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The Boyfriend Diaries: A Romance Box Set Collection

Page 7

by S. E. Law

  “We’re calling the cops,” my mom finally says in a grim tone. “This needs to be reported.”

  “What?!?! No, this is not an emergency!” I scream.

  But my dad’s already on the line.

  “Officer? Yes, I have a crime to report. Should I come to the station or shall we handle this over the phone?” I hear my dad say into his iPhone.

  “N00000!” I scream so intensely that it actually hurts the back of my throat. I am crying so heavily now that the tears have formed a cloudy haze over my vision. I seem to be wandering drunkenly in some kind of nightmarish situation.

  “Zoe knock it off!” my dad barks from the other side of the room, clearly lacking any empathy, mercy, love, or understanding.

  I swivel and look at my mom. She turns away, refusing to meet my eyes. There’s nothing here. They simply do not care.

  I will never forgive my parents for this.

  In a moment, I make up my mind. I choose Dane. I grab my bag and run full speed to the front door. At least my parents don’t know where Dane lives, I hope.

  “Get back here this instant! We are not done!” my mom screams in back of me.

  I turn back for an instant, seeing my parents for who they really are. June and Conrad are no mild-mannered, friendly Midwestern couple. They’re evil, and determined to upend my life. But for what? Because I’m seeing a man who’s seven years older than me? Yes, maybe there were dirty drawings of Dane in my sketchbook, but that’s not a crime.

  Suddenly, I glimpse the journal sitting on the counter, where my dad put it. Like a madman, I streak into the kitchen once more and seize it, before bolting out the front door for good. Cocoa barks up a storm as the door slams, but I don’t stop. I rush into my car and drive like a madwoman, still incapable of steadying my breath or the tremor of my hands.

  I get to Dane’s apartment complex and park around back so that my car isn’t visible from the street. Then, crying a bit, I run to his unit, clutching the journal to my chest.

  He must have seen me coming because the door opens and I hurl into his arms, sobbing his name.

  “Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” he asks, stroking my hair and pulling me close. I turn to him, and see worry, empathy, care, and wonder in those blue eyes; all the emotions my parents were lacking back at the house.

  I fall into his arms and begin to sob again.



  Today was a slow day. There were practically no walk-ins, and I had no appointments, so I came home early to relax. I’d just hopped out of the shower and cracked a beer open when I heard a car screeching into the apartment complex’s parking lot.

  I got up to peer out the window, and sure enough, Zoe was hurtling like a lightning bolt towards my door. I opened the door only to have her drop sobbing into my arms. My heart breaks. I don’t know if I am going to have to mend a new wound, or if I am going to have to go out into the world and break who or what has set her into this state of distress.

  But I do know that I have never given this much of a fuck about any girl I’ve ever dated. How dare they hurt her? What the fuck?

  My normal reaction to hearing a girl cry is to pretend I don’t know. But now, I need to fix this for Zoe. The instinct to protect her from the world is so intense that it would seem that it is the sole purpose of my life here on this Earth, and it’s her eyes that really get me. I’ve never seen such devastation and fright in her gaze before, or anyone else’s for that matter. Through the thick haze of tears, I feel as if I can see deep into her soul, all the way to the place where emotions are violently rattling the very essence of her being.

  I am rendered frozen; I don’t know what to say or what to do, other than to stroke her curls and murmur soothing words. All I know is that I hate seeing her like this and I want to make it better.

  To my relief, Zoe seems to know what she needs: me.

  I bring her to the couch, where she clings to me even harder, still sobbing. Finally, I manage to get through her wails.

  “Zoe, what’s wrong, sweetheart? Tell me.”

  She breaks into a stream of words so fast that I can barely understand.

  “They found it Dane, they found it and they read it and they’re going to use it to break us up and it’s going to ruin your life, don’t you know? I’m so sorry!”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa, honey. Slow down. I know you’re very upset, but you have to calmly talk me through this, okay? Who found what?”

