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The Warrior's Mission

Page 18

by Mia Pride

  Putting out a hand to stop Flynn’s tirade, Àdhamh surprisingly stayed calm. “He is new to Ráth Mór, but we have known him since we were wee. He used to live in our old tuath over in Alba. We knew him and his family well. He fought for Tuathal during the Wars of Ériu. His family left Alba to fight for the rightful king.” Àdhamh sighed and hunched his shoulders. “Mate, you and I have some things to sort out, but do you believe I would allow her to go off with him willingly? I said nay, but the lass has changed since… well, since her time spent with you.”

  Flynn bristled at the accusation but Àdhamh barreled forward. “Nay, I am not accusing you of aught… aside from bedding my wee sister, which I still wish to destroy you for. The lass has a mind of her own, Flynn. She is acting out, doing all she can, simply to show her own hand. I vowed to try to step back and respect her decisions. I am not certain if she is interested in Eoghann or simply seeking conversation… but I am certain where his interests lie.”

  “And you are all right with that?” Flynn was only becoming more and more agitated by this conversation, and every second he spent reasoning with Àdhamh was another second Maggie was alone with Eoghann.

  “Nay, but at some point, I have to realize ‘tis not my choice. I am married and will soon have a child…” His face lit up and Flynn could see the pride in the man’s features. “’Tis time I allow my sister the same happiness. And you…” Àdhamh pointed accusingly at Flynn, “You stole her innocence without any promises of a future. I vow, I should gut you. I would have done so already if my sister had not taken full responsibility for it. But we both know you owe her more than you have given.”

  Aye, he did. Flynn could not fault Àdhamh for his rage. Most brothers would truly have attempted to kill him by now. Flynn came from the most powerful family in all Ériu. His family single-handedly helped Tuathal win the war and save the land. Very few would dare to defy any member of his family. This coupled with his high rank as one of the king’s elite warriors made Flynn nearly untouchable. However, his honor was his to bear and he had not honored Maggie at all. Flynn would never allow his position in the tuath to dictate how he interacted with his people, especially not Maggie.

  He wanted to confess his love for Maggie to Àdhamh, to vow to try to marry her and do aught to make her happy, but his life was not his own to control and he would not make promises he could not keep. Once this battle was over, he planned to approach the king and ask for a reassignment, but even before that, he realized he needed to speak with Maggie first. She was all that mattered. The lass was on a mission to take charge of her own life, after years spent cowering in corners. Though Flynn was beyond proud of her self-growth over the past moon, he knew for certain she would not appreciate him making arrangements for their future before speaking with her. And he certainly did not appreciate her going off with strange men, even if he was an old companion and verified as an ally.

  Flynn shoved his black hair away from his face and scowled at Àdhamh. “I will not discuss my intentions toward your sister with you before I speak with her, but know that I do have intentions.” With that, Flynn stormed off in the direction Maggie had left, determined to use his stealth skills to watch the man for any inappropriate behavior and if he needed to step in, he had no issues doing so. Maggie may balk at his interference, but Flynn could only take so much. Àdhamh may trust Eoghann with his sister, but he did not view her as other men did. She was the most beautiful woman in Ráth Mór, nay, in all Ériu, and any man left alone with her would press his advantage.

  Pushing through the low-lying barren branches blocking his way, Flynn preferred the cover of bushes and shrubs over the predictable path that they would surely follow leading toward the stream he could hear rushing in the background of the otherwise still night. Stars twinkled overhead, covered intermittently by clouds. An eerie halo circled the full moon, gracing the night with a helpful glow to guide him through the thick woods, fresh snow crunching beneath his feet. Maggie would not appreciate him spying on her and in truth, it was not something he relished. But it was not his jealousy or possessiveness guiding him, he convinced himself. He merely had no trust for this new warrior.

  He heard her low sultry laughter drifting in the wind and froze to his spot, feeling his stomach tighten with the very jealousy he swore he did not feel. She laughed in that way only for him. The low rumble of the other man’s voice told Flynn they were not far off. Pushing through a thick wall of evergreen bushes, his tunic stuck on a few sharp twigs, but he expertly maneuvered through, coming to the edge of the woods.

