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The Boyfriend Diaries: A Romance Box Set Collection

Page 33

by S. E. Law

  “Unnh!” she squeals again. “That feels so good!”

  I can’t believe this is happening. I piston into her again and again from below, her tantalizing twat jerking me off with pleasurable squeezes. I’ve never been in a girl as tight before, and I begin to heave and grunt as my balls rise.

  “Shit, baby, I’m going to come. I need you so bad, and I’m going to –”

  But my words stop there because with a possessive growl, suddenly it happens. Seed spurts out of me in hot waves, dousing the blonde’s inner chamber. Cindy lets go too and screams even as her female channel contracts, pulling my virility towards her ovaries.

  “Yes!” she cries. “Oh my god, yes!”

  We pulse and pump together, enjoying each other’s bodies as a virile man and his fertile woman united as one. Hot splashes of male batter continue to coat her insides even as those lush breasts shake, her spastic folds gripping my enormous rod tight.

  After a few minutes of heavenly pumping, slowly, we drift back to Earth. Holy fuck. How did I get so lucky? I have a beautiful, nude co-ed in my arms, her legs spread with my hardness jammed tight in that sweet little hole. I can still feel Cindy pulsing in fact, begging me for more.

  She turns her head slightly, and I catch that plush pink pout in a deep kiss.

  “All good, honey?” I growl when our lips break. I’m still embedded in her wetness, and the sight is absolutely filthy. But Cindy merely smiles and squeezes me teasingly with her internal muscles.

  “Things couldn’t be better, Daddy,” she coos while pressing another tender kiss to my lips. Suddenly, I know that I’ve found the one. I never thought that a cynical forty-year-old man like myself would find ecstasy in a movie theater, but Cindy Lane has me tied around her little finger and now, I want more.



  I have a date planned with Blake today, but I’m quaking a bit from nerves. I shouldn’t feel this way because he’s been so good to me. For one, he’s so caring. For example, after doing the dirty deed in the theater, Blake got up and disappeared down the darkened aisle. I sat in shock by myself in the seat. Where did he go? Why would he leave in the middle of the movie?

  But within minutes, the CEO came back and he had a warm, damp paper towel in his hand.

  “Sweetheart, let’s get you cleaned up,” he growled. “I want my baby to be comfortable.”

  And before I could say anything, he’d lifted my plaid skirt and was patting gently between my thighs.

  “Blake!” I hissed. “Oh my god, what are you doing?”

  But the billionaire didn’t care. In the darkness of the theater, he continued to tenderly minister to my needs.

  “Are you sore?” he asked in a low growl. A flush spread over my cheeks, making me feel hot all over again.

  “Yes, a little,” was my mewling reply. He grinned silently at me, and I marveled again at his ridiculously good looks. After all, this man is twenty years older than me, and we don’t know one another. Who knew a blind date could turn out like this? I’m sure Flora never anticipated that her uncle and her best friend would end up making love in a movie theater.

  Yet, that’s what happened and I don’t regret it one bit. As we exited the cinema, Blake lent me his arm and I gratefully took it because I was limping just a bit.

  “You sure you’re okay?” he growled below his breath as theater patrons streamed around us, seemingly oblivious to what we’d just done mere feet away from their silent forms.

  “I’m fine,” I said in a dulcet murmur. “More than fine, in fact. That was wonderful.”

  He grinned again, those blue eyes gleaming.

  “It was amazing for me too, Cindy. So tell me, baby girl. When can I see you again? I’m in town for a little while before going back to New York, and I’d like to see you ASAP. As much as possible, in fact.”

  I flushed hotly because in the past, I’ve only been pursued by idiotic boys who think sharing a Coke during study hall is a “date.” By contrast, I knew that Blake wouldn’t be like that at all.

  “Well,” I said teasingly. “I didn’t get to show you around campus, so why don’t I take you around a bit? You’ve seen Emerson before, right?”

  He threw his head back and laughed, showing off the bronzed column of his throat.

  “I have, but the tours my niece gave me in the past were over in about ten minutes. I think she had better things to do,” he quips with a smile. “Why don’t you take me around on a more thorough tour?”

