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All Thorns Eve

Page 7

by Diana Rose Wilson

  Those women were some of the first guests she’d had at the house. Over the years, she’d watched them play, explore, and mature. She’d seen them at their most competitive and witnessed those incidents that threatened their friendship. Something was different about the gathering this morning. It was as though a weight was removed from each of them.

  It was their new companions. They, the men, fit against their edges somehow. There was none of the usual competitive drive between the women. They each seemed too busy exploring the men beside them rather than showing off their own prowess.

  Those were the friends of her little outlaw. She’d not been around them enough to recognize them by name behind their masks, but she knew instinctively those were his friends.

  Anubis’s jackal mask for example covered his whole head. She couldn’t even tell what color his hair was. Sure, he was enormous, but that didn’t mean anything. There were half a dozen men of that size among the people her fiancé introduced her to. Her new bosses and most of their children were closer to seven foot tall than six.

  A small smile curled her mouth as she glanced to the little outlaw talking to the giant in the jackal mask. He looked dwarfed by the big man. Nearly naked, he acted as though it was completely natural without a hint of vulnerability. When he’d told Marcie that he wasn’t attracted to anyone, she didn’t realize how literal the statement was. Did his friends suffer the same fate? Recalling how he’d greeted her in the foyer made her face flush hot. Oh, boy, she was going to have to try to remember to ask him.

  He glanced over his shoulder at her as though he could hear her thoughts and the liquid pleasure raced along the connection shared between them. She sensed him focused on it and the sensual plans he had for her later. He grinned then, a slow curving of one corner of his mouth before his lips formed the words: ‘Love you.’ Marcie Perez was utterly doomed.

  The big man in the mask tipped his head and seemed to look up at her. The azure and gold lenses on the mask sparkled in the light. His shoulders relaxed as the broad chest expanded and then sighed out the breath he had been holding. Then he slapped one big hand onto Mano’s shoulder. Marcie suspected it would have sent a lesser being sprawling, but the little outlaw just turned back and smirked up at his friend and jerked his chin back in the direction of the exit.

  When her fiancé rejoined her, he swept her into his arms, a smug smile curling his lips. “Do you desire retiring to the gardens? We might enjoy some painting?” His silver eyes swept down her body, lingering on the swell of her breasts before slowly dragging his gaze back to hers. “I wouldn’t mind posing for you.”

  The suggestion made her heart race. She was going to ask if he was certain he wanted to, but he was already carrying her out of the room. All these years she’d arranged play scenarios, but aside from the pony races, she’d never found a lover who was interested in participating in other games. “Painting?”

  The smile he gifted her was radiant and he squeezed her against him. “Yes, my treasure. You need to try something different. “She nodded at him in agreement and cupped his face, kissing him softly, teasing his lower lip. Oh, yes, she wanted to try everything this delicious man desired.

  Chapter 5

  Wakefulness came slowly to Nina. Awareness peeled back from a troubled dream. Her father had been screaming in a rage. God, he hadn’t lost his temper like that in years.

  In the dream she brought her lover, the figure of Anubis with his impeccable suit and steel mask, to meet the family. But the Jackal refused to remove the disguise for dinner. He loomed down the end of the table, a silent statue while the rest of the family ate. The polished silver clinked and scraped harshly against the china dishes. Finally, her father demanded that he remove the mask so they could see what sort of man he was.

  “You will show your worth as guardian of our first and only born. You must promise your shield to her for your days and into the next life.” They were old words, heavy with as much meaning as the fists held to chests. Showing worth. Promising shields and swords like a blood oath.

  Jackal unbuckled the steel as her father roared his outrage. When he unhinged the cage that had concealed him, the great, golden warmth trapped inside exploded out in a blast of light. She woke up in a start, blinded and startled out of her nap.

  Her pulse thumped wildly, and stars filled her head. She put a hand between her breasts, her heart galloping inside her as if it wanted to be free.

