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The Boyfriend Diaries: A Romance Box Set Collection

Page 14

by S. E. Law

  I nod.

  “Yes, but I also have to tell you that it means that I’m not on any protection,” I say in a trembling voice. “Do you want to use something?”

  It looks like he’s about to shake his head, but then he stops himself.

  “I do,” he says in a slow voice. “I have a condom in my desk drawer, although it’s probably from years ago. But I have to be honest with you, Madeline. I don’t love how latex feels because it’s rubbery and it often smells a little weird. I’d love to be in you bareback.”

  I stare at the handsome man, and see that he’s serious. His features are a bit tense, but his body language remains relaxed.

  “We can’t go bareback,” I say in a small voice. “I’d get pregnant and we’d have a baby together. I’m not ready to be pregnant because I’m only eighteen, and I haven’t even graduated from high school. Plus, my family is fertile. I told you all the women in my family have babies early, right? I’m sure some of them were accidents because we’re ripe even at a young age.”

  He smiles at me, his grin flashing white in the dim lighting of his office.

  “How about a compromise then? I’ll pull out at the last minute. That way, we don’t have to use condoms, and yet we still get to enjoy one another fully.”

  I stare at him.

  “Pull out?”’ I ask in a wavery tone. “But that doesn’t work.”

  He throws his head back and laughs again. Despite the jovial tone, I can see how aroused and tense he is. The muscles in his bronzed neck are tight, and his hands unconsciously squeeze my hips hungrily.

  “That’s just what high school sex ed classes tell you,” he growls. “They want to scare you so that you don’t have sex at all, but it’s not the truth. Pulling out absolutely works, and I’m a very careful man. I can time it perfectly so that my seed doesn’t get into you.”

  I stare at him, my heart beating rapidly. Oh my god, it’d feel so nice to have this man in me, with his huge, pulsing tool and his virility seeding me with ecstasy. But I shake my head.

  “Even a drop is enough,” I say in a trembling voice. “That’s all it takes.”

  He nods, the look in his eyes still intense as his gaze traces my trembling lips.

  “Yes, but it’s about controlled risk, Maddy. There is always risk in the world, no matter what you’re doing in any situation. I think given the contours of our wants and desires, pulling out is the best path forward for us, given our constraints. Wouldn’t you agree?”

  Of course, what I really want to say is that I’m okay with him releasing deep inside me. The thought of his virile seed spurting into my chamber and all over my fertile fields makes me shiver with need and want. But I can’t say that because this is supposed to be a business arrangement. It’s going to be over in six weeks, so I can’t speak the truth.

  “Okay,” I murmur. “Pulling out it is then.”

  He smiles at me, his look dark while one hand brushes a curl behind my ear.

  “You have nothing to be afraid of Madeline,” he rumbles in a deep voice. “When you’re with me, everything is going to be fine. You’ll be taken care of.”

  “Really?” I ask in a whisper, staring up into his eyes. I want so much for it to be true. I want to be his, and to believe that Cameron Savage is my Prince Charming, and for just one moment, I brush away all my doubts and let myself believe.

  “Really,” he whispers against my lips, and with that, our mouths meet and the passion begins. He’s commanding yet gentle at once. He takes my mouth but doesn’t force it open. Instead, he asks wordlessly, and when I agree and part my lips, his tongue slides in, making me shiver.

  “Mmm,” I murmur. “That’s nice.”

  He grins at me.

  “That is very nice,” he agrees. “So much that I want more.”

  Cameron hauls me into his arms then, and this time, the possession begins. He sweeps me against his hardness, and I let out a breathy cry of anticipation. Am I really going to lose my virginity to this alpha male, who also happens to be my mother’s boss? Does this billionaire really want me, little Madeline Mitchell?

  Evidently so because Mr. Savage moves fast. His hands skim down my curves, making me shiver, and before I know it, my sweater’s being pulled over my head and my jeans are torn off so that I’m wearing nothing but a bra and panties in his lap. His eyes flare, taking in my curves.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he growls, reaching one big hand out to stroke lightly at a burgeoning nipple. “Absolutely gorgeous.”

