When Doctors Kill: Who, Why, and How
Page 40
al Zarqawi, Abu Musab, 137
scientific validity, 94
al-Zawahiri, Ayman Muhammad Rabaie,
tax payers money, 87
Dr., 145
unethical medical experiments,
al-Zawahiri, Mohammad Rabi, Dr., 145
87, 99
American physicians
U.S. military, 100
chemical weapons, 96
weak and infirm extermination
children, test subjects, 87
AIDS drug trials, 94
debt paying
informed consent document, 93
cancer cells, 92
liver damage, 94
dioxin, 93
medical license, 93
malaria, 92
mental patients, 93, 94
pellagra, 91
schizophrenic patients, 94
America’s medical mayhem
Baden, Dr., 152
Hazzard, Linda Burfield, Dr.
Baden, Michael, Dr., 213
fasting, 33, 34
Bailey, F. Lee, 38
health inspector, 34
Baird, W.D., 172
monetary gain, 35
Baker, Richard, 29
patented therapy, 33
Bambakidis, Peter, Dr., 170, 171
patients assets, 34
Banda, Hastings Kamuzu, 131–134
starvation, 34, 35
Bannon, E.J. Dr., 81
Holmes, Henry Howard, Dr.
Barbiturates, 227
chemical experiments, 32
Barbot, Clément, 129, 130
execution, 33
Batista, Fulgencio, 122
financial problems, 32
Beecher, Henry, Dr., 77
insurance policy, 32, 33
Bell, Donald, 25
medical schools, 32
Benghazi Six
skeleton models, 32
Ahmed, Achris, Dr., 153
Sheppard, Sam Holmes, Dr.
child killing, 154
blood splattering, 36
crime against the state, 154, 155
DNA testing, 40
HIV victim, 154
forensic analytic tools, 38
Benny, Jack, 208
forensic pathologists, 36
Bergalis, Kimberly, 188
habeas corpus, 38
Beria, 119, 120
legal flaws, 39
Beriberi, 89
police investigation, 36
Bernstein, Leonard, 210
psychotic anger, 40
Bier, August, Dr., 105
surgical instrument, 37
Bilal Talal Abdulla, Dr., 136
Swango, Michael, Dr., 41–42
Billig, Donal M., 177
Anatomical knowledge, 17, 20
Biological weapons, 81
Anesthesia, 70
Black, William C. Dr., 94
Anne Pou, Marie, 149–153
Blair, Tony, 146
death circumstances, 151
Blythin, 39
euthanasia, 152
Bolger, Ray, 208
Good Samaritan law, 153
Booth, Susan, Dr., 27
homicide charges, 152
Brandt, Karl, 59
hurricane Katrina, 149
Breyer, Wendy, Dr., 184
lethal cocktail, 150
Brooks, Flora, 21
Anti-Semitism, 64
Buddhism, 4
Apollo, 3, 4
Bulimia nervosa, 170
Arbenz, Jacobo, 122
Bundy, Ted, 51
Aroma therapy, 180
Bush, Jeb, 171
Arrendt, Hannah, 60
Asaph and Yohanan Oath, 10
Asha, Mohammed, 137
Astaire, Fred, 206
Cameron, D.Ewen, Dr., 94, 97
Attachment therapy (AT), 184–186
Carrion, Daniel, 104
Automatism, 208
Casey, Ben, 193
Awlaki, Anwar, 143
Castro, Fidel, 122–124
Ayurvedic medicine, 3, 180
Castro, Raúl, 123
overprescribe drugs
Dandridge, Dorothy, 227
Bacall, Lauren, 208
Garland, Judy, 205–209
Bacillus globigii, 95
Hemmingway, Margaux, 227
Bacteriological warfare (BW), 82
Hendrix, Jimi, 227
Jackson, Michael, 218–226
Dannielynn, 215
Monroe, Marilyn, 227
Davis, Derek, 25
Presley, Elvis Aaron, 209–214
Davis, Joseph, Dr., 213
Smith, Anna Nicole, 214–218
Davis, Sammy, Jr., 208
pill mills, 227
Dean, Howard, 121
Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 189
Deans, Mickey, 207
Central News Agency, 16, 18
Death with Dignity Act, 164
Chapman, Annie, 17
Dianetics, 181
Chapman, George, Dr., 19
Ditzen, Gerda, 105, 106
Chekhov, Anton, Dr., 193
Doctor-terrorists. See Islamic terrorism
Chelation therapy, 180
Donworth, Ellen, 23
Chemical Warfare Service (CWS), 96
Doran, Jamie, 94
Chinese Hippocratic Oath, 11
Dorothy, 205, 214, 219, 227
Chiropractic treatment, 180
Doyle, Arthur Conan, Dr., 193
Chloral hydrate, 215
Dr. Ernesto “Che” Guevara, 122–124
Cholera vaccine, 89
Druitt, John, 19
Chopra, Deepak, Dr., 220
Duke, Patty, 207
Churchill, Winston, Sir, 116
Dulles, Allen, 96
Clauberg, Carl, Dr., 74, 75
Duvalier, François, Dr., 128–130
Clinicide, 50
Dyadic developmental therapy. See
Clinton, Bill, 102
Attachment therapy (AT)
Clinton, William J., 91
Clooney, George, 193
Clostridium perfringens, 73
Clover, Matilda, 23
Ear candling. See Thermal-auricular therapy
Cocaine effects, 105
Eastern Europe, 44
Codex of Law, 7
Eberling, Richard, 40
Cohn, Edward, 92
Eddowes, Catherine, 18
Colby, William, 97
Edwards, Anthony, 193
Colonics, 180
Egyptian mythology, 3
Complementary medicine, 179–182
Einaugler, Gerald, Dr., 177, 178
Contagious caregivers
Enjuin Rules, 11
Bergalis, Kimberly, 188–190
Eppinger, Hans, Dr., 75
blood, corruption, 190
Erdman, Edward, 34
doctors harboring infections, 188
Eroshevich, Khristine, Dr., 177, 215,
Gaud, Umesh, Dr., 190–191
217, 218
MRSA infection, 187
Esposito, Joe, 211
Cook, Robin, Dr., 193
Estimé, Dumarsais, 128
Cooper, Dr., 224
Ethel, 205
Copelan, Herbert, W. Dr., 92
Euthanasia, 152, 153
active, 165
of human blood, 190
extremism, 63
physician-politician, 131
involuntary, 165
Cournard, Andre, Dr., 106
passive, 166
Cranford, Ronald, Dr., 170
Quinlan, Karen Ann, 168–169
Cream, Thomas Neill, Dr., 51
Schiavo, Terri, 169–172
> Crichton, Michael, Dr., 193
voluntary, 164
Criminal experiments, 70
Excursional suicide, 164–165
Dandridge, Dorothy, 227
Faith healing, 181
Daniel, 215
Federal law, 94
Fictitious physicians
Grundy, Kathleen, 27
Evil, Dr., 197
Guevara, Dr., 123
Frankenstein, Victor, Dr., 194–195
Gulf War Syndrome, 96
Hadley, Remy, Dr., 198–199
Gull, William, 19 (Please see that it is
Hannibal, Lecter, Dr., 195–196
mentioned sir as well as doctor)
Jekyll, Henry, Dr., 196
Gumm, Frances, 205
Josef, Mengele, Dr., 197
Kimble, Richard, Dr., 198
Krippen, Alice, Dr., 199
Szell, Christian, Dr., 196–197
Haag, Gregory, 184
Finn, Susan, 183
Haag, Tosca, 184
Firth, Stubbing, 107
Habash, George, Dr., 146
Ford, Gerald, R., 97
Haddad, Wadih, Dr., 146
Forssmann, Werner, Dr., 105, 106, 108
Hafiza, Abu, Dr., 145, 146
Foster care children, 94
Haglund, Daisey Maud, 34
Foti, Charles, 150, 152
Hahnemann, Dr., 182
Francisco, Jerry, Dr., 211, 212
Hammesfahr, William, Dr., 170, 172
Frank, 205
Harper, Joseph, Dr., 24
Frisch, Captain, A.W. Dr., 92
Harrington, William J. Dr., 108
Harvey, Lou, 23
Hasan, Nidal. Dr, 139–145