  The tears had eased her heart, or perhaps the sleep had softened the frustration. With the distance of a few hours she realized how ridiculous she was for getting wrapped up in someone she wouldn’t see outside of this place. Her father’s words from the dream whispered back to her like an echo. Anyone she saw in her real life would need the ability to handle her intense family. She doubted such a person existed.

  What she needed was no strings fun. Throwing her heart into a grinder wasn’t part of the deal. What happened in the house stayed in the house and did not extend into her reality. She would get a grip and find her friends. Plenty of guests traded partners the second night. She would find someone new. Bear or Badger always switched to someone different on Saturday night. If they did swap, maybe she could get one of their playmates.

  That idea didn’t bring her any pleasure. Nina liked the way her friends responded to those men. She wanted them to enjoy the whole weekend with the lovers they had selected.

  With a sigh she sat up, trying to figure out how long she’d been out there as she adjusted her mask. The tears had left her eyes feeling puffy and itchy. When she came out the lawn was empty. From the sounds coming over the hedge, the gardens were now full of guests. When the piano music began to play, she realized she must have napped longer than she’d thought. For the life of her she couldn’t recall what event was scheduled out here.

  Foxy had said something about swimming. Nina stood and walked towards the sound of laughter. Coming around the edge of the bushes, she saw there were only a few people in the pool, floating on inflatable lounges while keeping their masks safe and dry. It was the lawn beside the pool that was packed with people. It took her breath away.

  There in the middle of the group stood House Mistress’s consort. Proud as can be, he posed completely naked. His whole body was covered in tribal tattoos like a savage island warlord. Nina walked closer, finding herself staring at the scene and pulled her attention off the man to the others gathered around. He wasn’t the only one undressed and guests were painting or drawing and using the paint to decorate each other.

  There were her friends with their new playmates. They were gathered around a semi-circle of couches with easels arranged between them. She stared at the transformation of the women.

  Usually modest Bear was stripped of her silks. Aside from her mask, she was clad only an emerald G-string. Elaborately painted designs decorated her smooth skin. Her playmate, the man in his Copperhead mask admired her, and painted. From the way his whispers made Bear squirm there was less painting and more sexual torment happening. Bear enjoying public display? Nina couldn’t remember ever seeing the woman undressed.

  Foxy, Badger and Otter were there too, completely at ease as they laughed with their companions. Everyone was paint smeared and in various stages of undress. It was as if somehow these strange men were long lost loves finally returned to them. They were so relaxed and comfortable together. Normally one or several of the women or the men between them would be verbally or physically sparring.

  They were all alpha woman. Each of them was extremely competitive to be and have the best. There was always the lingering battle to be the one at the center of attention. It was part of their game. Nina remembered more times than she could count when the friction was so bad they could not share the same play space with their playmates. It had never caused a rift in their friendship, but it had put a number of men on the ‘untouchable’ list. Not removed from the house but excluded from their circle of play.

  That aspect was gone right now. Her friends w
ere more interested in talking with their partner and the men were not jealous or posturing or combative. Ox, Fern, Saturn, and Copperhead were confident and comfortable. They seemed to be as close-knit friends as the gem girls.

  The sexual heat of the whole gardens was a living entity. It made her keenly aware of being alone. Her friends were so delighted with their new playmates, she didn’t want to be noticed and pitied. It was too much for Nina.

  Letting out a shuddering breath she took a step backwards. She would just go to her room. As she backed up, ready to flee, she bumped into someone. “Oh. Sorry.” She winced and started to turn but strong hands gripped her shoulders and prevented her from moving.

  “Here you are. I thought I’d lost you.” The lord of the dead’s voice was full of relief and then apology. “Please, forgive me for walking out on you the way I did.”

  Again, she tried to turn, but he prevented her. “It’s no problem. I am just going to—”

  “Please, don’t go. I know I was very rude earlier. I was…I am…afraid.”