  She lets out a long, shuddering breath.

  “My parents. They found my diary. And they saw the pictures I drew of you. You know, the X-rated ones. They even read my journal entries. They know we’re dating, and that we have been having sex. They think that you’re some kind of manipulative older man who’s brainwashed me into illicit sex. They think you are taking advantage of me and using my body, and that I don’t know better!”

  Her whole body is shaking by the time she forces the explanation out. I pull her closer to me, relieved that this is what she is worked up about. I thought for sure somebody had hurt her or that someone she loves had passed on. Thank god the only one in trouble here is me.

  “Well Zoe, it’s not great, I agree with that. This isn’t the ideal way for your parents to find out about us, and it definitely makes for an uncomfortable situation because who really wants to know that their daughter is having sex? But you are legal, sweetheart. And in no way did I corrupt you or take advantage of you.”

  Her eyes tear again.

  “I know that. You know that. But Conrad and June? They just want to believe the worst of you.”

  I nod.

  “I get it, but it’s not the end of the world, babe. Again, it’s not the ideal situation, but we can fix it. It might feel terrible right now, but it’s really not that bad. I promise you.”

  Her eyes grow wide with disbelief at my words.

  “No Dane, you don’t understand!” My girlfriend’s looking at me with what I can only identify as unabated horror. “My dad called the cops! I heard him on the phone. He reported you for god knows what, and you’re going to go to jail, and the rest of your life is going to be ruined. And it is all my fault!” she wails. I take her hand as she continues.

  “Oh Dane, I am so sorry. I tried to stop them, I swear I did. I told them that none of this is your fault and that you’re not taking advantage of me because I love you, and that I’ve loved you for so long, and felt cared for and respected through every step of our relationship. But they wouldn’t listen to me, and oh god, this is all my fault,” she cries, tears pouring down her cheeks.

  I feel bad smiling because I know how worked up Zoe can get sometimes, but I just can’t help it. Her purity and innocence have never shown brighter than in this moment. Add to that the fact that she just slipped up and said she loves me, and I’m a man in seventh heaven right now.

  “Shh, Zoe it’s okay,” I whisper, gently lifting her chin so that her eyes meet mine. “You have nothing to worry about.” I kiss her forehead and pull her head onto my chest. I can’t help but let out a soft chuckle.

  “How can you laugh at a time like this?” she cries, confused and, I honestly think, a bit frustrated with how lightly I am taking all of this. She drops her head in anguish and literally begins pounding my chest, although of course, her small fists don’t hurt me at all.

  I tenderly take both of her shoulders in my hands and look deep into her eyes, trying to tell her without words that I do care and that I am in fact being serious about this situation. I probably shouldn’t have laughed, but to be honest, I feel happy right now. She genuinely cares for me, and just declared her love. What more could a man want?

  “You’re eighteen, sweetheart,” I begin in a calm voice. “You’re legally an adult and old enough to consent. Our relationship and our sex life? It’s all one hundred percent legal. I promise you that no one is going to jail and no one’s life is ruined.”

  Zoe looks shocked, and I nod.

  “Did you hear your dad say anyth
ing specific about the charges?” I ask.

  My beautiful girl thinks for a moment, her eyes still teary.

  “No, he just said he wanted to report a crime.”

  I nod knowingly.

  “Yes, but you see, there’s been no crime. The police are going to take his statement, and nothing’s going to happen. I promise you that. What are they going to do? Write me up for nothing? That’s not what they’re paid to do.”

  I keep talking to help further calm her down.

  “And we can fix things with your parents. I don’t want our relationship to cause any tension for you at home. I love you too Zoe, and I want your parents to approve of our relationship, whatever that may take. It’ll be hard, but we’ll work on it together.”

  She begins to speak again, the words barely able to escape her mouth.

  “You, you love me?”

