Directed by John Ford (d. Peter Bogdanovich)
The Crucifixion (d. Robert Guenette)
Future Shock (d. Alex Grasshoff)
Bugs Bunny Superstar
The Challenge of Greatness (d. Herbert Kline)
The Late, Great Planet Earth (d. Robert Amram)
Genocide (d. Arnold Schwartzman)
History of the World, Part I (d. Mel Brooks)
Unrealized Projects
I offer here a partial list. Welles announced dozens of films that were never started. At one extreme is a project like It’s All True, which was virtually completed before RKO withdrew its support; at the other are films that never got beyond a script or an outline.
Heart of Darkness
Smiler with a Knife
The Way to Santiago (Mexican Melodrama)
The Pickwick Papers
It’s All True (A North American version of the anthology film Welles later shot in Brazil, composed of three episodes: Love Story, The Captain’s Chair, and an untitled story about New Orleans jazz. Writers included John Fante and Robert Flaherty.)
It’s All True
The Landru Story (became Chaplin’s Monsieur Verdoux)
War and Peace
Don’t Catch Me (script by Orson Welles, Bud Pearson, and Les White)
Henry V (based on Pirandello)
Crime and Punishment
Enrico Caruso
Moby Dick
Fully Dressed and in His Right Mind
Cyrano de Bergerac
Bolivar’s Idea (adapted from a radio show of 1942)
Carmen (script by Brainerd Duffield)
Portrait of an Assassin (This title is listed in Charles Higham’s biography of Welles. It may refer to a script Welles worked on with Charles MacArthur, about the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand at Sarajevo.)
Salomé (script by Orson Welles and Fletcher Markle)
Ulysses (script by Ernst Bornemann)
Around the World in 80 Days
Paris by Night
Julius Caesar
Don Quixote
Operation Cendrillon (a film about a Hollywood movie company working in an Italian town)
The Naked Lady and the Musketeers
Alexandre Dumas
Lovelife (described by Welles as “a film about sexual obsession”)
Salome, Two by Two, and Abraham (three stories from the Bible)
The Merchant of Venice
The Other Side of the Wind
The Big Brass Ring
King Lear
The Dreamers (based on fiction by Isak Dinesen)
The Magic Show
The Assassin
The Cradle Will Rock
The Other Man
Dead Giveaway
The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below
Abbey Theatre
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
acting style
Actor’s Studio
Addams, Charles
Adding Machine
Ade, George
After Many a Summer Dies the Swan
Agee, James
Albee, Edward
Albinoni, Tomaso
Alexeieff, Alexandre
All About Eve
Alland, William
American Cinematographer
American Film
American Film Institute
Anders, Glenn
Anderson, Eddie
Anderson, Sherwood
Anile, Alberto
Anecdotes of Destiny
Apartment, The
Archer, William
Arden, Robert
Arnaz, Desi
Arnold, Jack
Around the World in Eighty Days: radio
Around the World with Orson Welles
Artaud, Antonin
Assassin, The
Astaire, Fred
Atkins, Zoe
Atkinson, Brooks
Auer, Misha
autobiography in Welles’s work
Badge of Evil
Baer, Richard
Ball, Lucille
Barber, C. L.
Barber of Seville, The
Barefoot Contessa, The
Barrymore, John
Barrymore, Lionel
Barthes, Roland
Baxter, Keith
Bazin, André
Beard, Charles
Beck, Marilyn
Beckett, Samuel
Beckley, Tony
Behrman, S. N.