Hasebe, Terunobu, 79
Gacy, John Wayne, Dr., 51
Hayward, Susan, 207
Gadhafi, Muammar, 154
Healing power
Galton, Francis, 62
ayurvedic medicine, 3
Gardener, Kate, 22
Buddhist teachings, 4
Garland, Judy, 214
Christian scriptures, 6
automatism, 208
faith, 181
drug addiction, 205, 206
Greek physicians, 3
quinalbarbitone, 208
Jewish approach, 5
Gaud, Umesh, Dr., 190, 191
physicians, 5–7
Gein, Ed, 51
Quaranic recitations, 6
Geneva Convention, 80
Veda writings, 3
Geneva Declaration
Health Insurance Portability and
amendments, 11
Accountability Act (HIPAA), 9
military targets, 12
Helicobacter pylori, 106
Heller, John R. Dr., 91
Karadzic, Radovan, 126
Helms, Richard, 97
Rascovic, Jovan, 125
Hemingway, Ernest, 227
Gerber, Dr., 36, 37
Hemmingway, Margaux, 227
German academicians, 76–77
Hendon, Ernest, 91
German Hereditary Health Courts, 58
Hendrix, Jimi, 227
German pilots, 73
Hepburn, Katharine, 208
Giannangelo, Stephen, 52
Herbalism, 180
Goble, Bill, 185
Herbert, Victor, Dr., 105
Goldberger, Joseph, Dr., 91
Herophilos, 69
Good Samaritan law, 153
Hesiod, 56
Gordy, Berry, 219
Hess, Rudolf, 63
Gottlieb, Sydney, Dr., 96
Hildebrandt, Dr., 105
Grant, Cary, 208
Himmler, Heinrich, 57, 71, 76
Graves, James F., Dr., 176
Hindu mythology, 3
Greenfield, Edward, 87
Hindu physician Oath. See Vaidya’s Oath
Greer, Melvin, Dr., 170
Hippocrates, 9
Grieve, Michael, Dr., 27
Hippocratic Oath
commencement exercises, 10
Habash, George, Dr., 146
medical ethics, 9, 10
Haddad, Wadih, Dr., 146
medical schools, 10, 12
Hafiza, Abu, Dr., 145, 146
patient confidentiality, 9
Luxor massacre, 145
Hitler, Adolf, 59, 60
mobile fire bomb, 138
Hoenig, Leonard, Dr., 77
physicians in, 145–146
Hogan, Vickie Lynn, 214
premeditated murder, 142, 143
Holden, E.S., 31
religious intolerant, 136
Holding therapy. See Attachment therapy (AT)
Shiqaqi, Fathi Abd al-Aziz, Dr., 146
Homeopathy, 181
Ito, 79
Homicidal politics
Iwandla, Manzo, 48
Banda, Hastings Kamuzu, Dr., 131–134
corruption, 131
Dr. Ernesto “Che” Guevara, 121–124
Duvalier, François, Dr., 128–131
Jackie, 219
Homicide, 149, 152
Jackson, Michael
Hubbard, L.R., 181
child sexual abuse, 221
Human anthropology, 72
plastic surgery, 220
Human test subjects
propofol, 222, 223
AIDS drug trials, 94
skin bleaching medications, 219
Loma Linda study, 99
Hunter, John, Dr., 69, 104, 108
human target practice
Hyde, Edward, 15
chemical and biological weapons, 85
Hydrocodone, 194
Hikokumin, 85, 86
Hydrogen cyanide, 84
international ethical standards, 86
Hydrotherapy, 181
unethical experimentation, 85
Hypnosis, 181
well-funded facilities, 86
Hypokalemia, 169
medical experiments
Hypothermia experiments, 71
anesthesia, 83
blood transfusion, 84
clinical trials, 84
experimental subjects, 83
Ibn Ezra, 5
Hydrogen cyanide, 84
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
WMD Program
(ITP), 108
biological warfare, 79
Igel, Stephen, Dr., 170
contagious diseases, 80
Ignatiev, Semyon, 117
