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The Boyfriend Diaries: A Romance Box Set Collection

Page 26

by S. E. Law

  I nuzzle her sweet chin and then claim her lush pout again with my own.

  “Well, that’s okay because you have a new daddy now, Aria. Will you let me be your daddy, sweet girl? I promise to teach you everything there is to know about what happens between a man and a woman.”

  What the fuck am I saying? Am I actually offering to claim this woman’s virginity, and to care for her and pamper her afterwards? After all, that’s what virgins require. When it’s a woman’s first time, she’s unsure and innocent. She needs a man’s attention afterwards to assure her that everything’s gone just fine, and that she was perfect in every way. It’s a lot of responsibility, and given my experience with virgins, it’s not a duty to take lightly.

  After all, my first virgin, Mabel, was a nice girl, but she was too emotional and clingy afterwards. I liked her, and I was thankful for the generous gift she made of her body, but I didn’t want her following after me like some lovesick puppy, although that’s what she did. I was a senior in college, and she was a freshman, and she trailed after me, offering to carry my books or help me with any errands that I might need. It was ridiculous, and after I told her I wasn’t interested in her in that way, she broke down in tears and literally began sobbing and wailing right there in the school cafeteria.

  I wish it hadn’t happened like that, but that was my first and only time with a virgin, and I didn’t know better back then. I didn’t realize that taking a woman’s innocence was a great responsibility, and I was nothing but a stupid college knucklehead myself at that point in my life. So I said some stupid shit, and then sent her on her way. I ignored her calls and emails, and the next thing I heard was that Mabel had dropped out of college to take some time to find herself. I have no idea if she ever finished her degree, although I heard she enrolled at a local junior college.

  But that’s why Aria’s confession makes me hesitate now. Am I really ready to take another virgin? To bust through her tight tautness as she writhes and squirms beneath me with pleasure? Even more importantly, am I ready to assume that responsibility, seeing that she’ll need a man to lean on afterwards, to assure her that her performance was wonderful?

  As I gaze into Aria’s cornflower blue eyes, I decide that I can do it. After all, it’s been years since I was with Mabel. Almost a decade in fact, and I’m a changed man. I can handle a virgin. I can stroke a woman’s sweet, untouched curves, and then also manage the tender aftercare that needs to occur once we’re done. I can look into Aria’s eyes and say the things that need to be said because the truth is that she’s wonderful. This girl is intelligent, sweet, and ripe, and now I can’t not be in her.

  “You’re going to be fine, honey,” I assure her in a growl. “Just think of me as your daddy.”

  She nods and bites her lip, her long lashes lowering to cover those innocent baby blues for a moment. But then she looks up once more, her gaze full of innocence mixed with want and desire.

  “Okay Daddy,” she murmurs. “But I just want to make sure you know that this is my first time, and I’m not on anything. Do you want to use some type of protection? I know it’s not romantic to bring this up,” she says hesitantly. “But we have to, otherwise there will be a baby.”

  My heart sinks even as my cock grows because Aria does that to me. The thought of seeding her while spraying her with my virility is absolutely tantalizing and has me as hard as a steel rod because I know she’s unprotected. The realization that this blonde goddess is ripe, fertile, and luscious has me straining to be in her as soon as possible, enjoying those swollen pink folds.

  And yet it’s wrong not to use protection because she’s so innocent. After all, Aria’s never been with another man, and given the generous width of her hips and the lush softness of her breasts, I know that she’s built for carrying a child. If I’m not careful, she’ll get pregnant from just one drop, although that thought fills with me with irrational joy.

  What the fuck? Irrational joy? What the hell am I thinking? I shouldn’t even be here right now, kissing this sumptuous teen girl as she lies on the floor of my office. Hell, is the office door even locked? But as I enjoy Aria’s tantalizing mouth, I realize I don’t give a fuck. I need her so badly that I’m willing to risk it all.

  “It’s going to be fine,” I rasp against her mouth while slowly pushing the heavy sweatshirt over her breasts. “I know how to do this. I’ll pull out of you at the last minute so that I come over your breasts and tummy. How about that?”

