him in my hand sends an electric shock through my body, and I can barely curl my fingers all the way around the base. He’s so thick, and it arouses me. I feel my vagina squeeze on his fingers, and as I do, his forehead drops to my chest and he lets out a wild moan.

  Dane looks up at me, a fierce and dominating glow in his eyes. He is dripping sweat and the muscles of his chest flex. This look from him is enough to throw me over the top. It’s now my turn to drop my head back in pleasure. My back arches, pressing my erect breasts into the air, and I cry out loudly as he covers my mouth with a kiss to swallow my cries.

  Meanwhile, I begin to speed up my pace jacking him off.

  “That’s so fucking good Zoe,” he groans, breathing hard. His cock grows in size in my fist, and as I tighten my grip, he shoves his fingers even deeper inside of me and holds them there, literally lifting my ass off the desk with the deep penetration.

  I cry out again, and he takes his hand out from inside of me, stopping to smack my clit before pinching it tight. I let out a startled scream, but he doesn’t relent. Instead, Dane merely looks deep into my eyes while giving it another pleasurable squeeze.

  “Do you want me to fuck you, Zoe?”

  “Yes,” I mewl, writhing against his delicious touch. I lose control for a moment, and hot wetness gushes out his palm, which makes him growl with pleasure.

  “Then say it,” he commands.

  My eyes fly open even as my pussy convulses a bit.

  “Please,” I breathe.

  “Say it,” he says again through gritted teeth.

  “Please fuck me Dane!” I scream. “Please fuck me with that huge dick!”

  “That a girl,” he growls before wrapping his hands firmly around my ankles, and flipping me over onto my stomach. The movement is so sudden that I yelp. Then he presses my back down and moans at the sight.

  “Shit, you’re so ready for me,” he breathes. “So fucking wet and pink.”

  Finally, the man plunges himself inside me. He circles himself slowly, finding every crease and crevice in my pussy and marking it as his. He then slowly pulls back until just the tip of his penis is left inside of me. He grabs at my hip tightly and then begins thrusting, fast and hard. The sound of his thighs clapping against my bare bottom surrounds us. The pungent scent of my nectar fills the room, coating us both in wetness.

  I cry out, bringing my hands up to brace them on the desk. I press even further back into his body to ensure he is getting as deep inside of me as he can, and he uses his newly free hand to wrap around my waist and very slowly finds his way to my clit.

  Dane brings his lips to the bottom of my back and sensually kisses me. He traces his tongue from the base of my spine to the top of my neck, easing himself further and further inside me as he does, rubbing on my clit faster and faster.

  I’m crying out uncontrollably at this point. My body is charged and I’m exploding with energy as wildness overtakes me. I scream, clamping down on the hardness buried inside as my pussy begins to convulse violently.

  But Dane knows how to work this. Mid-pulse, he pulls out and quickly flips me over. Then, he pushes himself inside me once more, grabbing tightly at the base of my throat as he does. He kisses me and then moans heavily in my mouth. A tear of pleasure trickles down my cheek as I come even harder, welcoming his thick masculinity.

  Meanwhile, I feel his whole body tighten on top of me and those blue eyes almost glow as they look into mine.

  “Zoe,” he gasps. “Fuck!”

  He grabs me so tight that if I did not feel so good already it would hurt, and I feel him explode inside. Hot lashes of fluid pump into my sweetest spot and I moan and wail, my spasms drawing them even deeper into my womanhood.

  Dane then collapses on me, his breath heavy and hot on my neck. He runs his hand through my hair and then lifts his chin just high enough to be able to kiss me. We lie for a few minutes in silent bliss, our sweaty bodies stuck together.

  After a few minutes have passed, he breaks the silence.

  “Did I fulfill your fantasy?” comes his low voice.

  I let out a half-laugh.

  “More than you could ever know,” I whisper. He kisses my neck and then pulls out of me slowly, both of us watching as a huge gush of seed rushes out of my pussy and splats on the floor.

  “Oh my god!” I cry out.

  Dane chuckles.

  “It’s okay sweetheart. I’m going to be doing a lot more of that with you, so get used to it. Do you have any other drawings of me, by the way? I’m more than happy to fulfill your naughty fantasies.”

  I’m just about to speak when we’re interrupted by a knock on the door.

  “Yeah?” Dane calls out. Of c
ourse, his voice is completely normal, strong and confident. Meanwhile, I’m still gasping and panting, shocked by this delicious turn of events.

  “Your three o’clock appointment is here,” Kate sings from outside. I can hear the mirth in her voice. She surely knows what is going on here.

  “Okay, we’re just finishing up our consultation. Let them know I’ll be with them in a few minutes,” Dane replies.

  “Sure thing, boss. Take your time.”

  Dane smiles at me, reaching for his clothes.

  “Sorry, sweetheart. I guess I’m still technically working.” We both laugh at this.

  “It’s okay,” I assure him. Then, I reach for my clothes as well, and begin slithering into them. “I, for one, feel this appointment has been very productive.”

  He shoots me a grin.

  “I would have to say I agree,” he responds. We both laugh, and finish getting dressed. He pats me on the rump while opening the door, and I step outside into the light. Oh my god, can people tell what we were doing? I blink a few times, as if coming out of a cave.

  But everything seems normal. There are a few tattoo artists working on customers, and no one even really looks up when we make our way through the store. It’s difficult to believe that no one notices the change because I feel like I’m floating on clouds.

  Meanwhile, Dane walks me out to the lobby and then grins crookedly at me once more.

  “Give me a call sometime,” he says. “It was good seeing you, Zoe.”

  I smile and give him a little nod and then let myself out. I force myself to hold it all in until I get safely into my car. I start the engine and lock the doors and then let it all out with a shrill scream.

  “Ahhhh!” I shriek, gripping the steering wheel with white knuckles. I wish I had someone I could share this experience with, but Patty’s out of the question. How would I tell her that her brother and I just had dirty, filthy sex in his office? She would be grossed out, not to mention utterly horrified.

  But at this moment, I don’t care. I drive home blissfully, eager to get to the safety of my room where I can re-live and revel in every moment of my secret tryst with Dane Reston. Maybe I’ll even draw him in a few different positions because he said he’d make my fantasies come true, right? And I know exactly how to show him what I want.


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