germ warfare agents, 81
Illegal abortions, 32
immunity deal, 82
Imhotep, 3
intelligence channels, 82, 83
Institutional review board (IRB), 78,
Maruta, human beings experiment, 80
91, 101
military, 80, 85
Involuntary euthanasia, 165
national security, 83
IRB. See Institutional review board
scientific papers, 81
Ishii, Shiro, Dr., 79, 81, 85
war crimes, 82, 83
Islam, 6
Javanmardi, Mitra, 183
Islamic terrorism
Jean-Claude, 131
al-Qaeda, 140
Jekyll, Henry, Dr., 15
al-Rantisi, Abdel Aziz, Dr., 146
Jenkins, Eileen, 183
al-Zahar, Mahmoud, Dr., 146
Jenkins, Russell, 183
al-Zawahiri, Ayman Muhammad Rabaie,
Jermaine, 219
Dr., 145
Joe, 219
car bomb suicide attack, 138
John, Elton, 220
education system, 136
Jordan, Eddie, 150
Fort Hood shooti
ng, 139, 140
Jost, Adolf, 62
Judaism, 4
healing types, 6
Magloire, Paul, 128
infirmities, 5
Maher, Shiraz, 137
physical and spiritual healing, 6
Maimonides, 10
civil trails, 226
vs. murder, 176–178
Kafeel Ahmed, Dr., 137
Mann, Ernst, 63
Kapoor, Sandeep, Dr., 177, 218
Marceau, Marcel, 219
Karadzic, Radovan, Dr., 126, 127
Marilyn, 36
Karch, Dr., 152
Marsh, Alice, 23
Katherine, Paris, 219, 221
Marshall, Barry, Dr., 105, 106
Kelly, Mary Jane, 19
Martin, Dean, 208
Kevorkian, Jack, Dr., 162–165
Martin, Lockheed, 99
Khrushchev, Nikita, 120, 123
Massey, Allen, 27
Khudayr, Mazen Mahdi Salih
Maxfield, William, Dr., 170, 171
Mahdi, 139
Maynard, Daniel, Dr., 177
Kildare, James, 193
McArthur, 82
Kilgalen, Dorothy, 39
McDaniel, Dennis G., 184
King, Dr., 151
McDaniel, Jack, 185
King George I, 69
McGee, Cynthia, 41
Kinnel, Herbert G. Dr., 15
Medical crimes, 11
Kirk, Paul, 39
Medical errors
Kligman, Albert, Dr., 92, 93
definition of, 173
Klvana, Milos, Dr., 176
individual physicians, 174–176
Koch, Robert, 107
statistical data, 174
Kogan-Yasny, Victor, Dr., 119
Medical murderers
Kosminski, Aaron, 20
deception, 46
Krause, Wolfgang, Dr., 108, 109
developed countries, serial killers in, 44
Kristoff, Nicholas D., 83
elderly patients, 44, 45
Krugman, Saul, Dr., 93
Germany, 46
Kudriavtsev, Sergei, 123
mysterious motives, 44
Kumalo, Sipho, Dr., 48
police investigation, 45
South Africa
herbal remedies, 47
Tokoloshe, 47, 48
Laden, Osama bin, 145
traditional beliefs, 47
Lady Astor, 115, 116
witch doctor, 47, 48
Lady Lazarus, 208
United States, 43
Lama Tashi Namgyal, 4
Medical profession
Lancaster, Burt, 208
characteristics, serial killers, 20, 25
Lawson, Helen, 207
life and death, 15
Lazear, Jesse, Dr., 105
Meditation techniques, 181
Ledger, Heath, 227
Mengele, Joseph, Dr., 61, 72
Legal assisted-suicide, 164
Mercy killing, 196
Lenz, Fritz, Dr., 64
Mescaline, 96
Lewis, Jerry Lee, 213
Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus,
Llewellyn, Henry, Dr., 16
186, 187
Loft, Lorna, 209
Mhango, Mkwapatira, 133
LSD, psychoactive drug, 96
Milch, Erhard, 71
Lusk, George, 19
Miller, Lawrence, 53
Lynch, Loretta, E., 42
Milosevic, Slobodan, 125
Lynn Marshall, Vickie, 214