  I throw my head back and sigh as sparks shoot straight from my nip to my cunt.

  “Oh Mr. Savage,” I breathe. “That feels so good.”

  He growls deep in his throat, eyes intense.

  “You look amazing, baby girl. Let me make you feel good now.”

  With that, he begins stroking circles around my nipples and I almost fly out of my skin. His touch is so sure and commanding, and my body responds to his caresses. The lace is so flimsy and transparent that the darkness of my tips are visible, and I feel his hardness grow beneath my bottom.

  “Yes,” he growls. “You’re so responsive, Madeline. Everything that I want. I can even see your clit because it’s so big and hard right now.”

  I gasp, looking down, but it’s true. The fabric of my bra and panties is a sheer lace netting, and not much more. I shaved recently so I’m bare down there, and sure enough, when I look down at myself, I can see my clit peeping through my folds, begging to be touched. Mr. Savage’s eyes are glued to my form, and I can imagine how I look: a nearly-nude girl in his lap, crying out with pleasure as I squirm and wriggle with pleasure.

  He chuckles deep in his throat and lets one hand skim down my belly until it reaches my sweet vee.

  “There we go,” he croons while niggling my most sensitive spot. “You like that, don’t you?”

  The shriek that I let out is an answer unto itself because sparks fly out from my pussy all the way to my fingers and toes. My sweetest spot feels like it’s sizzling, his touch is so good, and I gush wetly into my panties with arousal.

  “So sensitive,” he muses to himself, never looking away from my hard nub. “I need to taste it now.”

  I expect Mr. Savage to bring me to the sofa or the desk, and to lay me down on it. But instead, he pulls my hips up so that I’m standing with each foot on either side of his hips and pulls me forward so that my pussy is right in front of his face.

  “Now hold onto the back of the chair,” he commands into my sensitive flesh. “Because I’m going to town on you now.”

  Then his tongue snakes out and swipes over my bud, right through the fabric of my panties. Oh god! It feels so good and I let out a long, wailing cry.

  “Mr. Savage!” I moan throatily. “Mmm!”

  The man merely chuckles into my depths.

  “Like I said, your clit is so big and hard that I can see and taste it right through your lingerie. But there’s no need for this anymore,” he growls, and with a rip, suddenly my panties are gone. I look down in surprise, but it’s true. The tiny scrap of lace is in his fist, and then dropped to the floor like a piece of nothing.

  “Oh Mr. Savaaage!” is my next cry as he tastes me again. This time, the man’s tongue runs tenderly along my nether lips before sliding into my little hole, and I let out another scream of pleasure. Hot shivers jolt through my frame and I grab my breasts with both hands, squeezing them as the CEO tongues me from below.

  “You taste so good,” he rasps into my folds. “You’re all honey and sweet feminity, baby girl.”

  He licks my nub again and then bites it gently, and that sends me over the edge. I lose all control and shriek as my body dissolves beneath his masterful touch. My vision literally blacks, and I’m spinning through space with only this man as my tether, unable to stop the hard rushes of pleasure as my cunt clamps and spasms.

  “Ohhhh!” is my cry, hot gushes of female liquid descending on his tongue. “Unh!”

  I almost collapse, but Came
ron holds me in place on his face. His hands have my hips in a firm grip as I shudder and mewl, losing myself in my first orgasm. When it abates, I breathe hard, and feel totally boneless. The billionaire helps me slide down his body and for the first time, I realize that his cock is out.

  “Oh my god,” I breathe, looking down at the massive tool. “Is that …? Can I …?”

  He chuckles hoarsely, even as the tip beads a bit with need.

  “Yes, you can handle it, sweetheart. I had to get you to come first because you’ve never taken a man before. This way, you’re a little more loose and prepared, so the stretching will go a little easier.”

  I gasp, turning wide eyes to him.

  “But you have to be at least ten inches,” I whisper. “And I’m small.”

  He chuckles hoarsely.

  “You are indeed very small because you’ve never been used before. But that’s part of the beauty of being with a new girl, Maddy. I want to use you so that your pussy takes the shape of my cock. I want to be the only man in you so that you’re molded to my form, and my form only.”