  “Of course I do.” She’s staring at me wide eyed and paralyzed. “What, you mean to tell me it isn’t obvious?” I say to her in a teasing voice. “And if I’m not mistaken, you just admitted that you love me too.”

  Finally, the faintest semblance of a smile begins to take shape on her face, and then she laughs. It’s a full-throated expression of mirth, and I’ve never been so happy to hear it.

  “You’re right. I love you, Dane. I’ve loved you for so long, and I never thought that we’d be like this. It was just a little girl’s dream for what felt like forever.”

  I pull her close.

  “I know you love me, sweetheart, and I can see it in your eyes. Plus, you know, you did say it first,” I say shooting her a playful wink.

  “I did, didn’t I?” she responds lightly.

  I gently take her chin once again and kiss her.

  “But it doesn’t matter who said it first because I love you so much that it’s enough for both of us. Everything is going to be okay, Zoe. Do you believe me?”

  “Well…” she starts, taking a moment to think about how she wants to respond to this. “I have no idea how things are going to be okay, but yes. I trust you, Dane.”

  That’s enough for me. I stare into those caramel eyes and pledge myself then.

  “And no matter what happens, we’re going to be together. No matter what anybody thinks of our relationship. Got it? You belong to me, and I belong to you.”

  This time, there’s no hesitation.

  “Got it,” she murmurs with a smile, falling into my arms once more. I kiss the top of Zoe’s head and hold her tight, thankful that she’s okay and smiling again. After all, this woman means more than anything or anyone to me, and all I need to be happy is her.



  Two years later.

  It took a long time before things were civil between me and my parents after they called the cops on Dane. I was so angry with them. I lost every ounce of respect and trust I had, and it was difficult to even talk with June and Conrad for a long time after that.

  But we tried. After that fateful day, Dane drove me to the house for a long chat. He apologized to June and Conrad for keeping our relationship a secret and told them that he understood why they’d be upset. He explained that he loves me, and only wants the best for me.

  But my parents were complete assholes. They shut Dane down and told him it was selfish of him to take advantage of such a young, naïve girl. They acted like I wasn’t even in the room, and that I couldn’t possibly have chosen this man myself. That really angered me. I stormed off to my bedroom and packed as many things as I could into two oversized bags and dragged them down the stairs with me with a huff.

  I will never forget the look on my parents’ faces when they realized I was moving out.

  “Where are you going, young lady?” June demanded in a trembling voice. I stared right back at her.

  “I’m moving in with Dane, and you can’t say anything about it. I’m not living in this hellhole anymore.”

  My parents’ faces went bloodless and my dad literally gripped the chair he was standing next to. But I was right. I’m an adult, and it was up to me what to do with my life. Of course, my parents scrambled.

  “Zoe! Stop being crazy. You’re still in high school. You can’t just move in with your boyfriend,” my dad protested.

  “He is not her boyfriend! Do not even encourage that Conrad! How can you say that?” my mom wailed, blinking back tears.

  The shitshow was too much for me. I walked out of their house for the last time and heard Dane following me. We got into his car silently before he pulled me close.

  “You’re always welcome at my place,” he whispered my ear. “I want my home to be your home.”

  It was only then that I broke down into tears, but he was right. I’ve been living with Dane since, and it’s been amazing.

  Of course, we had to tell his family about our relationship too, but the Restons took it much better. I guess they’ve always known that Dane dates around, and in fact, they were quite happy to find out that he was with me. Maybe it’s because I’m seen as a “good influence,” but they’re just happy to know that their son’s happy.

  I was a little hesitant about telling Patty though. She’s been my best friend for so long, and I didn’t want her to feel like I’d gone behind her back. But she was okay with it. In fact, Patty was the most supportive person throughout all of this. She just giggled, punched my arm, and said that she knew I had a secret. I was so relieved, and of course, Patty’s not just an aunt, but also godmother to our baby girl, Rose.

