The King of Content
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Cohen, Jessica Reif, 206
Colbert, Stephen, 226, 286
Colgate, 53–54
Columbia Pictures, 9, 51, 94, 103, 129, 134, 167
Comcast, 142–43, 232–33
Comedy Central, 5, 7, 175, 226, 286, 291, 299
Conga Belt, 26, 28–33, 38, 43
Connolly, Walter, 9
Contompasis, Michael, 56, 57
Copley Plaza Hotel, 53
fire, 99–102, 130
Cosby Show, The (TV show), 114, 131
Costello, Frank, 20, 30
Coughlin, Charles, 25
Council on Foreign Relations, 42
Cowan, David, 270, 272, 274
Cox Enterprises, 145
Crash of 1929, 24
Cron, Ken, 216
Cronkite, Walter, 303
Cross and Dunn, 27
Cruise, Tom, 163, 201–3, 205–6, 237
CSI (TV show), 185
Curley, James Michael, 19, 22, 29, 35–36, 44, 46–47
Curtis, Tony, 70
CW, 220
Daily Beast, 221
Daily Show, The (TV show), 8, 14, 207, 226, 250, 299
Daily Show: An Oral History, The (Smith), 226
Dalian Wanda Group Co., 270, 288
Dauman, Philippe, 237, 301
Biondi as Viacom CEO and, 130
CBS and, 165–66
DreamWorks and, 223
fired from NAI, 276–77, 279
Midway and, 214
MySpace and, 196
NAI trust and, 177
Nickelodeon and, 231–35
Paramount sale proposal and, 1–4, 8, 269–71, 283, 288
Paramount takeover and, 137–39, 145, 148, 160–61
settlement with, to leave Viacom, 285–90, 293
Sumner’s succession plan and, 151, 153
as Viacom CEO, 6–8, 203–9, 214–16, 218, 223–26, 234–35, 240, 243, 248–50, 254, 258, 260–65, 267–69, 271–73, 279–90
Viacom takeover and, 7, 118–20, 122
YouTube and, 207–8
Davis, Angela, 82
Davis, Martin, 136–39, 141–43
Davis, Marvin, 94
Dedham Drive-In, 11–12, 46, 49, 62, 79, 230
DeGiacomo, James, 78–79, 108
DeMille, Cecil B., 135
Denison, Helene, 30
Depression, 13, 68
DeVito, Danny, 237
DeWolfe, Chris, 193
Dick Clark Productions, 270
digital media, 7–8, 142, 204–5, 207–9, 231–34, 249, 305
Digital Millennium Copyright Act (1998), 207
Diller, Barry, 1, 88–90, 136–37, 139, 141–47
Dinneen, Joseph, 27, 28, 30, 44
Dire Straits, 112
Dirty Dancing (film), 95
Discovery Communications, 287, 301
Dish Network, 250
Disney Channel, 232
Disney Company, 94, 136, 159, 160, 165, 213, 224–25, 231, 261, 301–2
DND Capital Partners, 205
Dobbs, Michael, 123
Dolan, Chuck, 131
Dolan Twins, 298, 300–301
Dole, Bob, 161
Dolgen, Jonathan, 150, 159, 161, 186
Dooley, Tom, 130, 132–33, 148, 151, 160–62, 165–66, 204–7, 254–55, 271, 287, 290–91, 295
Dora the Explorer (TV show), 8
dot-com bust, 193
Downey, Roma, 290
DreamWorks SKG, 198, 223, 287
drive-in theaters, 5–6, 9–14, 49–53, 54, 62–66, 68
Dubinsky, Sarge, 91–92
Dudley Road Club, 94
Dunes Hotel, 45, 60–61
Duran Duran, 116
Durante, Jimmy, 9
DVDs, 181
Eastern European Jews, 14–16, 54, 95, 134
Eastman Kodak, 7
East New York multiplex, 173
Edwards Cinemas, 174
Eighteenth Amendment, 36
Eisner, Michael, 136, 213, 237
elections of 1992, 133
Electric Barbarellas, The (MTV show), 220, 226, 238
Electric Daisy Carnival, 222
Elkes, Terry, 114, 117–18, 121, 130
Elroy, Jim, 256
Ely, Joseph B., 25
Emanuel, Ari, 185
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 56
Eminem, 222, 298
Epic Records, 116
Epix channel, 224, 293
Ergen, Charlie, 250
Erickson, Frank, 20, 30–31
ER (TV show), 185
ESPN, 261
Evans, Robert, 88–89, 126–27, 167, 203–4, 236–37, 275
Eversource Energy, 287
Exorcist, The (film), 91
Exorcist II (film), 93