  His harsh declaration makes me shiver with need, and suddenly, I realize that I want it too. I want my body to be his to enjoy, and I want him in every way possible.

  “Then use me,” I breathe while staring up at the handsome man. “Use my body for your pleasure.”

  With that, Cameron’s look grows even more intense then. He slowly turns me around so that I’m facing away from him, on my knees with my legs on either side of his hips. Then he helps me up so that my pussy hovers right above his hardness, just barely touching it.

  “Are you ready, Maddy?” he asks in a rough voice. “This is it.”

  “I’m ready,” I whisper, every cell in my body attuned to his. I want this. I want to be his, and want to bear the marks of his possession on me.

  With that, Cameron lowers me so that my nether lips kiss the tip of his pulsing member, spreading around that hard shaft.

  “Lower,” he murmurs in my ear. “You can do it.”

  I squinch my eyes shut, trying to focus on my breathing.

  “But you’re so big,” I mewl. “I don’t know if I can.”

  “You can,” he says urgently again. “You can do it, sweetheart. Feel how I’m pulsing for you.”

  It’s true because I’m can sense how his hardness is pounding with need, desperate to be inside of me. The knowledge turns me on and slowly, I lower myself down on his shaft. The stretching is near unbearable, but it also feels good. I moan and cry out, my knees spread so wide as I take that manhood into myself, and then with a pinch, it’s done. He’s through my hymen and seated all the way in my wetness.

  “Oh god,” I moan. “Ohhhh.”

  Cameron places a kiss on my shoulder reverently, and I can sense the restrained passion in his male form.

  “You did it, Madeline. You gave me that gift, and you’re a woman now. I will thank you for this for all of my life.”

  He presses another passionate kiss to the side of my neck and then his hands lock around my waist before helping me up. The slide of his pole within my pussy feels incredible and I let out another delighted moan, before sliding down once more and accepting his length.

  “That’s it,” he growls into my ear, his breathing coming fast now. “You’re getting the hang of it. Up and down, up and down.”

  But the thing is that Cameron is so enormous that after another slide up, and another descent downwards, I feel stuck.

  “You’re too huge,” I mewl helplessly. “I don’t think I can move.”

  He lets out a low growl.

  “Then don’t move, sweetheart, and just let me fuck up into you. You’ll like it, I promise.”

  With that, the CEO delivers. He grasps my hips and slowly begins pounding into me from below. It feels incredibly good and I pant as the drilling starts slow, but then becomes intense. He’s so enormous that I feel that his tip is hitting against my lungs, and that it will pop out of my throat at any moment. Not only that, but he’s literally growing inside with every deep thrust. He’s getting bigger and bigger, and the only thing my small body can do is to accommodate his demands.

  “Yes,” he grunts. “Oh fuck, yes.”

  My own pleasure is beginning to spiral out of control, and my hands grip the arm handles of the chair as I throw my head back, eyes closed.

  “Oh Cameron!” is my helpless cry. “I’m almost there.”

  “So am I, baby,” he grunts. “Just give me –”

  But his words are cut off because with an enormous roar, suddenly my lover explodes. Hot jets of seed pump into my pussy and I too, soar into the heavens while shaking with ecstasy. Stars dance before my eyes and my pussy pulses and clamps down on him, milking him for more, even as he spurts uncontrollably, drenching me with seed.

  Suddenly, a thought hits in the midst of the whirlwind and I scream, craning my head back to look at him.

  “Mr. Savage, you said you’d pull out!” I shriek. “Pull out, pull out!”

  But Cameron can’t control it and he merely pulses some more, his teeth gritting as his bronze throat strains with effort.

  “Oh shit,” he grunts. “Fuck fuck fuck.”

  It’s too late. Hot eruptions continue to shower my insides, and to my mixed horror and delight, my cunt continues to pull each drop deeper into myself with its contractions.

  “Pull out, pull out!” I scream again even as my pussy sucks it all up. “Pull out!”