  She bites her lip and then her eyes close and she moans as I tweak a sweet nipple. Oh god, her flesh is so generous and soft, yet the tip hard and aroused.

  “Do you promise?” she whispers breathlessly, her hips bucking against mine now. “Do you promise to pull out, Daddy?”

  I look into those blue depths and fall into them like a man out of his mind.

  “I promise, honey. I’ll pull out when the time comes.”

  And with that, our lovemaking begins.



  After Roland promises to pull out, I feel myself go liquid and soft beneath his touch. Suddenly, I’m a bundle of need and I crave his hardness inside me. Of course, I’ve seen movies and read romance novels before. I know what it’s like, albeit virtually, to be ensconced in a handsome man’s strong arms as he devours you like a hungry animal. But somehow, being with Roland is a thousand times that. He’s possessive, huge, and heat emanates from his body, making me desperately wet and needy.

  “Oh please,” I murmur, twisting beneath his touch as his hand skims over the hardness of my nipples. “Yes, there.”

  A harsh flush decorates his cheekbones.

  “Like this?” he asks, tweaking one of the sensitive peaks. I almost lose it, right then and there, as hot jolts of energy go straight from my tip to my cunt.

  “Yesss!” I scream. “Oh god, more!”

  He merely chuckles deep in his throat before pulling the sweatshirt over my head and then stripping off my jeans and panties too.

  “God you’re so beautiful, Aria,” he breathes while staring at my trembling curves on the red rug. “Why the hell do you cover yourself up with these shapeless rags?”

  I laugh shakily.

  “I don’t know, I guess I’m just self-conscious. Whenever I wear a swimsuit, the boys stare so much at my out-sized assets that it makes me uncomfortable. It’s hard to walk around with men’s eyes trailing me at every step, you know. I guess I wear sweats to blend in better.”

  His navy eyes gleam as his gaze roves over my curves.

  “Sweetheart, I can see why you do it. It’s obvious and I couldn’t agree more. Keep these covered up so that they’re for my eyes only. Are these Double Ds?” he asks reverently before jiggling one of my girls to make it bounce.

  “They are,” I purr. “These Double Ds are all for you.”

  In a second, his mouth is latched on my nipple, sucking at the hard cherry. I let out another long, low cry, mewling as hot jolts pulse through my pussy. I writhe against him as my hands fumble at the button of his jeans.

  “Please Roland,” I plead. “Oh god, I need it so bad.”

  I’m not even totally sure what I crave. I need his hardness of course, but I also need something to relieve this pressure between my legs. I need him to claim me, to overpower me, and to make me into a woman in every way possible.

  Roland chuckles low in his throat although it comes out raspy and harsh.

  “Sweetheart, you’ll get it. Don’t worry, it’s coming.”

  But then my eyes go wide as he pops his fly and strips off his boxers and jeans in one fell swoop. Because the club at his hip is massive. It’s ten inches long, with a heavy vein pulsing along the bottom and my mouth goes dry even as I long to trace my tongue along that length.

  “Oh my gosh,” I whisper. “I don’t know if I can take … that.”

  Roland’s eyes flare.

  “The first time is always a little tight, honey, but you’ll be able to handle it, I promise. I also pro
mise that I’ll get you good and ready so that when it’s time, it slips in as easy as can be.”

  I let out a high-pitched giggle that sounds a little crazed. As easy as can be? Somehow, I don’t think that’s going to be the case, but Roland is true to his word. He bends down and spreads my thighs apart, revealing my glistening pink slit to him.

  “So beautiful,” he breathes, while inhaling deeply. “You’re all sugar and spice and everything nice.”

  With that, he bends down and swipes his tongue over my hole before stopping to niggle my clit. I literally scream and buck up half-upright as sensations course through my pussy.

  “Unnnnh!” is my cry of pleasure. “Oh Daddy!”

  He merely chuckles again as his tip jerks a bit with need. Seed is beginning to drip from his pole, and I gasp upon feeling a drop splash on my thigh. It’s so intimate yet dirty at once and my pulse races knowing that I’m with a gorgeous alpha male about to assert his command.

  “Hold still, pretty baby,” he growls. “I’m going to give it to you now.”