  I smiled happily, and we set up a date and time. It was a real date this time. We’d meet up in two days by the fountain in the Main Quad.

  Now, I’m here waiting for my man. Where is Blake? I’ve dressed nicely for our rendezvous, although not too nice because that would be strange for a casual get-together. I’m wearing a shapely sweater dress that highlights my curves, with woolen tights underneath and a cute pair of black boots. My hair’s in loose waves over my shoulder, and I have a lightly padded coat to keep me warm.

  Suddenly, my man appears and strides towards me. He’s godawful handsome in a dark blue car coat with jeans that hang off his hips perfectly.

  “Hi honey,” he says, leaning forward to press a kiss to my cheek. “Am I late?” His lips are cold and the spicy scent of male musk envelops me, making me feel heady and light.

  “Not at all,” I say with a smile. “You’re right in time because I wanted to show you a very important place. Come on, it’s this way,” I say, taking his arm and guiding him to the left. “It’s a little bit hidden, but it’s so cool.”

  He grins as we stroll.

  “I’m glad to hear you’re in good spirits, Cindy. Are you still sore down there?”

  I giggle, my cheeks flushing pink.

  “Yes, a little. But after our movie, I went home and took a bath with Epsom salts. It helped,” I say with a smile.

  He throws his head back and laughs again, but then turns to me with a serious look.

  “I want you to be comfortable Cindy. I don’t want you to feel like you’re in this alone, or that I’m not going to take care of you, because that was your first time, and I love that you gave me your cherry, Cindy. You’re a sweet, innocent girl, and I want to be there for you. You can share whatever you need to about your body with me.”

  I smile at him as we continue strolling down the walkway. Ah-ha. The place I’m taking him to is about fifty feet away now, and I halt.

  “Well, I’m glad you brought this up because I wanted to have a talk before we actually got to our destination. Like you mentioned, Blake, that night in the movie theater was my first time,” I say, my cheeks coloring a bit. I hope he thinks the pinkness is from the slightly nippy weather, but I know this man – he’s smarter and more intuitive than that.

  A black brow raises as he looks at me.

  “Sweetheart, whatever it is, it’s fine. I’m happy to talk until I’m blue in the face.”

  I nod, taking a deep breath.

  “That’s good because I wanted to discuss birth control actually,” I stammer, my voice almost dying to a whisper at the words “birth control.” Oh my gosh, this is so embarrassing! He’s a huge, virile alpha male, and here we are in front of the Student Health Center, having an intimate discussion. Yet I need to get it out there because this is really important.

  “Blake, you know I’m a virgin,” I say in a steady, quiet tone. “Being with you was amazing, and I want to do it again. But we have to use something. Last time was unexpected, so we went at it without any protection, but going forwards, contraception is not optional. I’m a fertile woman and you’re a very virile man.”

  He grins at me, one corner of his mouth quirking unexpectedly.

  “Really? How do you know I’m virile?” he teases.

  My cheeks flame scarlet.

  “I just know,” I stammer. “I can feel it in my bones.”

  He grins at me again and I rush on.

  “So I wanted to bring you to the Student Health Center here o
n campus because they have all sorts of free contraceptives. There are condoms, diaphragms, dental dams, and even some new stuff that I don’t know about. They also have counselors, so we can book a free ten minute counseling session about protection and pregnancy control if you’re interested. Everything’s confidential, and it’s all free too.”

  Blake throws his head back and laughs uproariously, and I quickly look around the walkway, alarmed. Can anyone hear us? Fortunately, they decided to locate the Student Health Center in a discreet corner off the Quad, so no one’s around at this moment.

  “Sweetheart, did you think that I can’t afford birth control? I’ll remind you that condoms are about five bucks for a pack of three.”

  I color hotly.

  “No, of course not. I just wanted to talk about options, that’s all, and to have an open and serious discussion about contraceptives because … well, that can’t happen again.”

  “What?” he asks, that knowing smile on his face again.