Fabrikant, Geraldine, 138–39
Facebook, 194, 196–97, 205, 305
Facebook Effect, The (Kirkpatrick), 196–97
Fagen, Leslie, 284
Family, The (formerly Children of God), 85, 124–25
Famous Players, 135
Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), 30, 34, 45, 82
Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 60, 165
Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 145
Fiction, 96
Fields, Bill, 162
Film Journal International, 103, 173–74
film studios, 103–4, 110–11
antitrust and, 48–52, 134
Big Eight, 59
Big Five, 50–51, 110
cable TV and, 134–35, 172
drive-ins and, 64–66
first-run films and, 90–92
Little Three, 50, 110
Sumner begins to invest in, 93–94
financial crisis of 2008, 216–17, 223
Financial Times, 276
Finke, Nikki, 203
Firm, The (film), 202
Fisher, Eddie, 95
Fitzgerald, John “Honey Fitz,” 22
Folta, Carl, 204, 221, 253, 255, 262, 277
Food Network, 301
Forbes, 62, 88, 103, 132, 157, 174, 176, 215, 262
Ford, Bergson, Adams, Borkland & Redstone (later Bergson Borkland), 59–60
Ford, Harrison, 159
Ford, Henry, 170
Ford, Peyton, 59
Forrest Gump (film), 14, 150
Forstmann Little, 113
Fortune, 134, 164, 216, 236, 238, 277
Fox, Louis, 21, 39–40
Fox, William, 134
Fox TV Network, 142
Franco, Igor, 263
Franklin, Benjamin, 56
Freston, Tom, 7, 8, 112–13, 115–17, 120–22, 130–32, 140, 144, 158, 165, 175, 184–86, 190–93, 195–98, 201, 212, 224–26, 286–88
fired, 201–5, 213, 225
Fricklas, Michael, 139, 194, 278
Friedberg, A. Alan, 91–92, 104
Friendster, 193–94
Friends (TV show), 185
Fusco, Joseph, 21
Gabelli, Mario, 143, 147, 159, 267, 270
Gaines, Benny, 27
Galicia, 14–15
Gannett Co., 137
Gates, Bill, 142, 151, 205
Geffen, David, 197, 198
General Cinema (formerly Midwest Drive-In), 68–69, 174
General Electric, 198
General Trust, 177
Geordie Shore (TV Show), 299
G.I. Bill, 50
Ginn, Edwin, 16
Glaser, Patty, 257
Godfather, The (film), 1, 50, 61, 89, 221
Gold, Dr. Richard, 239
Goldblatt, Lee, 35
Gold Diggers (film), 29
Gone with the Wind (film), 110
Goodman, Benny, 43
Goodrich, Robert Emmett, 92
Google, 207–8, 305
Gordon, Cecelie Raphael (sister-in-law), 189, 242
Gordon, Ralph (brother-in-law), 189
Gordon, Waxey, 20
Gore, Al, 144, 237
Gorman, Ken, 130
bsp; Graham, Katharine, 303, 304
Grandchildren’s Trust, 30, 72, 81, 108–10, 188–89, 200, 210–11, 242, 297
Great Race, The (film), 70
Greenbaum, Gus, 61
Greenberg, Alan “Ace,” 196
Greenfield, Rich, 202
Greenhill, Robert, 137, 145
greenmail, 117
Greenwald, Bruce, 206
Grey, Brad, 3, 4, 197–98, 201, 203, 206, 223, 237, 269–70, 286, 293, 299
Guiding Light (TV show), 255
Gulf + Western, 89, 136
Gunsmoke (TV show), 113
Haas, Jacob de, 154
Hancock, John, 56
Harcourt Brace, 69
Harry Rohtstein & Co., 15
Hartnett, Richard, 20
Harvard University, 27, 42–43, 57–58, 68, 88, 104, 127
Business School, 49, 54, 129
Law School, 5, 58
Medical School, 73
Hasidism, 106, 154
HBO, 26, 70, 115, 127, 129, 134
Helman, Irving, 167
Hercules (film), 66
Herzer, Kathrine, 236
Herzer, Manuela, 6, 179, 235–80, 283, 294–95, 297, 305
Heth, Paul, 170–72, 176
Hill, Roger, 98–100
Hirschhorn, Jason, 193, 196
Hoffman, Abbie, 82
Hoffman, Dustin, 88
Holbrook, Terry, 259, 263
Holland, Alexandra Red, 238, 258
Holland, Cecil, 227
Holland, Sydney Stanger, 227–29, 235–60, 263, 265, 279–80, 294–95, 297, 305
