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The Boyfriend Diaries: A Romance Box Set Collection

Page 46

by S. E. Law

  But then Reed’s eyes go fierce, and his shoulders stiffen. A harsh flush descends on those high cheekbones and his hands shake as he begins unbuttoning his white shirt.

  “I think you’re going to regret this come morning,” he growls.

  I merely waggle my bottom at him again.

  “Maybe I will,” I coo. “But this is a regret I want to have.”

  Soon, Reed’s naked in front of the fireplace and my jaw drops to the floor because although Reed and Rev are identical twins, it’s clear that one hits the gym on a regular basis while the other eats Fruit Loops every morning. Not that Rev looked bad per se. But he definitely had a bit of a beer gut from drinking too much, and his muscles were soft in some parts. He said it was stress from work taking its toll, combined with not enough hours to go to the gym.

  But clearly, his identical twin doesn’t suffer from those problems because Reed is gorgeous. The man before me has a broad, built chest with a full complement of hardened, washboard abs. A trail of dark hair leads from his belly button downwards and my mouth goes dry when I see that enormous tool protruding from his waist. It’s huge and stiff already, standing straight out at a ninety-degree angle while throbbing with need. A vein runs up the bottom and I long to reach out with my tongue to trace the beating pulse in his shaft.

  “Oh my god,” I say in a small voice. “You’re huge.”

  He nods, his eyes flaring.

  “I am,” is his low growl. “Do you still want to do this?”

  I nod, bending over even more so that my curvy bottom rises higher in the air. Then I decide to double down, and reach my hands in back to pull my cheeks apart. My brownie appears, small and tempting.

  “Yes, Daddy. I want this. I need this. Take my ass cherry because it belongs to you, and you only.”

  Holy cow, are those words really coming out of my mouth? But after the humiliation at the hands of his brother, I know that this is what I have to do in order to feel whole again. I need a deep bottom-bang from Rev’s twin in order to demonstrate to myself that I am worthy. I am wanted. And I am a strong woman, capable of handling this devastatingly gorgeous man.



  She mewls again, shaking that gorgeous white peach at me once more before pulling it wide open for my viewing pleasure.

  “Right here,” Cat moans. “This is where I need it.”

  Oh my god. I’m about to explode from her dirty invitation, and my tip drips with need, forming a wet spot on the carpet. Cat sees it and licks her lips with anticipation, as if she really is a cat.

  “Give it to me,” she coos. “Take me, Reed.”

  That does it. I’m on my knees in back of her in a second, burrowing my tongue into her dark hole. The suddenness of my gesture surprises the blonde and she jolts a bit with surprise before letting out a wail of ecstasy.

  “Oooh yes!” she cries while leaning forward to give me better access. “Unnh, that feels good!”

  I can hardly believe this is happening. Well, I can believe I’m doing this because I adore curvy women, full stop. But when Cat appeared on my doorstep this evening as my twin’s date, I certainly didn’t envision tasting her brownie as she mewled and cried my name. I thought I’d politely nod at her, and then maybe see her again in six months.

  But instead, things have taken a left turn. My twin is out of the picture after his disastrously bad judgment, and now, the curvy girl is all mine. Cat lets out another throaty moan as I burrow my tongue into her dark tunnel, and her kitty gushes hotly. Unable to resist, I delve downwards to swipe wetly at those swollen folds.

  “Reed!” she screams. “Oh god, yes!”

  I chuckle while giving her hard nub a bite.

  “You like that don’t you, my little girl? You want some more of that?” Her sweet button answers me on its own because it’s huge and stiff, at least two inches from arousal. It juts out from between her puffy folds like a mini-sword, ready to be sucked.

  I lean forward and catch it between my lips, suckling on her button. She moans and presses her cheek against the carpet while her hands scrabble futilely at the floor.

  “Oooh,” she moans again as a gush of wetness pours down my throat. “Yes.”

  The time has come. I get up behind her, kneeling in back of that huge heart-shaped bottom. My hands grip her waist, but then I pause for a moment.