  But this time, there’s no time to reply because the door swings open and a horrifying scream interrupts us. There’s a figure standing in the doorway and my own blood runs cold when I see who it is.

  It’s my mom. Grace Mitchell is standing there, witnessing her daughter being impaled on the hard ridge of the man who also happens to be her boss.



  Oh shit! This wasn’t supposed to happen!

  I could swear that Maddy locked the door behind her when she came in, but I guess not. I was too entranced by her graceful curves and lovely body to watch, and frankly, it’s also five a.m. now. What the hell is this middle-aged woman doing here at this time of night?

  Even in the middle of pounding pleasure, I can tell that this woman must be Grace, Maddy’s mother. She’s like an older, worn-down version of the girl currently enjoying her first orgasm in my arms. Her hair is also blonde, although it’s the too blonde of peroxide. Her breasts are still generous, although they’re beginning to sag, unlike the sumptuous curves of the girl in my arms.

  But it’s the delicate facial features that give her away. Sure, Grace’s features are now slightly harsh and there are lines bracketing her mouth and eyes, but she’s still pretty. She’s an aged version of the tantalizing nymph in my arms, even if that nymph is currently trying to get away.

  “Mom!” she cries out. “This isn’t what it looks like!”

  Of course, it’s exactly what it looks like. Maddy is currently nude in my lap as we face the door. Her legs are spread, her breasts jouncing about, as her pussy sucks up every drop of sperm from my pulsing cock.

  But Madeline is crazy with worry because at that moment, Grace faints. It’s not a pretty sight to see. There’s no one to catch her, so one minute she’s standing, and then the next she’s in a heap on the floor, her limbs lifeless. Oh shit. There was a pretty heavy thunk too, so I hope she didn’t hit her head.

  But Maddy manages to get herself off of my cock and runs over to her mom, stark naked.

  “Mom, Mom!” she cries out, trying to shake Grace awake. “Are you okay? Please talk to me Mom.”

  Anyone would be moved by this scene. Maddy is like a little child, trying to revive her passed-out parent. Her curves are golden in the dim light, and her hair shines as bright as a beacon. I have to do something.

  Quickly, I stand and zip up, getting myself at least minimally presentable. Then I stride over with my suit jacket in hand, draping it over my beautiful lover’s bare shoulders.

�There’s a doctor in the hotel,” I growl. “I’ll call her shortly. Don’t worry, your mom is going to be fine.”

  Maddy appears inconsolable, but before I can reach for the phone, Grace revives a bit.

  “Maddy?” she asks, blinking slowly. Then realization hits and she lets out a blood-curling scream before dissolving into tears. “What have you done?” she cries out. “Why are you here, with him? Why were you doing that?”

  My lover looks stricken and she sits back, pulling the jacket close about her shoulders as if trying to hide. She’s just about to say something, but then I interrupt.

  “What we were doing is very normal for two people in love,” I say. “I’ve been seeing your daughter, Mrs. Mitchell. We’ve been dating in secret, and we’re very happy together, isn’t that right, Madeline?”

  The blonde turns to me with horror in her eyes, and I can only hope that she goes along with my story.



  What is he talking about? Has Cameron lost his mind? How can he say that we’re in love, when we only met for the first time tonight?

  But he jerks his chin towards my mother sharply, and suddenly I understand. He’s doing this for Grace. It was such a shock for my mom to walk in and see her daughter being drilled by a much-older man, and now he’s trying to make it as okay as possible. After all, people in a relationship make love all the time, right?

  “Yes, Cameron and I have been secretly dating,” I say in a rush. “We’ve been in love for a long time, but I didn’t know how to tell you, so I didn’t. I mean, he’s your boss and I’m only eighteen, so we weren’t sure how to break the news.”

  Another wail rings throughout the room.

  “You’re my daughter,” Grace cries pitifully. “I never expected to find my baby girl in such a compromising situation.”

  My expression is one of shock and horror I’m sure, but Cameron steps in again.

  “I admit, we weren’t exactly doing missionary, but what we did is very common for people in love. Your daughter is very beautiful, kind, giving, and sweet, and I can assure you that I treat her with every modicum of respect she deserves.”


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