  The sight before him would almost be beautiful, if not for that cursed Eoghann ruining the view. The stream rushed by swiftly, the moonlight glittering off the surface like small fireflies. A bluish haze surrounded the night, the horizon seeming to go on forever. Maggie sat on a large boulder near the shore, staring down into the frigid water as the wind rippled its surface. Eoghann sat on a separate boulder right next to hers and though the man kept a safe enough distance from Maggie, Flynn could see the man’s body tilting slightly toward hers, a clear indication that he wanted to get closer.

  Maggie truly was more innocent than she wanted to believe if she did not think Eoghann had his sights set on her. Or, perhaps she did know and encouraged it. That thought made his stomach churn and he grimaced. Eoghann murmured something else that made Maggie tilt her sweet, long, creamy neck back and giggle with delight. It may have been dark outside, but there was enough light for Flynn to see the look of desire on that bastard’s face.

  Her cloak wrapped around her body, shielding her from the cold, and fortunately from Eoghann’s hungry gaze. A few more moments passed as the two spoke amicably, and to Flynn’s surprise, Eoghann had not so much as tried to touch Maggie. Mayhap the man truly was only an old companion and they were enjoying a private reunion. Guilt gripped Flynn as he watched in the dark, like a lurking predator. Maggie would be furious with him if she knew he had not trusted her judgement. Still, it was not her he had not trusted.

  Just as Flynn was ready to admit he had over-reacted and misjudged Eoghann’s intentions, the man stood up and reached out a hand to Maggie. By the sudden stiffening of her back, he could see that she was hesitant but, deciding to trust the man, she stood up from the boulder and took his hand. Flynn tensed, watching the warrior with narrowed eyes. He knew Eoghann was preparing to make a move. If Maggie allowed it, he would have no choice but to turn away and leave her be. Though his heart was in her hands, he had no claim on her and would only lose her if he interfered in her life.

  With Maggie’s hand in his, Eoghann pulled her away from the shore gently and they walked toward the path, closer to Flynn. Now he could clearly see their features and hear their words.

  “Well, Eoghann, ‘tis been lovely to speak with you again after all these years. It seems you have lived quite an exciting life. Though I am truly saddened by the death of your father. He was a good man.”

  Eoghann’s smile faltered at the mention of his father and Flynn could understand the man’s pain. His own father meant everything to him and Brennain. To lose him would be devastating to all.

  “My thanks, Maggie. I miss him dearly. All I can do is honor him by continuing to fight for our country against those who threaten it. ‘Tis the very cause that took his life.” Taking a deep breath, Eoghann pulled Maggie closer to him in a swift move that had Flynn ready to bound out of the shrubs and pummel the arse. “I cannot believe my fortune to have found you and Àdhamh again after all these years. I hope you will allow me to escort you on another walk on the morrow. I have truly enjoyed your company.”

  The man was the very image of honor and respect, which only furthered Flynn’s agitation. As they walked together onto the path leading back to camp, Flynn decided to push through the woods he had just navigated and meet Maggie on the other side. He was pleased that Eoghann had kept his hands to himself and he truly had only followed them to make sure Maggie was safe. He never meant to invade her privacy. Trust was hard-won
when he had seen too many men break the rules of honor.

  His own honor dictated that he speak with her immediately. She needed to know how he felt about her before she decided to move on. He had tried enough times, but Àdhamh had interrupted him. He would not allow any further interruptions.

  Reaching camp before she did, he settled his hands on his hips and paced back and forth, awaiting her arrival. When he saw her and Eoghann appear at the path leading back to him, he stopped pacing and stood his ground, making certain they both saw him. He sent a warning scowl to Eoghann, who wore a smug, knowing smile on his face before turning to Maggie.

  “’Twas a pleasure, Maggie. I have always enjoyed your company. I shall look forward to our walk on the morrow.” Confidently, the man took her hand and brought it to his lips, before slowly releasing her and stepping away with a respectable bow.