  With that, he bends his head and swipes his tongue through my folds again before alternately licking and sucking on my clit. Then he pushes his tongue into my tiny hole, slinking into that tight pink channel up and up until he licks my hymen.

  “Shit,” he murmurs with wonder. “You are intact, Aria. So sweet and so pure.”

  Meanwhile, I’ve become a hot, wet mess in his arms. My legs are spread as wide as they can go, baring my needy pussy to him as he suckles my folds to his heart’s content. I hook a hand beneath each of my knees to pull my legs higher, making the handsome professor laugh low in his chest.

  “So slutty, aren’t you, Aria? Baring both of your holes to me already? Is that what you need?”

  Before I can answer, he dives down and licks my back channel, the coffee pucker opening and closing in surprise.

  “Ohhhh Daddy!” I wail, tossing my head as my cunt pulses again. “Oh my god, I’m going to come!”

  After all, never have I been this wanton. I’ve never even been with a man before, full stop, and yet here I am now, nude and writhing while letting a man lick my asshole. Oh god, what good girl does this? But before I can pull away with embarrassment, he licks it again, thrusting his tongue a bit into my darkness.

  “You’re all sweetness back there,” he rasps again. “I know you’re going to be tight in your anus, but that’s not what Daddy’s going to claim right now. Daddy’s going to take you the front way, okay? If you’re good, maybe I’ll take you the back way too in the future. But only if you’re good, Aria.”

  To my shame, I become a slut of the umpteenth degree. Before I even realize what I’m doing, I scrabble to my hands and knees, lowering my head and lifting my rump in the air so that my pink slit is bare and open to him.

  “Please take me now, Daddy,” I beg. “Oh god, I need it so bad.”

  The alpha male growls low in his chest and I sense him lining up in back of me as his strong hands grip my fleshy hips. Then that hardness probes my pink slit and I sigh with relief. Thank god it’s coming and my lashes flutter a bit with anticipation.

  But then Roland takes me by surprise.

  “You can do it,” he urges me in a rough voice. “Back yourself up onto my shaft, baby.”

  I gasp and my eyes fly open.

  “What?” ask, craning my head around to stare at him with shocked blue eyes. “This is my first time! I can’t do that!”

  But his expression is grim.

  “Yes, you can, sweetheart. For your first time, I want you to bust your hymen on your own. I want to know that a girl needs it so bad that she’s willing to slip herself onto my dick for the pleasure. You’re real wet, sweetheart, so I know you can do it.”

  My heart’s racing as I turn to face forwards on my hands and knees again, panting with desperation. Oh my god, is he serious? But it’s true. I need him so bad, and as I wriggle my hips a bit, getting ready, he chuckles again.

  “Slow,” he soothes. “Back yourself up onto this cock inch by inch. Let your pussy do the squeeze. I know you can do it, Aria.”

  I take a deep breath and widen my knees a bit. Slowly, I push backwards with my hips and the penetration is intense. He’s absolutely massive and I stop for a moment, halfway embedded on that huge stick.

  “I’m stuck!” I cry out. “You’re too big.”

  “I’m not too big,” he soothes in a rough growl while massaging one big ass cheek with his hand. “Come on baby. You can do it.”

  I close my eyes again, inhaling deeply while summoning my courage. Then I begin the hot slide backwards again, groaning as my wet folds stretch to accommodate that enormous stiffness. Oh my god, I’m being split in half by this massive rod and yet it feels so good at the same time. I squeal a bit, straining, and then he hits a barrier inside.

  “We’re there,” Roland growls behind me, his hands tensing on my hips. “You can do this, sweetheart. Just one-two-three, and –”

  But he’s cut off because I’ve done it on my own. I need this man so badly that after taking a deep breath, I push myself backwards hard, impaling myself on that stiff stick.

  “Unnnnh!” is my guttural wail. “Oh god, oh god, oh god!”

  Roland’s panting heavily behind me, but he manages to reach around with one hand to caress my tender nub. Hot jolts shoot through my pussy and immediately, it juices again.

  “It’s not too big,” he rasps in my ear. “You’ve done it sweetheart. You’ve given Daddy your pussy cherry, and I’m so grateful. Fuck, you feel good.”