Bell for Adano, A
Benchley, Peter
Benjamin, Walter
Bennett, Richard
Benny, Jack
Bergman, Ingmar
Bernardin de St. Pierre, Jacques Henri
Bernstein, Dr. Maurice
Bessy, Maurice
Big Brass Ring, The
Big Clock, The
Big Sleep, The
Bitzer, William “Billy”
Black Boy
Black Irish
Black Magic
Black Rose, The
Blackstone, Harry
Blake, Nicholas
Blitzstein, Marc
Bogart, Humphrey
Bogdanovich, Peter
Bonanni, Mauro
Boorman, John
Bordwell, David
Bouscheri, Medhi
Brady, Frank
Brecht, Bertolt
Bretton Woods Agreement
Bright Lucifer
Brighton Rock
Brody, Alan
Broken Blossoms
Brooks, Peter
Brown, John
Brustein, Robert
Bryant, Michael
Bryson, Lyman
Burch, Noel
Bury the Dead
Byron, Lord George
Cagney, James
Cahiers du Cinéma
Calleia, Joseph
camera movement. See also long take
“Camille, the Naked Lady, and the Musketeer”
“Caminante del Mayab”
Campbell’s Soup
Cantril, Hadley
Čapek, Karel
Capra, Frank
Carringer, Robert
Carson, Johnny
Carter, Jimmy
Casino Royale
Castle, William
Cervantes, Miguel de
Chandler, Jeff
Chandler, Raymond
Chaplin, Charles
Chapman, John
Chappell, William
Chayefsky, Paddy
Chicago Art Institute
Chimes at Midnight (Falstaff)
Chopin, Frederic
Citizen Hearst
Citizen Kane
Citizen Kane Book, The
Clair, René
Clatworthy, Robert
Cloutier, Suzanne
Coffee-Pepper Bill
Coggio, Roger
Cohn, Harry
Cold War
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
College English
Collier, John
Collins, Ray
Columbia Broadcasting System
Columbia Pictures
Columbia Records
Comedy Theatre
Comingore, Dorothy
Conrad, Joseph
contradictions in Welles’s work
Cornell, Katharine
Cortez, Stanley
Costello, Dolores
Cotten, Joseph
Coulouris, George
Coward, Noel
Cowie, Peter
Cracked Nuts
Cradle Will Rock, The
Craig, Hardin
Crowd, The
Culture and Society
Curtis, Tony
Danton’s Death
Dassin, Jules
Davies, Marion
Day for Night
Dead Calm: Welles film
Miller film
Dead Giveaway
Dead Reckoning
Deep, The: Welles’s film
Miller film
Yeats’s film
deep focus photography. See also wide-angle photography
de Hory, Elmyr
Del Rio, Dolores
De Sica, Vittorio
Dewey, Thomas
Dickens, Charles
Dierkes, John
Dietrich, Marlene
Dillaway, Don
Dinesen, Isak (Karen Blixen)
“Director in the Theatre Today, The”
Disney, Walt
Dr. Faustus
Don Quixote
Dos Passos, John
Drake, Herbert
Dreamers, The
Drössler, Stefan
Duffield, Brainerd
Dunbar, Paul
Dunham, Harry
Durgnat, Raymond
Eastern Airlines
Eckert, Charles
Edeson, Arthur
editing. See also long take; montage; shot/reverse shot
Edwards, Hilton
Eisenstein, S. M.
El Greco
Ellis, Evelyn
Emily Brady
Empson, William
Enfants du Paradis, Les
Eshley, Norman
Evans, Robert
Everybody’s Shakespeare
expressionism. See also Gothic style; realism
Fabulous Orson Welles, The
Farber, Manny
Farrow, John
Faustian themes
FBO Pictures
Federal Communications Commission
Federal Theatre. See also Works Projects Administration Theatre
Feeney, F. X.
Fellini, Federico
Ferguson, Otis
Ferguson, Perry
Ferguson Case, The
F for Fake
Fields, W. C.
Film Comment
film noir
Films and Feelings
Films l’Astrophore
First Person Singular
Fischer, Bud
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Five Kings
Five Star Final
Flanagan, Hallie
Fleck, Freddie
Fleet’s In, The
Flon, Suzanne
Fonda, Henry
Ford, John
Fortnightly, The
Foster, Norman
Fowler, Roy
Francis, Kay
Franco, Francisco
Franco, Jesus
French Connection, The
Freud, Sigmund. See also Oedipal themes; psychology; sexual themes
Frobe, Gert
Front Page, The
Fuller, Samuel
Fully Dressed and in His Right Mind
Gabor, Zsa Zsa
Garibaldi, Giuseppe
Gate Theatre
General Introduction to Psychoanalysis
Gielgud, John
Gift of the Magi, The
Gilbert, Sandra
Gillette, William
Godard, Jean-Luc
Gold Diggers of 1935
Gold Rush, The
Goldstein, Lawrence
Goldwyn, Samuel
Gone with the Wind
Gothic style and themes. See also expressionism
Goya, Francisco José de
Great Gatsby, The
Greco, El
Greene, Graham
Griffin, Merv
Griffith, D. W.