  “Are you sure, Catherine? We don’t have to do this. You don’t owe me or my brother anything.”

  She merely moans again into the carpet, her lush form trembling with need.

  “No, I want it Reed. I want you to take my ass cherry because it’s going to make everything right. Put it in, big boy,” she says throatily.

  “Sweetheart, I’ll do that for you but you’re too small to try back there right now. Let me get myself lubed up in you first okay? How would you like it right here?” I ask, nudging my tip gently against her moist hole.

  She lets out another throaty moan and parts her knees even wider.

  “Yes, do it there first then,” she says. “But now, Reed. I need you so bad.”

  A rictus of a smile decorates my face as slowly, I edge my shaft into her pulsing folds. Fuck, she’s so tight and hot and wet. She squirms while being penetrated and I love watching my thick muscular pole disappear into her tiny opening.

  “Mmmm,” is her delicate moan. “Oh god.”

  “You’re doing great,” I rasp. “Fuck baby, you feel so good.”

  Cat is insanely small inside, and I have to press, but soon my entire ten inches is buried in her tiny cavity. I begin to ease myself out, and can see how her kitty clings to me, showing their pink insides as I drag myself out.

  “Baby, you have dog,” I rasp. “Did you know that?”

  Catherine’s delirious with pleasure and her lashes flicker dazedly.

  “I’m sorry? Did you mean cat? A lot of people call me Cat sometimes.”

  I chuckle low in my throat while slowly easing myself back into her, the pleasure rocketing to my brain in a shaft of pure desire.

  “No sweetheart, I mean dog. When I pull out of you, your pussy flesh clings to me like it doesn’t want me to go. I wonder if your ass is going to be the same way.”

  She moans and mewls again, barely registering my words.

  “Do you want to try now?” is her pant.

  I look down as I pull out once more. Satisfyingly, Catherine has juiced so much that her female nectar coats my shaft in a shiny layer of goo.

  “Yeah, you’ve gotten me all wet, sweetheart. Let’s go for the back door now.”

  Slowly, I pull myself out and then swipe with a finger through her folds again before going up to her back button. She tenses when I stroke her pleats but then relaxes a bit and presses her cheek to the floor once more.

  “Oh my god,” she pants. “That feels so wrong!”

  “It does,” I growl. “But it’s going to feel even better when I’m in you deep back here.”

  Tenderly, I finger her open, feeling her back walls relax a bit as they get used to a man’s touch.

  “Are you ready, baby?” I rasp. “It’s coming.”

  Catherine doesn’t answer, instead lifting her generous rump higher in the air. I chuckle because this sweet girl is obviously enjoying herself, and I’m pleased. Slowly, I nudge her back hole with my tip and there’s a bit of resistance. But the pressure continues, and soon her pleats ease open a bit so that my shaft gets in about an inch.

  “Great work, honey,” I growl, reaching around to knead a big breast. “You’re doing wonderful.”

  Then I push forward again, and there’s resistance from her chamber. But just as before, persistence is needed and I continue the pressure. Suddenly, with a resounding pop, her sphincter walls give way, and I’m burrowed ten inches in her dark canal.

  “Oooh!” she squeals, her eyes squeezed shut. “This feels so wrong!”

  I bend down to press a kiss to a narrow shoulder before straightening up again and gripping her hips.
br />   “It’s not wrong,” I intone. “You’re just learning how to please a man with all of your holes, Kitty Cat. Now, hold still as I take your ass cherry, baby girl.”

  Sure enough, Catherine adapts and soon she’s squealing with pleasure as I give her the deep drill. It’s tight and musty back here, but also enticingly beautiful to see my obscenely huge shaft disappearing and reappearing from her dark star. Her bottom grips me tight, but it doesn’t flip inside out, showing its insides, the way her kitty did.

  “You don’t have dog back here,” I grunt, picking up the pace. “Maybe that’s something that only kitties do.”

  “I don’t?” she pants in a bewildered voice before her expression scrunches with pleasure as I hit an especially sensitive spot deep inside. “Can you teach me how to do it?”

