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The Boyfriend Diaries: A Romance Box Set Collection

Page 42

by S. E. Law

  I gape at my lover, unable to contain my surprise.

  “So Marina is actually your stepmom?”

  Patrick grins again.

  “Soon-to-be-stepmom, yes. She looks like an evil stepmom too, don’t you think? She’s such a scheming bitch and is already spending my dad’s money like it’s hers. But if it makes Pat happy, then it’s fine. At least she keeps him out of my hair.”

  I gawk at Patrick, unable to speak. Holy cow, I’ve completely misjudged this situation. But then again, how was I supposed to know that the Patrick Lancaster Marina was referring to is actually this Patrick’s father? It’s such a surprise that no words come to mind and I merely stare at him in shock.

  The billionaire grins then, pulling me to sit on his lap once more.

  “This is quite a turn of events, isn’t it Penny? But it’s okay,” he says, nuzzling my cheek. “We’ve both had shocks tonight: me with my secret son, and you with the knowledge that my father, and not me, is getting married. So tell me sweetheart: is this what propelled you back into my life tonight? You found out I was getting married and immediately rushed to set the record straight? Were you … ahem, a little jealous maybe?”

  I whip around to stare at him, my heart beating furiously.

  “I wasn’t jealous, Patrick. I was horrified. Marina was a complete bitch today at the shop. She acted like she was too good for us, and that we had no idea what we were doing. Please. I’ve been doing hair for years now, and I can do a basic blow-out with my eyes closed.”

  He lets out a roar of laughter, but then immediately pipes down when I raise my fingers to my mouth in a hush.

  “I know,” he rumbles into my ear. “She’s a piece of work, that one. But no more about Marina, because she’s my father’s problem and not mine. Except that I guess I do owe her for bringing you back into my life because I’ve missed you, Penny. I want you, and our son both. I want a life with you as a family. Do you think that’s possible?”

  I turn to him with tears in my eyes.

  “Yes, I think it’s possible,” I whisper. “I’ve loved you since the moment we met, and it was agony to be apart from you. I want us to be together.”

  He presses a fervent kiss to my lips then, his body already growing hard and insistent.

  “Good, because that’s what I want too,” he says in a possessive growl. “You’re my woman, and you’ve already had my child, Penny. From here on out, I’m making you mine in every sense of the word.”

  With that, our lips meet in ecstasy as my arms snake around his neck because I’ve already had the CEO’s love child. Little Georgie sleeps upstairs right now, peacefully in his room, as his parents declare their adoration for one another and promise to seek a future forwards … together.



  Six months later.

  We’re at my father’s wedding, and it’s one for the ages because my new stepmother has spared no expense. The church is decorated to the nines with pink and red roses, and in the reception hall, I know there are tablecloths, placemats, goody bags, and all sorts of accoutrements stenciled with the words “Patrick and Marina 2020” in elaborate pink hearts.

  After all, my dad’s getting married on Valentine’s Day, and as a result, they’re trying to stick with a theme. Never mind that it’s Senior’s sixth wedding. Lots of guests still came because of the lavish ceremony, generous food, and even more generous drink.

  But I don’t mind because my fiancée’s here, and Penny is all that matters. After our dramatic reunion, Penny moved straight into my penthouse, bringing Georgie with her. It was sudden, but her father accepted it cautiously.

  “Mr. Lockwood, I’m so sorry this has come as a surprise,” I apologized to the older man. “I know this is not what you expected for your daughter, and had I known about my son, I would never have left them to fend for themselves. But I want you to know that I want to do right by Penny and Georgie from here on out, and that means that they’re coming to live with me. Your daughter and grandson are my responsibility, and they belong with me.”

  Harold blinked a bit, looking at me cautiously.

  “How did you meet my daughter, though?” he asked slowly. “I didn’t even know that you knew each other.”