  “Afraid?” She started to glance over her shoulder, but he made a small sound of protest and she remained looking forward. It didn’t make any sense. This huge man had nothing to fear. The proof was plain though. It explained why he escaped her earlier.

  “You don’t have to be afraid of me,” she assured him. “I…can give you back your—”

  “Don’t. I mean, I would rather you wear my token. I don’t want anyone else to have it but you.” His big hands squeezed her shoulders, thumbs rubbing over the highest point and then down towards her spine. Leaning in he growled, “I want to wear your token, but I fear I will not be worthy of it.” His breath against her bare skin made her shiver. All she had to do was glance over her shoulder to see him without the full mask, but she knew with a certainty that he wanted her to restrain herself and resist looking. “I must to prove myself to you.”

  Flashes of the dream came back to her. The golden light spilling from the mask as it came apart. The sensation slipped over her like warm honey. It was like the way his fingers caressed her bare skin. She longed to bury her face in his skin and breathe in the scent of him and devour him.

  “Lady?” His voice was so quiet, a whisper along the nape of her neck, stirring her hair.

  “You are very confusing,” she whispered.

  He responded in a growling chuckle, squeezing her. Her eyelids grew heavy as he showed the strength of those hands. God, he could crush her. Her stomach tightened with renewed coils of pleasure.

  “How are you going to prove your worth?” she teased when she caught her breath.

  He rumbled quietly, “I was thinking we might sit a moment and watch the painting. That is, I will watch and describe what’s happening. You can paint.”

  She had trouble focusing on the idea, distracted by the texture of his hands and the press of his hard stomach against her spine when she leaned into him. “Okay,” she agreed.

  Withdrawing one hand from her shoulder, he adjusted his jacket. Before she could ask, he slid the topaz cloth across her shoulder and along the swell of her breasts. He didn’t say anything as he teased the fabric over her masked eyes and tied it behind her head. Blinding her.

  “It’s going to be hard to paint this way,” she said around a soft laugh.

  “Mmm, challenging, but not impossible,” he murmured and carefully turned her so she was facing him. His hands cupped her cheeks. His thumbs brushed along her jaw and then her lower lip and through his fingers she sensed how his attention consuming her. She could almost feel the weight of his gaze trailing over each spot. “God, you are gorgeous, kittycat.”

  She covered his fingers when they trailed over the corner of her mouth, stilling his touches so she could kiss the fingertip. His skin smelled deliciously tart and when she wet her lips, she tasted the hints of sweetness like peaches. “I’m not anything special. Just a woman.”

  He laughed softly. “No. No, you’re not. I feel like my heart is going to burn a hole through my ribs every time your big gray eyes peer at me from behind the mask. And these lips….” He let his fingertip slowly caress the lower one and then trail the bow of the upper tier. “When you make that pretty pout…I would do anything to make you smile. I long to hear those sweet cries of pleasure or the growl of your demands when you tell me what to do.” His voice lowered to a whisper. She felt how close his mouth was to hers. She imagined she could rock onto her toes and close the distance to press into him and taste the lips that she’d never seen.

  “Not yet,” he whispered, drawing away when she started to tip her face towards his voice.

  Those two words were going to be the death of her. She trembled, and he made a quiet growl of a chuckle, sliding his arm around her. He guided her across the lawn, towards the sound of voices until she knew she was among the painters. She heard the familiar tones of her friends. Their voices swirled around her until she was close enough to draw their attention and silence swept through the group.

  “Lynxie? Oh. My. God! What in the world?” Foxie’s voice greeted her first.

  “It’s all right. I…I’m trying something new.” She smiled and lifted a hand to touch the cloth bound over the eyes of her mask

  Behind her, Jackal uttered a low rumble, warning her not to remove it. She nodded her head in understanding and let her hand drop away.

  “Hey, Jackal,” one of the men said in greeting. His voice was a dark, gritty rumble. “What’s going on, man?”

  “Whoa.” That was Otter, followed by her soft, nervous giggle. “You got her in a blindfold?”