Holland & Knight, 285
Holland v. United States, 60–61
Hollingshead, Richard Milton, Jr., 12
Hollywood, 2, 7–8, 50, 88–89, 110, 134, 304
Hollywood Reporter, 283, 286, 296
Hollywood Walk of Fame, 141
Holmes, Katie, 203
Holyfield, Evander, 276
Home Entertainment, 110–11
home video, 111, 134, 146, 162, 172
How to Live Forever (Redstone), 222
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (film), 167
Hueston Hennigan, 271
Huffington, Arianna, 303
Huffington Post, 287
Huizenga, Wayne, 146
Hultman, Eugene, 25
Hulu, 224, 233–34, 299, 301
Hynes, John, 47
Ianniello, Joe, 302
Icahn, Carl, 117
Iger, Bob, 224, 261
IGN, 193, 196
Ikea, 176
I Love Lucy (TV show), 113
Imus, Don, 164
Independence Day (film), 172
India, 115
Indiana Jones film series, 1
Infinity Broadcasting, 164
In Living color (TV show), 142
Inner Circle VIP Social Club, 227
Intermix Media, 193–95
Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 211
Internet, 159, 192–93, 203, 207, 232, 234
Irish immigrants, 16
Irish Mob, 19, 22, 44, 53
Iron Man, 224
Italian immigrants, 16, 47
Italian mafia, 44
Jackson, Eric, 267
Jacobs, Norman, 177
Jagiello, Jeremy, 2–3, 246, 251–52, 259–60, 263–64, 273
Japan, 135
Japanese codes, 42–43
Jaws (film), 50
Jersey Shore (TV show), 223, 230, 296, 299
Jewish Advocate, 154
Jewish mob, 26, 39, 44, 61
Jews, 14–16, 19, 25–26, 39, 47, 54, 58, 68, 106, 154
Jimmy Fund, 67
Jobs, Steve, 205
Jones, Buck, 31
Joost, 208
Jordan, Michael, 163–165
Judge Baker Children’s Center, 73
Juenger, Todd, 232
junk bonds, 119–20, 122
Jurassic World, 270
Justice Department (DOJ), 59, 65, 92, 98, 102, 134
Karmazin, Mel, 8, 163–67, 175–76, 178, 183–84, 186, 190–91, 213
Katzenberg, Jeffrey, 136, 198, 237, 282
Kefauver, Estes, 30
Kennedy, John F., 22, 44–45, 121
Kennedy, Joseph, 21, 44, 74
Kent State University, 82
Kenwood Drive-In (Louisville), 63
“Killer Dillers,” 136
King, Larry, 222
Kinostar, 177
Kirch, Leo, 160
Kirch Group, 160–61
Kirkpatrick, David, 196
Klieger, Rob, 271–74, 277–79, 281–84, 294–95
Knudson, Ed, 89–90
Kopelson, Anne, 264
Kopelson, Arnold, 264
Korff, Baruch, 106, 154
Korff, Brandon (grandson), 189, 222, 226–27, 246, 273, 284, 297
Korff, Ira (son-in-law), 108, 117, 123, 152–55, 173, 199, 248, 297
divorces Shari, 153–55
marries Shari, 104–7
Korff, Jacob, 106
Korff, Kimberlee (granddaughter), 107, 189, 230, 247, 251, 256, 280, 284, 297
Korff, Nathan, 106
Korff, Tyler (grandson), 189, 239, 242, 246–49, 251–53, 260, 285, 288, 297
Kraft, Myra, 230
Kraft, Robert, 198, 212, 230, 262, 267
Krantz, Burton “Chico,” 26
Kruger, Jerry, 30
Kruh, David, 17
Krutick, Jill, 276, 297
Lack, John, 115–16
Laemmle, Carl, 134
Laguna Beach (TV show), 193, 197
Lansing, Sherry, 149–50, 159–60, 161, 213, 237
Lansky, Meyer, 19–21, 61
Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, The (TV show), 220
Latin Quarter, 28–30, 33, 39, 41, 43, 46, 70
Lauria, Peter, 221
Lawrence, Michael, 279
Laybourne, Geraldine, 112, 116–17, 121, 140, 160
Lazard firm, 190
Lee Highway Drive-In, 62
Legal Aid Society, 230
Legendary Entertainment, 270
Lehman, Nick, 193
Lehman Brothers, 216
Lemmon, Jack, 70
Lerer, Ken, 133, 287, 289–90
Le Roy, Hal, 9
Letterman, David, 237
leveraged buyouts (LBOs), 119
Levine, Joseph, 66
Levinsohn, Ross, 195