  The dreaded moment had come, but there was no beating around the bush. With halting words, Penny explained how she’d snuck away during Take Your Daughter To Work Day, and bumped into me for a passionate tryst. We left out the details because no man needs to know that his daughter lost her virginity on a hard cement floor in a supply closet. But Harold seemed to understand as Penny finished the story.

  “So Georgie is your son,” he said slowly. “And you didn’t know until a week ago.”

  “I didn’t know,” I confirm with emotion in my voice. “And I swear to you, Sir, that had I known, I would have whisked Penny and Georgie off immediately. I would have done everything in my power to make their lives comfortable.”

  “Plus, Daddy, Georgie already loves Patrick. In fact, he just called Patrick “Da-da” the other day.”

  That event had almost broken my heart with joy because I never expected such an honor. I expected the baby to look at me with fear and suspicion as a stranger intent on usurping his mother’s affections. But to my surprise, Georgie took to me from the start, and although his words are merely single-syllable utterances at this point, last week, something resembling “Da” did come out of his mouth when he smiled at me.

  I cried upon hearing that word, and Penny immediately rushed over to inundate me with kisses.

  “It was meant to be,” she whispered in my ear. “You are Georgie’s daddy, and he knows, even though he’s just a baby.”

  With that, our bond was sealed, and it was only a matter of months before I proposed.

  “Will you, Penny?” I asked while on bended knee with my heart in my throat. “I love you more than life itself and you’ve made me so happy. You are my life, sweetheart, and without you, I’d be a broken man.”

  Penny accepted with tears in her eyes, pressing a tender kiss to my lips as she slipped the ring on her finger.

  “I’d love to be your wife, Patrick Lancaster,” she said in a voice full of love. “Becoming Penny Lancaster would make me incredibly happy.”

  Thus, I gaze with satisfaction at my fiancee from across the room. The ceremony ended with Marina kissing her elderly husband, and we’re now at the reception in a lavish hotel ballroom. Penny is absolutely lovely in a peach silk dress which highlights her generous curves, as well as the glow of her skin and the generous fall of curly brown hair down her back.

  I catch her eye and she smiles sweetly from across the room. My head jerks to the right, and her eyes go wide, but then she nods discreetly. Immediately, I stride out of the ballroom and down the hall to the right, where a cloakroom is tucked away. It’s perfect. It’s small with no windows, but at least the door locks and there are plenty of coats to cushion our lovemaking.

  After all, I adore Penny more than anything, and am never able to resist the temptation that she presents. Within a few minutes, there’s a soft knock on the door, and my fiancée slips inside with me, giggling when she sees the nest of coats on the floor.

  “It’s a step up from our initial encounter, I’ll say that,” she teases with a sparkle to her eye.

  I don’t even answer. Instead, I pull her down into the love nest and have her nude within seconds. God, this woman is gorgeous. She’s curvy and lush with pure ivory skin, and the red rosiness of her nipples tempt me. I lean in to suckle one as she moans, tossing her head with ecstasy.

  “Oh god, Patrick, yes. Just like that.”

  But I’m not done with her yet. Slowly, I lie down on a particularly plush fur coat, and then gesture for Penny to rise above me.

  “Ride my face, sweetheart. Let Daddy taste your juices.”

  My fiancée doesn’t hesitate, and with a sigh, she positions one knee on either side of my head and is soon bucking and crying out with pleasu
re while grinding down on my hungry mouth.

  “Oooh!” she screams while tugging at her nips. “Yes, yes, yes!”

  Her juices gush onto my tongue and I swallow furiously, lapping up this woman’s nectar. But that’s not enough because slowly, my tongue works its way to her bottom hole, tasting and testing those tiny, tight pleats.

  “Oh god, Patrick!” she moans ecstatically above me once more. “Eat my ass, yes!”

  I give her a few more good laps back there, and then slowly work my tongue into her darkness. But even that’s not enough because I need more. I pull out of Penny and then push her onto her hands and knees while positioning myself in back of her. My fiancée looks at me from over one slim shoulder, wagging her bottom invitingly.