  With that, Roland begins to pull himself out before sliding back in. I hold still, my eyes closed and chin tilted back as every cell of my being focuses on where we touch. My folds strain and stretch almost to the point of being uncomfortable, and yet it feels absolutely heavenly too. This is what I was made for.

  “Yes Daddy,” I moan. “Use my body for your pleasure.”

  The professor grunts behind me, his muscles taut and gleaming.

  “Thank you, sweetheart,” he rasps. “I will.”

  Then, the pace picks up and soon I’m taking his ten inches like a professional. I squirm and squeal, but my flower opens to him and his shaft is covered with the shiny evidence of my need. Roland too, begins pounding heavier and faster, and then he stiffens a bit before letting out a primal roar.

  “Fuck!” comes his growl. “Oh shit!”

  I pulse hotly as well, soaring into the galaxy as bright white lights explode before my eyes.

  “Oh professor,” is my guttural moan as my cunt clamps and pulses around that hot rod. “Yes, give me your seed.”

  But then sanity sets in and I scream. I try to pull away, turning my head to look at him with shocked eyes.

  “Professor, you said you’d pull out! Pull out, pull out!”

  But Roland’s hands are firm on my fleshy hips, and he continues to pulse while shooting hot streams of virile jism into my inner chamber.

  “Fuuuuck,” is his harsh growl. “Unnh, shit baby.”

  “Pull out!” I scream again, even as my own body dissolves into spasms of pleasures. “Oh my gosh, Daddy, what have we doooone?”

  But it’s too late because at this point, I’m completely filled with his goodness. Hot splashes of seed douse my interior and each contraction of my special sweetness pulls his jism even further inside, coating my ovaries.

  “Oh Daddy,” I pant and moan while dropping my cheek to rest against the floor. “Oh no.”

  Roland remains still for a moment, his glorious muscled torso covered in a sheen of sweat.

  “It’s okay, pretty girl,” he rasps. “No one gets pregnant their first time.”

  I crane my head to look at him, blinking in a dazed state.

  “But I thought you said you’d pull out,” comes my soft whisper.

  He looks down ruefully, where we’re still joined. In fact, there’s so much cum that a hot trail oozes from my hole and down my thigh, making me shiver and moan.

ria, I’ve never felt the way that I do with you,” he confesses in a raspy voice. “Of course, I’ve been with women before, but you took me to the stars, sweetheart. I thought I’d be able to control myself, but you were so wet, tight, and giving, that I lost control. I’m sorry.”

  I smile a bit at him, my cheek still resting against the red rug.

  “It’s okay, Professor Moore,” I whisper. “I’m sure things are going to be fine.”

  Finally, he pulls out with a long, luscious slide and my lashes flutter at the delicious sensation. The professor leans forward to kiss me again, before gathering me into his strong arms.

  “Of course things are going to be fine, honey. I’ll take care of you no matter what happens,” he whispers in my ear. “Of course, nothing will, but just so you know. I will take care of you,” he says fiercely.

  With that, I melt against his broad chest because I know Roland’s telling the truth. My professor is gorgeous, handsome, honorable and true, and now, I look forward to a season of sharing love with him.



  Aria looks so beautiful seated at my kitchen table, and I smile as I finish frying the pancakes, before stacking them in a fluffy pile onto a ceramic plate.

  “Breakfast is served,” I announce before bringing my offering over to the table. She giggles and pushes her blonde hair behind her ears.

  “Looks delicious,” she smiles before inhaling with pleasure. “It smells delicious too.”

  I seat myself, winking at her.

  “Nothing smells as good as you between your legs, sweetheart,” I rasp. “You’re honey and spice down there, and I love being with you.”

  She flushes pink.

  “Oh my gosh, you’re so dirty, Roland,” she mock scolds. “How can you be talking like that when we’re having breakfast?”

  I merely reach over and slide a hand up her thigh until it’s caressing her soft mound beneath the heavy folds of her purple terrycloth robe.

  “Easy,” I growl. “This belongs to me. All of you belongs to me, honey, and I plan to take as much as I like. As a result, I can say whatever I want about this delectable body because it belongs to me.”


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