Book Read Free

Take My Breath Away

Page 8

by Wendy L. Wilson

  Sunk into the sand and nuzzled back on Judd’s chest in front of the fire, I look around and smile. Our groups have become great friends; most of us at least.

  Piper has planted herself on Tyler’s lap. He nonchalantly drops graham cracker crumbs on her chest, trying his best to nibble them off of her. Through quiet giggles and her playfully shoving at him, I get the feeling that she is getting annoyed. What I definitely cannot miss, and what I think everyone, including Piper, can see, is the heated glare that Evan is shooting her way from across the bonfire. I watch as Piper and Tyler wander off towards the guys’ cabin, with Evan storming off not too long after.

  Closing my eyes, I let the sounds of laughter fade away so that I can focus on one thing; the warm, strong hold that Judd has on me. His forearms tickle my sides as his hands tightly clasp at the front of my waist.

  “Are you tired?” Judd’s face brushes against my hair and his warm breath grazes my ear.

  Keeping my eyes closed and my body completely melted against his, I nudge my chin forward to answer. Sleep tugs at my eyelids, sealing them shut as my body gets lighter and lighter until it feels as if I am floating through the air; no, lightly bouncing. A crunching sound rises up from below as arms hold me tightly. A clicking, then tapping similar to that of footsteps and hushed whispers softly rings in my ears. I’m half asleep, but trying desperately to wake myself so that I don’t miss a moment of being with him. Prying my eyes open just enough to see him leaning over me, I suddenly realize I am no longer floating, but instead a firm, somewhat uncomfortable structure is tautly stretched beneath me and I know it is not Judd’s body.

  “Good night, Lyssa.” I hear his voice whisper and a delicate touch brushes over my lips as my eyes and body fade into a deep slumber.

  Thursday morning is a bit of a bummer when I wake up in my cot instead of snuggled up to Judd’s chest. My heart drops knowing I won’t see him until later. Hoping to focus on something other than the clock, I pick up my phone to call Bethany and catch up. Scrolling through my recent calls, I tap on her name and wait while the phone rings.

  “Hey, girl, what on earth have you been up to? It’s like you dropped off the face of the earth. Is everything ok?” Her all-too-cheerful voice immediately brings a smile to my face and pulls me out of the dumps.

  “Oh yeah, I texted you before I left, that I was going to the lake with my sister. Sorry I haven’t texted or called since. I guess I’ve been too busy having fun.” I hold back a little, not wanting to tell her that I have been caught up in a tornado of feelings for a heart-pounding hot guy that makes my toes tingle every time I look at him.

  “Fun, huh? That’s great, considering . . .” She pauses and I know she is referring to my cheating ex.

  “Yeah, that’s history. I’m not going to waste my time on him anymore. So what have you been up to this week?” I ask while watching the hands on the clock above the kitchen sink slowly tick by like they are mocking me. Come on day, move faster so I can see Judd.

  “Well, there is this guy I kind of like and I have been trying to get his attention. I’m just not sure he is ready . . .” Bethany stops talking abruptly and sighs, “You know how that goes.”

  Thankfully, for the rest of the phone call she stays focused on her week and asks very little about my trip. I know Bethany well enough to know that one mention of a guy I like and she will start diving into crude questions and comments that will only belittle my feelings for him. I’d rather let this thing between us blossom and see where we end up before sharing it with anyone else. Well anyone besides the huge group of us out here this week. Luckily reception isn’t the best in most places out here; otherwise, social media would have already killed that for me.

  Glancing back at the clock, I realize I have been on the phone with her for a while and we have basically talked about everything other than anything important.

  “Well, I guess I better get off of here and go enjoy some sunshine,” I announce, contemplating heading to the beach verses taking a nap.

  Bethany sighs, “You suck. I need a tan bad; maybe I’ll head to the tanning salon. Well, have fun and hopefully I’ll see you soon.”

  “I’ll call you when I get back to town. Bye.”

  “Bye, girl,” Bethany says and then I hit end. Now what to do?