Lewin, Leonard, 177
Leyte, Gulf of, Battle of, 42
Liberty Media, 144
Lifetime network, 113
Linsey, Joseph, 21, 39
Lions Club, 70–71
Lionsgate, 302
LionTree, 289
Loeb & Loeb, 241, 253, 264–65, 267, 271–72
Loew, E.M., 12
Loews, 50, 91, 94, 174
Lombardi, Joseph, 18
Lorimar Television, 185
Los Angeles Clippers, 265
Los Angeles County Adult Protective Services, 251–52
Los Angeles Superior Court, 266, 270–75, 294–95
Los Angeles Times, 114, 139, 145, 147, 154, 163–64, 192, 227
Louisville drive in, 63
Love Story (film), 88–89
Lowell, Robert, 76
L.Q. Corporation, 29
Lucasfilm, 224
Luciano, Charles “Lucky,” 20, 32, 61
Madam Secretary (TV show), 236
Madison Square Garden, 136, 150
Maker Studios, 8, 231
Malone, John, 1, 132, 142–45
Manning, Bayless, 42
Marciano, Georges, 257
Marciano, Matt, 257
Married . . . with Children (TV show), 142
Marriott, Bill, 171
Martinez, Carlos, 241
Marvel Entertainment, 224
Massachusetts Council on the Arts and Humanities, 102
Massachusetts Crime Commission, 39
Massachusetts General Hospital, 100, 130
> Massachusetts Superior Court, 79
Matlock (TV show), 114
May, Aaron, 271
May, Tom, 287, 290
Mayer, Louis B., 134, 140
Mayfair, Club, 24–25, 27–28, 39–40, 43, 53
MCA, 116, 120
McCurry, Mike, 133
McDonald, Joe, 18
MCGrath, Judy, 206–7, 221, 226, 282
McHale, Judith, 287
McLean Hospital, 75–77
media industry
antitrust and, 59–60
stocks decline, 261
women in higher ranks of, 304
MediaWeek, 192
Melody Lounge, 32
Menninger Clinic, 85–86, 209
Merrill Lynch, 119, 206
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), 50, 134, 290
Metropolitan Council for Educational Opportunity (METCO), 105
MGM Films, 103
MGM/UA Home Entertainment Group, 94, 110–11
Mic company, 231
Middlesex County District Attorney’s Office, 36
Middlesex House of Correction, 40
Midway Games, 181–82, 198–99, 214, 216–18, 254
Midwest Drive-In Theater Corp. (later General Cinema), 62, 68
Milgram, David, 66
Milken, Michael, 237
Milken Institute, 222
Miller, Jon, 231
Miller, Ken, 119, 122
Millionaire Matchmaker, The (TV show), 227
Millionaire’s Club, 227
Mintz Levin, 218
Mission Impossible films, 150, 201–3
MoffettNathanson, 293
monopolies, 90–91. See also antitrust
Monroe, Marilyn, 121
Monster Trucks (film), 291
Moonves, Leslie, 7, 185–86, 190–93, 202, 212, 220, 234–35, 237, 240, 243, 268, 286, 288, 291–95, 302–3
Moore, Bonito, 246
Moore, Rob, 290
Morgan Stanley, 137–38, 190
Mortal Kombat (video game), 181
Moscow multiplex, 176–77
Movie Channel, The, 115
movie theaters. See also drive-ins; multiplexes; and specific theaters and chains
cable TV as threat to, 103–4
chains, 60, 134–36
decline of, 49–51, 171–74
Shari vs. Sumner on selling, 213, 217–18
M. Rohtstein Co., 15
MTV, 5, 7, 14, 112, 133, 144, 153, 155, 159, 162, 175, 202, 237–38, 249, 271, 287, 291, 296, 298–99, 301
creation of, 115–18
revival of, 220–23
MTVi Group, 192–93
MTV Music Awards, 126
MTV Networks, 158, 176, 190–97, 204, 207–8, 226
Freston and, 130–32, 184–86, 205–7
Netflix and, 223–24, 231–32
Viacom takeover and, 112–17, 120–23, 130–32
MTV Overdrive, 205
muffin summit, 290
Mulcahy, Patricia, 99–100
Mulcahy, Virginia, 99–100
multiplexes, 104, 172–73
Murdoch, Elisabeth, 195
Murdoch, Rupert, 5–6, 132, 134, 142, 192, 194–95, 202, 205, 301