  Maggie’s face flushed as she looked at Flynn, and he did his very best not to growl as Eoghann strutted past him with a quirked brow only he could see. Clearly, this man had his mind set on Maggie, and he knew Flynn did as well. Flynn had no time for these games. He would make his intentions toward Maggie known right this very moment.

  Stepping forward, Flynn felt his heart pound in overtime as he took in Maggie’s windswept beauty. Her cheeks were tinged a soft pink, as was her nose, making her eyes sparkle even more than normal. Hesitation and uncertainty shown in those blue depths, but he would make certain right now that she never doubted his feelings toward her ever again.

  “Maggie,” he whispered as he stepped forward, drawn to her like a moth is drawn to light. “I would ask to speak with you in private.”

  Her eyes widened, and he saw her twisting her hands nervously together beneath her cloak. “Àdhamh will be looking for me.”

  “I am not at all concerned about your brother just now. I have tried to speak with you many times since our last day together at the hut and he repeatedly gets in the way. I have an important matter I wish to discuss. I cannot wait.”

  Her brow furrowed in concern and he regretted making her worry. “Do not fret, ‘tis nothing to worry over.” His hand slowly lifted to her face and his knuckles grazed the soft skin on her cheek. To his delight, she leaned in to his touch. With an encouraging smile, he put his hand out. “Come. Please. I shall not keep you long.”

  With a small sigh that made his stomach clench with emotion, she nodded and allowed him to pull her back onto the secluded path. It was his turn to make Maggie know how he felt and, unlike Eoghann, he was well past slowly wooing her. They had shared much too much for Flynn to be anything other than direct with her.

  Standing face to face with her under the shelter of a tall oak tree, Flynn steeled himself for what may be the most important moment of his life.

  * * * *

  Being so close to Flynn made her stomach do little flips and she found that her chest was rising faster and faster as she tried to regulate her breathing. The intensity in his green eyes frightened her. He had seen her arriving back from her walk with Eoghann and she could tell by the blazing look in his eyes that he had not been happy. His feelings on the matter were a mystery to her, but if he knew he could not be with her, he should not be so angry. Part of her wanted to rage at him for daring to interrupt her life, even if she had no interest in Eoghann. Still, her love for Flynn caused an ache deep inside her chest daily, relentlessly. Being alone with him now, even if his only intention was to berate her for going off alone with a man, made her feel giddy with awareness.

  A few pine needles were stuck in his loose hair and she bit back a grin. Had he been using his skills to spy on her and Eoghann? Again, she should be angry with him. She had had enough of men controlling her every move, yet the thought that he cared enough to do so, made her heart lift with hope. The need to reach up and pluck a leaf from his hair was strong, but she resisted the urge. Maggie wanted to see what Flynn had to say for himself and wondered if he would admit to his devious deeds.

  “Maggie,” Flynn said reverently, running his fingers up and down her neck. It tingled, leaving desire in its wake. Closing her eyes, she swallowed hard and bit back any hope of something more with this man.

  “What is it you wish to discuss, Flynn?” She kept her voice as steady as possible, but she knew it quavered nervously. What she desperately wished for him to say warred with what she suspected he would say.

  “I wish to discuss us.” Both of his large, warm hands cupped her face and she reveled in the rough callused surfaces of his palms against her soft skin. Her breath quickened as his words sank in and her eyes popped open in confusion.

  “I thought there could be nay us, Flynn. You told me this often enough.”

  Determination shone in his gaze. “I was a fool, Maggie. I cannot live without you. My position with the king is meaningless if I must live the rest of my life without you.”

  She gasped at his powerful declaration and gripped her chest. Her heart ached so profoundly, thumping wildly against her ribs. “What are you saying, Flynn?” she asked tentatively. She knew what it sounded like he was saying, yet it was possible she was only hearing what she wanted to hear, what she had dreamt of hearing since the first day she laid eyes on Flynn Mac Greine.