  The boys work late, trying their best to get as much done as possible. By the time they get off, none of them are as lively as they usually are. I get to visit with Judd for a bit before calling it a night. My heart sinks and my anxiety level flares with the thought that we only have a few days left before we leave to go home.

  The days on the calendar slowly get crossed off as Friday morning comes. Two days till I leave. As soon as my eyes and ears zone in on the dark silent room, my mouth drips down my chin into a deep frown and I probably look like a child that has just sat and watched the ice cream truck drive by. I would really rather be waking up in the back of Judd’s truck, lying beside him, but instead my back aches and my hip feels like it’s been pushed out of socket from being on my side in this uncomfortable cot all night.

  Finally deciding to leave the solitude of my gloomy mind, I snatch up my phone and look at the time and date, halfway expecting that it is still night time. It lights up with a sweep of my thumb and I see that my restless night of sleep only held out until 4:46 this morning.

  Suddenly awake and full of adrenaline, I fling my sheet over the side of the bed and hurry to the bathroom, nearly forgetting to grab my bag in my excitement.

  After I am changed, I race outside and across the gravel lot to Judd’s cabin. I really hope I can catch them before they head out for the day. With my chest heaving and my lungs on fire, I stop at the porch of his cabin and listen. My ears are met with the sounds of the water lapping at the shore, the crisp sounds of leaves brushing up against the other as the wind whistles through the air and then I hear what I was hoping for.

  Deep voices and laughter collide with my eardrums as I quickly move to the side of the porch and out of sight. I slink up against the wall, hoping to blend in like a chameleon in a sea of grass. Several guys filter out of the house, buckling tool belts to their waists, some of them shoving food in their mouth and others yawning as if they need to go back to bed.

  A tall figure in a ball cap catches my eyes in the semi dark hours of the morning and I just know it is Judd. Sneaking up from the side, a couple eyes turn my way.

  “Well, well . . . looks like someone got a house call.” I hear Mitch’s annoying voice.

  “Oh damn, baby . . . I know I’m irresistible, but can’t you just wait till I get off work,” Tristan says in a tone I’ve heard him use on my sister.

  I stop and fold my arms across my chest, trying to hide the smile that’s creeping onto my face.

  “Hey . . .” Judd’s smile is evident even though I cannot see his face from under the dark shadows of the porch awning.

  “Oh, no! No, no! We’ve got shit to do, man. I know that tone and you are not skipping out to go play today.” Evan moves in beside Judd, sounding somewhat serious, yet his tone is laced with his usual sarcasm and mischievousness.

  “Damn, he’s whipped already,” Matt says as the rest of the guys, excluding Evan and Judd, hop off the porch and stroll away.

  “Don’t worry! I’ll be right behind you,” Judd informs his friend but Evan doesn’t budge.

  With his arms crossed, Evan corrects him, “Oh no! Your chick’s here and I know this reunion is going to take at least an hour if I leave. Get on with the kissing and then we’re headed to the work shed. Together!” He looks back and forth between me and Judd.

  I laugh and hope I didn’t get him in trouble.

  “Whatever.” Judd turns to face me with a crooked grin. “He’s just kidding,” he informs me.

  “Nope, I’m serious. I’m not leaving.” I giggle at Evan’s parent-like strictness.

  “Hey,” Judd says, softening his voice into an affectionate tone as he turns his attention back to me, comple
tely ignoring his friend.

  My heart sails above the clouds at the sound of his voice and for an instant I forget that we have company as well. “Hey,” I say, with my hand over my mouth to hide my cheesy grin.

  “Oh, Jesus! Is this going to take all day?” Evan’s annoyance is climbing and I can tell he is eager to get started on their work.

  “Good grief! Could I have a minute? Just a minute,” Judd huffs out, “and back up. Damn, do you want to join us or something?”

  I laugh and then stretch up to give Judd a small peck on the lips so he can satisfy Evan’s urgency to leave.

  Pulling away sooner than I’d like, warmth spreads through my body as he cradles my face in his hands.

  “I just wanted to say hi and tell you to have a good day,” I say in a sweet tone and then kick up the volume of my voice, “Now, go hammer some crap together and get it all done.”