  “I didn’t want her to get her pretty feathers ruffled,” Jackal said.

  Nina heard the shuffling of bodies, the clink of brushes and bottles as things were moved. The big man settled down, never removing his hands from her. His warm palms brushed down her shoulders to her sides and then the powerful fingers curled over her hips.

  Chewing at her lower lip, she held out her hands to make sure she wasn’t going to run into anything and sucked in a sharp breath when he lifted her and drew her into his lap. “Come here, little Songbird.”

  “You better be careful hombre, you’re going to get your eyes scratched out if you don’t treat her right.” Another of the men spoke, his voice lightly Spanish accented.

  She tried to remember their voices from earlier at breakfast, but they had not said much to her. They’d been respectful and quiet but mostly were involved with conversations with her friends, their partner of choice.

  “And then you’ll have to face the rest of us,” Badger added before Nina could decide. So, that must be the man she’d chosen, Saturn.

  “That’s what I mean, mi amor. Augh! Gods, woman, your hands are cold!”

  “You have the best places to warm them,” Badger teased.

  Behind her, Jackal chuckled. He nuzzled his face against her neck, letting out a soft, happy growl when she relaxed back into his chest. “Little Songbird. I know you’re dressing up like a kitty but with all this yellow fabric and your beautiful voice, you are more like a canary.” His mask tickled against her ear. Like the dream, the muzzle piece was removed. The longing to see him gripped her savagely. She could only imagine what he looked like by the feel of him.

  “Songbird?” she asked and tipped her head at him.

  He uttered a low growl in agreement and slid his arms around her, smoothing his hand along her stomach.

  “It is fitting, Lynxie. We’ll just call you Birdie,” Fox said at her other side.

  Her giggle rose up her throat despite her protest. Her friends were already running with the idea despite her head shake.

  “We’re going to come to breakfast tomorrow and he’s going to have feathers in his mouth,” drawled the Spanish man.

  “The Jackal who ate the Canary,” the man with the low, gritty voice said. That could have been Fern.

  “That’s not what they mean when they ask you to eat them, Jackal.” Another male voice spoke up and Otter laughed in res
ponse. She imagined the blush coming from the woman. That deep voice had to be Ox then.

  “You are all way too cute,” Nina said, letting their relaxed banter ease the tension in her.

  “How do you know? You can’t see us?” Ox asked.

  “I can hear you though. You sound happy,” Nina answered.

  Jackal brushed a small kiss to her shoulder as he caressed her stomach with slow swirls of his fingers through the silk. Licks of fire raced across every spot his body touched hers; his strong thigh under her ass, his broad chest against her spine.

  “You two are pretty fucking cute, too,” Fox said quietly, and her fingers gave Nina’s arm a little squeeze.

  “Is he?” Nina asked, heat warming her cheeks when Fox laughed.

  “I think you’d know better than I would.”

  “All right, Foxy, where are you going? My lap is getting awfully lonely?” That was definitely Fern then, his tone had an almost sinister edge to it. “Want your own blindfold?”

  Fox laughed and kissed Nina’s cheek before she was drawn away. “No. I want to paint you first,” she said, her voice directed back to the man.

  “Hhmm…” Jackal murmured softly at her shoulder and she turned her face towards him, feeling his gaze moving over her.

  “Do you want me to paint you?” she asked with a little smile.

  “Yes.” The word came out with an edge of strain.

  When she tipped her head, he cupped her cheek. She enjoyed a moment of simply nuzzling into the peaches and cream scent of his huge hand. He even let her nibble against him this time. His body tensed as though he expected her to bite him. Instead she kissed his fingers when they stroked over her lips. She turned her face into his palm and kissed there. He really was afraid!

  “Gods!” He shuddered as though she had squeezed his cock, not just licked across his palm. He made a sweet, strangled sound against her neck that only she could hear.

  “I won’t hurt you,” she whispered back, letting her words warm his palm, trying to smile towards him, unsure if he was even looking at her.


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