  “Is this what you want?” she coos. “All of my holes are for you, Mr. Lancaster.”

  “I know they are, my little butt slut,” I growl. “Now get ready because –”

  But it’s already happening. I slide my shaft deep into her bottom hole and Penny tenses suddenly but then sighs and relaxes. I laugh low in my throat and reach around to stroke her tight clit.

  “You’re a butt slut, you know that, baby girl? Taking Daddy’s hard shaft like that in one stroke. What a little whore.”

  Penny sighs and nods, her lashes dropping closed as I begin a slow, steady pound.

  “Yes, Daddy. I’m your whore. Use my body for your pleasure. Use my holes to make yourself feel good.”

  With that, my thrusts become more intense, and her back ring tightens in anticipation. Soon, we’re soaring over the moon together as stars flash before my eyes, my fiancée squealing and screaming her ecstasy.

  “Patriiiiick!” she screams. “God, yes! SO GOOD!”

  Her sweet peach clenches and clamps around my pole, and within seconds, my seed is rushing forth with a tidal force, splattering into her bottom.

  “Fuck baby!” I roar. “Oh shit!”

  Reams and reams of virility jet into Penny’s body, coating her GI tract with the good stuff. But she sucks it all up as her body convulses, pulling it even more deeply into her cavern.

  Afterwards, we collapse on the nest of jackets, completely out of breath.

  “That was good,” she pants. Her curves are pure ivory, covered in a delicate sheen of sweat. As I watch, a bit of white trails from her back hole, which I scoop up with a finger before pushing it into her pussy hole.

  “I just want that to go where it belongs,” I say in a growly whisper. “That’s the bad part about taking you the back way. I want to get you pregnant again asap, but there’s only so much of the good stuff.”

  Penny lets out a small giggle then while her eyes dance with amusement. Her curves flush, and as I watch, her nub hardens once more.

  “There’s no need for that, Patrick,” she coos. “Because you see, I’m pregnant again. You’re going to be a daddy once more, this time to Baby Number Two!”

  I stare at her, unable to believe my good fortune.

  “Are you serious, Penny?” I rasp. “Shit. A baby. I can’t wait.”

  She raises up to press a tender kiss to my lips.

  “Yes, Georgie is going to have a little brother soon. Isn’t that wonderful? We’ll be a family of four in no time.”

  With that, I kiss my woman passionately, uncaring that we’re in a cloakroom while my dad’s wedding party rages on outside. After all, this is where I belong: with Penny in my arms and another baby on the way.

  The End

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  Pre-order two steamy romances: Made for Them and Built for Them. These stories will make you squirm with pleasure!

  Next up: A Sneak Peek of His Candy Cane. My personal trainer is taking me to the max with his hard, sweaty workouts.

  Made for Them

  By S.E. Law

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  About This Book

  Which gorgeous twin is the father of my baby?

  I thought I was lucky to be dating Rev Randler. He’s a handsome billionaire with oodles of money and an empire at his fingertips. So what if he treats me badly? A curvy girl like me is fortunate to be going out with someone so hot and awesome.

  But then Rev humiliates me in the worst way possible.

  In public too.

  So I decide I want to get back at him … by dating his identical twin!

  Reed Randler has always been different from his brother. He’s devastatingly gorgeous with the same black hair, chiseled jaw line, and God-like physique.

  But there’s also something dangerous in those blue eyes.

  Plus, he’s got a special tool in his arsenal that’s just for me.

  But when I get pregnant, suddenly everything becomes confusing because which man fathered my child? I love Reed, but is his twin the real babydaddy?

  You’ll fall head over heels for this saucy Valentine’s Day tale where a curvy girl gets some of her OWN at long last. Cat is feisty, fierce, and always has a comeback for our gorgeous hero of the penetrating gaze, body made of steel, and alpha OTT ways. There’s a pregnancy, an unexpected child, and of course, a perfect proposal for a satisfying HEA!