  “Well, I mean, last time, we did it bareback and you came in me. We can’t do that again because I’ll get pregnant,” I whisper.

  His look turns serious then.

  “Would that be so bad?”

  I’m astonished and stare at him with disbelieving eyes. Is he crazy?

  “Yes!” I hiss, still looking around to make sure we’re alone. “I’m a senior in college, and I can’t get pregnant. A baby will get in the way of all my plans.”

  He raises one black eyebrow as if in question.

  “Did you have concrete career plans, honey? I agree with you – having a child throws a wrench into any adult’s life, but at the same time, getting pregnant and giving birth are two things that women do every day. Children are a blessing, if you ask me.”

  I stare at him.

  “Yes, of course babies are a blessing,” I stammer, totally thrown off balance. Where is this coming from? Are we really having this conversation? “I’m just saying that I’m not ready to have kids because of my plans.”

  He grins again.

  “Care to share those plans with me?”

  My mouth opens and closes a few times, but I finally manage to get out a couple words.

  “Well, after graduation, I was thinking about moving to New York City.”

  He shrugs with that cocky grin again.

  “Perfect. That’s where I live, so if you get pregnant, we can raise the baby together in Manhattan. I’d say our plans dovetail like two pieces of a puzzle, don’t you think?”

  I stare at him again, my heart racing.

  “No, I don’t. I need to get myself to New York using my own bootstraps, and you’re right. I don’t have a concrete idea of how I’m going to make the move happen, but trust me, it’s going to happen. Maybe I show up in the city with twenty bucks in my pocket and scrape by as a waitress at first. Maybe I stay at the YMCA hostel for the first few months while looking for a cheap rental. I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I want to get myself to the city because that’s where the opportunities are.”

  Blake shoots me a calm look.

  “That sounds great, Cindy. When I started out, it was on a wing and a prayer as well. I mean, I was filming myself playing video games, so it was the most ridiculous enterprise ever. But when you have nothing to lose, why not? Might as well give it a try. But tell me, pretty girl. What are you thinking of doing once you’re in NYC?”

  I take a deep breath.

  “Don’t laugh okay?”

  He looks me straight in the eye.

  “I would never laugh at you, honey.”

  I smile with relief.

  “That’s good because I’m hoping to be an actress. I know every halfway decent looking girl from the boonies wants to be an actress, but it’s something that speaks to me. I love performing and when I get up on stage, there’s an energy that sweeps through my body. I love having the audience’s eyes on me, and being part of the drama crowd has always been my thing.”

  Blake nods, looking thoughtful.

  “Well, having a baby would definitely get in the way of that, unless you were planning on trying out for pregnant woman parts. But tell me,” he adds. “Have you thought about moving to LA instead of New York? That’s where the movie business is based, and the weather is definitely a hell of a lot better.”

  I nod.

  “I have thought about Los Angeles, but it’s not really my type of city. For one, I don’t want to get breast implants, and it seems like every other starlet out there has them.”

  The handsome man laughs with a twinkle in his eye.

  “I think you’re right on that one.”

  I nod, my heart racing.

  “But I also don’t want to move to LA because I want to get into theater first. I don’t need lights, cameras, and action. I just want to get up on stage and perform before live audiences. I want to hear the applause of real human beings watching me perform, and to bask in that energy. I don’t want it to be celluloid magic, if you understand what I mean.”

  The alpha male looks thoughtful again.

  “I do. Feeding off an audience’s energy is real because sometimes we do livestreams of our Let’s Play videos, where people can watch in real time from their homes. It’s very different from uploading an edited and perfected reel. There’s a certain rawness to it that’s impossible to replicate any other way.”

  I nod happily.

  “So you understand. I’m so glad because most people think I should go out to Hollywood to find an agent, but I don’t know. I’m not about sunny weather year round. I like having four seasons, and I want to get involved in the Broadway scene because singing and musical theater have always been my thing.”

  Blake’s eyebrows raise.

  “Really? What’s your favorite musical?”

  I giggle.