  That’s right. Dane and I have a baby girl now, and she’s the apple of our eye. It was a shock because we weren’t expecting it. We use protection, but right after I graduated from high school, I discovered I was pregnant. I was so delighted to see the positive sign on the test because I want nothing more to be a mother to Dane’s children, but I was anxious about telling my boyfriend because this wasn’t in our plans.

  It turns out I had no reason for the anxiety; he was over the moon with joy when I shared the news, and our life picked up after that discovery. We moved to a big house together in preparation for our growing family, and it even has a garden and swing set in the back for our child. Plus, Dane decided that he wanted to take the opportunity to strike out on his own, and he opened his own shop called Rose Tattoo. He’s done so well, and people come from all over the country to get tattoos from my boyfriend. He’s known for his artistry, talent, and has even been featured on several reality TV shows. I’m so proud of him in every way.

  After all, Dane’s been nothing but supportive. He’s an artist, and supports my dreams of being an artist too. While I was pregnant, he encouraged me to attend classes at the Artists’ Guild, and now that Rose has a babysitter, I go to class three nights a week and am slowly working towards my diploma. In my free time, I help Dane work out new designs for his shop, and it’s so fulfilling. I’m even thinking about learning the art of tattoo myself because what better teacher could there be than Dane?

  But more than anything, we’re a family. Today is Rose’s first birthday and she’s seated in her highchair at our kitchen table. Dane and I sit at either side of her and we have a cupcake on the table before our daughter with a single candle burning in the center.

  Rose lights up and begins clapping at the candle while we laugh. We sing our little girl happy birthday for the first time and help her blow out the candle before bursting into applause.

  The baby girl giggles and as she smears pink frosting all over her face, I turn to my boyfriend with happy eyes.

  “I have the perfect gift for Rose’s birthday, did I mention?” I tease. He shoots me an amused look.

  “But what about the plush unicorn? Sweetheart, it’s three feet tall with a rainbow mane and tail. Is that not enough?” he asks, one eyebrow quirked.

  “Well, I thought I would add a second gift. Something small.”

  He grins.

  “Okay, out with it honey. What are you giving her?”

  I smile again.

y, it’s a present from both of us because we’re giving Rose the gift of being a big sister. I’m pregnant, Dane. You’re going to be a daddy again.”

  The words take a moment to register with my handsome man. But after a moment of stillness, he jumps up and pulls me from my seat to pepper my face with kisses.

  “You’re pregnant?” he exclaims, utterly elated.

  “Yes, we’re going to have another baby. Are you ready for number two?”

  He kisses me again, and then puts his hands on my shoulders so that I’m seated before taking a step away from the table.

  “I have a surprise for you tonight too, sweetheart, but I guess you beat me to the punch. Wait here,” he says in an excited voice. He heads into the bedroom and then returns with a bouquet of red roses.

  “Flowers, for me? Thank you,” I say while pressing them to my nose and inhaling their sweet scent. But then Dane grins, and says that the roses aren’t the real surprise. Before I realize it, he’s on one knee before me with a diamond ring in his hands.

  I begin to tear up as because I definitely didn’t see this coming. My sniffles begin, and tears start to flow down my cheeks.

  “Zoe Canning, will you be my wife?” he asks in a choked voice. “I love you so much, and you’re the mother of my children. Would you do me the honor, sweetheart?”

  I gulp and smile at him through my tears.

  “Yes! Yes, Dane! I’d be so happy to become Mrs. Dane Reston.”

  “Good,” he growls, rising to his feet. “Because I don’t know what I’d do if you said no.” He slips the beautiful ring on my finger, and the diamond glints as if it’s always belonged there. Then he raises my hand to his lips and kisses it tenderly.

  “You belong to me, Zoe Reston.”

  “I do,” I answer in a soft voice, and with that, our future is settled. He may be my friend’s older brother, but now, Dane Reston is also my fiancé, my love, and my everything.


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