  Slowly, I take the dress out of my closet and carefully lay it on my bed. There’s a knock on the door and I call out, “Who is it?”

  “It’s me, silly,” says my friend Alexandra from the other side. “Who else would it be?”

  She opens the door without waiting for me to answer and immediately gasps when seeing the dress.

  “Oh my god, is that what you’re wearing to the party?”

  I nod happily.

  “Yeah, Rev is taking me. Do you think he’ll like it?”

  Alex nods with wide eyes.

  “Girl, definitely yes. That man is blind if he doesn’t like it. It’s going to make you look like Jessica Rabbit, with va-va-voom assets. Oh my god, where did you get it?”

  I blush a little.

  “Over at Curvy Couture on Main Street. I’d just about given up finding anything suitable because I went to three different department stores and everything they had was so small! I couldn’t get half the dresses zipped up when one of the salesladies took pity on me and referred me to Curvy Couture. It’s a new place that just opened.”

  Alex is nodding as her eyes rove up and down the red fabric.

  “Oh my god, you’re going to look so good. I wouldn’t be surprised if Rev’s eyes pop out when you put it on. Put it on now!” she squeals. “I want to see.”

  I giggle.

  “No, I can’t. I just ate dinner, so my tummy’s all poochy. I’m going to look like a boa constrictor if I wear the dress now.”

  Alex merely rolls here eyes and tsks.

  “Are you kidding girl? So what if you have a food baby? Clothes look so amazing on you, and you’re going to stand out at the party tonight. Besides, I don’t have much time because Kirby’s picking me up in ten minutes for our Valentine’s Day date, so you have to show me!”

  I look at her jeans and t-shirt with consternation, suddenly feeling bad.

  “Wait, is Kirby taking you out? Or are you guys just hanging at home with pizza and Netflix? Not that that’s not romantic, I was just wondering…”

  Alex laughs it off.

  “No, it’s good. Kirby and I have been together so long that there’s no need for parties or balls or clubbing. We’re happy to be together. We’ll probably make dinner and then cuddle on the couch with a movie. It’s all good.”

  I nod because Alexandra has been with Kirby since we were in college. They met when they were sophomores and were immediately inseparable. In fact, I was pretty surprised that Alex wanted to room with me after graduation because I thought for sure she’d live with Kirby. But instead, we’ve been
living in our small two-bedroom walk-up in New York for a few years now. Kirby is a frequent visitor, but there’s still no talk of my friend taking the next step with her boyfriend.

  Not that I mind. In fact, I love having Alex as a roommate because we get along like yin and yang, and to be honest, Kirby is great. He’s not messy and he cooks fantastic tacos, which they always share with me. If anything, her boyfriend is a better cook than either of us, so it’s kind of nice when he helms the kitchen.

  But at the same time, Alex’s boyfriend is completely different from the guy I’m dating. Whereas Kirby is a homebody who’s comfortable wearing an apron, Rev Randler is a billionaire who’s probably never set foot in a kitchen. Even though he lives in a ginormous penthouse with a kitchen worthy of a TV chef, I know Rev never uses it. He has a private cook, so I guess it gets some use, but really, he only uses his giant sub-zero fridge to chill bottled waters. On the chef’s days off, I’ve offered to cook, but Rev always turns me down and instead, we end up getting take-out. It’s kind of a waste if you ask me. The granite countertops and shiny steel appliances aren’t being appreciated to their full extent, but that’s rich people for you.

  After all, Rev is an undisputed billionaire. His company sells vaping equipment, and was one of the first in the sector. Jem Vape pioneered the idea of fruit-flavored vaping pens, and Rev says that he’s going to revolutionize the world with his product. I’ve pointed out that a lot of teenagers seem to like Jem Vape products, but he merely shrugs. He’s more concerned with getting as many users as possible, and building his brand and business even though the FDA has already sent him a letter of inquiry.


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