Grossman, Howard
Group Theatre
Gubar, Susan
Hairy Ape, The
Harriman, Averell
Harvey, Laurence
Hathaway, Henry
Haufler, Max
Hawks, Howard
Hayworth, Rita
Hearst, Phoebe
Hearst, William Randolph
Heartbreak House
Heart of Darkness: film
Hearts of Age
Heath, Stephen
Hecht, Ben
Hell of a Woman, A
Hemingway, Ernest
Henderson, Brian
Henry IV, Part I
Henry IV, Part II
Henry V
Olivier’s film
Herrmann, Bernard
Hersey, John
Heston, Charlton
Hickenlooper, George
Higham, Charles
Hill, Roger
Hirschfeld, Al
Hitchcock, Alfred
Hitler, Adolph
Hoffman, Irving
Holinshed, Raphael
Hollywood Reporter, The
Holt, Tim
Honorary Consul, The
Hoover, J. Edgar
Horthy, Nicholas
Houdin, Robert
Houdini, Harry
House, Billy
Houseman, John
Howard, Sidney
Hughes, Howard
Huston, John
Huxley, Aldous
Ibert, Jacques
If I Die Before I Wake
I Loved a Woman
Immortal Story, The
Imperial Hearst
Informer, The
Inge, William
Insull, Samuel
International Pictures
In the Land of Don Quixote
Into Film
Ionesco, Eugene
Irving, Clifford
Ishaghpour, Youssef
It’s All True: Latin American version
North American version
It’s a Wonderful Life
Ivan the Terrible, Part One
Jaglom, Henry
James, Henry
Jane Eyre
Jannings, Emil
Jew Süss
Jim Beam Whiskey
Johnson, Alva
Johnson, William
Journey into Fear
Joyce, James
Jules and Jim
Julius Caesar
Kael, Pauline
Kafka, Franz
Kaiser, Eric
Kane, Harnett
Kaper, Bronislaw
Kauffman, Jay
Kaufman, George
Kazan, Elia
Keaton, Buster
Keats, John
Keller, Harry
Kennedy, A. G.
King, Henry
King, Sherwood
King Kong
Kingsley, Sidney
King’s Row
Koch, Howard
Kodar, Oja. See also Palinkas, Olga
Korda, Alexander
Kremlin Letter, The
Krohn, Bill
Kruger, Ivar
“Kubla Khan”
Lady from Shanghai, The
Lamour, Dorothy
sp; Land, Jeffrey
Lang, Fritz
Lansing, Joi
Lardner, Jr., Ring
Last Picture Show, The
Laurie, Piper
Lavagnino, Francesco
Lawrence, Viola
Lawson, John Howard
Lawton, Charles
Learning, Barbara
Leigh, Janet
Leone, Sergio
Lewis, Robert
Life with Father
Lilly Library
Lincoln, Abraham
Lloyd, Harold
Lollobrigida, Gina
Lombard, Carole
Long, Huey
Long, Richard
Long Hot Summer, The
long take. See also sequence shot
Long Voyage Home, The
“Lord Haw-Haw”
Lorna Doone
Losey, Joseph
Lubitsch, Ernst
Luce, Clare Boothe
Luce, Henry
Lukács, Georg
Lumet, Sidney
Lumière, Louis
Lundberg, Ferdinand
MacArthur, Charles
Macbeth: book
Utah Shakespeare Festival
WPA theatre
MacLeish, Archibald
MacLiammóir, Micheál
Magic Show, The
Magician: The Astonishing Life and Work of Orson Welles
Magnificent Ambersons, The
Makenzie, Richard
makeup. See also acting style
Malraux, André
Maltese Falcon, The
Mancini, Henry
Man for All Seasons, A
Man in the Shadow
Mankiewicz, Herman
Mankiewicz, Joseph
Man Who Was Thursday, The
Marching Song
March of Time, The
Martin, Dean
Martinelli, Elsa
Masterson, Whit
Matisse, Henri
Mayer, L. B.
Mazzini, Guiseppe
McBride, Joseph
McCambridge, Mercedes
McCarthy, Joseph
McCormack, John
McCormack, Patty
Méliès, Georges
Merchant of Venice, The
Mercury Text Records
The Magic World of Orson Welles Page 41