  “I am saying…” Flynn took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. She felt his warm breath fan across her face and gooseflesh covered her body. “I am saying that I love you more than I love anyone or anything. If you will have me, I wish to marry you.”

  Her knees buckled and, if not for Flynn’s strong grip catching her at the waist, she most assuredly would have crumpled into a heap beneath the oak tree. Peace washed over her. This moment meant everything to her. Never had she thought to love a man. Never had she thought to trust a man enough to consider marriage. Everything she ever desired, yet feared, was lain before her now by the only man she could ever love.

  A sudden shadow fell across her happiness. “But, what of your duty to the king? I love you, Flynn, but I cannot spend my days alone while you risk your life on missions for moons at a time.” She shook her head, trying to focus on reality, not dreams.

  “You love me?” His voice cracked with emotion and she realized that she had just told him she loved him without truly questioning it.

  “Aye, I love you, Flynn. I never thought to love a man, but I love you with my entire heart and I—”

  His lips came down onto hers feverishly. His need took her by surprise and she gasped, then melted into his fervent embrace. She had missed the feel of him, the scent of him, the taste of him. The man spoke to every secret corner of her heart, filling her with yearning and desire. His tongue slipped into her mouth and she opened for him, allowing him to consume her as her body ached for more.

  She sighed as he pulled her even closer, crushing her against him. His grip tightened on her waist and she felt him dragging her further into the darkness. “Marry me, Mags. I will do anything,” he murmured, and his mouth trailed down her neck.

  “I cannot ask you to choose between me and your king,” she panted. “I know your duty and honor mean more to you than anything.”

  Tearing his lips away from her collarbone, he looked down at her and frowned, shaking his head. “You are wrong. They used to mean more to me than anything. Now, you do.”

  “But… what if the king will not allow you to give up your position? You are very important to the safety of our tribe.”

  “Allow me to manage those details. I will speak with Tuathal as soon as we arrive back at Ráth Mór.”

  Her heart plummeted slightly. “So, you admit that he may not agree to let you go?”

  “I cannot know what he will say, Maggie. But I want you as my wife, nay matter what.”

  Despair washed over her. She wanted this more than she wanted to breathe her next breath. Flynn was all she had ever wanted. But opening herself up to a future that may leave her lonely and pining for a man who was seldom ever home… she ached just to think about it. How would she truly feel, going long stretches of
time without him? He would arrive home, make love to her, mayhap plant his seed, then be off again? Then what? She would have to live with Àdhamh and Elwynna again, just so she was not alone with his children? Nay, the entire image of such a future made her feel ill.

  Pushing away from him, she felt him stiffen as her hands rested on his chest. His heart beat erratically beneath her outstretched palm. “I am sorry. As much as I wish to be your wife, until I know what our future will be, I cannot agree. It breaks my heart to even think about being away from you, desperately awaiting your arrival, wondering if you are even still alive.” She gripped her stomach. Just the thought made her queasy.

  “Mags, please. What can I do to convince to you wed with me?” Her heart shattered at his desperate plea. She stepped closer and wrapped her hands around his waist.

  “Let us just enjoy this moment. We have come a long way in a few short moments. I never thought to love and be loved in return. ‘Tis a precious gift you give me. Can we please just be together now and worry about what will happen another day? I want to feel happiness, not despair.”

  He sighed and tugged her to him. She laughed as he dropped to the ground, pulling her down onto his lap. The area was so well covered by towering pine trees and thick branches, little snow had touched this part of the forest floor. “As you wish, Maggie. Just know that I am determined to be your husband.” His tongue flicked out and ran along her ear, causing jolts of desire to run through her body. She groaned at the sensation and nuzzled closer. Being in his arms was all that mattered in the moment.

  “And I want nothing more than to be your wife,” she whispered, feeling her body quake as his tongue ran down her throat. Her cloak’s clasp was apparently in his way, and Flynn grumbled in frustration while his hand came up to undo the hindrance. Her cloak fell away from her shoulders and the night breeze chilled her exposed flesh, but only for a second before Flynn’s tongue continued its exploration over her collarbone and the exposed tops of her breasts.


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