  “Maybe,” I pant, thrusting heavily now. “Oh fuck. It’s coming. Hold on sweetheart … FUCK!”

  Suddenly, my balls rise and my abs tense. Hot jism spurts down my shaft in a torrent of firepower, and seed gushes into her back chamber by the gallon.

  “Ooooh!” she squeals, exploding at the same time. Her bottom tenses and then begins to milk me, pulling each stream of jizz deeper and deeper into her bowels. “Yes, Reed,” she moans. “Unnnh.”

  I can’t stop. I don’t want to stop. Roars continue to erupt from my throat as I thrust deep in her again and again, painting her rectum with my white bubbly. Yet Catherine likes it too and mewls like a cat in heat, her curves shaking and trembling while welcoming my male seed.

  “Unnnh,” she moans again, lashes closed while absorbing the hot spunk. “Yes.”

  Finally, the climax is over and we begin to float back to Earth. I pull myself out from her bottom with an obscene sucking sound, looking on with wonder at the deep gape I’ve created. But Catherine doesn’t get up right away. Instead, she stays in the doggie position with her shoulders braced on the floor as a bead of white shows itself at her hole. Then that bead coalesces and grows, before trickling down her folds and dripping down her thigh.

  “Mmm,” she moans before opening her eyes and shooting me a devilish look. “There’s so much jism,” she says throatily. “I love it.”

  I grin right back at her.

  “You know, you’re so much dirtier than I anticipated,” I say. “When you walked in here tonight, you were as beautiful as an angel. I was jealous of my twin for landing the right girl.”

  Her eyes look at me playfully.

  “Am I the right girl?”

  I chuckle again, light flaring in my blue eyes.

  “Well, I’d like to find out, certainly. I think you might be, sweetheart, because you’ve taken me so good this first time. But there’s much more to do together. Have you heard of fisting before?”

  She shakes her head, lifting a bit from the carpet. Her enormous tits trail on the luxurious Persian rug, even as her bottom continues to drip with male seed.

  “No, what is that?” she asks in a dazed voice. “I’d like to learn.”

  My blue eyes flare again.

  “Well, it’s where you take a fist in your pussy,” I say, waiting for her response. “Is that scary to you?”

  Her eyes go wide a bit.

  “An entire fist? Down there?” she gasps.

  I raise my hand, and make a ball with it so that my fingers are clenched tight.

  “Yes, my entire fist. And I have big hands too. You have to be trained to take it, but a lot of girls like it once they get the knack. And I think you could definitely get the knack, Catherine, seeing how well you did today.”

  My girl titters a bit, and then surprises me. Languorously, she rolls over so that she’s on her back, spreads her legs in a wide vee, and then pulls her swollen folds open to show me her pulsing pink hole.

  “That sounds good,” she says demurely. “Would you like to begin practicing right now, Reed? I think fisting could be really fun, and I’d definitely like to try.”

  With that, I jump up, my blue eyes ablaze. Holy shit, how did I get so lucky? I have a curvy, luscious woman offering herself on the floor right now. She’s creamy, willing, and already cooing and playing with herself while looking at me with inviting eyes. There’s only one answer to her question, and that answer is a resounding YES.



  A few months later.

  I can’t believe it. I sit in my small bathroom. I haven’t been in this bathroom in ages because I’ve basically moved into Reed’s apartment full time, and only come by on occasion to pick up clothes I need or other essentials. After our encounter at the Valentine’s Day party, the handsome billionaire and I decided to stick together come hell or high water.

  Or more accurately, he’s in me more often than not, and it’s absolutely delicious.

  At first, I thought it would be weird because I’d only just broken up with Rev. The disaster that happened was shocking and traumatic, yet with Reed’s support, I was over it within a week. After all, Rev never wanted me. I can see now that he was selfish and uncaring, with his nose always buried in his phone. Not only that, but he only dated me because he wanted to film a “fat girl” as part of his “Great Performances” series with his friends.