  “Well, I love Hamilton, the way everyone does. It’s the hottest thing on Broadway right now, and tickets are going for four figures apiece. But in my heart of hearts, I’m an old-fashioned gal. I like the old Rodgers and Hammerstein musicals, and of course My Fair Lady has a special place in my heart. I’d love to play the role Eliza Doolittle one day.”

  Blake smiles at me.

  “Well, you’re certainly pretty enough to be Eliza Doolittle, but you’ll have big shoes to fill. Not only did Audrey Hepburn play that role in the celebrated film, but Julie Andrews took on the role on Broadway. Did you know that?”

  I nod, my smile incandescent.

  “Oh of course. It’s the challenge that gets me going. I’d love to step into a role that both Julie Andrews and Audrey Hepburn have taken on, although of course, it would be so challenging given that they’re both absolute legends. But I love the part so much, and I already know all the tunes.”

  Blake grins at me again.

  “Sing me one.”

  I shake my head quickly.

  “I couldn’t. We’re out in public!”

  The alpha male looks around quickly.

  “There’s no one around right now. Just a bar or two, sweetheart. Let me hear that beautiful voice.”

  My cheeks flushing, I give in. After all, this man is impossible to turn down, and my body heats at the thought of performing for him. Looking around to make sure that the coast is clear, I step back a pace or two and then curtsey flirtatiously.

  “Oim Eliza Doo-little!” I begin in a Cockney accent. “Lots of chocolates for me to eat! Lots of coal makin' lots of heat. Warm face, warm hands, warm feet, ohhhh, wouldn't it be lover-ly?”

  I dance a bit while singing, letting the lyrics and music overwhelm my soul. Acting has always been like this for me. It’s like stepping into the shoes of a completely different person, and assuming a new identity. The experience always shakes me to my soul, and I lose myself in the performance. As Blake watches, I prance, dance, and sing before him, pretending to be a flower girl dreaming of a better life in nineteenth century London. Before I realize it, I’ve sung the entire song, and am taking a second curtsey.

>   Blake claps his strong hands, his gaze warm and appreciative.

  “Honey, you were amazing. You were better than Audrey Hepburn and Julie Andrews. With your performance, I was transported to London and even now, I can see Henry Higgins rounding the corner with his cane and bowler hat. Bravo!”

  I curtsey again prettily, blushing.

  “I’m glad you weren’t embarrassed by my impromptu performance.”

  He shakes his head, blue eyes serious.

  “I would never be embarrassed by you, Cindy. Why would I be? You’re beautiful, intelligent, and also immensely talented. You sing like a lark and dance like a sylph. I can’t think of anyone better suited to be an actress.”

  My cheeks flush again and my eyes sparkle.

  “You really think so?”

  He nods.

  “I absolutely think so,” he says, taking my small hand in his before pressing a kiss to the crown of my head. “You’re so talented that I wouldn’t be surprised if you took New York by storm. A couple auditions and boom! You’re going to be headlining musical theater in that world.”

  At his words, a happy glow comes over me because this is my dream. I’d love to be an actress who’s appreciated by both the audience and critics alike. I’d love to take a turn in the spotlight, interpreting song and the spoken word for the enjoyment of spectators. I’d love to be a professional actress with her name lit up with bright lights, and Blake’s encouragement gives me hope.

  “So you see why I have to use protection, right?” I ask in a small voice. “Eliza Doolittle isn’t expecting during the movie. In fact, it would throw everything off if she had a huge tummy.”

  “I do see,” he growls, pressing another kiss to my forehead. “Thank you for explaining sweetheart. Why don’t we go and explore what the Health Center has, then? I know this is an important issue to you, and I want to respect that. Let’s do a look-see, and then we can talk about pregnancy more afterwards, okay?”

  I smile happily while nodding. Blake’s support means so much to me, and I’m glad he understands my point of view. Plus, he’s shown incredible flexibility with respect to contraceptives. He recognizes that it’s important to not get pregnant at this point in my life, and he’s willing to discuss and work towards a solution together. Happily, I take his hand as we stroll towards the entrance. This man is perfect, and I can’t believe my good luck in being set up with the handsome CEO.


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