  Evan snickers beside us and Judd’s face breaks into a huge grin. “Ok. I’ll see you later?”

  I nod my head and he slips one more peck in before turning to sneak away with his friend.

  Evan follows along but not before turning for one last comment, “You’re ok in my book, Alyssa,” he says surprising me.

  I watch them leave and then run off to start my boring-no-Judd day. I get back to the cabin, scarf down some cereal and prepare for some fun in the sun with the girls. They have rented jet skis from across the lake so I figure I might as well join in.

  Glancing at the clock, I notice it is 9:22am; I’m so ready to get on with this day. Dressed in my lime green and white chevron print bikini, I snatch up a soft terry cloth towel and prepare to head out when Abby’s shrieking voice calls to me from the back room.

  “Alyssa, get in here. Mom and Dad are calling!”

  My mind wastes no time telling my legs to move; run; get in there. As soon as I enter the room, I hear Mom’s beautiful voice on speaker phone.

  “Hey, sweetie,” Mom says in her usual cheerful voice.

  “Alyssa is here, too, Mom,” Abby informs her with an anxious tone.

  “Hey girls,” Dad joins in on the conversation.

  I slide down onto the back bedroom bed, which is Piper’s parent’s old room. Dad’s voice sends my mood shooting through the roof and makes everything seem better.

  “Hi Mom and Dad,” I say, feeling as though I have not seen them for months.

  “Hi honey.” Mom clears her throat. “Are you both having a good time?”

  I quickly look over to Abby and put my finger up pointing at her in a warning. No doubt she will be the first to blab about me meeting a guy, but I have loads of ammunition on her. She wouldn’t want Mom and Dad to know she’s been skinny dipping with several guys this week.

  “We have had a blast, some of us more than others,” Abby says looking directly at me with an evil smirk on her face.

  “What about you guys? How’s your trip going?” I ask knowing good and well that they have probably had a ball soaking up sun and drinking fruity umbrella drinks on the beach.

  Mom brings us up to speed, “Actually, we are on our way to Andrea’s now. We just left home.”

  Abby and I both share a puzzled look. With this bit of information, I am ready to throw all of my stuff in a bag, steal Piper’s dad’s van and race back home, but she goes on.

  “Your father’s doctor called and some of his tests came back inconclusive so they wanted to see him immediately so they could rerun some tests. We figured we are just going to extend our vacation and go spend some time with your sister.”

  My heart sinks knowing we have to wait longer to find out the results.

  “Why don’t you two stay a little longer? Abby, I’m sure the hospital will work with you. If you two are having fun, then there is no need for you to come home. Besides, won’t it just be boring without your father and me being at home?” Mom suggests with a laugh.

  Even with her attempt to lighten the subject with a joke, I still am not completely convinced.

  “Mom, I don’t know. I could come home and maybe talk to some of the staff at the hospital and see if those tests could be rushed through.” My sister’s persistent tone tells me that she is not altogether on board with waiting.

  “Honey, they are rushing them through. Trust me, everything is fine, and we are very excited to stay the week with Andrea. You should have heard how ecstatic the boys were when they heard that Mama and Papa were coming to visit.”

  Abby and I look at each other and laugh. I can imagine my nephews’ laughter at the news. I have no doubt Mom and Dad will have a ball at my sisters.

  It takes a little more persuading before Abby and I relent. Pondering on it for a moment, it makes more sense to stay here where it feels like heaven everyday rather than going home and waiting. There, all I would be doing is torturing myself when there isn’t necessarily anything to worry about.

  “What do you think?” I ask Abby before we get off the phone.

  “I’ll have to call work and ok it, but it shouldn’t be a problem,” she pauses, her eyes wide with excitement. “Let’s do it!”

  “Ok then, good,” Mom says in an equally thrilled tone, “Then we will see you around the sixth. That’s when we will be back to the house.”

  “Ok Mom. Have fun. I love you both,” I say to them, barely able to wait to tell Judd the news.

  “Bye, love you,” Abby joins in.

  “Bye sweeties. Have fun. We love you,” Dad says further away from the phone.