  It’s disgusting and so inhumane. Any other woman would be going to therapy for PTSD after discovering these facts about her ex. But I’ve been okay because Reed talked me through it. He was patient and loving, and listened to me cry non-stop for a week. I wailed like a banshee while practically beating my chest, but he always comforted me with soothing words and gentle kisses. Within days, I began feeling better and Reed and I started dating immediately.

  Of course, there’s the plain truth: I rolled right out of Rev’s bed and into Reed’s. Yet, I don’t feel bad about it at all. I know, it’s a little strange because they’re identical twins, but I haven’t had any regrets. The two men are nothing like each other, even if they share the same genes and the same last name.

  In fact, I’d say that Reed is the opposite of his brother. Rev liked to act like he was Mr. Big Shot CEO, but in fact, Reed is the brother who’s the real thing. Rev was a poser with his “vaping empire” and allegedly astute business sense, but it’s all fake. In the months since that Valentine’s Day party, Jem Vape has fallen apart. There have been a cascade of news articles recently describing how teens are getting addicted to nicotine, and how Jem Vape specifically targeted underage customers. Plus, the FDA recently prohibited any fruit flavor vapes that might get teens hooked. As a result, Jem Vape has had to scale back a lot, both here in the United States and also abroad where they were beginning distribution.

  Unfortunately, Rev completely lost it after seeing his company go belly-up. He even went so far as to beg Reed to lend him some money, and after his brother refused, Rev got angry. He said some nasty things about me, and how I was “used goods” and “sloppy seconds.” But Reed stood firm and ignored him, which made me feel so good about my man.

  Then, Rev got even more desperate. He actually begged his brother to come on as co-CEO of Jem Vape in order to deal with their problems, but again, Reed refused. Reed just doesn’t believe in the product. He agrees with the FDA that vaping is attracting teens and developing a new generation of addicts. It doesn’t matter how much money there is on the table: he’s not to be responsible for the next public health crisis.

  Plus, once a couple teenagers actually died from lung disease related to vaping, Rev had a breakdown. From what I understand, he’s turned the company over to the board, and they continue to run Jem Vape, although to be honest, I’m not sure what there is left standing. From what I heard, Rev is at home most days, drinking up a storm while also occasionally indulging in recreational drugs. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are empty pizza cartons scattered all over his penthouse, along with used bongs and a slew of video games. He’s entered a dark period, and from what I’ve heard, isn’t even close to coming out of it yet.

  This is all good news for me because if anything, I dodged a bullet by br
eaking up with Rev. It’s hard to believe that I was actually entertaining the thought of pledging my life to this man, and potentially getting married to the lying manipulator. But instead, I saw who he really is, and managed to disentangle myself in a dramatic, if sudden, fashion.

  Plus, my break-up with Rev allowed me to move on with Reed, and it’s been fantastic. My new boyfriend is gorgeous, handsome, and also astutely intelligent. When I asked him why he always works behind the scenes at the House of Permian, he merely let out a low chuckle.

  “Sweetheart, the House of Permian sells designer handbags and haute couture to women. It’s based on the myth of Coco Permian, the original designer, and no one wants to see a guy in a suit promoting the product.”

  I stared at him.

  “But you’re so gorgeous, and your family has owned the House of Permian for almost a century now. Yet no one knows. Is it because you don’t want the public to know that you’re the brains behind a successful business?”

  He nods.

  “Yep, you got it. I don’t hide my wealth, but there’s no need to trumpet it either. If I thought putting my face out there as marketing for the House of Permian would help sales, I would do it in an instant. But people don’t want to see me, sweetheart, although I love that you think I’m irresistible,” he winks. “Instead, they want to buy into the myth of Coco Permian, and the image we’ve created for the brand in the years since.”

  I frown at him.

  “Yes, but I read on Wikipedia that Coco Permian was a Nazi sympathizer and actually tried to take this company away from your grandfather when they were dispossessing Jewish people of their belongings.”

  Reed nods wisely.

  “You’re right. But that happened in the past, and the fact is that Coco was unsuccessful. My grandfather maintained control, and if anything, Coco was pushed out, although she left with a lot of money. Plus, it’s her image that keeps this company going. People buy into her glamorous aesthetic, and her elite appeal.”


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