  Abby hits end and we squeal and giggle, bouncing up and down on the bed like we’re about to have a pillow fight. Once we find a way to contain our enthusiasm, I dart out of the room ready to go find Judd.

  As I’m sliding a pair of jean shorts over my hips, Abby’s enthusiastic voice calls out from the back room.

  “It’s set!” She sprints into the room and bounces down on Crystal’s cot, directly across from mine. “My boss said it is fine. I have a lot of ETO that I need to use. Next time I am on the schedule is on the seventh.” Her teeth sparkle and her eyes dance with happiness.

  “Yay,” I giggle, clapping my hands and bouncing on my toes. I pause in my celebration for just a moment, “Hey, are you ok with me spending so much time with Judd? I mean, I know this was supposed to be a girls’ getaway and all, and here I’ve snuck away every chance I can to see him.” I grit my teeth, hoping she says it’s alright.

  Much like Mom, Abby waves her hand in front of her letting me know I’m silly for asking.

  “Oh Alyssa, I’m glad you’re having fun regardless of whether it is with us or with that stud you have latched onto.”

  I roll my eyes and giggle at her choice of words.

  “Just please tell me he is nothing like his brother?” Abby crosses her arms across her chest, pushing her D-cups halfway up to her chin. “He is such a man whore.”

  I belt out a loud laugh and slap Abby on the arm. “Abby, he is nothing like that. Trust me, you have nothing to worry about.”

  All week long I have seen Tristan traipsing off into the woods with a girl on his arm, only to return and leave with another. Often I wonder if half the girls I’m staying with have any self respect at all. When I hear them sharing stories, I go with the fact that they definitely don’t.

  “Well then, on that note, I am going to happily forgo the lake time and go find where Judd is working. I have to tell him the good news.” I shimmy my hips back and forth while biting my lips.

  Laughing at my giddiness, she calls out as I run to the door, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”

  HUFFING AND PUFFING, I SPRINT in the same direction as I saw them heading this morning. I remember the map that Judd had when we worked on the shower house. Drawing up the picture in my mind, I recall that he hadn’t marked several cabins at the center of the property line. I suppose that is where they are working, which is a good ways down.

  They are nearly finished with their work and Judd told me they will more than likely finish up a couple days before he
has to leave. This made me happy knowing we will have more time together.

  I cannot even think about the day when we leave. We talk about home and the future in terms of our goals, but our topic of conversation has never ventured to what is going on between us, or even the fact that we are leaving in a matter of days. That scares me. It also makes me realize my feelings for him are much deeper than I will even admit to myself.

  My lungs burn about a half mile in, so I slow my pace and finally let my eyes roam the scenery. The sunlight flickers over the surface of the lake, making each ripple of water sparkle like a sea full of gems. Above the water gives way to a wide open pale blue sky with fluffs of puffy white clouds lying about. The first day I got here, this all seemed so gloomy due to my mood, but now, everything I see seems to be blanketed in beauty; everyday is magical.

  I’ve never actually been down this far from where we are staying, but I continue on the same path that runs in front of all the cabins along the edge of the lake. I’ve passed about nine cabins and still no sign of any of the guys. Where on earth are they? I have to be nearing the middle of the property line.

  My chest swells as I suck in a lungful of air, enjoying the woodsy scent of the trees and the sweetness of wildflowers. Even though the air is perfumed in an array of lovely fragrances, the temperature already seems thick and suffocating with a slight breeze that makes it tolerable. The days have been downright sweltering lately. Slap on some cooking oil and the heat will sauté you in no time, I’m sure.

  Grabbing my hair off of my neck to hold it off my shoulders, tiny beads of sweat tickle my skin as they roll from my hairline down my back. A whistle calls out to my right and I turn to see Tristan and Mitch up on a roof of one of the cabins. Two more guys, including Jake, are working on the porch.

  “Hell yeah, that’s what we need to see to get our asses in gear.” Mitch yells while Tristan eggs him on. “ . . . Although, losing a bit more clothing may motivate us a little more,” he says in his cocky tone, as if he is God’s gift to women.


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